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tangerinepeach ago

NoisyCricket put it well:

"They need to secure November. They need a slow walk to ensure it's not buried in media coverage. They need to slow walk to ensure people can absorb at least some of it so that it's not shocking when the arrests begin. Because otherwise the Deep State will start screaming, "tyrant!", and encourage a civil war. Which, honestly, I still expect since they've already been trying to play that card.

You can't start massive arrests without the public understanding why. Otherwise it looks like a coup by a dictator. We don't want that confusion since Trump really is putting down a coup."

allonthesameteam ago

Charging Manafort (Trump connected) first or early is brilliant if planned." You, PM f___ed w America. You are guilty.. And you (HRC, Podesta etc) F'ed w America. You are guilty."

24Trilionbucks ago

Q says : trust the plan, midterms are secure