flyingcuttlefish ago

The San Andreas fault is all kicking up in California this week. If CA begins to go badly for the Dems tomorrow .... watch out!

flyingcuttlefish ago

1 more day of this nonsense .... hold tight ....

flyingcuttlefish ago

##FBI confirms suspicious package sent to Tom Steyer

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI on Friday said it had recovered a second suspicious package addressed to California billionaire Tom Steyer, a Democrat known for funding ads calling for the impeachment of President Donald Trump.

flyingcuttlefish ago

let's see who they blame for this one . . .

condom-brands-online ago

It's funny

flyingcuttlefish ago

next to a tv station - Suspicious Package & Vehicle in Pasadena - LIVE BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE

flyingcuttlefish ago

I have no idea if this is a result of stressed out person or planned psy-op ....

##Four Shots Fired Into Florida GOP Headquarters

flyingcuttlefish ago

CNN says suspicious package caught before reaching Atlanta headquarters

They press their luck as the more "incidents" they stage the more they expose themselves. (opinion)

Dfens ago

They found this one "in the mail". It's nice that they finally found one "in the mail". I'm sure it wasn't staged just so it would look like these bombs actually were mailed and put an end to all the questions about how 8 bombs showed up at 8 different places widely scattered across the US all at the same time with too little postage and none of the stamps postmarked.

flyingcuttlefish ago

I want to know if it was sent after Fla. guy was in custody.

I want to find why police/FBI happened to have sample of his DNA on hand to make the pinch.

flyingcuttlefish ago

see also the hoax package thread -

Dfens ago

I'm guessing they'll shoot up a synagogue. I swear, I was totally going to post this yesterday... Seriously though, to kill 11 people just to hold on to that power. What kind of sick bastards are these?

flyingcuttlefish ago

I think the staged event (my opinion) at the synagogue was thought up long ago and just pulled off the shelf.

Events playing out as "news" could be part of a long term plan to manipulate the public thinking a certain way. "They" have been working on this stuff at top speed since WWII.

What makes me think so was reading all these things about Bertrand Russle and the CIA friendly relationship with early/biggest psychologists from the beginning.

It's a general idea I have not based on any particular proof ... just putting some trends together.

Dfens ago

It's funny how these guys claim to be all about science when really they're all about mysticism.

Sosacms ago

I think they should gas 6 million Jews, you know... To raise awareness or some shit.

Jimmycog ago

Crash the markets.

flyingcuttlefish ago

I have heard that theme ... that markets were boosted in anticipation of Hillary win and are being jerked around now to "punish" Trump.....

BlackObsession ago

You’re an idiot it doesn’t work that way😂

flyingcuttlefish ago

Themooninthesky ago

Detonate Detroit. Mass casualties. And the fallout will leak into Canada. Canada apologizes.

RampancyLambentRaven ago

FFcity hs 4 subscribers and 6 users here now. LMFAO. At least i'm the 5th subscriber now. Sure is lonely here. Shit.

elitch2 ago

Expect a real bomb.

Maybe an assassination attempt.

Drkadrka ago

More likely they fake one against a high ranking Dem in order to get the party to show up in support on election day. Someone gets shot next to Pelosi or Waters, or a bomb in a podium goes off a minute after Crazy Eyes leaves the stage.

None of their own will actually be killed, unless the situation calls for eliminating a loose end.

Hydrocephalus ago

Killing children.

Saturday405 ago

Something like the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing? I could see that being next.

vonbacon ago

I have no doubt when the demonrats lose in 8 days it'll be all out guerilla warfare.