flyingcuttlefish ago

related? Clinton Foundation dominates news .... then ... (today)

Time Warner building in N.Y. evacuated due to suspicious package-police

flyingcuttlefish ago

very similar to these package bomb-props sent in mail ... there was a mass-threat made of bombs to many locations made just as Tom Fitton was set to testify about the Clinton Foundation crimes at a Congressional hearing.

This is from Nuke-Pro -

Clintons, Podestas, Mueller et al: The Cast Of Characters of Uranium One

As the whistle blowers testify in front of Congress, today, a wave of bomb threats were reported across the USA. I guess "they" didn't have time to set up a real false flag event to drown out the coverage of the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One whistleblowers.

This reminds me of the "fake bombs" that were sent without enough postage and without the postage being cancelled to the Democratic candidates before the midterms.

All about the bomb threats made all over:

. . . . hmmmm . . . .

flyingcuttlefish ago

PATSY BOMBER Body Cam POLICE VIDEO; Cesar Sayoc In Florida: Full Video & Analysis -

flyingcuttlefish ago

LONDON (Reuters) - London police have closed Parliament Square near Britain’s parliament due to an “ongoing incident,” it said on Monday. A police source said a suspicious package was being investigated but the area was likely to be reopened again soon. The source gave no further detail.

flyingcuttlefish ago

New package sent - just posted it at If the synagogue shoot up doesn't work what will they resort to next? thread ....

flyingcuttlefish ago

I sort of screwed that up ... should have posted it here....

flyingcuttlefish ago

Thomas Williams says the fake bomb stunt was to control the mid-terms... at 59:35 min. mark on his show

more - X-Post

Rothchilds so desperate they are over-insuring, killing employees + more from Thomas Williams

flyingcuttlefish ago

Too Many Holes In The "MAGA Bomber" Story -

flyingcuttlefish ago

X-POST - Cesar Sayok's former employer at New River Pizza attended a private military school where sexual abuse charges were lodged. His connections to military intelligence and the Democrat party are noted.

flyingcuttlefish ago

The Daily Mail, UK - Moment wide-eyed MAGAbomber is seen enthusiastically waving his 'CNN sucks' sign at a Trump rally in a newly released outtake from Michael Moore's latest documentary

flyingcuttlefish ago

Is this proof Cesar Altier Sayoc #MAGAbomber is False Flag Attack?

Lionel -

flyingcuttlefish ago

Cesar Sayoc's Facebook acct (?)

flyingcuttlefish ago

This story has all about how they solved the crime. They say they had a sample of the accused man's DNA on hand to compare to some DNA evidence on one of the fake bomb packages.

flyingcuttlefish ago

How did Reuters photographer happen to snap pix of accused fake package bomber driving his sticker-van on Oct. 18???

Cesar Sayoc's van is seen in Boca Raton, Florida, October 18, 2018. ED KENNEDY/via REUTERS

see PHOTO #3