Lovethelight ago

Just listening to this now....they do a very good job outlining the heirarchy that exists ABOVE the Pope.... I wasn't expecting much because of the title but they seem to be sincere and have researched Jesuits in depth for several years...

Lovethelight ago

^^^^Note, the master of the pope does not appear to be Jesus....

Ialwayssaythis ago

If they don't throw this Muslim-foot liking faggot off a roof to splatter or the cobble stones... And all his supporters with him... Then nothing will change. Just a sneakier jew will be put in place.

think- ago

from the Q thread you linked:

▶Anonymous 04/04/18 (Wed) 02:52:03 a3d5d6 No.884904


P = Papacy

The Papacy as a whole, not just the individual [Pope], serves Rothschild.

Vindicator ago

P = Papacy

That isn't what Q said. He confirmed the guy who said P = Pope

The Papacy as a whole, not just the individual [Pope], serves Rothschild.

I don't know. I do know the Catholic Church does not use the regular banking system -- it has always had it's own banking system specifically to avoid being controlled by secular powers. I know there was corruption in the Vatican bank, and I know that there was controversy over the Church resisting anti-terrorism financial "transparency" rules that were pushed globally by the U.S. and the U.K. after 9-11. However, in light of everything we have learned and suspect about false flags and patsies, that 9-11, the war on terror, FISA, open borders, etc. was all an orchestrated worldwide power grab by globalists, it's hard to say what's what. The globalists forced changes in the Vatican bank to comply with anti-terrorism laws, and the Vatican was painted as the evil bad guys by pretty much all of the media and TPTB.

think- ago

That isn't what Q said. He confirmed the guy who said P = Pope

Ok, thanks for the correction.

I don't know.

I don't really either. When we recently discussed WWII history, and was remembered of the connection between Hitler Germany, Switzerland, and the Vatican.

it's hard to say what's what



mm does not stand for million. mmh can stand for Monomethylhydrazine (MMH) is a volatile hydrazine chemical with the chemical formula CH3(NH)NH2. It is used as a rocket propellant in bipropellant rocket engines because it is hypergolic with various oxidizers such as nitrogen tetroxide (N2O4) and nitric acid (HNO3). As a propellant, it is described in specification MIL-PRF-27404.[4]

I think he may be referencing the periodic table of elements.

bcboncs ago

Wrong. mm does stand for million. This was confirmed when RR spoke on the 1.2 million documents after Q had his 1.2mm post.

FYI /u/Vindicator


His posts have multiple meanings. Don't you remember him saying that?

Vindicator ago

So, $29 worth of monomethylhdrazine rocket propellant used to collapse tunnels? Seems like it would cost a lot more than that. Q did mention MOAB last night, though -- Mother of All Bombs.

70times7 ago

Please dont believe the catholic lie that "Peter" is who Christ was building the church on.

That is not in anyway shape or form what He was saying.

Far from it.

dundundunnnnn ago

The church is built on the rock of TRUTH that is Jesus Christ.

FashyDash ago

Ok, then what was he really saying?

70times7 ago

He asked Peter who He was.

Peter said He was the Messiah. The Son of God.

Jesus said "that" is the foundation the church is built on.


Shizy ago

Absolutely true! And the church is actually the people, believers (Christians) not a literal or physical place

quacker ago

My take is that Peter had just spoken truth about Jesus' identity and deity. It would upon that rock (ie. the rock of Truth) that He would build His church.

think- ago

Understanding what happened behind the scenes when Pope Benedict XVI was forced to resign should give a unique insight into the powers that rule the world... (I hate the term 'Illuminati' though.)

Benedict XVI has been closely connected to Opus Dei, whereas another faction pushed Francis. TPTB are not as unilateral as we tend to think they are.

White_pride_cis ago

I pray to God this materializes.

Blacksmith21 ago

Dammit, just as I was warming up to the idea of Jew-hating, now I have to go back to my original hunch and go back to Catholic-hating LOL.

Shizy ago

Or don't discriminate and hate both 😂😂😂

Really though, they are both big problems!

Blacksmith21 ago

Just like the niggers so overused...I'm going back to porchmonkey, the faggots, the ragheads, the Bible thumpers, the Pope worshipers, the wetbacks and the gooks. Did I forget anyone?

Shizy ago

Camel jockeys, dune coons? That's the only group you left out.

Porch money is good, I also like pavement apes! 😂😂😂

Before any virtue signaling libtards wanna be takes offense to this, it's a flipping joke!!!

Blacksmith21 ago

I forgot....I hate trannies and fruity queaks also. Eskimos smell like shit and Native Americans are dunk and useless.

And if you drink anything soy I'll kick you in the nutsack.

Blacksmith21 ago

Mooncricket? Bluegum? Spade? Coon? Yardape?

Vindicator ago

Well, you're in the right place to enjoy both pastimes, lol.

Blacksmith21 ago

I haste everyone, in case it is not obvious.

think- ago

Hmm....your subconsiousness doesn't seem to be convinced...

Blacksmith21 ago

Is it ever?

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

also keep in mind Jesus warned us about two distinct evils that work against us as Christians, the Antichrist and the religion of the antichrist, and those who claim they are Jews and are not but are rather a Synagogue of Satan. The Antichrist fits the bill of a Muslim. The False Prophet (Muhammad) came and went and directed others to worship the Antichrist (the Mahdi) who will come and unite the muslim world and invade Israel. Upon which time Jesus will return to the Mt of Olives and deal with the REMNANT of Baal worshipers in Jerusalem first and Then destroy the Muslim nations one by one... I think many of them submit to the Lord who were of Muslim nations I'm not for certain. Look into Walid Shoebat's work. Despite his arrogance and how annoying that can be at times he is overall a pretty serious student of the Bible and I think has it mostly right. It's this segway period we are in that he doesn't have right and he doesn't realize the bit about dealing with the remnant of Baal worshipers in Jerusalem. I dug that up elsewhere. Anyhow study your own Bible.

Vindicator ago

As Jesus said, "By their fruits you will know them."

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Your good to stick with both. It was the Jews who took over the Catholic Church... Keep in mind the Jews that remained after their destruction in ad 70 are not really Jews. They are pagans who masquerade a jews and ignored God. They saw the Catholic Church as the center of pagan world religion at the time if they hadn't actually been integral in creating it to begin with. I don't know that we are really able to dig up just how much mithraism and heretical Jews associated in and around the time of Jesus but they could have worked out something some of them. It would seem most got destroyed by the Romans though.

Blacksmith21 ago

Meh. Kill all pedos and let God sort them out. I don't give a shit what religion they are. I sure don't care that much about ancient history. Too much time to change the truth. I'll stick with can be proven. All pedos must die regardless of religion, race, color, etc.

FWIW, your argument applies to the history of every religion.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Oh yea... It's pretty much the way of it. We need Biblical justice. I'm all for the reprobate doctrine of Steve Anderson making sense with these guys.

ThePuppetShow ago

Pretty sure this ia what Q meant when he said 90% of the public would go crazy. The catholic church is the root of the evil and people will never want to believe it. This is so much bigger that 1 Pope. Each prince is associated with an evil cardinal too. Look at their luciferian ceremonies they've always done. The worship of a idol (Pope).

Vindicator ago

No one worships the pope. Where do you get this idea?

ThePuppetShow ago

Have you not see the pope in public? Screaming hysterical fans all around, people begging to just touch him, kiss his feet. Straight up idol worship.

Vindicator ago

Seems like people do that to anyone famous.

Shizy ago

Yes and that's idolization

ThePuppetShow ago

Very true.. But the church, being who they are, should be denouncing it, not promoting it and making the Pope an idol. They know what the bible says about that.

Blacksmith21 ago

Do you think they will impeach the Pope? If so, WTF are they going to tell the worshipers?

"Sorry guys, we've yanked Benedict because he denied the existence of hell. Oh, and he's a Satan worshiper too."

Gonna be a lot of suicides/"suicides" if the Pope goes down.

ThePuppetShow ago

"Sorry guys, we've yanked Benedict because he denied the existence of hell. Oh, and he's a Satan worshiper too."


I have a feeling they have bigger problems than just ditching Francis. He may be one of the "suicides".

Blacksmith21 ago

That wouldn't be a stretch at all. I bet the fucker has a cyanide capsule in that big ass ring.

Shizy ago

Agree. It would be "less messy" to just off him. He's old so people would believe he just died

Blacksmith21 ago

@ThePuppetShow - Thank you for saying this: "The worship of a idol (Pope)." I've never understood this. I thought there was one God and thou shall not worship false idols. Maybe it's the "false" part, but Jesus, Muhammed, the Pope are not God. Therefore they should not be worshipped. Seems hypocritical to me.

Shizy ago

And Mary. She is idolized and worshiped by Catholics. This is wrong. Yes she was special and chosen by God to be the mother of Jesus, but she is a human and should not be worshipped

think- ago

and now equates P with C

So, who or what is C? C = Chair?

and either B17 will be restored to the Throne of Peter

Whom do you mean by B17? looks puzzled

and a Pope who holds the true authority of the Chair of Peter because he serves the Master (Jesus) will take his place

How would this even be possible I wonder?

Benedict XVI was/is a very sinister person, someone from his innermost circle who left the Vatican (due to his gay marriage) said the time Benedict XVI was Pope was the 'darkest and most gay' Popedom in recent history. And he should know.

What I'm trying to say is: There have been certainly at least two factions in the Vatican (and beyond) - one supporting Benedict XVI, one supporting Francis, the latter having been successful.

But both Popes are dark persons, and I can't see so many 'white hats' Cardinals in the Church, they all have been chosen by the current Pope and former Popes.

Vindicator ago

Yes, the web of lies and disinfo is incredibly tangled. Perhaps B17 is evil...or perhaps his situation was similar to Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un, whom Q has characterized as "hostages". To sort through what's what, it helps to zoom out and look at patterns.

As head of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith (the bureaucracy tasked with preventing corruption of Church teaching) under JPII, Ratzinger held fast against the dilution of Church teaching by moral relativism and Ecumenism pushed by bishops of both Europe and the US. The two of them consistently rebuked the abortion industry, the euthanasia movement, fetal tissue harvesting for research, IVF and genetic engineering, which are all part of the Eugenics movement and beloved by globalists. They also continuously harped on the importance of the sacredness of marriage and the importance of the nuclear family as the heart of civilization, and resisted Islamicization calling for Europe to acknowledge it's historical Christian roots.

All of that changed once Raztinger was forced out. Now we've got a pope who pushes globalism, the climate change scam, open borders, wants to rewrite the Lord's Prayer, embrace divorce, homosexuality, and got rid of the Commission for the Protection of Minors. He is the first pope I've ever seen lauded by the MSM, worldly governments, and progressive bishops. He claimed Trump was not Christian because he wanted to build the wall.

think- ago

As head of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith (the bureaucracy tasked with preventing corruption of Church teaching) under JPII, Ratzinger held fast against the dilution of Church teaching by moral relativism and Ecumenism

Yes. You can of course, see it that way.

My view mainly focuses on how he dealt we sexual abuse. Pope Francis isn't better though, in this regard.

And I think JP II's - and B16's view - on abortion, divorce and homosexuality were too strict. (That's the liberal part in me).

Of course I reject Francis' suggestion to rewrite the Lord's Prayer, think the LGBTQ movement went too far, and I don't condone abortions after the 12th week of pregnancy and the globalist movement (getting rid of the sovereign states, extending and deepening the EU, and, last not least, open borders / mass immigration.

I wasn't happy with JP II, B16, and I am not happy with Pope Francis.

Shizy ago

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

Societal views may change, and of course the Catholic church's views and doctrine change, but Jesus does not. That tells me his followers shouldn't be changing either

think- ago

Well, during the first centuries of the Church, marriages f.i. were not a matter of the Church at all. It only changed at some time during the MIddle Ages.

In the Early Medieval Period, husbands just sent their wives back to their family, if they wanted to get rid of them. The Church didn't oppose it, as far as I recall.

slwsnowman40 ago

I think the B-17 will make a great pope.

Vindicator ago

Sorry, 2am typo. B16.

There has been a lot of disinfo about Ratzinger, but he forced over 100 corrupt bishops to retire, cleaned up the seminaries, and gave the Vatican Bank hucksters a serious kick in the ass. He was blocked every step of the way, too. Then the gay mafia forced him out. The people in the Church who take its teachings seriously have been waging a prayer war for years to right this.

think- ago

Sorry, I still beg to differ with you.

He didn't try to clean the Church of pedos, he did the cover-up. I know how he handled sexual abuse cases. It was a desaster.

And I don't even want to mention the huge sexual abuse scandal his brother was involved in, which Benedict also helped covering up.

During his time as Bishop, as Cardinal, as Pope, documents proving the sexual abuse by priests 'disappeared' from the archives. He never helped sexual abuse victims. Ever.

It is not disinfo.

His secretary is part of the gay mafia.

audiastrat ago

The pope in there now is clearly not acting as a true pope. The second coming of Jesus has to happen the right way.

Fun_Crusher_XL ago

The second coming of Jesus has to happen the right way.

...I wonder why the crys and prayers of 10's of thousands of molested and assaulted children didn't rouse him from his slumber.

Shizy ago

Because things don't happen according to our wants and timing but because of His.

The Bible also tells us that even Jesus himself doesn't know when he will be returning

Fun_Crusher_XL ago

The bible also tells us angels raped people and god nuked a town full of homosexuals.

Shizy ago

Um no, angels didn't rape anyone but nice lies!

And he destroyed several towns where the people had grown incredibly wicked and evil- and they also happened to be homos!

Vindicator ago

Maybe because he isn't sleeping. Don't you suppose he has had a hand in drawing the thousands and thousands of people worldwide who are working to stop this scourge?

Fun_Crusher_XL ago

No - you do the same stupid things recovering alcoholics do - you do all the work and give the credit to your imaginary friend and his cadre of boy fuckers.

audiastrat ago

typical atheist liberal. talking about sex. watching so much porn that's all you can think about.

but in response to what you're saying, you probably see nothing wrong with LGBT people sexing up kids, why don't you like it when RELIGIOUS people do it?


You're a religious atheist

Fun_Crusher_XL ago

Ad hominem. (I linked this so you can bring it up in your next confession.)

And yes - that was totally what I was saying - that I want kids sexed up by LGBT people...but only if their priests.

audiastrat ago

the atheists once again throw out the "ad hominem" term and think it's auto win. Understand that your opinions are not worth considering because of your personality and character. To engage with you means nothing more than to continuously correct every thing you say or have to default to asserts true statements due to the unbelievable stupidity of your uber libtard comments. That being said, ad hominem attacks are indeed worth using in order to let the other side know that they're "arguments" aren't deemed worthy of being engaged with by the opposition. To say this another way, just because you're talking and saying words that form sentences doesn't mean it means anything, and it certainly doesn't mean you're automatically correct, as that's the thinking of a child.

Fun_Crusher_XL ago

My apologies - I made fun of your boy-raping club.

I've heard May is going to be really bad for the pope. Maybe you should pray on that?

audiastrat ago


Fun_Crusher_XL ago


audiastrat ago

I think your mom wrote these comments. I didn't write thst

Fun_Crusher_XL ago

I'll just leave this here and let you all get back to giving money and energy to child murderers with which you are complicit:

Grand Jury to Investigate Irish Catholic Church, State and Corporate Terror

Top Irish Catholic Church, Corporate and government officials were under investigation for colluding in murders, child trafficking for profit and the targeting and death of Irish political activists. As of May 15 a Grand Jury planned to subpoena leaders of the Irish government, Roman Catholic Church and a corporation known as TUSLA as they looked into the institutionalized trafficking, brutalizing and murder of children for profit, killing of political activists and widespread corruption in the Irish judiciary and Gardai police. Back in July 2014 the dismembered remains of 796 children and babies were found buried in a Irish Nuns’ septic tank at the Catholic St. Mary’s Mothers and Babies Home near Tuam Ireland. The little decapitated bodies were said to have been ritually abused – meaning organs and body parts were missing – likely a result of being used in Satanic child sacrifice rites.

All evidence of this ritual abuse of children was covered up by the Gardai police, nor were mention of Satanic rites published in the press. Yet, the Catholic Tuam home was only one of ten institutions in Ireland where it was thought that approximately 35,000 unmarried, pregnant women were sent – with no accounting as to where their newborn babies ended up.

The Vatican had a lot to answer for in the ritual abuse, trafficking and murder of children. Back on April 10 2008 a press release disclosed locations of 32 child mass grave sites where some 50,000 missing native children were believed buried on the grounds of Anglican, United Church of Canada and 80 Catholic-run Indian Residential Schools across Canada. Since then there have been two more Catholic mass grave sites uncovered that were believed filled with children’s bodies – the Tuam home in Ireland and another site in Spain.

All requests for professional excavation of the mass graves have been refused by the Vatican, Catholic, Anglican, United Church of Canada and governments of Canada, Ireland and Spain.

The mass graves were believed to hold well over 350,800 missing indigent children and those of political prisoners who disappeared out of Catholic orphanages, schools and hospitals (via the present Pope Francis) during Argentine’s “Dirty War.”

Based on the sworn testimony of 358 survivors at the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels, this systematic torture and murder of children was believed organized by an office at the Vatican in cooperation with the British Crown, Canadian, Irish and Spanish governments, plus the Anglican and United Church of Canada – and thought to have strong ties to an international child exploitation ring run by the mafia that included a Washington D.C./Hollywood pedophile scandal known as “Pizzagate.”

audiastrat ago

You're still mad? What is this long post?

I definitely didnt it

Vindicator ago

Not necessarily. We've had fake popes in the past. They even excommunicated each other.

slwsnowman40 ago

They even excommunicated each other.


duhiki ago

There were two papal seats, as well. Rome and Avignon. Rome won the Pope Wars.

White_pride_cis ago

This one always makes me chuckle: Pope Formosus (c. 816 – 896) was Pope from 6 October 891 to his death in 896. His brief reign as Pope was troubled, and his remains were exhumed and put on trial in the Cadaver Synod.

kestrel9 ago

I was wondering whether the 'princes' referred to people or regions (principality) considered Princes of Rome.
See also the President of France.

Regarding the Pope (not relating this to Q)

the Pope who holds the true authority of the Chair of Peter and serves the Master (Jesus) will be restored.

The Bishop of Rome was honored 'first' among equals in the Church, but still equal with the other Bishops. Western Catholic papacy as most know it, has come to be all that many people associate with pre 1st Reformation Christianity (especially in the United States). But the Western See of Rome was not recognized as the infallible head of the Christian Church.

While the Eastern cities of Alexandria and Antioch produced theological works, the bishops of Rome focused on what Romans admittedly did best: administration.[5]

In the early church up until the ecumenical councils, Rome was regarded as an important centre of Christianity, especially since it was the capital of the Roman Empire. The eastern and southern Mediterranean bishops generally recognized a persuasive leadership and authority of the Bishop of Rome, because the teaching of the bishop of Rome was almost invariably correct, (however, the Bishop of Rome's opinion was by no means automatically right) and the Mediterranean Church did not regard the Bishop of Rome as any sort of infallible source, nor did they acknowledge any juridical authority of Rome.

After the sole emperor of all the Roman Empire Constantine the Great built the new imperial capital on the Bosphorous, the centre of gravity in the empire was fully recognised to have completely shifted to the eastern Mediterranean. Rome lost the senate to Byzantium and lost its status and gravitas as imperial capital.

It was not until the rise of Charlemagne and his successors that the Church of Rome arose out of obscurity on the back of the military successes of the western Mediterranean adventurers. (note the reference to Charlemagne and the French President in link above.)

Consider which Christians the 'Powers that be' have focused on exterminating in Syria. What happened to the Eastern Christian population in Iraq?

In Iraq, Christians numbered about 1,500,000 in 2003, representing just over 6% of the population of 26 million (down from 1.4 million or 8.5% of 16.5 million in 1987). Since then, it has been estimated that the number of Christians in Iraq have dropped to as low as 450,000 by 2013.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents.

Vindicator ago

The Bishop of Rome was honored 'first' among equals in the Church, but still equal with the other Bishops.

This is still true today, which one reason it was difficult for JPII and B16 to make changes churchwide. It's called collegiality. The Bishops have almost total control over their diocese.

Vindicator ago

Also, weren't anons saying princes referred to different demons associated with the compass directions?

kestrel9 ago

Interesting, I hadn't read that, but I haven't had time to dig into it too much. Do you have any links/copy?

Vindicator ago

As I understand it (and my knowledge of escatology is not deep) the Great Schism will be mended and the Jews will recognize the Messiah at the end. Seems like we're not in much danger of that happening anytime soon!

Shizy ago

They will recognize what they believe is their "messiah" but in reality who they will be embracing is the anti christ

kestrel9 ago

Regarding the Jews...You got that right! lol Regarding the mending, there has been improvement in more recent history, however for a full mending the Catholic Pope would have to give up the power he claims to be above all and the Catholic church would have to deal with the incompatible theology they made up during the hundreds of years of unchecked power they had. Like that would happen any time soon! NOT.