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18745290? ago

If QRV is changed from anon to non-anon, will all former posts be visible...?
Yes, definitely!

Never wondered when beeing informed personally on replies?

In QRV no user names are displayed when you are logged in as a normal user. Yet you are informed about submission and comment replies. How is this possible?

Very simple: Voat is based on a database with a tree structure that containing nodes that can be submissions or comments. These nodes are identified by unique number values like 3040726 (submission) or 16902328 (comment). Even in Subverses displaying usernames these number values are unique, so they differ for every post even of the same user.

For QRV the same data is stored as it is for any other subverse. The only difference in QRV is that the display mode is switched, so when the displayed page is generated out of the database, the numbers are inserted instead of the usernames.

The display mode can be switched easyly for the view of some mods and the board owner. So they can see the user names even on QRV! (You're like young children, thinking that they can hide themselves by covering or closing their eyes.)[]. Your anonymity is limited at that point where you abuse your freedom you're granted on Voat.

An example how a display mode switch works:


Names shown:

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