ThePhantom358 ago

Check out v/GreatAwakening instead ? It's been here for months. v/theawakening may be a misdirection attempt. i am a relative noob so can't tell yet. Experienced K9 autists will be able to sniff out which is which in a jiffy.

CindyLu008 ago

Many of the post deleted seems justified. At least there’s transparency to see what was deleted. 27/7/365, moderators can get busy real quick.



Azurulia ago

I think whomever runs the site should be contacted to warn about what they are directing people to.

I'm not sure they are aware of how bad it is over there.

Clinker ago

This is so boring. The locals here are such whiny little bitches. Get over yourselves. If you don't like v/theawakening then don't go there.

MountainManUSA ago

There was never a good reason for creating it to begin with except that the reddit mods wanted to maintain control rather than just directing people to the existing voat sub. The heavy-handed censoring went on the reddit sub too before it got removed. It always bothered me as being hypocritical on the free speech front. If the Q narrative is real it should be able to withstand logical debate and people having doubts from time to time about certain things. The_Donald on reddit has the same problem. I support our president and find the Q phenomenon interesting but the heavy handed censorship bothered me and seemed very hypocritical. I'm new to voat but already liking it much better because the mods aren't heavy handed (except in the other newly created great awakening sub).

lnsip9reg ago

This will be interesting to see! Maybe v/greatawakening will be greatly enhanced by finding good ppl to join from the migration. r/greatawakening was convenient, and great at galvanizing Q-supporters. But may like r/The_Donald wasn't fulfilling its original potential. Is being hard to offend and valuing free speech enough on Voat? Free speech leads to truth and justice, isn't that most Q of all?

the_sharpest_knife ago


Francewhoa ago

In the future, if voat starts censoring GreatAwakening on VOAT. Minds is my favorite alternative to Reddit, voat, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Because Minds does not censor you, and its software code is owned by a not-for-profit community, instead of a for-profit corporation. Try Minds at;referrer=Francewhoa

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QPilledLib ago

Honestly it's almost to be expected, that they wouldn't be content to just drive us out of reddit and ignore the old goats along with the newbies over here. I'm sure we've got all kinds of people posting, reading and watching that are not friends of Q.

Imightnotbetrolling ago

8 pages of bans is a lynchin round these parts.

JodyOnTheBlock ago

I was told that I could read, and write uncensored thoughts from 9 to 11... well, I... I told @RonSwansong that if, if @WonderGirl's going to ban users while she's, while she's modding then I should be able to delete posts while I'm collating so I don't see why I should have to tolerate niggerfaggots postings because I enjoy, reading a reasonable volume of uncensored posts, from 9 to 11...

Strelnieki ago

upvoated for calling out ebonics usage

BCKeeper ago

Notice who is one the Moderators ?

lustig1374 ago

Meanwhile v/milliondollarextreme is having fun posting antisemitic content with no mods at all!

adogrocket ago

I subbed both,when I saw the mod list growing and changing I knew something was up...Not sure of the end game yet but really odd.

BCKeeper ago

Likewise I have this feeling soon we will all be scattered once again. We need a plan, a place to land.

GrumpyDUB ago

Upvotes please! Much appreciated!

Dortex ago

No. Kill yourself. Why the fuck should anyone upvote this Eddit-tier begging bullshit?

Lemonjello ago

It's because QMAP put the link up. Not Q

HouseHawkwood ago

Faggot plebbit refugee and I’m inclined to believe you. All this hand wringing about muh racism and needing to avoid being smeared yet of all places Q choose a message board full of it.

My body is ready for the nigerfaggot onslaught.

Tiptoper619 ago

so you like your body being onslaughted by niggerfaggots ? I knew you VOAT attention whores were kinky .....

PeacefulAssassin ago

just spam the board with holohoax, sandyhoax, false flag and jew facts to send them running.

crownedfive ago

I was very confused when I went to 8ch (or was it Qpub page?) and saw the banner on top that linked everyone to v/theawakening... because I had already subbed here. Idk. Still very confused. Hell, I was confused on Reddit when we had like 4 different Q subs...

KKOH ago

Copy of comment I just posted in v/theawakening: This is confusing. Why are there 2 Great Awakening sites/subverses? My 2 favorite decoders/bloggers are Neon Revolt and SerialBrain2. Which site do they endorse? Seems like theawakening, and not the GreatAwakening. Why? Because they don't know/trust the moderators? Okay. So why are so many users of GreatAwakening saying potty mouth stuff about theawakening mods? Censorship, banning, etc. My insides feel like they are turned inside out. Just last year I was a stupid Bernie not, and now I love Trump, and the Q Team. What was up is now down, what was white is now black, what was truth are now lies, those who were dead are now living, and those who seemed alive are really just walking dead. Hard to keep up with. I would think life would be more sane and logical within the Q family, but alas, more dysfunction. Who are we to trust?

Mumbleberry ago

SB2 has been caught twice trying to have an upvoat farm. Super trustworthy guy there....

BCKeeper ago

There are a couple Mods on v/theawakening who were mods, on Reddit’s r/T-GA and r/GA.

KKOH ago

Is NeonRevolt one of the moderators under a different name?

Mumbleberry ago

No, neon is a proven larp

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

Everybody keep saying that Q sent them here but that is complete bullshit... Q specifically said stay on 8chan, that is where the final battles will be fought from. Q didn't say a damn thing about voat.

AperionPatriot ago

The only reason I'm on websites like this is because it's easier to pick and choose content and lines of discussion. At the end of the day, likely this place will come under DDOS and shill fire too, and there won't be an option other than to go back to the chans.

cindylou62 ago

Get your asses over there and use Q's method of questioning on them instead of niggerniggernigger. Ask them why they weren't told this board already existed, why did we need a separate board etc. especially newfags should ask the questions. We have to reunite before they get much bigger.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

Everyone is acting like that because of how they are acting all high and mighty and shit. like Q didn't originate on 4chan and 8chan, two of the most vile places on planet, unless you know your way around them and aren't afraid of real free speech..

So for them to sit there and act like they are above that and call it "Qs house" is complete bullshit.. Q ONLY posts to a place that has far worse language than this and porn every other comment... The shills even post child-porn sometimes.. If Qteam can get over it and work with it then I really don't give a shit about here how triggered everybody feels over at the fakeverse.

cindylou62 ago

True and fair enough that some cannot be helped because of attitude, but some are confused and have never been to the chans. Its Stockholm Syndrome also, we come from Reddit after all.

Melindasoo ago

I just came to Voat yesterday after GA went down on Reddit. Neon Revolt has a lot of followers and we all followed him here. I added you guys too because I’m very familiar with pamphletsAnon and others from the patriots Soapbox, so I decided to follow you too. Neon said he didn’t know much about you guys, but since we are all on the same side we needed to stick together. So for now, I’m following both of you! I hope we can all collaborate and work together! Thanks!

ifGodisforus ago

Hey, so i came here becuase of neon too, although i have been using voat for elsagate and pizzagate research for a while now lurking. Anyway, neon is pointing people to theawakening which now is concerning me after seeing the bans and deleted posts from that sub. I almost believe it might indeed be a crazy psyop now and neon's somehow involved. That would suck...

LoveHopeDream ago

Thanks for showing us the censorship on theawakening. The more I've been following Trump the closer I get to where the real truth and where the freedom to speak is. I went from Tucker to infowars to Qanon and lurking on 8chan to Reddit.. didn't know about Voat untill reddit banned the sub now i find out that the MODs are compromised? deception runs deep

tomsiemen101 ago

I came from reddit because of all the ban hammer power tripping mods. If it doesn't violate the actual law, there is no business moderating it

LoveHopeDream ago

yea, they deleted one of my posts cos i asked about Vaccines coz it wasn't Q related. which i thought it was coz of how many people have been affected or died from them.

NotTheMeanest ago

Q even mentions vaccines! Fucking muppets they are.

AperionPatriot ago

Yeah, that kind of blatant censorship bothered me on the GA reddit where they started limiting us to "Two meme's per day, keep Q support posts to tuesdays only!" kinda crap.

TirsohCartoons ago

There are a lot of very negative people here on voat as well. I understand a bit comes with the territory, but being able to be more rude, angry, or have more well established friends that can block vote with full privileges does not mean that something is more right. Logic, reason, evidence tell right and bad data. If people have to turn to smear or hate tactics rather than prove or disprove by data or reason, then this proves nothing while splintering the movement. 8 Chan does not have this level of negativity.

I would love to fit right in here. I do have an advanced degree and certainly have done more than my share of research papers. I do not need people angrily telling their opinion is all that counts. It is a big disappointment that so many on voat have lowered to those tactics. I will give this one last try. Please people remember that the online culture and basic proven research techniques and fallacies do sometimes conflict with each other. This movement is more important than division. We are literally going against Satanists and Luciferian members of a large, powerful, and ancient mystery religions who will kill as easily as crossing the street.

This movement is also not ultimately started by either Trump or Q. It is much more important, and has been planned for far longer. Disagree or no, a certain level of unity IS required. This awakening is NOT just limited to politics. The volcanoes, and other phenomenon will increase. Fall 2019 to 2021 it gets worse. If we here do not keep our unity, these events WILL be worse.

The awakening will not fail. The level of difficulty is up to us, and to those we will awaken. The awakening is not going to stop. If need be, plenty more things that unite us can come, if we wish to bicker instead. This is the major turning point of humanity. I normally am very polite, but in this case, I am being more bold due to the actions of certain board members on voat. It does not mmatter if anyone believes me or no. It is not a discussion. It is not up to me, you, or even Trump or Q ultimately, although they do obviously have quite a lot of discretion. This awakening is here, and attempts at unhealthy levels of division, or attempts by trolls or shills will only cause us all a harder course through it.

The ONLY thing that will bend is us, not the ultimate goals of the Awakening. So please remember, unity not division. A peaceful and research based approach at education, research, and weeding out the elements that attack is more effective than relying on power, anger, or other cheap methods.

This is our time. The media corruption already has started to crack with this move. Soon many more numbers will be awakened. This is not a prediction or a debate. That has already been decided upon. It will happen. Please u ite and be ready for it.

Sorry if I seem overbearing or intolerable. I am a peaceful person. But I have seen a good opportunity for great works ruined so far by a few people. If that is the fate of Voat, so be it, but if we can save this, I will work very hard beside all of you to do all I can to help. If not, this board will waste the promise that it has and become just a lost sad possibility. Please all, do not let that happen. We are better than this.

heroicdanger ago

You don't understand the problem.

Voat is a sacred community to us because it's one of the few truly free speech forums left. That is the culture of Voat. It's what it values above all else and it's why people get called niggerkikefaggot. The insult is a welcome and a test to ensure that you understand that things you find offensive will not be censored by people here to protect you. That you'll actually have to be an adult and not beg an authority to step in for you.

Voat is very much the little site that could. So many times it has been on the brink but kept itself alive through hard work and donations from the community. So this influx, like every other influx from reddit in the past, represents an existential crisis to the servers and the culture. You are trapped in the reddit hivemind still, in your underpinning logic if not actions

We want you to understand why reddit is a worse system than Voat and one way of doing that is demonstrating that there's no safe space for you here. No hiding behind a moderator. Your speech and your person are open to the arrows of others speech and you need to accept this coming in.

Most people can't handle Voat and they leave. That's fine. But more stay from every reddit wave and those people join to become valuable community members

KingHiss ago

This is pretty spot on, shit gets nasty sometimes but thats the price you and me and everyone has to pay for the freedom for being able to say WHATEVER you think even if it sometimes hurts someones feelings. Hurting others is not the point but being free to do so is very important and when you take that away its just a slippery shit-slope to what eventually happened on reddit and on other safe space medias.

e1337ninja ago

I always took niggerkikefaggot as a simple way of saying: "look we can say whatever we want here, enjoy your actual freedom, faggot!"

It's not so much a personal insult as it is a welcome.

Svetlana ago

👏👏👏👏👏. Dayum! Very well said!

ordinarymike ago

I think you may be on to something.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

2 days? it's only been like 30 hours

Pixelated-Patriot ago

Conveniently all the same Mods from r/GA, most of them have accounts here less than two days old here.

Same shitheads, different shit pile but still shit.

Mapkerchief ago

I can stand the heat.

Count me in.

New_years_day ago

I 100% agree. It's all a big show and they are fucking terrible.

It's so obvious it's not even funny.

CommonCunt ago

Don't you guys love propaganda? Disrupt groups send then into shambles and then plant the seed of distrust and then reevaluate and redisrupt, divide and conquer just add water! Add in some low quality post shills that cost less than slaves and you can disrupt the most intelligent and most informed group.

As can we know for sure what Donald Trump isn't part of the deepstate? Stupid question no doubt,that can be deconstructed within a couple of minutes but you only need enough to believe it to cause group to be divide and then your able to further divide. Add in paid opposition, control of the communication structure, deplorable assets for "events of note" and you have the hand of god.

New_years_day ago

It's obvious to us old times that bailed on reddit years ago for this shit, but you are probably right in that it does work even if it's on a few.

New_years_day ago


John-ICE-MAN ago

Try the Q gruops on Mewe also has an app Some goid groups there. Serious Q discussions.

Svetlana ago

Also on the Chans as well.

BurqaFart ago

Take your fascist modding behavior back to reddit.

2whitelighter7 ago

Howinic is a fucking cunt. I remember that bitch. Fuck her. She is pure shit. She destroyed GA on reddit no doubt.

BCKeeper ago

And she is now a mod, here on Voat v/theawakening

Shitonliblips ago

I would visit the_ga but not ga. After coming back to Voat, I wouldn't dare enter a sub ran by the GA folks.

count2potato ago

its a fucking dumpster fire

CryptoBard ago

Sounds about right, voat goats are inoculated against this shit, feel free to try, just don't waste bandwidth

GrandMaesterRahool ago

I was nervous about switching to voat, but now im glad all of this shit went down, really opened my eyes to all of the fuckery i hadn't noticed. Faggots

SIayfire122 ago

No one knows how blind they are until they can truly see for the first time. When I was still in elementary school, I though my eyes were fine and never once did it cross my mind that I couldn't see as well as the other kids. I put on glasses for the first time and was amazed and the clarity I didn't have before.

You can tell a person all you want that they're blind and can't see clearly and they'll never believe you. You have to actually show them in order for them to understand how poor their vision actually was.

Deaconelder ago

I had the same experience in elementary school. With correction the difference was amazing

GrandMaesterRahool ago

For sure man, once you see it you can't unsee it

Lemonjello ago

Thats the analogy we need. Well said

JohnDear ago

They posted on Twitter that the sub on Reddit was now on Voat as that other sub. I commented about this sub.

CentipedeRex ago

You guys are totally right! Thank you so much for the attack. Having watched T_D get compromised, then GA buy these asshats, I am done with all the censorship. Those MODS are infiltrators who took over GA and intentionally destroyed it. Don't trust any of those assholes!

BCKeeper ago


jussman ago

Out of the loop, what happened with t_d?

FlappyJappy ago

their sub got banned on reddit a year or so ago, so they came over here. saying how based and MAGA and red pilled they were, they made a new sub since t_d was taken here, called thepedes, got bombarded by the voat welcome, and went crying back to reddit with their tails between their legs when reddit unbanned them, and cried about how racist and anti-semitic voat is

FlappyJappy ago

the voat immune system works perfectly everytime these migrations happen, its a beautiful thing to watch happen

lnsip9reg ago

Like "Cells at Work"? More seriously if this immune system response, and all this transparency really do ensure free speech, then awesome!

anhro23 ago

How does the immune system work here?

Dortex ago

Fuck you, zipperhead.

FlappyJappy ago

you probably saw it, all the "nigger faggot kike" thrown out at everyone new. constantly, wherever they show up. thats the immune system. voat is all about free speech, so if people cant handle hearing those words all the time then theyre not gonna survive on this website, so they leave, the people who can, stay. it weeds out the weak from the strong pretty effectively, so stay for a week or so and voat will be back to normal once all the weak people have left and youll see voat for how it normally is in all its uncensored glory

AperionPatriot ago

Was actually pretty impressive to watch.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

It's ok to be a white blood cell.

Q_sent_me_here ago

I left GA on reddit for this reason. A MOD from GA started TGA and it was great. I like this sub and unsubbed from v/theawakening.

Fuck all you fags!!!

Anonomus911 ago

TGA had far less subscribers and far less content.

Q_sent_me_here ago

It was new and did not get the chance to grow. I liked it better than GA.

Anon_MM ago

I was also in both. Sometimes having a group without 60k+ users helps catch up when you’ve been busy. Sometimes I’d look at new drop posts and they’d have like 350 comments already and took me forever to break them down.

WTFChuck ago

Where is FartonToast? Is he here somewhere? We need a username key. I was IMissMeg on r/T_GA. I was still keeping an eye on r/GA, but there was a lot of fuckery going on that I wasn't enjoying. Glad to see a few familiar names here. Personally, I'm good with this move to voat. I was on voat at pizzagate (under a different username) before I was ever a reddit user, so I've not experienced the culture shock people are talking about as much. I've got a lot of respect for the folks at v/pizzagate. They've done a lot of good work over there and have become a resource for the 8chan autists. This sub can be a resource too like TGA and theswampwatch were. It'll all shake out. And at the rate things are going, things may be coming to a head fairly soon anyway and all of this drama will turn out to be a tempest in a teacup.

Q_sent_me_here ago

I wish He would come here.

CentipedeRex ago

Fart just opened up r/draintheswamp to the public as his only subreddit not brought down. I don't talk to him or follow him anymore since he banned me for 2 days for posting a meme of No-name going to hell the day he died. He banned me after asking them to provide any sort of evidence besides Q's disinfo and SB2's nonsense decodes that Alex Jones is a mossad agent. His response was "we covered this". He is just another power hungry faggot. I'm for free speech. Defend your ideas or go fuck yourself. I won't be silenced by faggots anywhere anytime. Also, it is fucking dumb to stay on reddit anymore. He has his own agenda and it isn't freedom.

FestivusHoliday ago

Was your "IMissMeg" referring to MegaAnon, who appeared on 4chan/pol/ in May 2017?

WTFChuck ago


Muntanolva ago

I was banned from T_GA by Fart for calling out SB2 even though I banned no rule and they admitted it. Literally said I was causing division, exactly like what's happening over at theawakening. I don't think they're so innocent either.

WTFChuck ago

It would appear you are right if this article is an indication:

Your thoughts on this? I'm still trying to get my head around all of this.

Muntanolva ago

Holy shit, I can't believe my suspicions were shared by the GA mods. I called out FartonToast and his mod team hard literally the day before the subreddit bans saying I had compiled evidence to release against them.

WTFChuck ago

Good to know. Well, in the end, we may all be getting all our info from 8chan. I'm holding out hope though that we're in for a pre-election October surprise consisting of a bunch of household names being arrested. Then in January, military tribunals can start. And the MSM will be put down. Wouldn't it be something to watch the news and see stories presented by actual journalists who went out and dug up the story rather than puking their 4 am talking points memos all over us? How different the world will likely be only a few months from now. Waiting impatiently.

Soakingitup123 ago

We need disclosure before arrests can happen, t So that everybody knows why. This will prevent mass riots.

WTFChuck ago

I'm thinking they've got the disclosure part figured out and some of the deep state stuff will come out contemporaneous with the arrests. Also think that's what the wireless emergency alert next week is about

emperorbma ago

Still on Reddit looks like.

WTFChuck ago

Looks like he's committed there. He's saying that r/DraintheSwamp will be back on reddit. I doubt it. But he had a lot of time investment on the various subs he had started, so I understand him wanting to see that happen. Myself--I'm done with reddit.

benjitsu ago

I am kind of grateful to reddit for giving me the last little push I needed to abandon it

Abillionelectrons ago

And here I am subbed to both, where I will lurk and decide for myself what information to listen to.

LaeliaPurpurata ago

Yes. This. Came for the content. Can deal with the language and ignore.

EuropeNeedsFixing ago

A wise decision, though I think I will chime in here and there...

ChoiceFathom ago

That's what I've been doing from the start...

Svetlana ago

I am on both as well. I don’t go clutching my pearls and all Libtard weak when things get, shall we say salty. Sometimes the posts are hilarious. I go to both sights and read and learn. No reason not to.

charlie1883 ago

Same here. I joined GA at around 4k people when CBTS started censoring. Then they all moved to GA and started censoring that. TGA and SwampWatch got banned for nothing.

Then I went to theawakening here because they said the GA mods here were from the old site. What a lie. This is the real deal this sub. The best part is the top 5 threads or so are applauding their censorship and bashing the locals. That is the true definition of sheeple. Cannot think for themselves without 13 mods spoon feeding and curating Q. That is as bad or worse than what they claim they are fighting against.

Boban_Rajovic ago

Then I went to theawakening here because they said the GA mods here were from the old site. What a lie.

That's their projection.

r/GA mods were adamant on not being mods on r/CBTS, but they slipped a few times admitting they actually were, all the while they were censoring anyone who claimed they were the same mods, said that CBTS were shills and all that.

I called it, I said they will kill the r/GA (and their affiliate subs ran by the same mods which they promoted as the go-to places if r/GA gets shut down) rather soon (said that ~2 months ago) before midterms.

r/GA mods were a bunch of alts in the last months (hence their secrecy of the new mods) ran by the same few shills.

John-ICE-MAN ago

There are many from reddit moving over to mewe also has an app. There are some good Q groups there too and its free speech.

Dyamba ago

That's some good info. Thanks.

srayzie ago

I offered to help them. I want them successful because it’s for Q. I don’t want ((( them ))) to win. They want division. They want us divided. It’s not about who’s sub has more users. Anyone who honestly cares about this movement is going to put Q, Trump, and fighting for our country above pride.

I am not starting drama. I truly want them successful. Censorship should make us fight even harder, become more united, and make us stick together. I love Neon Revolt. I post about him all the time. He said no offense, but they didn’t know us mods so they were going to make their own sub. That’s perfectly fine. I wrote him and told him if he needed anything let me know....

I made this post on THEIR SUB yesterday...
Welcome Reddiit Refugees! - Let me know if you need help learning how to do stuff here!

In that post, I said...

We got a lot of new subscribers today too. I made a post welcoming them. I recommend you read it, just so you can get an understanding of Voat culture. If not, you’ll be doing thru hell. Free speech is everything to goats. (Voat Users.)

I wanted to warn them. They cannot be strict here. It will not work. Dealing with shills is the cost we pay to have free speech. I’ve been fighting this shill with alts like crazy. I ask for advice by some of the mods I trust. They helped me decide on what to do about this today. There’s nothing wrong with that. 13 mods? Even pizzagate doesn’t have that many.

It’s not too late to talk with some people that know Voat and just take some advice. I have had around 2500 new subscribers in 2 days. I haven’t asked anyone to come. They just showed up. That’s great. They’re welcome. My point is that I’m not trying to overstep my boundaries. I even have their old sub on the startpage I made... I have many Q related links there.

Hopefully someone can talk to them and have them talk to someone. They are going to have a storm of shills if not. It’s only day 2 and can be turned around. They have already banned people I know.


d00danon ago

Thank you Sray for your hard work, I am learning how to ignore shills again lol, God Bless You :o)

Soakingitup123 ago

Thank you! 13 mods is very interesting! Symbolism everywhere.

Shizy ago

Didn't someone say it would be their downfall?🤔

DanijelStark ago

Excellent thinking . And this is exactly what the Q would do as group ...

Despite I do not have anything against former mods of GA , and I wish their group the same thing ... I will be more in group that has great minds and hearts ... and when a mod of a group shows a great understanding on all levels - you have my full respect .

baileyaxel ago

Like the warm sun on a spring day, kindness, logic and compassion. Srayzie, I believe you have a good heart.

Pyra ago

I found your post very helpful. Feel a bit lost here. But I hadn't been on reddit very long either.

Thedametruth ago

Double ditto. Feel Lost & stupid here. I'm a techtard 2 begin with.

Shizy ago

I'm a tech tard too! Once you catch on it's actually pretty user friendly around this site. Hopefully you will get the hang of it soon!

DillySquilly ago

Thank you for the information and assistance. We truly are all in this together. I use many different resources for my Q research and r/GreatAwakening truly did have a lot of genuine patriots and quality research. I sympathize with the older crowd that were members and I'm sure are having a hard time trying to assimilate to a new platform..The gatekeeping (while sometimes warranted and necessary) will certainly cause some potentially valuable assets to turn away from Voat.. But I hope everyone can mesh and get on the same page, we are fighting the same battle. I'm looking forward towards getting involved in this community as well as watching the growth and development of v/ theawakening. Respect given to the goats, WW1WGA.

DependasaurusRex ago

Of they cannot stand for free speech, they are not valuable. No matter how offensive the speech is, there is absolutely no defense for them. They are useless to the movement if they have an issue.

NellerBean ago

I agree. At first I could understand because they're basically migrants who were kicked out of their last home due to infiltrators who made them look violent, racist, etc. in a effort to set the foundation for a bunch of FFs, and mods are justifiably concerned about people coming here and seeing a bunch of posts that, well, make the movement look violent and racist.

Or at least like it's full of people who don't care about taking the high ground, which for a lot of conservatives is important — while it seems like a lot of participants on this platform think free speech is all about saying the most offensive thing just because they can, a bit of a culture clash esp. for the older generation.

Then I noticed that a few of the mods are names I'd blocked during my few weeks on reddit because they seemed like shills in the threads. Then I reached my 10 comment daily quota and decided fuck this shit.

todayabetterme ago

Thank you

OrangeOwl ago

Free speech is everything to goats. (Voat Users.)

Only when it's your own speech you fucking cock glider. You have no problem shutting down anybody else's.

ordinarymike ago

thank you for trying. maybe they'll learn from their mistakes. if they were, in fact, mistakes. starting to look intentional, like petevoat says

MrPim ago

Ima make this simple. I don't trust you. You're very fake. Your users won't care. But you are fake as fuck.

Thedametruth ago

I don't understand what u r referring to & IDK Y U R angry but i hope you feel better soon.🌼🌼

NotTheMeanest ago

Your post was very helpful - and I totally agreed with it; we ARE all in this together! What a show to be alive for!!!

Thedametruth ago

Many thx! New here, still trying to figure out how it all works but I LUUUV the Goatie thing. Been fighting to expose these crooked humps since b4 the Kenyan was placed in ofc. Had bl9gs & shows on BTR-- Thedametruth. Onward. It took 10 yrs but it finally caught on! And SO MANY thx to all who tirelessly research & share.

Anonomus911 ago

Wait until you have to mod 70k subscribers. I bet you'll need more mods. Or you'll get slammed with trolls. What was you head count two days ago? Less the 4k? heck the GA on reddit typically had over 7k people online ALL the time. This sub has less then 1k online now.

DependasaurusRex ago

So what? Shit like that shouldn't matter. It is up to the rest of the community to deal with it. Mods are unnecessary in a proper community. If people in said community are active, shills will be brought to the bottom of the comments. Let their retarded shot be spewed. It only helps to act against them. The only time Putt or any mod should be involved is to remove illegal posts, or farms of shills. Otherwise, let the free market shine.

StormSurfer1776 ago

I bet they infiltrated prior to in order to steal mod handles and those aren’t even the real formers

Ina_Pickle ago

Three accounts were made prior to yesterday. The rest were made yesterday.

BCKeeper ago

Yes indeed, I also noticed that, one was created 1.2 days ago. Name is very similar to one from the banner place.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

That's not too surprising, I have an ALT account on here that's 1.8 years old I think. I made it right when pizzagate moved over here, but it only has one comment. They are no doubt comped though, the original owner of the subreddit has been saying so for months.

Ina_Pickle ago

Given the situation, if any of those three are alts I would love to know who their main is.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

Alas, tis about the only thing voat doesn't show us

Ina_Pickle ago

We're going to have to go old school and look for speech and behavior patterns.

I don't know if I have that kind of patience.

hang_em_high ago

How can we prove that? Who were the real mods and do they have alternate contact info outside of Reddit?

Thoutzan ago

The real formers, including the TOP mod of r_GA, were already compromised.

Thoutzan ago

The hostility of locals is equally astonishing I have to say. I will stay in v/pizzagate for little while until people calm themselves down a bit.

Dortex ago

Are you going to cry? How about you suck on your Bull's dick you fuckin faggot?

petevoat ago

locals have always been hostile here, no? The language is certainly colorful, maybe it takes getting use to ...

AperionPatriot ago

It's mostly on par with what you'll find on the chans. Just more mention of niggers and kikes instead of fag and kys.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

Just remember that Q comes from 4chan and 8chan, both of which not only come with the language, or worse, but come with porn sprinkled all in between and if Qteam believes that's good enough to make their home base then I think you can get used to this.

It's called Free Speech,. It really has nothing to do with racism or anything else, it just has to do with the fact that when you can have a username like mine and nobody gives two shits, you know you're actually freed.

ifGodisforus ago

I cant stop laughing at your username, Lord help me, friggin hillarious though love it.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

Baked up fresh for the normies :) I'll get my points back soon enough

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Check out the sticky on v/GreatAwakening There is a link for information on COINTELPRO. There are shills, newfags, and OG Niggerfaggots. We are in a war, our comms are hardly ever to be trusted on these boards. We don't know who is who. There are those a sleep to this, and those awake to this. Those awake either wrestle, or lurk and discern truth from fiction. Those who wrestle swing between getting caught in the shill game or exposing shills. This is a battlefield.

Azurenightsky ago

Those who wrestle swing between getting caught in the shill game or exposing shills. This is a battlefield.

Hadn't had it written so eloquently before, but yeah. Pretty much this. Thanks for putting words to the sentiment.

Thoutzan ago

I know, a lot of us redditors knew. I subscribed all of the Q related stubs and sticked to none.

Strelnieki ago

Yep, good to see other swampwatchers here. It would be nice if FOT or CLICK dropped by and shared some of their archived dirt on HowIonic & Drogeanon.

Svetlana ago

I do the same. There are certain voices on each that I seek out. I’m not the follower type. Just cruise along read this, read that.


Accidentally ended up there after being here. For a second.

larryhuston ago

Your comment history says otherwise.