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thelma ago

I'm beginning to think that people posts pics just to cause some to go crazy.

Is this pic all the evidence you need to declare a person a pedo, @theoldones ?

I just noted some of what I think are legal hurdles and suggested that @theoldones move to get a petition to change the rules of voat.

Now, we see the age of 18 to be the age that @theoldone arbitrarily choose ... any pics of girls (he thinks, not that he knows) under 18 shown are automatic pedos for those looking at such pics.

Even if a husband of 16 is looking at a pic of his wife who is also 16 (in USA, many states allow 16 year olds to marry).

You know, before I would call someone a pedo I would have actual evidence of such instead of coming to quick conclusions completely devoid of facts related to all the elements.

Its a lack of knowldge on the subject matter.

Feelings. That's what counts.

And now @theoldones creates a new "crime" - pedo accomplice. Sweet...of course anyone who does not complain is complicit. Hence also a pedo accomplice. That's everyone but @theoldones I guess ...

Kudos. You just outted yourself as a wack-job.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Dortex ago

Hey now, Thelma. I suggest you stop that before you get served for all that libel.

theoldones ago

rule 0: no pedos

heygeorge ago

You just outted yourself as a wack-job.

You haven’t been following along

InSaneGoatPosse ago

You seem like a pedophile enabler @Thelma. You a dude?

thelma ago

I'm not.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

If free speech is sexualizing children, then I’m not free speech.

thelma ago

Well, what does the Voat rules say about that ?

One cannot post a sexualization of a child pic.

So you're not actually talking about that, are you ?

InSaneGoatPosse ago

The Wild West clearly needs work

thelma ago

Have you seen this post/thread?

Guy sees the pic and then feels compelled to harass the OP ... its fine , its free speech, nothing major...but it raises ??? ...which I ask and am awaiting a response.

But really, any response is going to lead to a bad light being shown by the first commentor. Clearly it gives the appearance that he has some level if sexual excitement from the photo, otherwise he would not have posted at all -- or it just shows that his complaints are mostly merit-less. I think the latter ... but not 100% sure...just guessing.

I know its not popular to defend free speech. Your post examples this.

SearchVoatBot ago

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InSaneGoatPosse ago

Guy sees the pic and then feels compelled to harass the OP

You felt compelled to harass @theoldones.

OP posts those pics for a reason. Why are you going after the one that you think “could be” excited over that image, instead of the one that clearly is?

HollaKost ago

It's pretty typical for this gayng to pick and choose when voice their faux outrage. Zero consistency!

InSaneGoatPosse ago


thelma ago

Free speech ... love it or leave

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Clearly it gives the appearance that he has some level if sexual excitement from the photo

I don’t see that at all. If he were excited by it, he wouldn’t be bringing attention to it. He clearly doesn’t like children or teens pictures being used in a sexual manor. How is that hard for you to see?

thelma ago

You are a mind reader ?

Only he can answer the question.

But I'll agree that you do not feel excited about the pic at all too.

thelma ago

Attacker of free speech.

I've been very lenient. I did suggest he put together a petition for a change in voat rules so people could look and decide. However, he cannot even identify what characteristics he thinks offends him. That's when you know he has zero knowledge on the subject matter and just posts based on his feelings like liberals do.

Showing me he does not really care about free speech at all.

But that's what voat is all about.

He should go somewhere else IMO. Voat is not a suitable forum for him.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

You’re either a victim or a pedo. Sad. 28 days left or what?

thelma ago

What evidence do you have?

Show it. Wait, you have none. Why? Because you're a wacko.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

I’m the wacko? Who’s being a pedo enabler? I think you’re a disturbed man Thelma. Get help.

Proveitorloseit ago

Thelma isn't a man. You're moronic

InSaneGoatPosse ago

I think that is just one pic out of many he could have chosen. You realize that people that fight pedos could be past victims? People that defend pedos can also be past victims.

I just think it’s odd to attack someone that is clearly upset over seeing someone normalizing child porn. You seem to defend the one posting this stuff over someone that is bothered by it. Why?

thelma ago

Free speech.

Voat has rules concerning the user agreement.

This is not a pedo issue...its a free speech issue.

As I see it.

Just pointed out one of the latest posts of these anti-pedos. Of course prior to that they started attacking everyone but themselves on voat.

I'll defend free speech. Sure. Always have.

What normally happens in the real world when supporting/exercising free speech? Get called Nazi...cops get 2" from me...people lie about encounters..death threats ...etc.

Here its hard to threaten, being the internet and all ...calling a person a Nazi on voat? LOL ...and they cannot send a cop to get 2" into my face. So what is left? Calling me other names other than being a Nazi is about it.

Ouch. It hurts. This little.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Free speech.

Voat has rules concerning the user agreement.

This is not a pedo issue...its a free speech issue.

Just pointed out one of the latest posts of these anti-pedos. Of course prior to that a person started attacking everyone but themselves on voat.

Of all things you could be defending, you defend this? I think the Perv OP is a big boy and can defend himself. No? theoldones is entitled to his opinion as well.

I'll defend free speech. Sure. Always have.

What normally happens in the real world when supporting/exercising free speech? Get called Nazi...cops get 2" from me...people lie about encounters..death threats ...etc.

Here its hard to threaten, being the internet and all ...calling a person a Nazi on voat? LOL ...and they cannot send a cop to get 2" into my face. So what is left? Calling me other names other than being a Nazi is about it.

I think this is a sensitive topic and that maybe you should ask yourself why some people may be more bothered than others by seeing things like this. Instead of attacking the person, maybe show some compassion. I’m not even being rude to you. Maybe you’re a victim. I don’t know. @theoldones seems like someone with good intentions.

thelma ago

Hell is paved with the stones of good intentions.

Its a simple issue really...boils down to this:

1) either support free speech

2) or you dont

And if #2 -- why the hell you on voat ?

There are many many goats ... why some people are bothered? I cannot say but its a numbers game ... but look at the numbers. Prove to me that people feel a need to limit free speech ? 'cause I don't see it.

Or, do as I suggested and get a petition going for the purpose of changing the rules on voat. I think its good timing to as I think Putt has reflected about looking and considering rule changes recently.

But there won't be any petition, will there? Why? Because it will show that most agree to protect free speech and that the current rules are adequate.

Well, I'm waiting. Calling me names has no affect. I've had much worse defending free speech issues (usually showing gov't corruption which you can imaging infuriates not only government agents but also supporters of those who are corrupt).

InSaneGoatPosse ago

I think “free speech” is used by you enablers too much. Anyway, I’m just saying that I find it strange that you’re on a free speech forum and going after someone exercising their free speech. Who and what you are defending says something about you. You clearly have issues.

thelma ago

I guess free speech is one of those rights you willingly toss into the trash. Like many other rights you refuse to exercise due to "social anxiety".

InSaneGoatPosse ago

You can use “free speech” to argue anything. Why don’t you let the Pedos defend themselves?

theoldones ago

accused of helping pedophiles

"haha jokes on you, i'll post a picture of a real child!"