senpaithatignoresyou ago

I don't know if it is a conspiracy, or if it is just a natural occurrence. So a majority of the worlds population is dumb. I suspect that the marketing analysts are trying to hit the widest audience, so they are catering to the dumb. It would not be the first time, or the last, that corporate America misjudged their customer base.

Duckhunter1960 ago

Information is power. Education is the means. Intelligence is an outcome. Information and education must be shutdown. The feds took over education and installed common core, a final step in changing and disabling the means. More and more people are coming to understand the corporate owned media sources are misinformation and absent. Hence, the internet is the growing information source. The intentional dumbing down of America.

Arrvee ago

It was back in 2014 when Gamergate happened and we found that these people were fans of Osama bin Laden and Hamas.

AlphaOmega ago

This post mirrors how I feel daily. I’ve noticed these trends and lack of ability to speak as well.

I’m affraid I don’t have any answers past what you have already discerned, but I wanted you to know you are not alone.

TheTrigger ago

I do. You're absolutely correct about that last bit.

Quite frankly it's all too scary for a lot of people, but there are a handful who are brave enough to dive in past the point of no return

There is a lot more truth in that sentence than some will even be able to grasp. There were plenty of scary moments which, in retrospect, were pretty silly. "Man behind the curtain"-type stuff. By the end of it all, you can't help but laugh. It all becomes hilariously pointless, and yet amazingly necessary.

I'm much more lighthearted these days, than I used to be. And that's after being exposed to some of the most psychedelically evil shit you could imagine. A lot of abyss-gazing. I'm very grateful for having been given eyes that see and ears that hear.

TheTrigger ago

Yup. Fun fact: I was silently kicked-out/scrubbed from my parent's church, because all I did was ask questions, as a kid. Anyone involved in the management and running of this church absolutely despised me, and told me to my face: that I was possessed by the devil, and that all the other kids should stay away from me. Even though I was the quietest, most well-behaved out of all of them; and actively discouraged them from doing stupid shit. And all for no other reason than because I would never stop asking uncomfortable questions.

Joke's on them. I understand God more than any of them could ever hope to, and have acquired absolute/unwavering faith in the process. All because I was never fully satisfied until I understood the why of something. I'm not saying I'm omniscient, or enlightened, or anything like that. Just saying that truly accepting the existence of God requires investment of one's own time and brainpower. Most people say they believe in God: but do they really, or are they just desperate?

THSenior ago

You sound retarded

GoyimNose ago

Alot of the conspiracies are owned by the elite, be careful what you question.

fastregister ago

its not about intelligence. i was under the impression, that people in movie forums are not particularly intelligent. i think that its because their books suck, and they dont want the bad reviews. less people will buy their shit if there are lots of bad reviews. also they dont want the positive reviews on the books that they make less money on, or the books they dont like for whatever reason. they want control over the demand, they want to sell the books that they printed millions of, the primary books that they have chosen to be sold en masse, bad reviews for these books will hurt the sales. i know that they are even politically motivated, they reach the masses with what theyre doing, im sure political movements have acquired these companies long ago.

the_sharpest_knife ago

It would be awesome if someone made a browser plugin that added comments to every site and none of the site owners could do anything about it.

TerrifiedTyphlosion ago

The closest thing I can think of that does that is via (dot) hypothes (dot) is.

ardvarcus ago

Agreed. The Democratic Party and its supporters have been certifiably insane since Trump won the election.

ardvarcus ago

The only rational explanation is that all the three most popular sites were acquired by the elite, who decided to eliminate platforms of discussions for the thinking people.

"Elite" equals "Jews." Jews are buying up popular sites and censoring free speech as a way of enforcing their leftist progressive social agenda on society. It is only in the forum sections of these sites that people got to express their opinions honestly and freely, so of course the Jews shut them down. Is it only Jews doing this? Of course not. But atheistic, liberal Jews are the driving force behind it, the co-ordinating intellience behind it. They have an agenda and they have forced it on the rest of us by their manipulations.

Beldar ago

I think what you've described is felt by more than you may think. I have noticed (who hasn't?) the surge in the "prepper"-type shows in recent years, and so many people have just had "a bad feeling about things in general," thus, the prepping for...whatever.

It's not any "one thing" that ppl can point to...maybe the truth behind the 9/11 attacks but otherwise just stuff here and there that adds up to spell a very strange future awaiting us. So much for trusting strangers, too...morality has gone down a LOT since even I was just a kid (I'm 51 now). But what you say makes sense when you think of the dumbing-down of schools as well as many other things.

ShrekIsAwesome ago

Just gonna leave this here


We need to do one thing before anything else can be accomplished. We need to stop calling the nasty, inbred, pieces of shit that own almost everything elite. Who do you think started calling them elite? They did. They're not elite anything. Half of them are satanists. Some people think that satan gives you power. He gives you the power to sin; to cheat, lie, steal, murder and commit every disgusting perverted act there is to get what you want. Inbreeding. It's what's wrong with the world.

ardvarcus ago

We need to stop calling the nasty, inbred, pieces of shit that own almost everything elite.

They are the masters. They own the world. They own us. Don't think so? Try crossing them in any significant way and see how far you get. I suppose we could call them overlords. Or maybe archons is a better term.


Call them the elite if you want. You obviously think they are.

WarAtTheZoo ago

There is no truth as strong as the one arrived at by ones own investigation.

Conway ago

What was not obvious yet for me, is that the elite are not only afraid of straight talking conspirologists, but they are afraid of any kind of intelligent people in general.

Why do you think they are trying to import 80iq people and glamorize race mixing with them every chance they get. Hell, they can't even advertise a hamburger with pushing race mixing anymore.

The only rational explanation is that all the three most popular sites were acquired by the elite, who decided to eliminate platforms of discussions for the thinking people

This happened to automotive forum websites, There used to be epic political discussions and everyone would share their outrageous local news that the national news would suppress. Nothing like a bunch of wealthy racers getting in one place talking about happenings. Used to be so many different perspectives and analysis of the different topics was very enlightening.

4Chan is another perfect example. After the 2016 election it has gone to absolute shit and has never recovered. They got the elites attention and nothing but subversion and manipulation there now.

Far2Long2 ago

When anything becomes popular, the Jews buy it and snuff out free speech.

con77 ago

The msm are guilty of treason

kobold ago

the aristocrats are inbred satanist sickos. its a miracle they can even reproduce. it makes sense they are afraid of their healthy/strong/smart slaves.

pol pot went after the intellectuals, so did lenin and stalin, and the young turks started the armenian genocide by roundig up the armenian urban intelligentsia first.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

It's always been like this, since before the Internet when elites owned almost all newspapers, wire services, tv stations, book publishing, magazines, and radio. It's only relatively recently that the herd broke out of containment where they could discuss, develop, and research ideas without governing controls. It's just taken the elite about 20 years to catch up enough to reinstitute the same historic controls in this new medium of communication.

TheTrigger ago

All of history has been a version of this game of cat-and-mouse. Even since before the Catholic church started hoarding knowledge. I honestly think that, aside from price-gouging: this is part of the reason why printer ink is still so artificially expensive. Sometimes, prohibitively so. For no other reason than to discourage people from mass-producing their own self-published books and easily disseminating them— without having to pay their pound of flesh to the jewish media cartel.

cthulian_axioms ago

In fairness, inkjet liquid is no small feat of engineering. The higher quality the image you want, the smaller the ink droplets (or toner particles) have to be. Getting liquids to spray out in micrometer-sized droplets of consistent size, without clogging the nozzle head, is surprisingly difficult.

Laser toner, on the other hand, is basically nano-dust.

TheTrigger ago

I won't pretend to know everything about the various different manufacturing processes of printer cartridges. However, even goddamned Teslas got cheaper, over time. I do know a lot about assembly lines and modern production floors, for a few different types of factories, due to the type of work I used to be in. And one thing I know for certain is that, overtime, things always get more streamlined and less expensive.

It's inevitable. Even if it's a hack-job, you're taking on a new client, and things are running relatively inefficiently: you will, eventually, figure out a way to bottom-out your cost-per-unit, to the bare minimum. I refuse to believe that the manufacturing process for said ink/toner hasn't vastly improved, since the '90s, to the point where it make the lack of a price-drop conspicuous, to say the least. Especially considering its demand.

Then there's all those gray-area shops which used to pop up, all the time (and are harder to come by, these days, for some reason), that would sell off-brand ink/toner. And it would be just-as effective, if not moreso, than the brand-name one. Places who could refill your cartridge for $5, instead of paying $50 for a new one.

Printer manufacturers went to war with these people, the same way Apple is going after phone-repair shops, now. I see the trend, and something tells me that the high-price for ink, to this day, is absolutely 100% artificial.

european ago

Basically this.


Just pretend to be retarded and pick your battles. They can never win and censor us completely, I've managed to adapt, and still reach a (relatively) sizeable audience.

cryptex ago

Too many red pills being fed to normiez on these entertainment sites. I stopped finding IMDB useful when they got rid of the forums. Reading peoples movies plot theories were great.

TheTrigger ago

Yup. They removed the only reason I even used the site, to begin with. The user-reviews are what made that site. Then metacritic took over said role, and now even they got nuked. I'm pretty sure there's an open-sourced alternative to both, but can't remember what it's called.

THSenior ago

I work in tech for a top 5 media site. No one wants to be held liable for the shit you schizos say and post. We have to employ people to find and erase your trash and also deal with copyright infringement. You’re just not worth it. You aren’t customers, you are psychopathic retards who think you have the right to internet services.

THSenior ago

PS - the same faggots whining when their forums gets shut down were the same faggots crying out burn the place daily. Staggering levels of dissonance and stupidity.

BanCircumcision ago

Was just thinking earlier how there was / is an obvious culture control to make smart people seem like losers. Which is probably because they are the most likely enemies of the cabal manipulating the country. This ends up with most smart men going for foreign wives because foreign wives weren't told / programmed to think smart men are losers (and that they themselves should stay dumb for a man and there is no need for them to learn math etc).

I suspect the same exact reason they shame those who play games.

ardvarcus ago

This ends up with most smart men going for foreign wives

And when smart white men take foreign non-white wives, they are doing exactly what the elite want them to do -- committing white genocide.

sugamari ago

its as if the truth itself is antisemetic

Crikes ago

You are sabotaged. There is dysgenics going on. To the extent that something might solve it, or even encourage in a healthy direction, it is stifled.

ardvarcus ago

I agree. The question is, exactly who is running the dysgenics? Obviously the proximate factor is the Jews -- they are the co-ordinating agents of our destruction, but who, or what, is behind the Jews? Alex Jones had some interesting thoughts on the matter, but I don't know if he still expresses them in public. He believes it is literally Satan, whatever "Satan" may actually be. He thinks that the actual initiating influence is something other than human beings, that is directing and controlling human beings -- specifically, it's agents the Jews, who in turn control the rest of us.

TheTrigger ago

Could be esoteric life forms, who live in either astral of ethereal realms; negative entities feeding on chaotic wavelengths: fear, anger, distress, etc. Jews' almost supernatural propensity for greed might have made them easy to take-over and subvert; as a tool for Earthly manipulation. They might not be able to directly influence our physical reality, but they can make us hurt ourselves, if we let them. In this regard, the moniker: "synagogue of Satan," might just-very-well be a literal descriptor. The ancients were trying to warn us, and we didn't listen.

european ago

Please elaborate /v/health

emperorbma ago

Company acquisition is the path from capitalism to corporatism. It's an important distinction to make, too.

Capitalism is the economy of the workers trading the fruits of their labors to acquire for their needs. The "farmers' market" or the "mom and pop" selling stuff to their community.

Corporatism is the ramrod of an ever growing "big business" maximizing their profit at the expense of everyone else so that shareholders can get a bigger cut.

This is the logical difference that socialists don't understand. Socialists conflate the latter with the former. But that's as dumb as suggesting that all lung tissue is cancer because you can get lung cancer.

Ultimately, the difference between corporatism and socialism is little to none. Both are giving more power to middle managers with no regard for anyone but themselves. The socialist (fake) "workers' revolution" gives power to a political Politburo. The capitalist amalgamation becomes cancerous when it turns into corporate crap.

Small businesses are real capitalism. Small businesses are the real "worker's revolution" because it takes power out of the hands of the managers and puts it into the hands of the people. We need real capitalism, not socialism or corporatism. People working for themselves and their community, not for an anonymous "investor" somewhere that serves "powers unknown."

Mylon ago

Large corporations are more efficient than mom and pop shops. That's how they manage to muscle out the mom and pop shops. We should be able to wield this increased efficiency for the greater good. Rather than allowing these corporations to amass enough wealth to steer the government (corporatism), we should use the government to steer these massive corporations, aka Socialism.

VoatsNewfag ago

This is a classic case of regulation

No, I don't think that socialism is a "classic case of regulation" comparable to say for example food regulations.

emperorbma ago

Large corporations may indeed be more efficient in some respects, but they're less humane and socialism doesn't really address the core problem.

When you introduce regulation, you introduce an incentive for special interests to manipulate the government. This is an inherent problem with even the most well-intentioned forms of socialism. The managers of socialism always have to deal with the Economic calculation problem of "who produces what" and "how much" which lead to unintended consequences. And crafty businesses find ways to manipulate this in their favor. Regulation leads to regulatory capture where agencies meant to rein in the corporation soon become its watchdog, guardian and eventually slave as more bribery and corruption takes control.

Furthermore, socialism itself is not immune to the single corrupting force in all of this: human nature. Humans will choose convenience over stability no matter what system you choose. With socialism, however, you have people punishing you for making different decisions. With capitalism, you have the freedom to do something else as long as you can find somewhere to try. Where capitalism's incentives fail in collectivization, they excel in individualization. The question really becomes: would you much rather be free to do something else or be locked into the whims of a manager who is just as human as you are and doesn't necessarily have your interests at heart?

Mylon ago

The real answer is a mixed economy. Socialism isn't "your job is assigned to you at birth", but could be something like a Universal Basic Income, where some income is redistributed and then spent in the free market system. This way the efficiencies gained by large corporations can be taxed (but not completely so, so there's still incentive to shift towards efficiency) and spread around so that there's still sufficient exchange to keep the economy going. Contrast this with supply side economics, which has the same goal but expecting an overabundant supply of goods to stimulate the economy because people will just buy them. And it clearly hasn't worked for the 40 years we've tried it.

That's why it's time for a Universal Basic Income.

emperorbma ago

I completely disagree with the mixed economics you're proposing on the basis of Economics. This is like the first thing they teach in Economics 101: Supply and demand curves. If you artificially increase the supply for money by force of government action, the corresponding demand for money will go up everywhere. UBI is structurally the same concept as a minimum wage or printing more currency: A principle called inflation. It is what happened in Germany in the 1930s. In those days, people burned Deutschemarks to heat their homes because they were so worthless. This is why even with "minimum wages," there are still poor people.

The thing about it is when the poorest person gets a guaranteed amount of currency, the value of each piece of currency goes down by a corresponding amount. The differential between rich and poor is ideally a metric of ability to acquire currency but in practice it also involves the ability to shakedown people to giving up their shekels. We want the former to be a disparity. We do not want the latter, and that's the point where nobody disputes a legal action of the government and even the most hardcore anarcho-capitalist agrees that some kind of Public defense agency is needed; although I think that the idea of using paid Mercenaries to do this is silly too because that's just going to create warlord factions that have blood feuds.

Yes, there's a balance to be maintained. The balance is specifically defending the individual's rights to life, liberty and the goods needed to survive and grow. The first two nobody objects to. It's the third principle that we're squabbling over. The real world is about distribution of scarce resources using a medium of trade. Giving people more currency just makes the resources cost more.

But you don't need to take my word for it. People are doing experiments with UBI in various places. We'll see exactly what happens. Who knows, maybe someone defies the first law of economics? But I'm not gonna bet on it.

Mylon ago

If you artificially increase the supply for money by force of government action ...

You mean like how the government has been doing it for the past 40+ years under the guise of Reganomics? We've been injecting cash into the economy for decades and it's not having the desired effect. Maybe if we inject it into the hands of consumers instead of bankers we might see a real impact. But that's only assuming UBI is entirely funded by printed money. Increasing progressive taxes could make it revenue neutral.

But most of your concerned are old stuff addressed in this handy faq. These questions have been asked thousands of times before.

emperorbma ago

You mean like how the government has been doing it for the past 40+ years under the guise of Reganomics?

Why'd you stop with Reagan? The government has been doing it for much longer than that. Ever heard of the New Deal? It's the exact same thing. Reagan didn't invent the problem. Reagan's policies are merely a symptom.

We've been injecting cash into the economy for decades and it's not having the desired effect.

So let me get this straight. Instead of the government just throwing money at businesses to hire people, the government will now just throw money at people. And somehow this is magically going to get a different result? Somehow the laws of Supply and Demand will no longer apply when ordinary people get the money instead of corporations of people.

I think you'll have to forgive my incredulity. I'm not convinced the problem is with the currency. Well, in a sense it is but that's a symptom of the real problem. The other symptom is the fact that so many people that think government handouts are a panacaea for the problem.

As I've stated, the real problem is actually inherent in human nature. Humans excel at subsistence, not abundance. In states of abundance, we tend to overaccumulate in anticipation of a subsistence scenario. Those who have faith that ANY government giving handouts will fix this problem are making the same mistakes under a whole slew of different names.

Yes, you can give everyone a stipend. But once everyone gets a stipend, people will all expect the stipend and the economy will adjust. The value of all the goods will increase proportionally to the taxes being paid to redistribute the income. Someone has to pay for all this and it's very clear you are making the businesses (and/or their owners) pay for it. These progressive taxes will merely disincentivize the supply side which will correspondingly drive up the price.

You cannot balance a system that is fundamentally destablilized by the natural actions of the fundamental primary agent the system. The same desire to gain profit that causes people to invest is precisely what you're undermining with such measures. For the diligent, they see that everyone gets a cut of their work and stop working. For the lazy, they see a free meal ticket while it lasts. And at the end of this all will be a net increase in costs for everyone. You're relying on the fox to guard the hen house and we all know it wants some dinner.

As I said before, there's only 2 real answers: Rewrite human nature or design the system to compensate for these issues as best as you can until corruption overtakes it and we need to inevitably restart the system as it collapses due to the sum of the errors. The former is intrinsically inhumane and undesirable. The latter is the inevitable end that we always seem to recapitulate throughout history after flirting with the former.

Mylon ago

New Deal? It's the exact same thing.

Wrong. The New Deal laid the foundation for the golden era of the 50s and 60s. Infrastructure projects were one way to stimulate demand (aka what I'm arguing for, demand side stimulus). The government said, "We now going to spend a bunch of cash, and we have to hire people to do it." This made the market for workers more competitive and raised wages. Businesses bitched because they didn't have the cheap labor they were used to so of course they badmouthed it.

Another key factor of the New Deal is that it laid the groundwork for freeing people from wage slavery. The 40 hour workweek and Social Security played a large part of rationing jobs, and thus forcing businesses to compete for workers. Once the immigration and nationality act of 1965 passed, businesses once again had access to cheap labor and we see the resulting stagnation in wages since.

Now kicking them out won't have the desired effect because automation is here. Just as we had the combine harvester to replace a lot of farm jobs. We need more measures for rationing jobs and stimulating demand, mirroring the New Deal.

The other symptom is the fact that so many people that think government handouts are a panacaea for the problem.

The welfare state as it exists is a large part of the problem. Welfare cliffs trap people in poverty. For a better example of what it should look like, consider Negative Income Tax, which was supported by the free market proponent Milton Friedman. Instead governments saw a chance to use it as a tool of control and they did.

Humans excel at subsistence, not abundance.

A moral judgement. You may as well proclaim that humans only thrive when working up a sweat on a farm and demand that those city dwellers have to grow their own food. Government intervention was necessary to transition from an agriculture economy and because the government is not acting now, we're regressing to a servant economy.

Yes, you can give everyone a stipend. But once everyone gets a stipend, people will all expect the stipend and the economy will adjust.

Not true. If the UBI is funded by taxes, inflation won't happen and instead more jobs will be created to service the increased demand. Which is kinda the whole point of this: Stimulating the economy via demand. This is addressed in depth in the FAQ.

The same desire to gain profit that causes people to invest is precisely what you're undermining with such measures.

How many Einsteins are too busy flipping burgers to research the secrets of the universe? Not everyone has the means to invest, and the means seem largely based on lineage. For all of your moral judgments, economic mobility in the US is decreasing and more hands-off capitalism is only going to give us more of the same.

It's fine to look at history and say collapse is inevitable, but for millennia the solution to an ailing economy has been demand side stimulus coupled with the culling of workers, aka war. The last 100 years have been especially troublesome as war has changed to be LESS deadly (1-5% attrition rate per year for modern warfare versus 15%-80% attrition rate per BATTLE in ancient warfare) and much more destructive to capital. But it still fulfills the role of stimulating demand, thus the US's military industrial complex. The New Deal was revolutionary because it was a means of stimulating demand without a massive war.

For a great example of how the predictions of stimulus side economy works:

emperorbma ago

New Deal

According to the UCLA, the New Deal’s policies extended the Great Depression.

spend a bunch of money

Robin Hood robbed the rich and gave money to the poor. You probably think that this is moral but you don’t consider the broken window fallacy that you are defending. You break the baker’s windows and loot his drawers because he has some money and then he can’t get shoes for his children. Socialism is envy masquerading as compassion.

The fair way isn’t compelling spending of compulsory appropriations but decreasing unnecessary appropriation and encouraging voluntary charity. People are much more generous when you don’t threaten them with jail for not paying exorbitant taxes.

UBI + taxes = no economy rules

I don’t buy this. You are making an argument extraordinary claim and expecting that people agree with you just because your vision superficially resembles charity. Charity doesn’t take others money by taxation to fund it. It is extortion with a lipstick gloss disguising it by piggy backing on a legitimate social contract that is established between the citizens and the state to defend and promote the basic principle of life, liberty and fair exchanges.

As Frederic Bastiat rightly implies, the government should not be coercing charity.

Einstein flipping burgers

You do realize that the social engineers have selected the least likely Einsteins as beneficiaries of the social programs, right? Let’s give welfare to those on the low end of the intelligence Bell Curve. That will fix everything. Right? You social democrats have been throwing money at things that break the system worse and worse for a century at least.

Military Industrial Complex

Dude, I am not a fan of that. Instead of sending our military to meddle in other countries it should be used to fill the single legitimate objective of defense of our borders according to the social contract and its stipulation of protection of the lives and freedom of its citizens.


If I don’t buy it when you say it what makes you think I will buy it from a known left wing propaganda site?

Mylon ago

According to the...

... economists that have a vested interest in pushing neoliberalism. Yes, modern economists LOVE to shit on the New Deal. They also love to shit on Unions and border security. These people have an agenda and they are not operating in your best interest.

[The baker] can’t get shoes for his children

The Broken Window fallacy is an oversimplification. If the cobbler doesn't buy a window from the windowmaker, then the window maker can't buy bread from the baker, and then the baker can't buy shoes from the cobbler. Why might this all happen and lead to deadlock? Because during their previous round of transactions, too much money got siphoned off by the rich. Currency is extremely powerful at facilitating trade. Without it, a three way trade like above is difficult to arrange.

Yes, the window maker breaking windows is the wrong way to drum up business, but when times are harsh, because money has been sucked out of the system by the oligarchs, people will look for rent-seeking behavior to create more business.

It is extortion with a lipstick gloss ...

News alert: All government is extortion. But the sad news is without government, some thugs will come along and offer to "protect" your business for a fee. Government is the least worst option.

You do realize that the social engineers have selected the least likely Einsteins as beneficiaries of the social programs, right?

That's the whole fucking point of UBI. Replace our backwards welfare system that 'rewards' being poor and give the money to everyone. If you work hard and put in the effort, but make less than the median wage, with a UBI you benefit. If you fall on hard times, it's harder to end up in debt slavery. UBI is more about welfare reform than it is about more welfare.

it should be used to fill the single legitimate objective of defense of our borders

A fine idea, but that would suffocate the economy. Our economy is built around the demand that the Military Industrial Complex generates and without that demand our country would shrivel up in the same way that countries adopting austerity have. Is what I'm saying is that it is possible to supplant this demand with a UBI such that we reap the economic benefits of stimulated demand without having to stir shit up and make a bunch of enemies across the world.

If I don’t buy it when you say it what makes you think I will buy it from a known left wing propaganda site?

Fucking data man. You might not like Bloomberg, but the doom and gloom expected of higher minimum wage and what actually happened are night and day. It's hard to dress that up. I don't know what sources you want to cover it, but lying by omission is one of the ways MSM controls you and thus they likely won't.

emperorbma ago

UCLA neoliberals

As a minarchist I found this study plausible but I guess you can suggest it’s s a conspiracy if you like. I have my own share of conspiracy theories that I subscribe to, myself. I won’t begrudge you yours even if I disagree.

rent seekers

Ok, I can tell you have at least looked at this pattern before so I will need to adjust my argument. Yes, side effects can alter the scene somewhat. But my target of opposition is the mechanism that the plutocrats are using. The problem with using a tax is that it is a system controlled by the plutocracy and is never going to impact the intended target of the measure: those oligarchs.

UBI reduces debt slavery

I see what you are trying to say but I cannot forget about the Pareto principle. Those who will be in debt in one system will likely be in debt regardless of the measure. The only thing that I believe this does is mask the problem further. What we actually needed to do is abolish fiat currency and the artificial creation of money, basing the currency on something of real value which is not subject to the issue of human opinion. Until we can do that, the plutocracy will continue to ratchet to the inevitable collapse at an ever increasing rate. Actually, those preppers have the right idea: making their own food and living off the grid.


The petrodollar is the biggest impediment to this, actually. We are reliant on our control of foreign commodities and we did a boneheaded thing exporting our local production to other countries due to lower wages in other countries. Perverse incentives suck. The goal now is inverting them into proper incentives. It’s part of why a minarchist ex-libertarian like me can tolerate Trump. He’s actually succeeding at flipping some of these incentives. Not a libertarian but I had to drop that pipe dream after HRC bought Gary Johnson’s campaign and the party started harping on the open border crap.


There’s no disputing that lying by omission is a manipulation tactic and I despise the MSM for it. But the issue is one of a systematic disagreement about what the proposed answer implies. I don’t buy the idea in general. I guess we can do the experiments that are underway and we’ll see who is right. Maybe I am proven wrong. But I cannot foresee that being the case at this point.

Mylon ago

Those who will be in debt in one system will likely be in debt regardless of the measure.

Not necessarily. In the past, people had access to land and could live by the sweat of their brow (aka subsistence farming). In this day and age, that kind of farming is inefficient and would destroy the environment (see Dust Bowl, which was man made). Plus it's totally unnecessary. UBI can also be seen as compensation for that loss of autonomy. A means to attempt to restore it. You can engage in basic subsistence, or you can get a job and aim for something more. But without that floor, many will be at the whims of those that do own capital and that is slavery. Wage slavery or debt slavery or chattel slavery.

Gold (or some other commodity) backed currency simply isn't going to happen. Gold is difficult to trade with and banks learned back in the middle ages that people would rather deal with checks than actual coins and they would never withdraw their coins so they started writing more checks than they actually had. Modern financialization takes this a step further using derivatives and other means to invent more wealth and this all can happen regardless if you're using a commodity backed dollar or not.

And even if it did solve the problems of our exploitative financial industry, gold historically has been used as a labor sink. Specifically, if you have an abundance of labor you send them into the mines to dig for gold and this produces "wealth", but essentially it becomes a dystopian makework job. Solving this problem by regulating the financial industry is a much simpler approach.

we did a boneheaded thing exporting our local production to other countries due to lower wages in other countries.

That's just classic neoliberalism. "Comparative advantage" is their go to catch phrase to justify sidestepping local labor regulations by exploiting foreigners instead. The "free market" rewards slavery. Regulations exist to add some kind of honor to economic transactions, but they don't mean anything if there are means to bypass them.

emperorbma ago

It’s hard to crawl away from zeros. I get the idea. It just seems to be a bit too easy to me. Maybe I am just a cynical person but it doesn’t seem to be a good way of defeating the perverse incentives of greed. It’s actually addiction to wealth that builds the incentives here. The wealth addicts deflect the lower classes to fight amongst themselves by manipulating the envy the lower class feels for them by convincing them the others are really the guilty party.

I honestly don’t see how the UBI would actually get rid of this cycle. It seems to be a perennial issue with human nature.

As I said, I would be pleasantly surprised to be proven wrong here. But I have 3500 years of cynical history in my mind saying “this looks too good to be true.”

classic neoliberalism

The free market excels, as I’ve said elsewhere, in the individual incentives. Capitalism fails in a large corporate aggregate but it really excels in the small mom and pop structure. The perverse incentives to maximize profits lead to the excesses that are gumming up the system. This bootstraps the aforementioned greed cycle. Also the Cabal, but that’s another can of worms for a different discussion...

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Even the word "corporatism" is a misused term. Formerly it referred to a legit system of protecting the labor rights of craftsmen through the guild system (which wasn't perfect, but better than nothing).

A better word is "plutocracy", but even my spell checker doesn't recognize that one.

AnthraxAlex ago

I always figured it was just corporate communism when a corporate monopoly or monopoly of corporate interests seize the means of production and start social engineering large parts of society.They are essentially just acting as the party and subvert any capitalist principles in order to maintain control. Look at google, every other day there are some new internal materials released where they talk about their desire to engineer every social system and that they are moving away from principles of free speech, private ownership etc etc. they just incorporated Marxism and because they were previously a capitalist entity at one point years and years ago in the past can use it as a cover.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Actually they are following down the road of the Foundations in bringing capitalism and Marxism into a unified system.

Check out Norman Dodd's interview on YouTube about his research for the Reece Committee. The Globalist plan has been going for over 100 years now and both corporations and NGOs are at the heart of it.

TheTrigger ago

I'd say it's more of an oligarchy than a plutocracy. Really: it's the families which have their hands stuck in the pantry jar labelled, "Federal Reserve," whom you should be concerned with. Corporatocracy (though being a recent term) might be more accurate, though; especially with how the lobbying system works.

emperorbma ago

Fair enough. I wasn't really thinking about the historical use so much as trying to get a good sound byte word for the idea of "corporate cronyism." Plutocracy seems like a plausible substitute.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

No worries because it has become an accepted meaning, but we need to start refining our language. The (((oligarchy))) has controlled the language for too long and we need to rediscover our philosophical roots.

hafen ago

The war against truth eventually heads that way. Forums are banned, and even UI redesigns that seem to have been dumbed down as of late. They want people to take the beautiful lies rather than the hard truth, and and there's usually something manipulative behind it all that works towards that end. The very idea of competence is under attack. Look for example at the "Post-Meritocracy Manifesto" written by Coraline Ada Ehmke. He's the same guy that drafted the COC that Linux adopted.


Jargon, not argument, is your best ally in keeping him from the Church. Don’t waste time trying to make him think that materialism is true! Make him think it is strong, or stark, or courageous — that it is the philosophy of the future. That’s the sort of thing he cares about. The trouble about argument is that it moves the whole struggle onto the Enemy’s own ground. By the very act of arguing, you awake the patient’s reason; and once it is awake, who can foresee the result?

Above all, do not attempt to use science (I mean, the real sciences) as a defence against Christianity. They will positively encourage him to think about realities he can’t touch and see. There have been sad cases among the modern physicists. If he must dabble in science, keep him on economics and sociology…

ardvarcus ago

The trouble about argument is that it moves the whole struggle onto the Enemy’s own ground. By the very act of arguing, you awake the patient’s reason; and once it is awake, who can foresee the result?

This is absolutely priceless.

LastGarrison ago

Ello, Quora, Deviant Art, Dribbble, Flickr—all websites are officially being monitored for meta data and pictures that expose specific crimes.

We are officially being removed from society so they can isolate the children they want to indoctrinate. They consider us spoiled and unusable compared to 50 million fresh youth entering their training camps.

Almost forgot to mention, your sky is being blackened all day and night, too.

Diggernicks ago

^ |

It's actually that way

Gringojones ago

How much did you pay for this account?

Diggernicks ago

Internet points dont matter.

Stalking men online is very homosexual.

You seem lost.

<-- Reddit is that way

letsgoallthewhey ago

According to WIki, Metacritic is now owned by CBS Interactive: CBS Interactive Inc. is an American media company and is a division of the CBS Corporation. It is an online content network for information and entertainment. Its websites cover news, sports, entertainment, technology, and business. It is headed by Jim Lanzone.

EnterTheUnKnown ago

You cant have too many like minded, intelligent people, meeting together. So they limit the spaces where such people meet up. The internet is a scary space for the elite. This is why they are working so hard to take it over.

ThoughtTheDragon ago

Your post actually disconcerted me a bit. I'm seriously beginning to wonder now. We know conspiritards are tards, but some tinfoily things are becoming scarily close to reality.

In between asking myself whether I would fit your notion of intelligent or not, I remembered that I just recently went to another long running forum which has been, much to my surprise when I saw it, arbitrarily shut down. Topix. This site was an absolute fixture (albeit an unsavory one), and the timing of it's disappearance resonates with your observations.

I might be seeing a pattern here and I almost don't want to see it. There had become something severely wrong with our society and it's no joke at this point. Goosebumps.

ardvarcus ago

As the Friendly Angel said on Star Trek:

"As you believe, so shall you do."

It's no coincidence that a famous lawyer, Melvin Belli, played the part of the "Friendly" Angel.

auchtung ago

Imagine this. My father is a teacher. I read dutifully to self educate. He is seems annoyed by me talking about things I have read. As does my mother and most people I have not had an influence on or were already of the same ilk which is few and far between.

elitch2 ago

This has been going on for some time.

Diggernicks ago

Your parents are boomer sheeple who need exterminating.

auchtung ago


Qsnoop ago

According to most comments, this "censorship" won't affect most! Alls good in troll land.

auggs ago

I agree. Unfortunately it probably just happened to voat too.

CowWithBeef ago

I have never felt censored here, not even by downvoats.

cthulian_axioms ago

That may be about to change.

ardvarcus ago

There's only one faggoty little sub on Voat that blocks me, and I don't see any posts from that sub appearing when I browse Voat these days, so maybe it died a much deserved death. Other than that, as far as I know none of my posts have been blocked, and I've used the words "nigger" and "faggot" and "Kike" freely, because, you know what they say, "use it or lose it."

77777 ago

Voat is used by a majority of trolls / paid users (shills). They downvoat brigade to silence. Where have you been? Also, @puttitout knows this censorship happens but dgaf cuz put is a baphomet worshipping tranny.

auggs ago

Been dealing with my own shit these days but i lurk all the time. Dont worry friend im around.

theoldguy ago

They downvoat brigade to silence.

Insanity shouldn't be shared, little tranny.

77777 ago

Youre afraid of the truth.

theoldguy ago

Afraid of you JDIF well poisoning assholes, you mean.

Diggernicks ago

Your tinfoil is showing.

JesusRules ago

Your 4skin is not showing moel

Diggernicks ago

Grown men shouldnt have imaginary friends

77777 ago

Heres a troll right now 900 upvotes 800 downvotes. Go downvoat brigade more ya filthy tranny

Diggernicks ago

Don't forget your hat

77777 ago

If that martins eyes were closer together shed be a cyclops

talmoridor-x ago

The reason today's men look like trannies is because they don't eat raw meat.

77777 ago

Youre a dumb tranny

talmoridor-x ago

How do you know?

Diggernicks ago

Those who post on transvestigation and fph fail harder than reddit.

Mr_Quagmire ago

... and voat was just acquired by some unknown person or entity too.

ardvarcus ago

... and voat was just acquired by some unknown person or entity too.

That is worrying. It may well be that the person who bought his way into Voat plans to take control and shut down free speech on this site.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Yup, got that intuitive funny feeling the first day i saw the sticky at the top. Were fucked boys

Rawrination ago

We do not know what our chances of survival are, so we fight as if they were zero. We do not know what we are facing, so we fight as if it was the dark gods themselves. No one will remember us now and we may never be buried beneath Titan, so we will build our own memorial here. The Chapter might lose us and the Imperium might never know we existed, but the Enemy - the Enemy will know. The Enemy will remember. We will hurt it so badly that it will never forget us until the stars burn out and the Emperor vanquishes it at the end of time. When Chaos is dying, its last thought will be of us. That is our memorial - carved into the heart of Chaos. We cannot lose, Grey Knights. We have already won.

satisfyinghump ago

This right here. If everyone has the beliefs of the Greys, they'd be harder to kill.

Malayar ago


PraiseIPU ago

Voat does a good enough job shouting down thought and respectful conversation.

We dont need an angel to help with that.

MotherIsWatching ago

Don't worry. Putt would never start curating content to better monetize the site.

Gorillion ago

Yarp. My first thought. Can only hope there are two factions doing this, not just (((one))).

kobold ago

fucking tavistock

QuiteEasilyAmused ago

Actually, this would not surprise me.

fellowkikepeople ago

Quote from ghostskin regarding the Jan 2 rule update.

"We really do appreciate your concerns but please understand there will be no censorship. No ideas, thoughts or suggestions will ever be censored. We are making modifications to the type of language we allow for example, nigger or kike will no longer be acceptable language under the new forum rules. You will however be able to express any opinion as long as it does not violate our terms. Hopefully you can understand why this is necessary in order for us to continue our existence and promote growth. Again, there will be no censorship."

15801228? ago

Fuck that niggerkike

SubspaceDistortion ago

Ghostskin is a reddit infiltrator. I only recently saw a post from him, but after looking at his post history.. he's a nigger loving faggot.

elitch2 ago

Why would you care what that retard writes?

KoKansei ago

"There will be no censorship, unless you use words we don't approve of."

Classic. You cannot make this shit up.

fellowkikepeople ago


NotHereForPizza ago

Come on guys, quit smelling honey!

Just keep trusting this guy no one knows anything about, goy. Just let us subjugate you, goy. Don't look at the elephant in the room, goy. Go back to sleep, goy.

Putt betrayed us. End of story. Honey overflowing. Abort.

Maroonsaint ago

Wait voat got sold?

Warnos44 ago

No, a "partner" was brought on.

NotHereForPizza ago

Putt was sort of a mystery guy to begin with.

I mean, consider his never condemning SBBH and they OBVIOUS ass antics... That was enough for me.

15804824? ago

SBBH is the new CFO.

NotHereForPizza ago

Wouldn't surprise me for a second

15804903? ago


Maroonsaint ago

Yea...nothin good lasts. Iv come to accept that. That’s why I don’t get attached to anything people or otherwise. They’ll always turn on you things you love will be corrupted or break. It’s all finite then you die yourself

Warnos44 ago

It's ok to get attached as long as you accept it will eventually end. Only thing in life that is constant is change. And we're all only human, after all. Isn't it worth enjoying the good as long as you can? Isn't that why most of us don't nibble on a gun barrel?

Side note: Read some shit the other day about some significant historical figures and their relations with others. Holy shit people have always been shit heads and they still are, we've just been made to think otherwise. Talk about white washing the past cause they're dead and no one remembers well enough to correct you.

Maroonsaint ago

It’s too late I’m damaged and I have trust issues

downton-stabby ago

It's true. I find God to be about the only constant in life.

Maroonsaint ago

I don’t believe in god

Fancy451 ago

no th3y found him and put a gun to his families head.

Donky_punch ago

Hold on, what?!

hafen ago

The announcement has been stickied globally for days now.

The real question that stands is whether it's an angel of light, or an angel of darkness.

Donky_punch ago

Meh, i browse mobile i don't see stickies. Thanks for posting the link!

King_Leopold_II ago

I browse mobile and the stickies are there for me.

Donky_punch ago

I don't know what to tell you. I don't see stickies, imgur doesn't work half the time, etc etc. Voat works fine as does imgoat and whatnot, but i never see stickies

King_Leopold_II ago


okhosting ago

Good point