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youllrememberme ago

That's an interesting news source you read, dude. Is that archive giving us your local weather?

KosherHiveKicker ago

Have you ever attempted to archive an article only to find out that "This article was archived 4 hours ago".

Try it for yourself.

I used the prior page that was archived before I posted it.

youllrememberme ago

Yep.. I'm sure that's exactly what happened. My bad.. carry on.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Yep. I'm sure you won't even attempt to apply the same standard of proof to your own ASSumption.

The Jewish Double Standard?

Carry on.

youllrememberme ago

So now I'm a Jew for asking about the tel-aviv weather on the archive you produced? Got it.

KosherHiveKicker ago

You made the same assumption about me with no proof that I actually originally produced the archive to begin with, instead of simply linking it.

"Turn about is fair play."

youllrememberme ago

You can make up bullshit if you want, but everyone knows that's your MO.

Go ahead and downvote this one too. I know how you like to try to sway opinions. I don't downvote people I'm arguing with, I let spectators handle that. As a matter of fact, I haven't downvoted anyone. Although, it looks like I'm going to have to start with all you faggots blatantly shilling this sub.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Are you suggesting that you didn't intentionally attempt to bullshit in the initial post?

The Jewish Double Standard .... AGAIN !!!

youllrememberme ago

Not at all. I'm commenting on the news source you seem to frequent, the tel-aviv weather and the fact that you screamed Jew as soon as you were talked shit to. Who the fuck does that? Sure as fuck not anyone real.

KosherHiveKicker ago

I'm commenting on the news source you seem to frequent

Let us start with your first lie.

Feel free to count, and provide the actual number of posts I have made from that source.

youllrememberme ago

Why would I make that kind of effort for you? I really don't give a fuck. I already admitted I was talking shit to see how salty you got, and look at you. LOL Lash out, you phoney fucker.

KosherHiveKicker ago

You lied, and made a false claim.

Simply back it up.

youllrememberme ago

How so? Look at you "chimping out". "If it walks like a duck and Quacks like a duck..." and then lashes out.. That's one of those globalist ducks dressed up like an eagle.

KosherHiveKicker ago

So you refuse to admit you lied, or attempt to simply back up your false claim?

youllrememberme ago

I just backed up my claim.

You just keep adding to the level of Kikery with each reply

And you lashed out again. LOL

youllrememberme ago

Comedy gold.. Keep them coming, "I see your true colors shining through"