Shitonliblips ago

Whatever happened to microchip and his 72 hour threat?

tangerinepeach ago

NoisyCricket put it well:

"They need to secure November. They need a slow walk to ensure it's not buried in media coverage. They need to slow walk to ensure people can absorb at least some of it so that it's not shocking when the arrests begin. Because otherwise the Deep State will start screaming, "tyrant!", and encourage a civil war. Which, honestly, I still expect since they've already been trying to play that card.

You can't start massive arrests without the public understanding why. Otherwise it looks like a coup by a dictator. We don't want that confusion since Trump really is putting down a coup."

allonthesameteam ago

Charging Manafort (Trump connected) first or early is brilliant if planned." You, PM f___ed w America. You are guilty.. And you (HRC, Podesta etc) F'ed w America. You are guilty."

24Trilionbucks ago

Q says : trust the plan, midterms are secure

countryshepherd ago

And we're not talking about any of them, why? You haven't linked any of them, why? This isn't a Qanon Research Sub, it's anything and everything else but.......

ordinarymike ago

Qanon Research Sub... This is a place to organize information about Q Posts, discern their meaning, and discuss with like-minded individuals how to support the Trump team's efforts to Drain the Swamp.

This sub assumes Q and Trump are legit and draining the swamp. Posts/Comments that are just insults, name calling and off topic are not welcome. It’s ok to disagree but be respectful of one another. (They Want Us Divided, Q)

Rules for Submitting Posts 1. Posts have to be Q Related. (Explained Below) 2. If you post, explain yourself in the body of the post. (Not just the title) 3. Posts about other users are not allowed.

Violating Post Submission Rules can get you BANNED.

What is considered Q related? Politics, Secret Societies, Illuminati, Pizzagate, Corruption of the government and entertainment industry.

Remember, newbies come here. They may not understand things yet. Be clear. Many are not familiar with Chan culture or how to understand Q posts yet. Be helpful. We’re on the same team! WWG1WGA 🇺🇸

niggerfaggot1987 ago

Ill tell you why, the reddit board, as pozed as it was, had actual effort posters.

countryshepherd ago

I agree!!!

the_art_collector ago

Pretty sure Thursday will just be a test. Everything points to more revelations being released in October.

jewlie ago

Everyday points to more "revelations" in the future. You haven't picked up on this yet? lol

the_art_collector ago

If you're suggesting that there haven't been a ton of revelations this year, that's not a good argument. FISA fraud, Strzok/Page texts, etc. It's just happening a lot slower than we would expect, given the stakes of November.

jewlie ago

You people are so fucking blind its ridiculous

the_art_collector ago

Alright, let's say Q is not who they say they are. Do you think they killed John Perry Barlow?

jewlie ago

He was 70 years old...

LibTearsNoBrakes ago

It's never the fucking day.

YoikesandAway ago

Patience, Grasshopper.

niggerfaggot1987 ago

Im sure you have thought of an arbitrary date you have picked out to jump off the Q boat. When is it?

For me, its Spring of next year.

mrfetus ago

I haven't had hope, ever. I'll stick with it, even if I end up wrong.


CelticCoyote ago

2186 Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 16 Sep 2018 - 12:13:12 PM TEST [Thursday] by DoD to confirm 'free-flow' of direct comms. POTUS SPEC AUTH REQ [think 'the football']. NSA monitoring for any attempts to disrupt and/or term access. CENTRAL Command. Q

TheAmerican ago

What day?