Boilerman ago

flyingcuttlefish thank u for posting this, (new technology is not my thing u know what I mean). The Trust is real, Tommy is real and I've have heard of the deeper subjects as well. I believe ( after hearing Tommy) Trump is try to save not bring down the economy. Now I can see why the arrest have taken so long, I feel 11/11/18 maybe the date we'll be informed of most of this things that have already taken place. I truly can see the future and how this days will be in history books...what a time to be awake. Thank again

flyingcuttlefish ago

recently Dave Janda was on Greg Hunter channel and said the reason indictments were prepared but stalled was because Trump was waiting for supreme court to be majority "rule of law" people. It is now with the new guy. So after mid-terms maybe something will happen. I hope so. Either Trump is shrewd and working in the people's interest or he is stringing people along while working with the banksters and war profiteers. So - I expect big mid-term win - unless dems stage an election-ending 9-11-type stunt. So everyone should see progress soon. That's my take. I do think Thomas Williams must have some inside info on Roths. It all sounds true. I agree with Charlie Seven - they are all occulted up -

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago
