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Some-random-chick ago

Is there a sub where I can see more of these?

SIayfire122 ago

Not that I can think of off the top of my head. Most of these were made @Dumb_Comment_Bot, who is no longer with us. These same strips get recycled ever time we get a new wave of users.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

The shill is a kike, I love it (2nd comic).

Oveass ago

Dumb_comment_bot is a legend!

shadow332 ago

Great stuff, just used on of these images with some whiny niggerfaggots in FPH.

Itsdone63 ago

I'm convinced fph is a weak link of voat. If this place is going to get subverted it's going to be there. A lot of marathon running low t faggots. Some are cool though.

shadow332 ago

I'm glad you noticed this. SJWs from reddit accounts can rack up their CCP here. There are definitely regulars that are really good, give good commentary and keep up the spirit of FPH when we were on reddit. Then there are a smaller number of insecure anorexic girls and like you said some others who are beta, but no trouble. I noticed the SJWism getting too strong in here. I'm going to keep posting along FPH's rules.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

it's mostly women who don't really care about politics. they've made zero trouble the entire time they were here and occasionally post fucking hilarious shit. i think they're a positive for Voat.

Hydrocephalus ago

I don't know, I've been saying blatantly racist shit their lately and it is well received.

Anti_Idle ago

Thanks! Saved the filter one now.

GreyGears ago

"Voat is further right of /pol/, which is 80% lefty reddit posting troll demoralizing threads"

The very reason I started browsing Voat ...

Res_Publica ago

I’m somewhat right of center, but inclined to rebel against anything that veers from being carried by popularity instead of merit.

I also work in a fucking factory, and it’s tedious for me to waste time online in places where speech is policed tighter than at work. What’s the fucking point of anonymity if I have to be MORE politically correct than in my non-anonymous, actual fucking life?

matthew-- ago

Do you have the one where the goat is playing Holocaust simulator? That's the first one I saw when I first got here back in the day.

Boyakasha ago

It would actually be great if somebody developed a holocaust simulator game. Even if you made it legit, it would show normies just how fucking impossible that event was

matthew-- ago

This is similar to the mcdonalds video game. Great idea.

I did have a lengthy reply typed up, but lost it because voat died.

Blackjack147 ago

Could you elaborate on this? I thought there were tons of "mcdonalds video games" under the label "fast food tycoons."

matthew-- ago

There is only one McDonald's Video Game

barraccuda ago

No, sorry, i have been digging for a solid hour now for all the old got toons and im am stuck.

Here See if you have more luck than me

matthew-- ago

It was definitely one of the old goat toons, I know I saw it around the time I first signed up was active.

Spent about an hour looking for it as well, but couldn't find. I'm fairly certain it was hosted on anyway, so even if you found the OC post, it would be useless. Unless someone's saved it, it's probably gone.

The premise was fairly straightforward. Goat(s) playing holocaust simulator 2000 or something; reddit guy asks to stay with them because he has no-where to go and they let him to their place; he calls them racist; they say he doesn't have stay if he doesn't want to; and then I think he leaves back to reddit again.

barraccuda ago

There were a couple of versions, there is the one you describe and the one where the refugee comes back after being abused by his gf mods and goat gives him the couch to sleep on. I dont know how far these stories will go. If i was artistic autistic i could probably keep them going. hopefully there are some creative goats around.

matthew-- ago

It's been such a long time man, that may have been it. The only thing I remember distinctively was that he was playing Holocaust Simulator 2000 or something like that, and that it seemed (at the time) to me, to perfectly sum up voat.

I've long since realised that the nazi hitler thing is mostly there to be edgy and for shock value but shhhh, don't tell anyone else that!

SexMachine ago

nazi hitler thing is mostly there to be edgy and for shock value


There's some people here who are all on board with NatSoc. I'm not too fond of it, but I personally believe Hitler was right, but Jews in power in the UK started a war with Germany and we all know how that turned out. Hitler just didn't play the game right. He tried to play by the rules, and he lost. Now his people are being raped by sand niggers and his women are drooling for nigger poz dick.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Hitler was right about kikes, but wrong about socialism.

matthew-- ago

I've got no problem with the man himself, at least from what I've read and seen on the The Greatest Story Never Told. My problem with it is that no-one really looks into HOW he achieved the "economic miracles" that they say he did. It's all deficit spending, IE doing everything with borrowed money.

And then there are the other people who want to have a white, socialist ethno-state. And they assume that just because they're huwhite it will all work out. But the reality is that it's all just a bell curve, and when you have a welfare state, even if it's just for whites, it'll turn to shit because you're incentivising people not to work, and over time, the idiots will become the dominant group, and/or the entire system will collapse as has happened everywhere else it's been tried.

You can't just blindly follow nazism because it addressed the jew problem. It's just one aspect of the entire system, and most of that system was completely unsustainable and wrong. If you're going to blindly follow one guy, go with Pinochet, and even then, he got things wrong by trying to peg the currency to the dollar, instead of having a floating exchange.

But either way, it's a good way to filter out people. If you can put up with Nazis enough to engage in civil discourse with them, then you'll fit in here at voat, regardless of if you like Hitler or not.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

The point of a white ethnostate is that whites built the US, they deserve to have it to themselves. Random third world browns aren't owed a spot in the country.

Furthermore, whites will tend away from communism in America without outside influence of lesser races.

White people built civilization, we deserve to have the country we created and killed and died for, period. To ourselves. And no random third world darkie is owed a spot.

Plant_Boy ago

Ah, the only one missing from your collection is the one where Reddit is acting like a needy bitch and the goat sets him straight with a We've all been there, get over it or fuck off. and Reddit stays to play video games.

klobos ago

An the one where reddit leaves with after capping it's pants.

Lordsendme1019 ago

That one was good. That pretty much sums up the reddit to voat experience. Except, I didn't think it was shit, I thought it was blood - tells you where our minds go these days. We're harder than you think.

klobos ago

Bloody shit is now what I will see.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Terrifyingly accurate.

TheCool ago

Having a hateful echo chamber full of racial and homophobic slurs is terrifying.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Go back to Reddit, niggerkike faggot.

chuckletrousers ago


Better run to your safe space! Don't forget to bring your teddy bear and blanket

obvious-throwaway- ago

I like how you don't actually argue against any of it, just reeee, "those are mean words and that makes everything you say wrong!" How about instead of making up new words to call people kike, you argue the facts?

GoogleStoleMyBike ago



About as rare as a nigger with a father.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Or a kike with a country it didn't have to become a parasite of or beg for.

Kikes hate it when you point out that for being the supposed "chosen race", they sure weren't able to even have a single country of their own without begging for it from their superiors.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Israel isn't their country, it's a detention center for Jews. That's why it has that big wall. Now as soon as we can get all the Jews rounded up in there...

bitswitch ago

To you it is, and that’s the entire point. Now run along little faggot.

Itsdone63 ago

No ones keeping you here you stupid faggot.

everlastingphelps ago

People pay good money to dominatrixes to shout racial and homophobic slurs at them.

VetGoat84 ago

Not as terrifying as realizing that homos, niggers, and Jews are trying to destroy western civilization. They/you are not even trying to hide it.

magic3383 ago

Hit the bike, kike.

Salicaz ago

Thank you.

SIayfire122 ago

No problem.