suenas_sacrifice ago

Fat is a character flaw, why would he want to bang someone with that

SlightlyUglyBob ago

Anything is acceptable as long as it's voluntary, but your friend should remember that fat people are fat because of their dysfunctional lifestyles. Addictions, lack of discipline, bad habits, lying, misinformation and emotional fragility are all intertwined within one person and untangling this mess is a tremendously hard if not impossible job. Entering into a relationship expecting your partner to significantly change to accommodate your preferences is a recipe for disaster. People might change, but you should never count on it.

Plus, even if your friend will take a 2 (on the 1 to 10 scale) and transform her into a 6, why would she want to stay with a guy who can't get a 6 on his own? If she has a shred self-respect she wouldn't be with a manipulative person who needs Scooby-Doo level plans to get a mate.

Your friend should stop hunting for discount low-quality pussy and work on improving himself if he wants to attract a decent woman.

BestUCanB ago

I guess? It’s really rare though. My husband was that type of man at first, then he gained weight via college, and then we both worked to lose weight.

I think it worked because I have a pretty face so he was able to look past the weight issue (my brother was scouted to be a model, he turned it down. An agent wanted us in a commercial but I was too shy and self conscious about being fat back then so I turned it down, based on this I assume that I’m an okay looker).

If a fat woman has a pretty face and doesn’t look like she has much to lose, AND you can convert her to shitlady status in both body, mind, and spirit — then yeah I’d say it’s worth it.

If you can’t convert the fatty, then dump it.

Krek ago

People look horrible after stretching their bodies so much. Unless you have lots of money for her surgery (because fat people rarely ever have considerable savings or career prospects) then she'll still look like shit. It's not matter of "she'd be so pretty if she lost weight"... It's more "she'd be so pretty if she never gained weight".

Thereturnstudent ago


Juguete ago

Does your “friend” like saggy skin folds hanging from underarms and abdomen? Will he enjoy reaching for a tit only to find out he’s squeezing her deflated gut? Because that’s what successful making them lose weight will reward your “friend”. At worst he’ll fuck an ever expanding hog that continues to reeee about how hard diet and exercise are

belil569 ago

Nope. Pig fuckers are just as bad as fats if not worse. No sympathy. Period. That extends to those that support pig fuckers.

FirstLine ago

What if a man were to get with an alcoholic women but help her get off booze? Drunk-fucker to forever-sober-humper. Is this acceptable?

BestUCanB ago

Most will say yes because she’s not a drunk anymore

smelly_farts ago

1) no because step 1 is pigfucking and 2) you can run a pig skinny but now or 10 years from now a pig is always going to want to go back if they didn't learn to do it themselves.

wanderingblade ago

Why does it matter? Why would you base your life on what people on an Internet forum say. For me no because I couldn't bring myself to fuck a fat chick but idk why you're asking what's "okay"

Onion84 ago

She might start to lose some weight, but I would say as soon as she feels she's got her claws deep enough, she will let herself go again. Or cheat/leave because she will be getting more male attention.

1ProudStick ago

I mean, if a person had the desire to be skinny, they would be. If they say they want to be thin, but are fat, they lack one or more of the following: self-control, personal responsibility, basic math skills, discipline. Is that someone you want to date? I would say not.

ChocoRainVanillaIce ago

No way. In 99% of cases, once a fat, always a fat at heart.

Plus, she will always have some degree of irreversible damage thanks to her gluttony.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I told him she'd have a flapper after she got skinny but he said he loved her and didn't care.

i_scream_trucks ago

you could try but i guarantee you she will leave the second she gets back the self esteem.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

THAT'S EXACTLY what I said!

i_scream_trucks ago

yah. been there. done that. bought the t-shirt and the coffee mug.

tho she wasnt big when we started dating. it just happened to co-incide with realising just how into her dudes were.

it dont matter how chad you are when that happens, theres always a bigger chad.

enginedriver13 ago

Also, it seems like a huge waste of a man's effort, since (a) being fat is probably her default state and she could pork right back up again and (b) after any considerable weight loss she'd most likely be covered with deflated pouches of skin, have sagging breasts and bottom, etc. Why not get a woman who's normal to begin with? Not like fat women have great personalities or minds overall, anyway.

ilikefish ago

Why would you EVER be with a fat woman? Tell her to get lean first. So my answer is no it's not ok.

EmmaAgain ago


theepilepticferret ago

My opinion is no, because it's assumed he's fucking her while she's still fat. Weight-loss doesn't happen overnight

CheeseboogersGhost ago

But what if he rewarded her for every 20 she loses, she gets sex?

theepilepticferret ago

No dice. 250 pounds minus 20 is still fat.

Besides, if she got far once, she'll probably do it again

Sarcastatron_9000 ago

Nobody with any self-respect would be okay with that sort of condescending crap. I would say not to waste your time. If she wanted to be skinny bad enough, she'd be skinny. Leave her alone and let a guy who likes fat chicks date her, and look for a runner or something instead.

HateCumbuckets ago

My first thought. She'd be pretty if...