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Crensch ago


They fail at continuity of evidence-supported claims.

VendalayIndustries ago

You got ass-blasted in the thread with this lie, and now continue to posture. So pathetic.

Crensch ago

I didn't get blasted at all.

They do not have any proof that PIA is the angel investor. None. Not even a whisper.

Cransch ago

Voat -> Edon -> Imperial Family -> London Trust Media - > Kape/PIA

Absolutely disgusting to watch your autistic crippled welfare collecting ass suck so much jew dick.

Crensch ago

Oh, that reminds me, the edited page still hasn't proven to be fully legit in any way, either.

But hey, let's just pretend that problem doesn't exist, too.

Cransch ago

You're trying to say a page hosted on Voat's servers.. isn't legitimate? Holy shit you're stretching so far. It's hilarious to watch you grasp at spiderwebs.

Cransch ago

Keep linking nonsensical bullshit with zero evidence and I'll keep ignoring it.. like everyone else.

Come back with actual evidence and I'll happily care.

Crensch ago

Nice projection. You're the one with fuck-all evidence.

Cransch ago

You can't refute any of the evidence I've provided because you're a faggot who's paid to propagandize.

You have zero evidence of your own and cannot even put your argument into your own words because you don't have one, instead relying on linking to other peoples gibberish work.

I'm really enjoying this. You're showing everyone what you are.

Crensch ago

Others did the work already. Your narrative is horseshit, and you know it.

Cransch ago

Once again, all you can do is insult it. You have not once phrased a coherent argument against it, with any substance other than a petty insult, EVER.

You lose, you faggot cripple jew.

Crensch ago

If only you could apply that to your SBBH buddies.