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Cransch ago

No. He made poor business decisions and got in bed with a private investor, which was subsequently bought by a prominent jew-owned investment conglomerate. Since Voat is extremely anti-jew (for obvious reasons), he was forced to distance himself from this project and abandoned it entirely, instead moving onto whatever EDON.GARDEN is, as his next project.

Voat's trademark has already expired and the page already shows EDON.GARDEN as owning the existing IP, and EDON.GARDEN is listed on the technology investment page for

Most likey scenario is Justin and his team, who all abandoned Voat almost a year ago now, handed it off to a janitor - or possibly even just gave it to the feds to continue to monitor the dissident users here under project POGO's data collection program.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

Lol dissident users. They give internet neets way too much credit. 1/3rd cant pay for the revolution 1/3rd is too lazy and 1/3rd doesnt care.

Porn is great though.

Notalljuice ago

So when the epstiens were coming who set up the defenses ie set up needing to register to access the site shutting down and then later opening up acct registrations

Cransch ago

Why do you think it's called a "playpen" on the Maintenance error code page?

Notalljuice ago

You lost me i dont know what your getting at

Glipglup ago

I'm sure calling ourselves goats is totally benign.

HiJoker ago

Of course it's a honeypot, I've always said it was. It's kind of obvious. lol

Back in the old days, they'd talk about how you just don't pay your phone bill and you'll see if the government is tapping your phone, the phone company will not disconnect you.

Deshy ago

It’s funny the current About as located at the bottom of this page is not the same as that page you linked.

You know this right?

Cransch ago

It’s funny the current About as located at the bottom of this page is not the same as that page you linked.

Why is it funny and why does it matter? Different pages are used for different Voat software releases, and we've recently rolled BACKWARDS to previous versions without the more burdensome DDOS protection.

This isn't an argument when the evidence of the claim still exists for all to see.

Deshy ago

we've recently rolled BACKWARDS to previous versions without the more burdensome DDOS protection.

Hold on if we are rolled back then your telling my the page is more up to date? Is this what you are saying?

Cransch ago

That's what I'm suggesting, yes. Makes sense, since the earliest archive of that page (that I've seen) is around Q1 of 2019.

Deshy ago

Okay I believe the edon page to be older.

The reason why I say this is because when you look at the page:

It has an extra part to it:


Donations are accepted via bitcoin through coinbase: If you mention your username while donating, we'll make sure you get a badge on your voat profile as a small token of gratitude.

Notice COINBASE donations? How long ago was that active on Voat?

So umm yeah I don't think the edon page is the most up to date.

I think it is also important to understand that I stumbled on that page while looking at old Amalek threads, as he/she was before my time and I was bored and then clicked the about page and noticed that edon thing.

I was the one who archived it in Dec last year.

I also noticed that edon is in the code but we have gitbub code to support why this is so...

Putts said he is the only one with the keys, why don't you believe him?

I think you have no actual proof and your speculation in a time of anxiousness is rather questionable...

You are clearly an alt, so when you are free to speak to me as the real you, drop me a pm.

Okay thanks!

@sandhog @madworld

Rotteuxx ago


The only counter evidence presented by MW and the damage control crew rests solely on one supposition, that someone else but Putt has the keys.

MadWorld ago

The only counter evidence presented by MW and the damage control crew rests solely on one supposition, that someone else but Putt has the keys.

I am pretty sure @Deshy or @SandHog or any of your SBBH group gets a free pass.

As far as I am concerned, @SandHog is likely kevdude's proxy. Perhaps, why he got caught up in the log was not just an accident.

SandHog ago

I am pretty sure @Deshy or SandHog or any of your SBBH group gets a free pass.

The fuck? Is it any wonder why I stopped participating on Voat? Damned if I do and damned if I don't. For all the horseshit sbbh gets up it's equally bad to accuse innocent people of things that they didn't do. That's the one lesson I have learned from all of this. Perhaps the reason I got caught up in the log was because I was defending the moderators of PG and GA. That's all I've ever done. If there is anything I understand and know about Voat is that @Vindicator and @Crensch (and by proxy srayzie) are legit and that those two subs have been unfairly targeted. I have always supported them in that.

As far as I am concerned, SandHog is likely kevdude's proxy. Perhaps, why he got caught up in the log was not just an accident.

Fuck kevdude and the protectvoat nonsense. That shit is cancer. If any sub on the entire site should be made a system sub; it's that one. Sbbh is also cancer. It's only the other side of the coin. And, apparently, fuck me for attempting to bridge the divide and find some common ground in order to learn the truth in all of this stuff. I've not ever done anything to the detriment of Voat other than to try and figure out what the hell is going on. I do think that there is some serious fuckery going on but it will never be uncovered so long as it's 'defeat the opposition at all costs'.

As far as I am concerned, SandHog is likely kevdude's proxy. Perhaps, why he got caught up in the log was not just an accident.

Know what the failure point of internet investigations is? Context. I could sit here right now and illustrate how @argosciv is a traitorous piece of shit whose only goal is to destroy Voat. I don't believe that is true and I would never do that but I could very easily frame things that way if I so chose Anyone could; for anyone else. I've never been anything other than myself on here. Believe that or not; I could give a fuck less at this point.

All I can say is that I tried to bridge a gap and find the truth in all of this. That's more than most of you can claim (on both sides). Better stock up on toilet paper. You're gonna need it. I don't give a shit about this stuff anymore.

Rotteuxx ago

None of that addressed the point I raised, just more sbbh golem reeeeing.

Where's proof that someone else but Putt had the keys to alter that page ?

Since :

[–]PuttItOut 12 points (+12|-0) 2 months ago

This is 100% proof.

You should look up what 100% and word "proof" mean.

Like an alt cares, rather just loves concern fagging, but everything is as it was, data is still private, website is still temperamental and a pain in the ass, and I'm still the only one with the keys (unfortunately). :)

Deshy ago

Well supposition doesn’t cut the mustard. I’d rather say less, and be sure then spout endlessly about this stuff and not have concrete evidence.

We can go round and round but ultimately we do not know what happened with that page.

Whether he implemented code and it rewrote some pages that are not used, I honestly do not know.

Rotteuxx ago


That's also why I haven't made any posts about & just prefer to look at who's trying to drive a narrative with this info.

Seeing a group like that proclaim they've debunked it all when they rely on a supposition that directly contradicts what Putt has said makes me wonder what their motivations are.

CoronavirusPatient0 ago

This is not true. He still claims to be at the helm. Search his comment history, the one and only comment he has made in the past year was in response to my post under my alt breaking this whole story wide open. He specifically says that he is still the one running things.

mxcviel ago

your last point:

educated speculation based upon simple correlation of all of the above.

you can find more direct evidence on PIA's twitter pages - at the same time as that putt's VPN promotion they had exactly the same thing: photos of hands with a sign "fuck censorship" - not directly PIA but twitter pages of their promotors. You can still see tag here

I can't find those promotor guys any more, those were like "normal everyday guy" accounts, promoting PIA.

Cransch ago

Thanks, I'll add that in.

mxcviel ago

ok :)

recon_johnny ago

WTF is about?

Cransch ago

I updated my OP for you. Lays it all out.

Crensch ago

Debunked horseshit.

gabara ago

There is one flaw in everything they wrote. It assumes PIA was the Angel Investor. Also someone logged in as PuttItOut spoke to me a few weeks ago on Voat chat and he referenced his favourite meme correctly. Of course it could always be someone that did their research.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Debunked horseshit.

When? I've only seen pathetic arguments by Putt alts like PeaceSeeker which don't disprove anything, they just make baseless claims with zero evidence. What's your evidence that EDON.GARDEN, which is outright posted on at the bottom of the page and resides in Voat code, while also being listed on the investor page for is untrue?

When the fuck did you start defending the jews?

Cransch ago

Prove it.

Crensch ago

Prove your claims. That which can be presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Cransch ago

I already did. Multiple times. You've never denied any of them, and you and all the other jew worshiping pieces of shit use this same bullshit strategy every time when presented with the evidence. It gets so tiresome.

It's really not complicated. Anyone can see for themselves. Why do you bother trying to lie about this?

Crensch ago

@Madworld, @argosciv,@Vindicator

Do y'all have that link handy where you destroyed this narrative?

Vindicator ago

Sorry. Didn't see that ping this morning.

You mean this one?

Or this one?

Second one has a bunch of additional evidence gathered by @MadWorld, as I recall.

The whole narrative is gay fearporn. They keep linking to a defunct page that has not been accessible from Voat since July 13, except in their hit jobs. None of them can explain how they found that page, either.

argosciv ago

It's buried in deeply nested comments and pm's. Sufficient to say they cooked it up using old unused page(s). Narrative is shit and has no leg to stand on. No need to waste any more energy on it, especially seeing that I was right about the parties pushing it being the 'conglomerate' of SBBH, PV/Kev, rPV/Amalek, Nomo, ES & co.

If they even believed their own horseshit, they'd have left the site long ago when they tried this under their previous narrative iteration(s). But they don't, so they haven't and won't.

Also says plenty that they're using antagonistic alts to push it, that this is a disingenuous effort aimed at 2 target audiences; us (to rile us up), and certain other folks who'll react predictably to any mention of jews out of habit (however warranted at times or otherwise). To repeat, it is so not worth wasting our time and energy on. I'm closing the book on this one.

@Vindicator @MadWorld @PuttItOut

MadWorld ago

Another wave of vote manipulation just arrived. On the bright side, I can collect those shit accounts :-)

argosciv ago

Another wave of vote manipulation just arrived.

No kidding... they hit your above comment with a -1 in under 4.6 mins.

MadWorld ago

Notice the ratio of highest comment upvotes and the submission upvotes. They are not even hiding, nice the spikes.

argosciv ago

Like I said, it's targeted at people who just upvote anything that is 'against jews', so some of those upvotes won't necessarily be vote manipulation, unless of course you count the use of manipulative narratives (preying on bias) to farm upvotes... /shrug

I mean, I get it, there's plenty of reason for some of it, but these guys pushing this narrative are just playing a tune they know others will dance to without taking the time to look at the particulars (like we did) in order to ascertain the legitimacy of the narrative.

Again, of course, if they truly believe the site is compromised, they'll make for the exit.

argosciv ago

Was that you who just created a queue of 900+ jobs on xD

MadWorld ago

XD Shhh...

Vindicator ago

That's hilarious :-)

argosciv ago

Fucking funny cunt, I had to wait that whole queue out just to get the above-linked archive xD

MadWorld ago

I might have to go and wrap something else up, not very good at multitasking. Plus, this submission is very much cooked and overrun by shit accounts.

Cransch ago

Kiss the fork in the office for me.

argosciv ago

I gotta head out for several hours soon myself. Just doing a morning, just-woke-up, check in.

MadWorld ago

You can bet someone within this submission is connected and/or works for (((KAPE / Edon Garden))). They are working very hard pushing this bullshit "Voat is compromised" narrative and that PIA is Voat's investor.

Discussion can be found in this thread:

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @Crensch.

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SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#97037) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@MadWorld: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

Cransch ago

If this information is untrue, Putt himself has it within his power to prove me wrong and I will recant my claims when given proper evidence. I don't think he will, so here we are.

Your arguments are not evidence. They appear to be jew damage control.

Morbos ago

Declaring everything is SBBH every time you cannot disprove the claims is so transparent, and as posted by Cransch - tiresome to the rest of us.

Glipglup ago

Literally makes new account so we don't know you're SBBH

Kikes aren't clever

MadWorld ago

Another shit alt.

Rotteuxx ago

What about me ?

Am I a shit alt for smelling bullshit coming from your crew ?

Glipglup ago

I love it when people get questions like this and they suddenly dissapear and it's like the thread never happened. They don't realize how deafening that silence is.

Rotteuxx ago

It's always like that when you push these shills.

Same here :

Glipglup ago

SSBH is a faggot sub run by literal pedophiles for the record.

Also putt never existed.

Rotteuxx ago

The I guess I'm a top 10 pedophile shill :)

Glipglup ago

If multiple people, strangers even, separately, told me that my friends and associates were sincerely suspected of being pedophiles, then I would be extremely concerned instead of just laughing it off.

I wonder how many people laughed off Epstein. Probably nothing I'm sure.

Rotteuxx ago

If enough people repeat the same thing in unison without ever presenting a single shred of undeniable evidence, it's called psychological manipulation, not factual accusations.

antiracistMetal ago

That which is presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

He confidently proclaimed this law of epistemology, giving no justification for it, negating itself.

@bojangles @eagleshigh @sarmegahhikkitha

Whydotheycallthem9s ago

You got pretty close. Still missing one key fact.

Cransch ago

Which is?


puttitout never existed.

Whydotheycallthem9s ago


TheManyHands ago

cransch is crensch and banned from many subverses. He has lots of socks. You've probably gotten the 5-7 instant downvotes from his socks. Maybe cointel.

Cransch ago

cransch is crensch

Evidence of this claim?

Slipstream ago

Simple, Cransch and Crensch are only one letter apart. QED

Cransch ago

Must take a super secret Qew decoder ring to figure out.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

cransch got me.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Kike Angel Investors are a thing

WhiteEgret ago

Every, single time.

Tor1 ago

A kikel is just a circle in Allamania. Vas ist in dem strueddels? They were playing tictacgodot or suchen. Cat got all 6 million games again.

CoronavirusPatient0 ago

I should have saved that pile of hair from yesterday

KatTheHun ago

He gets me every time. Lol

Cransch ago

Too bad I missed your original reply.

clamhunt_legbeard ago

Spoofing is a banable offense.

ExpertShitposter ago

always upvote spoof

clamhurt_legbeard_ ago

LOL you got me.

Tallest_Skil ago


Tallest_Spill ago

It's like you can see the brain aneurysm.

Tallest_Skil ago

Oh good, another one to report.

clamhurt_legbeard_ ago


Cransch ago

1 This account is not a spoof, does not interact with the user you are thinking of in any way, and does not pretend to be the user you are thinking of.. ever. In fact, I'm against the entire Qew bullshit in it's entirely but that didn't develop until after I ran into them far after the account was created.

2 The fact that this account still exists, as do dozens of other spoofs, are absolute proof the rules you think exist don't even matter anymore and you're a fool for playing pretend.


Tallest_Skil ago

This account is not a spoof

It is, though. It explicitly exists to masquerade as another account. This isn’t allowed.

does not interact

Doesn’t matter.

does not pretend

Literally does.

Cransch ago

Keep pretending your rules matter, it's comical to watch your cognitive dissonance. Wild West, remember?


Tallest_Skil ago

Keep pretending your rules matter

lol, try reading again


Cry harder, coward.

clamhunt_legbeard ago

That's exactly what I told @clamhurt_legbeard!

Cransch ago

Because we're the same person, obviously.

clamhunt_legbeard ago

Like Gods.

Cransch ago

Close enough to what a real God would be.