ExpertShitposter ago

It would be funny, but that's not how it works. It has been tested before.

madhatter67 ago

Would be very interesting considering the shitshow QRV has been from day one. And that's speaking as someone who is partially Qtarded

lanre ago

What's qrv?

NosebergShekelman ago

Queers Reversed Vasectomies

Calculations ago


NosebergShekelman ago


zxcvzxcv ago

When the arrests happen and we all learn that Q is real, the best part will be when noseberg proves to us all that he is actually a member of the Q team. Trump will tweet a pic with a fricken Shaloms™ hidden in the corner.

NosebergShekelman ago

kek Could you imagine the hysteria it would cause here at Voat?

Le_Squish ago

QRV reflects the state of the world the boomers created. When left to their own devices, they can't have anything nice. May as well troll them mercilessly.

imdrowning ago

ok lol, im fairly new to Voat, but I like it here.

CantBuySkills ago

Fuck me. What's getting banned on that other site now?

imdrowning ago

uh ok

NosebergShekelman ago

Well shit I didn't know. That's why I was asking.

PuttItOut ago

Once anon, always anon. At least we coded this half way ok. ;)

ExpertShitposter ago

Is this you or an impersonator?

zyklon_b ago


NosebergShekelman ago

You tell'em, Zyklon, becuz these muthafukas need ta know! Shaloms™✡️

zyklon_b ago



NosebergShekelman ago

Don't have time, fren. Mossad has me doing all kinds of shit. Sorry

BoogieLou ago

last week: Q: "BOOM WEEK" nothing happens as usual.

imdrowning ago

Confused, explain ?

yt4cz9 ago

whats qrv?

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

It's where the over-60 crowd pretend their brains still function.

SearchVoatBot ago

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ggolemg ago

Not a problem, I'll even confess to being the one advocating for white welfare and the genocide of kikes.

Redpilleveryone ago

Why would you care?

NosebergShekelman ago

I don't, really. I'm just starting discussion.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Whoops, I named the jew on QRV once. Now are they gonna know??

NosebergShekelman ago

oy vey we will ben you from Paypal.

Tallest_Skill ago

What the fuck is wrong with you people here. What exactly about Q is making your pubes stand up and make you act retarded to the point of having TDS?

If you do not think Q is real than why not just ignore it. I personally think that its real, for my own reasons. I know that the deep state is criminal, I know that obummer and big mike should be sharing a prison cell with clinton as their neighbour. Q real or not is cool and tells people to look for themselves.

So its you guys that are being the assholes.

Maersk ago

I Lurk everyday, all day....These people hate you. Well said Skill. My brother is a Q tard while I just follow and hope. Congrats on only 5 downloads for this comment

drstrangegov ago

this is my perspective. except i'm exactly 50/50 on Q.

Tallest_Skil ago

Hey, that’s the fake account.

Tallest_Skill ago

What is fake? Is it fake when I buy the store brand Dr. Pepper? Is it fake when I buy the store brand Vaseline for my ass? Is it fake when I pretend moms poodle is a sexy woman who wants sexy time?

Its all real IN MY HEAD. People do not use the toilet, I have a theory that they are evil and alive and they need our poo to live. If we want to live you must poo in ziploc bags and hide it under your bed. Make sure that you sit them zip lock up incase they might leak and ruin your floor and make your mom mad. Been there it was not fun. But you know what is fun putting your dick on the food when no one is home and laughing while they eat it. Do not try it at subway they have cameras.

Tallest_Skill ago

Way back when some people were dropping from following Q there was a rumor that one of the 3 letter agencies were well getting people to go away by giving a hint to personal info in a message to them, kind of this is a hint that we know who you are. I got one of those and it freaked me out. so yea Q is real as far as I am concerned.
/ end of being serious ......

I am @Tallest_Skil and I like nacho cheese.

drstrangegov ago


NosebergShekelman ago

Yes, fellow jew. Go along with the psy-op. Shaloms

Helbrecht ago

why not just ignore it.

Because shitposting is fun.

Because annoying brainwashed boomers is fun.

Because many of you insist on believing and spreading the lies about Chosen People Greatest Ally despite being shown evidence of those lies.

Because some of you are far too convinced of your own superiority based on nothing more than the fact that you follow some anonymous internet cult.

Because most of you seem incapable of honest discussion with those who honestly disagree with "Q".

But mostly, because it's fun to shitpost and annoy you people.

But mostly, because shitposting is fun

Tallest_Skill ago

I like a good shit post myself. For example at my friend mohamed's room in the back of the 7/11 he has a post that hets covered in shit. All the moslems love it and the jews have stolen it many times when they sneak in through the side door when there is the lunch rush at the counter. The fuckin jews thought it was funny to leave a bowl of foreskins.

But yea Q is real.

Helbrecht ago


No jew would willingly give up his foreskin collection!


Tallest_Skill ago

Well they were already chewed.

Helbrecht ago

Ah, well, that makes a bit more sense.

Did that make them halal, then?

Tallest_Skill ago

well muhamed did look really excited and took the bowl away with him.

lord_nougat ago

I bet he chortled as he shuffled away! I bet he was also drunk off his ass, like he usually is!

Tallest_Skill ago

You know mohamed? Is that you Hershel?

GishKnots ago

It would be funny but it would also be a bad move

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The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

What are you even talking about?

NosebergShekelman ago

I was huffing Fix-A-Flat. is this even real?

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Don't even get me started on existentialism; what is real, bro? Is this the matrix, just some deeper part of it? Or do any of you fucka exist or am i just dreaming this, locked in some ward drugged up beyond comprehension, the only moments of clarity are my dreams?

What is real? What isreal? What Israel? Gtkrwn.

NosebergShekelman ago

Mandela Effect happened more than once

SearchVoatBot ago

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C_Corax ago

I think the only ones not wanting to own up to their QRV postings are the Qtards themselves. I'll happily own up to me posting gore and scat there if I get the user name of whoever it was the suggested Q was a timetraveler.

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

I didn't start it, but I've been encouraging the 'Q is a time traveler' and/or 'Q is the second coming of Jesus Christ' narrativrs.

Tallest_Skill ago

You have mental problems.

lord_nougat ago

Plenty! And willing to share!

Neskuaxa ago

Oh shit, I've made an ass out of myself there a few times.

Helbrecht ago

Me too. Oh well, such is life.

2fast4u92 ago

I wish. See the Caps lock Kike replying to his own thread like 25 times and then replying to his own comments and linking to his own other posts as "proof"

NosebergShekelman ago

Yeah that's the one I really want to see MUH JOO SHILLS

slwsnowman40 ago

Where's this coming from? I feel like I've missed something...

2fast4u92 ago

Putt has been getting an ass load of reports on QRV because of the spammers and porn posting and is threatening to make it non-anon.

Phantom42 ago


slwsnowman40 ago

He should do it then. I don't care either way, but they are too trusting.

Camulos ago

I hope it does, would be pretty funny to see who supports that goofy Q shit.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

There’s 2 other subs for that.

WhiteRonin ago

I post in GA questions that they don’t like to answer.

No biggie.

LiberationArtFront ago

Soap box went full retard with the Q guys, I have no idea why it all started.

fluhthreeex ago

...because they were some of the first to shill the Qtard shit here, but realized it wasn't going to stick because they were known faggots and payrollee's

TheSeer ago

Boomer tier. "Saving Israel for last" WAGAMIGA, WWG1WGA

NosebergShekelman ago

lmao That was you??? I thought I recognized that thang from 1990

zyklon_b ago

i hope its retroactive

NosebergShekelman ago

I hope It's systematic, hydromatic, even

lord_nougat ago

I hope it's hydrocolonic!

NosebergShekelman ago


zyklon_b ago

imagine all the excuses they will make

NosebergShekelman ago

I want to see people having discussions with themselves. THAT will be the gold for me

TheBuddha ago

That'd be fucking hilarious.

I've told so many of them to take their meds.

albatrosv15 ago

Meds don't help anymore.

GishKnots ago

I can't believe these people aren't embarrassed having to download that stuff on the home computer in order to post it here. It's humiliating, even if they are the only ones who know

Obrez ago

They don't have to dl it.

TheBuddha ago

Not everyone is embarrassed with human sexuality. We've been sticking our dicks anywhere they fit since before we climbed down from the trees.

It's what we do. It's a part of being human.

zxcvzxcv ago

Let me guess, your mom has much lighter skin than you, and your dad left before you were born?

TheBuddha ago

No. You're a shitty guesser.

GishKnots ago

So you're not grossed out by transexual woman with big dicks being put in another freaks ass? Most of the stuff posted on there was Far different than just your average everyday naked person. If stuff like that doesn't bother you then you're probably a degenerate or a sexual pervert.

andrew_jackson ago

While I have nothing to prove this, I'm of the opinion that guys who make jokes about fetishes all of the time, have troublesome fetishes. Often I think that their personal fetish becomes not so subtly on display.

GishKnots ago

Kind of like the people who constantly talk about how much they hate homosexuals are usually homosexuals themselves

TheBuddha ago

Nah, I'm neither grossed out, nor do I care that they're weirdos.

I'm a live and let live kinda guy. If you need one of them there bible quotes, there's the one about 'judge not lest ye be not judged.'

But, more accurately, I'm just pretty apathetic. It's your life. You can suck the dick you want.

GishKnots ago

I like midgets

TheBuddha ago


Rented midgets must be awesome, but I burned that bridge.

lord_nougat ago

Did you toss one incorrectly or something?

TheBuddha ago

No. I emailed them a couple of times.

You can rent midgets. I can't. They told me to stop contacting them.

theoldguy ago

You can rent midgets. I can't. They told me to stop contacting them.

For a small fee, I'll be glad to be your stooge to rent them for you. Unless they do credit checks, if they do, we're sunk.

lord_nougat ago

When I visit, I'll have to provide the rented midgets for the party.

TheBuddha ago

They'll probably tell you too to stop contacting them.

All I did was come up with some creative uses for rented midgets. They got really angry about what I'm sure were reasonable requests. exists.

lord_nougat ago

They can have a short fuse sometimes.

Every now and then, you might meet one who is mellow and doesn't get offended by any little thing, but that's a tall order!

TheBuddha ago

2/3rds of 'pun' is 'P-U.'

lord_nougat ago

Thank you, thank you. You're the best audience. I'll be here all week!

TheBuddha ago

Sort of related...

I have performed at venues where I was behind chicken wire, just like you see in the movies. You might want to put up some chicken wire.

I've also played places that had dirt floors. Ol' Buddha has been around!

lord_nougat ago

You god damned well better have played your silly version of the "Rawhide" theme the whole time!

But were there actual chickens?

...and if so, did they have large talons?

TheBuddha ago

No, but for some of them I was in a country band.

No chickens, unless you want to count jam sessions in the South East and South parts of the country. I've jammed on a lot of 'lawns', frequently shitfaced. They were all normal chickens.

FromTelAvivWithLove ago

Whoever is posting it is pulling the images from other subs like v/shemales

NosebergShekelman ago

lol I've flogged the shit out of'em. I'm not denying it. I never posted any of the porn, however

TopTierCIAShill ago

You're out of character, Rabbi.

NosebergShekelman ago

shhhh I'm doing a covert operation for JIDF

Hebrew-Virus ago

Okay, we won't tell anybody....

Decidueye ago

I've always been a bigger fan of gore posting without warning them of the content. They'll even upvote the most brutal cartel ones and trigger each other even more in the comments.

Maroonsaint ago

I used to post tranny porn on Reddit with misleading titles. I don’t do that here cause I like these people

lord_nougat ago


It's not too late to start posting it there!

WhiteRonin ago

Haven’t we all at one time or another?

Neskuaxa ago

Who is posting porn there? I was under the impression Voat frowned on that as a whole.

Zoldam ago

There is a subsection of weebs who jerk it to that loli shit I remember being talked about some time ago.

WhiteRonin ago

I don’t because who the fuck wants to look at gay porn to post. Gross!

Maroonsaint ago

I bet you like lookin at it. You can’t help it. You think about what a guys dick may look like you try to stop the thoughts but you can’t and as you imagine what this one may be like your own starts to twitch and squirm in your underwear. Slowly growing out till you have to sit down in public places.

Liber ago

You little cuck faggit

WhiteRonin ago

Dang, your fantasies are too real!

lord_nougat ago

OP does!

TheAntiZealot ago

Takes time and effort to find a specific type of gay porn to send the message those fags were trying to send. And cuck nigger porn, too.

WhiteRonin ago

Gay porn specialist ... do exist! Lol

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty sure I haven't posted any porn there. For a while, I was pretty medicated and for a whole I was kinda drunk a lot.

Even if I did, I'd still find it funny. My voat reputation is secure no matter what I (realistically) do.

Maroonsaint ago

You’re a drunk? There goes all my respect for you. I had so much respect for you. Goddamn degenerates.

TheBuddha ago

Nah, I haven't drank much in a while. I used to drink a great deal. I've been remarkably alcohol free for a while.

But, I say that just so you're aware. Your respect, or lack of it, isn't actually going to influence me.

Maroonsaint ago

You don’t care about me :(

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Yet you werent gracious enough to grace my post yesterday. Just not up to par with the buddhas theology?

TheBuddha ago

If you asked questions, rather than presume, I suspect life would be much easier for you.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

If i didnt question everything there wouldnt be a thought in my mind.

TheBuddha ago

You might want to question what my name refers to.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Buddha Blue Cheese.

TheBuddha ago

"If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him."

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Jesus. . .

NosebergShekelman ago

I'm pretty sure I haven't posted any porn there. For a while, I was pretty medicated and for a whole I was kinda drunk a lot. Even if I did, I'd still find it funny. My voat reputation is secure no matter what I (realistically) do.

This sounds like some kind of disclaimer lol

TheBuddha ago

It kinda is!

Though, my doing so would probably be excused. Being TheBuddha has its privileges.

NosebergShekelman ago

Are you some kind of super goy or something?

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty much a national treasure!

zyklon_b ago

yeah i hope its retroactive

TheBuddha ago

I'd laugh.

Enok-Stroth ago

haha that would be fun. I kinda want that to happen now.

Mumbleberry ago

No, only posts/comments after the change will have usernames visible.

ruck_feddit ago

Ah, for fuck's sake. Our resident rabbi got me all excited for nothing.

Mumbleberry ago

Rabbi AND a cock tease.

VapidGopher ago

Seeing this guy post nearly the same reply in lots of front page threads. Looking at the ccp and scp scores, wondering if it’s a part time bot account.

vtusr2 ago

Nah, just want to let people know about the tech. 😊

zyklon_b ago

not cool

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

Why? Everyone should have the privilege of anonymity for speech.

Obrez ago

We're anonymous right now.

zyklon_b ago

so i agree

Myan ago

its not like vote doesn't know who anons it

WhiteRonin ago

IP addresses are recorded ;-)

Myan ago

naw, it off your username.

Ina_Pickle ago

The soapdox sub has already proven that is not true.

zyklon_b ago