kneo24 ago

KHK a jew? Nah. A nationalist shill, yes.

srayzie ago

According to my calculations, JIDF IT IS

TheBuddha ago

If that's the best you can do at keeping to yourself, try harder. I have your sophomoric subs blocked, but you still submit your drivel elsewhere.

youllrememberme ago

It's kinda funny to hear someone from SBBH call someone elses subs sophmoric

Shizy ago

No kidding, the weirdest most tweekerist shit can be found on the SBBH sub!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

@Gabara are you "tweekerist"? I didn't think Gaiju was into that!

Shizy ago

Stop being a nigger fag and pinging people!

gabara ago

TheBuddha ago

Ah, if you only understood the irony of that statement. ;-)

srayzie ago

I keep seeing your username pop up everywhere. Please tell me you are nothing like CheeseFaggotGhost

TheBuddha ago

Meh... We have some things in common, but they're probably not the things you might think they are. We're both accomplished guitarists, reasonably intelligent, and able to carry on a decent discussion with each other. I count him among my 'net friends.

However, I'm not much for the drama and don't get involved - as a general rule. I do offer commentary to point out the sheer insanity but I'm pretty sure I don't need to justify myself to you. I don't really know who you are, or anything like that. If I recall correctly, you're one of the Q or Pizza people? If so, good luck with that. I have all the crazy subs blocked and don't go there, don't bother them, and don't actually give a shit what they do.

But, as for @CheeseBoogersGhost, and I'm absolutely going to ping him as I would anyone else in this situation, you two have your fun. I don't much give a shit what you're on about and don't really have much of an inclination to get involved. I'll continue to like him just as much as I did yesterday and the day before. He's one of the folks I actually respect, because we don't have to agree and we can still carry on a conversation.

Besides, he plays a pretty mean bitchin' solo. You kinda gotta give 'em points for that alone.

Either way, leave me out of your drama and your spats. You really, really don't want my attention and I'm unlikely to give you much attention. Y'all have fun doing what you do, just leave your shit out of my subs please.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Thank you for those kind words, my friend. I feel exactly the same and then some.

srayzie ago

I’m actually impressed that he has a talent. I don’t have anything against you. I don’t know you. I just see your name a lot. Yes, pizzagate/Great Awakening. Because of that, CheeseFaggotGhost calls me a Jewess and trolls me. He’s always calling people to come attack us so I was wondering if you’re in that group.

Anyway. I won’t bug you. I can get along with people that think differently as long as they don’t fuck with me.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

as long as they don't fuck with you? what about you fucking with others?

srayzie ago

You are so nosey. Butt out of my conversation prick. Leave me alone and I’ll leave you alone. He just said he does not want drama and yet you are here.

Shizy ago

He's got more drama than the Lifetime Network! And it's just as painful to watch!

MescalitoSOS ago

Learn to read a fucking book you stupid cretinous cow

Shizy ago

blocked you demon cunt stain!

MescalitoSOS ago

You little Israeli bitch.

Shizy ago

Eat shit and kill yourself demon!

MescalitoSOS ago

Then how will your mother feed herself you stupid cow?

Shizy ago

She's your problem now!!🤣😂🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻

MescalitoSOS ago


You fucking weak bitch just like your countries defences fucking LIES

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, I'm reasonably well liked and popular. I'm well educated, well traveled, and am fairly skilled with regards to a few different fields. It's a long story.

To make you even more confused, I'm Voat's resident non-white (I'm 3/4 Native American and the rest is equally spit between Irish and African) and I'm a Libertarian Socialist for my political leanings.

Shizy ago

Dont ping me your demon whore

srayzie ago

I highly doubt that @TheBuddha will think bad of me for saying “nigger”. I’m special to him. He named me Bob. Lol

MescalitoSOS ago

You stupid little empty headed Israeli cunt.

MescalitoSOS ago

Bitch I'm your mother's Pimp

Shizy ago

That's sad since my moms an obese cow and quite the bitch. I'm sure you're eating top ramen off the earnings from that one! 🤣🖕🏻 Now go fuck yourself!

srayzie ago

I'm 3/4 Native American and the rest is equally spit between Irish and African and I'm a Libertarian Socialist for my political leanings.

That’s interesting. How do people react over that? I’m pretty much glued to pizzagate/GA. I like SBBH cuz I think it’s funny. What I see is a focus on Jews and being white. I’ve never heard how they react to native Americans. So you do like Trump or don’t?

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty indifferent to Trump. He's not as terrible as the left would claim and not nearly as intelligent as the right thinks.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

We like injuns ah ah ah I bet that burns your ass, doesn't it?

srayzie ago

Why would I be upset if you guys like Indians? It’s always better to like than hate.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

bitch please. I have screens of you using the word nigger worse than I do!

Shizy ago

Words aren't racist you pitiful SJW!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

@KosherHiveKicker It seems I have rattled big cage. I didn't mean to get you tangled up in all of this. I was only joke trolling some of the idiots and they are all out to hack and doxx me. Their eyes filled with rage and hate they keep coming one by one. I cant believe some of the shit I've seen. I was out for laughs and they are out for blood.

srayzie ago

I knew you were a kiss ass to the big boys. I saw you kiss @Kevdude ass and then when Crensch destroyed you, you still kissed ass before deleting your post! You are so pathetic you weak minded little cunt. I like MEN. You’re more like a butch. A pussy that wants to be a man.

MescalitoSOS ago

You fucking Australian CUNT

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Division seems to be your game

Shizy ago

Yep, chimps always rattle their cages during their massive chimpouts.

Shizy ago

You bitch and complain worse than a woman! You play the victim just like a two bit nigger!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

100 foot pole, baby

Shizy ago

You wish you had one don't you?!😂

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I have two arms and no desire to lick black balls. It wouldn't work.

youllrememberme ago

That's a bit narcissistic, or are you admitting you asked you boy to help you blow up our sub?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

No I've never tried to bring him in anywhere and that's the truth. It looks like he's caught in the crossfire. I rarely even get to talk to Kosh. Its always been like that for whatever reason. Your little sub blew itself when it mass ping spammed about a month ago. You can dish it out but ya cant take it

youllrememberme ago

Keep dropping those downvotes, camel jockey. I haven't tried to sway anyones opinion once. Where's your drawing of Muhammed?

srayzie ago

I want to see his drawing of Mohammed too.

@CheeseboogersGhost, if you aren’t Muslim, then tell us you don’t like Allah or Muhammad the pedo. Deny them publicly!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I have many times. Allah was a jew and a pedophile and fucked goats in the asshole and probably sucked off a few donkeys. He probably even molested baby goats. Muslims are cancer, but muslims do not occupy the American gov. Jews do! Trust me, I have no use for muslims, niggers, illegals or jews or stupid ass brainwashed white people(otherwise known as Zionists and libtards), for that matter. I'm also waiting for you and your friends to participate in my draw a jew/draw a jigaboo event. Then I can have that super awesome draw a muslim event that everyone seems to want.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Jew confirmed. Literally just stirring shit after he admits he lied.

youllrememberme ago

You're the liar, I told you that from the beginning..

Yep, KHK must be a Jew, look at him lie and lash out.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Where's your drawings of jews and niggers in the event I had?? #stillwaiting

youllrememberme ago

You made that bullshit up after you got called out for being a camel jockey. That was your only defense. Draw Muhammed you dirty jihadist.

srayzie ago

You’re killing me 😂

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Exactly what I thought.

srayzie ago

I would throw sand in your eyes Camel humper

CheeseboogersGhost ago

sure you would. You'd climb over those energy drink cans and mountain dew cans, come out of your mommies house and come right at me, wouldn't ya?

Shizy ago


youllrememberme ago

Crossfire? I'm addressing his spamming of our sub. Has absolutely nothing to do with you other than I didnt want you to feel lonely and picked on in here by yourself.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Have you stepped back to look at yourself? You should. You're taking all of this stuff too seriously. I don't want any of you developing PTSD over some harmless trolling.

youllrememberme ago

Me? KHK is the one who got all butt hurt.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

No he didn't. He REKT you. Wipe those tears from your eyes, son. Maybe one day, with a lot of work, and 45 point raise in your IQ, you might be able to take Kosh on

youllrememberme ago

Save it.. Dude is a lying faggot and i have the proof. From yours and his description of a Jew, he must be one. And look at you, a camel jockey, teaming up with a Jew.

I apologize for the delay, but some of us don't get paid to post on voat. Here's what a real mans work looks like..

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Dude, that looks like low-quality ass.

The only way you'll ever know what "mans work" is is if you were put in a work camp like your family was.

youllrememberme ago

LOL salty?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Whomever's house that is should ask for a refund and throw you out! It looks like something nigger contractors would come up with. I aint even kiddin', dude. Maybe you should get a job at BoogerKing or something?

Shizy ago

Giving out job advice is funny coming from you booger! I don't see how you have time for a job since you're on here so much throughout the day?! Hmmmm. Maybe you should thank us taxpayers for subsidizing your welfare lifestyle ya lazy nigger!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I'm semi-retired. I'm good. Thanks for asking. Welfare is for methhead nigras like you.

Shizy ago

I knew you were an old ass! Bow to me and kiss my boot!

youllrememberme ago

Lowes designed it, I actually told them that we wont warranty it because of that stacked stone shit on the back wall. Do you get paid per post, or is it a salary?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Lowes bwhahahahahaha You fucking low-level wannabe

youllrememberme ago

LOL that's one job, that I happened to be at today when I replied. When you run a business you have to make sure your guys stay busy, so yeah we take shit from Lowe's. You're just deflecting from the point which was that's what real work looks like. You're on here serial posting all day, so it's pretty obvious someone has to be paying you. My guess is your an Iranian camel fairy or you are what you call everyone else.. JIDF

beautifullyinvisible ago

🤣 Tell him who's kitchen's you've remodeled.

youllrememberme ago

Not even a big deal, he's just lashing out because he knows he gets paid to be here and everywhere else he claims he is. Such an obvious shill.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

lol REKT.

youllrememberme ago

LOL poser. You're just butt hurt because everyone knows you're a camel jockey now.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Everyone? You mean, jew shills are mad because I shit on their watermelon

youllrememberme ago

Look at you.. You cant even address the statement made, you follow the shill handbook instead.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

which statement?? That sub-par contractor shit you uploaded? I told you, it looked like ass. It looks like something a buncha nigger contractors did. I've seen enough of it to know, kid. You should get a job at the carwash or something. At least then you cant fuck up peoples homes.

youllrememberme ago

Are your fee fees hurt because you don't know what to do about me calling you out for the camel humper you are? Lash out, release your anger. Hahahaha Where's your drawing of Muhammed? And don't answer with the same bullshit. You made those threads after you got called out so you had a cover.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

where's you and your little friends drawings of kikebags and niggermonkeys? Until then, you wont get to participate in my draw a muslim event. Now come on. Lets see it.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Literally just stirring shit after he admits he lied.

Jew confirmed.

youllrememberme ago

Never lied.. I told you that from the beginning..

Yep, KHK must be a Jew, look at him lie and lash out.

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

I think we should all send in a picture of our noses and settle this once and for all.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Many jews have mixed with whites and don't have that nose.

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

I actually have both of you on my list of suspected jews.

I'm working on gathering more evidence but I'm pretty sure the two of you probably only live a few miles from each other in Tel Aviv.

srayzie ago

Don’t ask LittleDickGhost who’s Jew. He calls everyone that disagrees with a Jew. He knows I’m where and even calls me a Jewess.

youllrememberme ago

I'm 100% white, so come with it. I don't even have the .04% ______

CheeseboogersGhost ago

What about @Blacksmith21 ? Is he white? or jewish?? Is @MolochHunter jewish or white?

Shizy ago

Cheeseboogers a confirmed nigger! One of the biggest reasons I know this is true is because he sleeps with fat white women.

srayzie ago

😂 He said he would reward her with sex every 20 pounds she lost! LOL

If my reward were to have his little dick, I would say fuck it and choose the cupcakes.

youllrememberme ago

Please tell me there's a link to this. LOL

srayzie ago 😂🤣

Screenshot material

youllrememberme ago

LMAO.. "I have this friend." Hahahahahaha

srayzie ago

I know! Yeah right! 🙄 You’re the one I used to talk to on Twitter right? Then stopped because I was threatening to ban this group of fuckers?

youllrememberme ago

You’re the one I used to talk to on Twitter right?


Then stopped because I was threatening to ban this group of fuckers?

Nope. Think Corsi.

srayzie ago

You stopped talking to me because I stopped liking Corsi?

youllrememberme ago

Nope.. Stopped doing twitter for a bit after Corsi friended me.

srayzie ago

Oh. I thought you were mad at me.

srayzie ago

I’ll try to find it again!

Shizy ago

At least those would be satisfying 😆

srayzie ago

Hell yeah! I’d purposely gain to keep that sick fuck off of me!

Shizy ago

I'm sure that's exactly what she did!

youllrememberme ago

I'm not speaking on anyones heritage but my own. I don't really know them.

TheBuddha ago

It's not yet Friday.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

haha ?

TheBuddha ago

You're not supposed to talk about Jews until Friday.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Oh!! heh heh I lost that yesterday when talking with Crensch. I deleted the threads and posted that I lost. It was a bad time to try and do this. I'll try again one day. I know I can do it. Just not right now lolol

srayzie ago

Oh gag. Let me guess. @TheBuddha must be one of the big boys? You seem to act weak and kiss ass to him too. Why don’t you just bend over already? Stop denying that you suck dick.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

No, I'm cool with my friends. Or I try to be. I don't stab others in the back like you did @Oh_Well_Ian, I can tell you that

srayzie ago

You are pinging OWI to start drama and I don’t know where you got the idea that I stabbed him in the back.

Shizy ago

Or that you and Ian were ever friends. Don't let this fag twist the truth.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

BREAKING NEWS: Nowhere did I state we are friends. You keep making shit up. STAY THE COURSE, MAN THE SHIP!!

Shizy ago

And hey, you should go check out this post by crensch:

youllrememberme ago

LOL That one's got to sting a bit.

Shizy ago

That comment was to @srayzie! Your comment implied that she stabbed a friend in the back. Ian was never a friend.

Shizy ago

<talking to crensch>

Don't you mean getting your ass handed to you by crensch???😂

TheBuddha ago

Ah... I've been busy and missed it. ;-)

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

In his defense, I made a post yesterday morning asking @CheeseBoogersGhost if he had the balls to disavow Israel's hijacking of the US government.

I was testing him to see if he could resist the bait. He stayed strong and didn't fall for it.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, I saw. I don't have much free time right now, so I lurk once in a while.

Well, it's a bit more complicated. I don't have many free blocks of time and I dislike commenting unless I'll be available to respond in a reasonable period of time. So, unless I have a free hour, I tend to not say anything.

See? I'm like a fucking onion!

kneo24 ago

See? I'm like a fucking onion!

I haven't cried yet, so you don't stink like one. Hmmm, what else has many layers? A head of lettuce? Maybe you're more like lettuce?

TheBuddha ago

Cabbage, Can I be cabbage?

kneo24 ago

Given the current state of societal "norms", I don't see why not.

Dismal_Swamp ago

I just went to that website and the weather widget is set to Tel-Aviv.

youllrememberme ago

Yeah I kinda figured that was a possibility, I was just talking shit (as admitted in the thread). It's more his panicked reaction that made me think he had a guilty conscience.

KosherHiveKicker ago

youllrememberme [S] -1 points (+0|-1) 14 minutes ago

Yeah I kinda figured that was a possibility, I was just talking shit (as admitted in the thread). It's more his panicked reaction that made me think he had a guilty conscience.

Jew Confirmed.

youllrememberme ago

You're weak.

[–] KosherHiveKicker [S] -2 points (+1|-3) 1.8 days ago

Are you suggesting that you didn't intentionally attempt to bullshit in the initial post?

The Jewish Double Standard .... AGAIN !!!

[–] youllrememberme 2 points (+3|-1) 1.7 days ago

Not at all. I'm commenting on the news source you seem to frequent, the tel-aviv weather and the fact that you screamed Jew as soon as you were talked shit to. Who the fuck does that? Sure as fuck not anyone real.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Or... You are just another salty bitch /cryposting here after I slapped slapped with logic.

youllrememberme ago

Oh I forgot... you also downvote everything to try to sway opinion. You act exactly how you portray Jews.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Is this an attempt by your group to clean out the white nationalists from Voat because they keep calling you out?

youllrememberme ago

You're no white nationalist. You wont even draw a picture of Muhammed, camel jockey.

youllrememberme ago

You're right. A jew has been confirmed it's the liar acting like I didnt tell him I was talking shit when he was lashing out.

youllrememberme ago

Logic? You did nothing but cry and scream Jew. LOL