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Maggotbait88 ago

What about



and this?

Here's the law regarding soliciting CP:

(B) advertises, promotes, presents, distributes, or solicits through the mails, or using any means or facility of interstate or foreign commerce or in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce by any means, including by computer, any material or purported material in a manner that reflects the belief, or that is intended to cause another to believe, that the material or purported material is, or contains—

(i) an obscene visual depiction of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct; or

(ii) a visual depiction of an actual minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct;


From Voat's User Agreement:

You may not use Voat to break the law

Conclusion: Soliciting (asking for) child porn from other people on the internet is illegal. Therefore, @theoldones has used voat to break the law.


Hey man, so I see we're in some general alignment over some things in some sub I'm assuming is for luls. I'm currently reading through this to see what all the hubbub is about. I'll probably come to the logical conclusion as I'm a pretty down to earth dude, but part of that earthiness compels me to just ask: why? I understand it's an uncomfortable topic, I just want to understand the perspective, I totally respect any decision you make in response to my inquiry.

Maggotbait88 ago

You'd have to be more specific


theoldones put me under the impression you post the loliprons, though I haven't seen that yet in that thread. I'm assuming your name literally explains the motivations, if I'm mistaken in that correct me, the lolis are pure souls and I hate to see them tainted in wars :[

Maggotbait88 ago

i have, then for some reason he asked me (and a few others) for CP. He got mad when i told him to fuck off and he's been gunning for me since then, under the guise of "pedo hunting" as he calls it. He says @Dortex posts it cause he think we're the same person but theoldones is just trying to confuse the situation.


Yea, I saw him ask for it, like really without a shred of sapience asking for it, which is a super big nono. Like, worse than what Aged does, and I don't like to see him. Sure the illustrations are depictions of the act which you can obviously tell it's referencing, most react very uncomfortably when they see it I'm sure, but someone drawing a cartoon image is not the same as an actual child being preyed upon. It actually pisses me off that he's conflating the two because I'm an actual victim of what he's crying about. He's a pot stirring shitter IMO.

Maggotbait88 ago

He has a habit of harassing people till they make a sarcastic comment, then using it against them like he did to @Tokui here

and also banned @thelma for this post


He seems to have a loose definition of pedo, if it includes thelma's example here then by god the human race is damned to eternal hellfire. Personally, when I discovered pizzagate roughly four years ago, with Voat being the only site that would allow it, I felt simultaneously relived to know attention was finally being brought to this while something wretched stirred inside me.

Goats will probably hate this, but since it seems we're in a conversation here, I may as well bring it up. I've been wanting to find a way to ask without making it weird, I don't think this is a fine example of it, but fuck it. @GothamGirl will know who I'm talking about I think. There was a user using several accounts (one being TheHolyGrail), srayzie knew of this person, some "Sara" who identified as an Ashkenazi Jew woman I think maybe ~30 years of age? I assumed this person to be a spook meaning to disseminate disinformation OR find a way to get the truth out on some things that couldn't be blatantly stated and so used half-truths to seem crazy as a cover. I tried to get whatever information I could from this person pertaining to anything pizzagate related without asking too much, especially if this person was who they said they were, I didn't want to risk my life, even though I haven't done much of value to the world yet. Within the couple of months of conversations I was able to hold with them, they stated I engage in behavior which is a "red flag," which I thought was odd since I do my best to be very centered and balanced, but I do tend to get nihilistically dark at times when I can't hold my shit together.

Knowing this person to be intelligent, and feeling very uncomfortable about something because of this pizzagate thing, having a taste for and access to psychedelics, I dove inside my mind. Whether this person meant well or had ill will, because of them, and roughly a quarter pound of yummy mushrooms, I was able to recover memories of being raped by a fat piece of shit I can name and place for the whole Internet to see right now (not going to, however), and with this revelation I was able to make sense of something neither of my parents seemed to be aware of, why the light inside me seemed to die awfully early as a child. When I asked my mother if she could possibly remember who the guy was with what memory I had, she IMMEDIATELY knew the guy, and pleaded with me to drop it. My father did as well, though he knew nothing of the event.

I say all this to highlight just why theoldones irritates me with his hissy fits over fucking cartoons and trying to twist words around and use fuzzy appeals to emotions with outrage to try to silence and ban people, when HE HIMSELF HAS LITERALLY ACTUALLY SOLICITED HANGWORTHY MATERIAL MULTIPLE TIMES. Yes some individuals he's crying about said fucked up shit, but this is the Internet where fucked up people try to get a reaction out of people and will just say shit to fuck with people, so that's to be expected. I'll say, probably like most people, I don't like to see the tainted lolis, and I honestly don't even bother to downvote them, I just ignore them and pass them by because I don't even want to touch the arrows associated with them, but absolutely thoroughly fuck that guy for A) soliciting illegal material, and B) acting like weird blood ritual magic shit is totally sane and calling for killing people. He seems to want to start a fight but has only lacerated himself in the process.

I hope that was entertaining.

Dortex ago

I find it's best to just post links to the bits where he literally begs for child porn and let everyone involved show their colors. An uncomfortable number of people have defended this child porn solicitation.


He's a weird one, man.

Not a hobby I'd be into, especially if I'm trying to garner moral support from goats.

Dortex ago

Asks for child porn, is into blood sacrifice, and spends his day astroturfing in a one man disinformation campaign to deflect from it all. Sounds like serious PG stuff to me.


It literally does.

"Not all blood rituals!"

"I dare you to [ILLEGAL]."

Very fucking questionable dude. It would be an exercise in masochism, but if you look at his posts there's more weird shit like that. He got angry at me once for calling that magic shit fake and gay, taking the intellectual high ground and saying I'm merely too stupid to understand.


Gladly, thankfully they're on hand. I think wonder if finding his weird blood rune magic comments would help at all.