16774502? ago

This shit didn't start with pizzagate. Its been going on a long time. Here are three documentaries about it the first and best one,which they tried to ban but luckily someone snuck out an almost complete version called conspiracy of silence. Its about the fucked up shit in Franklin Nebraska in the 80s. Woman who came forward about being raped by elite pedos was convicted of lying/perjury and sent to prison for 15 years. When the fuck ever are women punished for lying about rape? That's a stiffer sentence than some convicted rapists get!!!!! Un-fucking-believable! Would not have happened unless it was true and they wanted to shut her up.


Then of course there is the Detroux case in Belgium where one of the dirtbad street level dudes got caught trafficking little girls for EU pedophiles in Brussels, but they covered it up and fired the original detectives to get their own guys in who would find out it was only one lone guy and had nothing to do with EU politicians.


Then of course there is Corey feldman's "an open secret." This is about pedophile jews in hollywood. A number of former child actors blow the whistle on The Chosen People of los angeles.


The above is a bit better for sharing with normies. Absolutely do so! Perhaps the last one is the easiest one to start with since feldmen and the other people are recognizable from the movies they were in.

The following is an independent production I also highly recommend. It specifically points out how much Jews are involved. Less appropriate for normies, however.


16774493? ago

Depravity is the cure to depravity, for simulation is the cure to reality. If you sincerely oppose pedophilia, find harmless analogues and promote them. Of that mechanism I am confident.

Less confident yet better still, distract people wholly with superior pleasures, by making pleasure of strength, that people need not depend only on weakness.

For who is it that needs groom a child, but those who are repulsive otherwise? It is among the powers of innocence not to notice repulsion, and to come in with limited expectations. Pedophiles I therefore suspect to be drawn from those populations most isolated from the hedonic virtues.

This campaign burns the spiteful somewhat comically; it is a moralism to which all sane antimoralists will bend, giving up in this domain their efforts to make kindness submit before their hatreds. Yet it’s also very basically witless, because few people understand that the most effective way to undermine idiotic child molesters is depravity, and of all people it’s the antimoralists who are most likely to grasp it. By that very power of being not even faintly inclined to pedophilia, it also points to antimoralists as the lamp of truth. As a way of getting one over on the antimoralists set it’s basically like whacking them with a Native American coup stick. It does hit them, because they hate honesty so much they hate to even admit the ways they’re decent people too, but it’s still just a nuisance that only becomes an injury to them if they lose their cool over it. It still points to them in the long run - because they’re the ones with superior depravities who thus have no need of this one.

16755379? ago


16755378? ago

I posted this in the other thread but ill post it here just to be safe



16755377? ago

bump for bitchute searching 'synthesis of petn'

16449320? ago

Pizzagate is real. They invented the term "fake news" to cover it up and staged a false flag shooting with an all out media frenzy. All the culprits are still raping kids.

16440416? ago

There has been a fuckload of information about this of late all pointing toward Napa, California as some major hub. The VOAT posters, Q anons, half chans and so on have all been digging into that town hardcore of late and have found a ton. Surprised it isn't being discussed here as of yet.

16440411? ago


16420733? ago

I hate absurd conspiracies, just stop, it makes you look retarded

16449313? ago

Shilling negated.

16440414? ago

This is a paid jewish shill.


With no content? After 8 minutes? Kill yourself.

16417783? ago

Was this a Larp? I remember his saying something about wearing green socks to an award event.Maybe that he was black. Did this ever go any further?

16440415? ago

What in the fuck do the color of socks have to do with anything?

Fucking leftists trying to ruin pizza.

16755375? ago

The dude said he was gonna wear green socks to identify himself at an award event. So I was asking if anyone noticed anything of the sort.

16440409? ago


Also, Gene Wilder and Leonard Nimoy used to rape Sarah Michelle Gellar when she was a kid.

should have tipped you off that they're just larping. They were probably literally loling as they were typing that.

16417784? ago

None of them have ever been real, anon. They're all LARPs.

16417786? ago

damn, the #metoo movement goes deep then in the chans.

16417788? ago

Don't get me wrong; everything that guy said is true. HE'S just not real, and you shouldn't take what he says as actually being evidence.

16420727? ago

thats why I asked if anyone saw a dude with green socks at an award show that may substantiate the evidence. . its interesting none the less. Thats why were all here right?

16402962? ago


16402529? ago

This pretty much.

glow in the dark CIA niggers are what run the pedorings (and other similar agencies.)

16402525? ago

What's up with the new subdomains at www.cometpingpong.com? [Voat]


Domain Alexa Rank Hosting Provider Mail Provider

hornypizza.cometpingpong.com - Squarespace, Inc.

pizzagate.cometpingpong.com - Squarespace, Inc.

unauthorized.cometpingpong.com - Squarespace, Inc.

securetest.cometpingpong.com - Squarespace, Inc.

pedophile-pizzaa.cometpingpong.com - Squarespace, Inc.

pedophile-pizza.cometpingpong.com - Squarespace, Inc.

httpwww.cometpingpong.com - Squarespace, Inc.

megajews.cometpingpong.com - Squarespace, Inc.

not-a-pedophile-pizza.cometpingpong.com - Squarespace, Inc.

cometpingpong.com - Squarespace, Inc. Rackspace Ltd.

jews.cometpingpong.com - Squarespace, Inc.

voatsucks.cometpingpong.com - Squarespace, Inc.

pikalaxalt.cometpingpong.com - Squarespace, Inc.

httpswww.cometpingpong.com - Squarespace, Inc.

ultrajews.cometpingpong.com - Squarespace, Inc.
















16402526? ago

Just FYI Voat/v/pizzagate is an absolute hell-hole, the mods are (purposefully) ruining the place

16402522? ago

the OTO child fuck cult is real


the unicursial hexagram is everywhere. Spirit cooking is OTO cakes of light. they admit on camera they drink blood and make children join the gnostic catholic mass orgy.

16295155? ago

Recent PG evidence collection on half chan


Add'l long-form research here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate

16295152? ago

The more I realize the world is being manipulated by Jews, the more suicidal I get. I’m not even pure so I’m not sure if this is the right place for me to be sad about pedophile kikes. I hate it all.

BTW adult swim has some ties to that weird party “Abramovic” had with that naked nig painted white. Eric Warheim was a fan of going to those parties.

Tim and Pedophile, Great Job!

16287839? ago

16287838? ago

[email protected]:podesta

[email protected]:podesta00

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[email protected]:podesta1

16287834? ago

16287833? ago

We need to start using this board:


16271771? ago

Blind Items Revealed #38


There are so many angles at play that I wonder if anyone is really 100% in the know and feels as if they can trust the others. Many years ago, this international society woman decided to gather together her A list friends and ask which of them would be interested in being a companion to the global elite. I am sure many of you know the result of those meetings and who chose to accept. Time have changed and now most of her work is done online on a well protected website behind a wall that almost no one can breach. The thing is though, in order to keep it protected, our socialite entrusted this very small country, which is not really even a country. They keep the site safe, but it has also allowed them to see all of her "members," and all of the "connections" they make. Obviously, this very tiny country loves having this information at its disposal. However, they also know the reason they were chosen is because many of the leaders within the country have availed themselves of the special services of the socialite. She has organized the ships that carry hundreds of refugees from the top of a continent to the very near shoreline of this European country. Most of the refugees would be returned when they reached this point. Not these though. These are children which are under the special protection of the very tiny country. When they reach the very tiny country, they are passed around like party favors to various locations throughout the world, all with shiny new passports. Our socialite is well paid for her work in this process. This tiny country has an interest in keeping the information about who received what far from any viewing eye which is another reason they protect the system.

It is those recipients who have blocked and wedged and impeded and done anything they can to stop their activities being brought to light which is what had been happening here in the States. In recent days, our socialite was publicly spotted with the leader of the tiny country. Photos were taken, smiles were exchanged. Apparently one of our socialite's actresses in her stable has the ear of the head of an organization of countries in Europe. The leader of this group is married but has always been a fan of this B+ list mostly movie actress who had a franchise not that long ago. Meanwhile, one of the actors in her stable has the ear of this married, but closeted European leader who was in the news a great deal this week. Apparently there will be enough pressure placed by these leaders to keep the smuggling lanes open and business as usual for all involved.

< Sanela Diane Jenkins/Room 23/Vatican City

16271770? ago

16269082? ago

Scientology, Elite Pedophilia Networks, And The CIA

"It is well-known that Scientology enables pedophilia."


Why Scientology is a haven for sexual abusers its the way L. Ron Hubbard designed it.


Weinstein, Scientology, Doyle Mills, Scientology, Michelle Stafford, MOCA / Abramovic / Stalking / Kamil Beylant / Boychat Pedos / Stalking

"There is a connection between Scientology and Human Trafficking."



I have gave some references.

Hereof I present all leaked documentation, files, and leaks within Scientology that I can locate at the moment.

These leaks should be helpful due to past evidence and disclosure regarding the Scientology Instituton & Foundation. This "Church" of Scientology and it's likes have been helping enable pedophilia, human trafficking, and cannabalism.





Basic Books-

Tech Bulls Volumes & Directives-

Upper Bridge Work-




16157267? ago

PizzaGate is absolutely real. This clip from JRE has been completely deleted/scrubbed from youtube and anywhere else I searched for it. Happened to save it in a massive PG archive when it was first blowing up and just randomly went and looked through some of the videos. It's a clip of John Callen (an actor) absolutely FREAKING THE FUCK OUT when Johnny Bravo starts mentioning PG. Saying it's been debunked and that it's the stupidest most insane thing he's ever heard. He almost starts fucking shaking he gets so god damn worked up. I didn't even see this when PG was really huge and was being talked about everywhere so I'm glad I happened to stumble across it now. Hardens my already firm belief that this IS real and more people are involved than we can even imagine.

16774492? ago

The guy is instantly on the defensive and overemotional. Crazy.

16269080? ago

On the episode where he had Alex Jones on, the Most Paranoid Man in America™ was humoring all kinds of conspiracies- but refused to admit that Pizzagate was real, despite Joe playing the Ben Swann expose that put him into hiding for a year. Although Joe was careful with his language, he never disparaged Pizzagate researchers in the same way that Alex Jones consistently does on his show today. I rarely listen to Alex, but when I do he's still regularly saying shit like, "PIZZAGATE WAS NOT THE REAL ISSUE. IT WAS A MANUFACTURED CONSPIRACY BY THE GLOBALISTS, TO GET THE HEAT OFF THE REAL ISSUES THAT TRUMP HAS BROUGHT TO THE FOREFRONT, SUCH AS THE CHILD-TRAFFICKING RINGS THAT HE'S BUSTED. BTW, HE'S LOWERED BLACK UNEMPLOYMENT BY 2 PERCENT. THEY BLAMED SOME INNOCENT PIZZA PARLOR, ALEFANTIS IS INNOCENT. PEDOGATE IS THE REAL ISSUE, LOOK AT JOHN PODESTA'S EMAILS."

No Alex, Alefantis is specifically guilty. He has child-only nights in a ping-pong room with pictures of naked men and 'fuck me' painted on the walls, jokes about torturing and having sex with kids on facebook, child-sex symbols all over his Pizza menus, and mysterious connections to the most powerful leaders in our government. Anyone who tries to dissuade others that Comet Ping-Pong is NOT a child sex trafficking den, are shills. Alex Jones is a shill. As bluepilled as Joe Rogan usually is, at least him and a few others have had the balls to expose it, instead of gaslighting people who are putting their lives in jeopardy by covering it.

16402521? ago

Owen Benjamin (who definitely believes in Pizzagate) said Alex Jones was shaken whenever Pizzagate was brought up these days. He thinks something happened to him and that's why he denies it now. Probably some really serious threats.

16269079? ago


16269078? ago

I thought you were exaggarating, but he literally did start to shake. What a fucking piece of shit. Eddie was on point by saying "you're on their side…" with utter disappointment.

16157269? ago

Eddie Bravo*

16157260? ago

Pence is a sick pedophile!!! And his wife was given the information and opportunity to leave him, but chose to stay!! She’s just as guilty!!

16157259? ago

This shit should be sticked, not slided

16157255? ago

Looks like this thread is getting slided.

16157252? ago

Here's a good Pizzagate documentary I just watched:

16402524? ago

Comet Pizza caught on fire this week. Anyone know more about what happened?

16402527? ago

Alefantis has become redpilled on the JQ and started gassing.

16120827? ago

Found this out the other day: There's an app called Yellow, not sure if it's a global thing or not, but it's basically like Tinder but for teenagers. The little symbol that comes up when it's loading a page is a slice of pizza.

16157250? ago

This is true the app call yellow is the not only one though I hear some shady people take about at school that there are other app like it

Btw yellow is now called yubo

16123697? ago

This sounds like it's worthy of its own post.

16121114? ago

Just checked it out and read the reviews. Yeah, you're right. Weird time were in. I can't wait for the breakdown

16120824? ago

Why aren't these people dying.

16774495? ago

Need better weapons.


You'll notice that with a lot of e-celebs, even the ones that seem fairly honest or are insanely unlikely to be an official shill - they suddenly change and go more panicky, avoid specific topics. No doubt threats are made at some point.

16122351? ago

We are pussies. Baal is protecting them.

16120823? ago

I agree. It is real.

16120822? ago

John Podesta Is Ready to Talk About Pizzagate

The former Clinton campaign chairman is among the victims still recovering from a vile conspiracy theory that ended in gunfire


16120818? ago

16120816? ago

What are the odds that a town of 7439 would turn up two major news stories about major corruption?


Mexia, Texas–where that teacher was trafficking children–was also home to Allen Stanford, who is serving 110 years for a $7bn ponzi scheme involving phony CDs.

He served as its mayor even.

A Supreme Court decision in 2014 allowed those affected to sue third parties who aided him in this fraud, including this massive company in Pennsylvania, with global outposts:



Wish Pizzagate people would focus more on the financial institutions and less on "Jews" per se. These institutions are laundering trillions that enable trafficking. And they are allowing con men to destroy the real wealth of working families to finance this.

16416273? ago

I agree. The finance stuff is the key, but few are skilled at investigating it or writing about it.

16122498? ago

The wealthy families ARE JEWS

16120814? ago

It's definitely real…

16120795? ago

Is this kind of shit going on right under your fucking faggoty noses how you earn your star on the wall at Langley? I suppose they're the ones who bothered to try and do something about it, or even bothered to find out about it. Normally I would say "shatter and scatter" but I'm afraid a world this far gone is better off sent to into a singularity and disintegrated into Hawking radiation in some distant corner of the universe. Hey I know, maybe when you faggots have some spare time from stalking people, social engineering, experimenting with psychotronics, and child torture, maybe you could start up a pizza parlor and serve up some tasty pies.

16120807? ago

One of these years we're going to shove the pizza into that loud mouth of yours. Don't believe things which have already been answered.


16120812? ago

Why don't you personally come try it faggot?

16120773? ago

There was a fake Breitbart tweet going around back then. Forgot what it said…

16120766? ago

This is more important than 99% of this shitty board.

16120763? ago

Anyone remember the cult based on this album? I say that because its doctrine was Lovecraftian, and their art was very similar.

Wondering what it was called so I can look into it more.

16120762? ago


Anyone link this thread?

Cuckchan anons found hidden directories on comet pizza site, including, supposedly, real torture child porn

16120760? ago

He did this to himself. He will be dead in a decade, whether by drugs, STD’s, or the hand of Justice.

16120761? ago

he's fuckin 10 years old dude. At that age you don't know wtf you're doing. the ADULTS are doing this to him.

16120756? ago

Funny how they managed to normalise cuting baby dicks and using the foreskins in cosmetics, but keep fucking the kids a secret for blackmail.

16120742? ago

Where can I find this map?

16120734? ago

Why was the daughter of the Ambassador of Germany doing disney makeovers of one hit wonder pedo bands from the 80s?

Ones that are known for wearing a baby mask at shows?





ask him maybe

16120731? ago

16120730? ago

Never forget they never opened any kind of investigation

16120798? ago

But always, always remember the poor suffering god damn chosenites. They are the only beings in the world that matter. Make sure they're comfy, because Jesus said to give the shirt off your back and who worthier, who more relevant to the prophesies of the book of la la. Fuck this world needs to be drop kicked by a nice fat X-class flare right center mass.

16120771? ago

There's a huge lesson to be learned in looking at how they controlled the narrative. Inject lies and hype over and over about kids in the basement at Comet Ping Pong onto halfchan to build up a strawman, complete with a dramatic 'shooter', to then publicly take down on t.v.. "See how dangerous these conspiracy lies are?"

Well poisoning liars should get called out and banned more often than they are.

16120780? ago

implying comet ping pong was a hoax


breitbart's tweet was a fake

16120729? ago

16120728? ago

Can someone explain this "adrenochrome" thing to me?

16120738? ago

the trade name was "Adrenocorticotropis Hormone Composition" or ACTH for short.

I've added the US patent pages associated with it.

On the second page you might notice that the source of ACTH is the pituitary gland and torture is required to "milk" it of the hormone. Then blood is drawn from the victim and consumed, or put through a cyclotron and the ACTH is extracted from the blood.

When consumed the user goes through many psychotropic changes and can hallucinate depending on the dosage.

16287831? ago

i dont see where it says torture is needed

can you please point it out?

16120752? ago

16120739? ago


16120733? ago

they like to torture, rape, and eat children, and sometimes they just feed on bodily fluids excreted by whatever glands produce. like the adrenal glands during said rape/torture. young virgin blood is best for them, the purest least damaged genetically.

tfw elites are actually man-eaters

16120726? ago

And for anyone taking the yahoo article serious: remember that Andrew Breitbart claimed the same thing about podesta a year before he was murdered AND another man on youtube years before who taped childrens screams coming from inside comet pingpong… and he was harassed by the then mayor and journalists and who knows what else until he kept quiet (one such harassing interview was available, posted by the journalists themselves. Seemed reminiscent of what scientology does to former members)

16120725? ago

I can't believe it, but podesta did another pizzagate interview. Can't archive it by normal means (does yahoo news always give russian text if you try to archive? Can someone confirm that?)

Anyways, here is an archive. It's a pretty good object lesson how to do a coverup. I keep being remarked how skillful the pizzagate defense is.

I'm surprised they even linked this photo to the article.


16120723? ago


i truly feel like i just swallowed the red pill and i'm truly finding how deep the fucking rabbit hole goes. i don't know if this is real or not but at this point there's a 50/50 chance that everything is a lie and hell is real and we live in it

mfw it's possible that the entire world is ran by pedos

mfw we probably cant do shit about it

mfw when we can't even discuss about it safely

16120715? ago

bumpity bump

<for the newfags™

16120714? ago

I posted this in another thread but I thought it was worth posting here too. There is now a children's cartoon about tranny babies/toddlers!


Baby Drag Queens learn all things drag voiced by some of your favorite Drag Race Queens including Adore Delano, Bianca Del Rio, Detox, Latrice Royale, and Valentina!

16774500? ago

adore del ano

love (adoration) of the anus

fucking hell


found the name in the inspect so I could see source, they're rudimentary peni, cacophony

and they have a song about a little girl getting raped in the first ten minutes

16120713? ago

Have a bump for those fucking slide threads still on the front page

16120701? ago

One day… that bitch.

Oh, and bump.

16120704? ago


not guillotine

Would her struggling outweigh her head rolling?

16120705? ago

Good question. Guillotine's too quick for these pedo cunts, i reckon. Plus with hanging, you can leave them there for weeks, send a stronger message.

16120735? ago

they should hang forever to remind the people what happened

16120797? ago

What the hell do you think this is? Purge of the local nigger that got touchy feely with miss precious skirt? This is an entire OVERCLASS of old world corruption going back into ancient times with an unbroken lineage to the present with full control over all of the institutions of authority which pretend to have the honor and dignity to be above reproach, and which are the primary forces driving these horrors into being systemic and assembly-line in efficiency and you act like there is some fucking "we" that's going to do something about it? You mean what, exactly? Who? The jackasses and their descendants who spat on their own children when they sided with Kike-world so we could have this current paradise? The fucking meat puppets that do mercenary work so they can get neat new modifications for their fucking Punishermobiles? I'm sick of this bad-ass talk. This world is sunken deep into the mire of its evil, and it must and will die. In hell, Justice will be inescapable, but here, this is the wonderland of evildoing and hypocritical tough-talkers.

16120708? ago

I suppose. But leaving them there for weak is a significant disease hazard.

16120697? ago

Is anyone even looking into this anymore, or has pizzagate gone the way of Vegas, Charlottesville, and anything else of actual significance and note on this board, disappearing into the ether while worthless trash gets all the attention?

16120691? ago

Found one:


He follows a lot of people who post photos of their children, Girl Scouts etc. Another reason to keep children out of the public eye online.

16120692? ago


This Account is Private

I hope you archived it before posting here, faggot.

16120683? ago

GATE and pedo related. Was posted by someone on /pol/ a while back on right image side.

16120688? ago

That's from /fringe/.

16120678? ago

humorless bump

16120677? ago

Holy shit, 16 year old Leonardo DiCaprio looked, sounded and even acted a bit like a 14 year old girl! These days they would probably convince him he's a tranny for that. I wish Owen Benjamin would stop calling young adults "children" and people sexually attracted to young adults "paedophiles" though. He can bash the raping faggots he mentions in the video all he wants, but he should call them what they are, raping faggots.

16120675? ago


16120673? ago


Crossposting this from voat, where it was deleted by a stinking kike midget for being too explictly evil and helping the goyim to know. Just because it clearly illustrates satanic fuckery at the top levels of an organization (UNICEF) allegedly about helping children doesn't mean it won't get immediately deleted for violating insignificant rules on a fucking backwater Leddit clone. That shithole is straight compromised, not that it's any surprise because the site's formula is inherently garbage.

16774830? ago


In my Investigations, I've noticed a high correlation between Venetianen themed parties (masks etc) and sexual exploitation. And ofcourse, since it's a (((global initiative))) to help children in need, the certainty that they are kiddiefuckers rises exponentially

16774496? ago

what the fucking fuck!

and it's all goddamn real and still up on the interwebs, this is their page footer

16120670? ago

Hurry! dredge up a bunch of other threads fast!

16120663? ago

Anyone has pizzagate thread last archive?

16120651? ago

Tony Podesta's house. Nice artwork

16120654? ago

Trump knows

16120655? ago

He's been to Epstien's island. Just once though, never went back.

16120660? ago

Did you know that Johnny Depp owns 2 islands? That's probably worth looking into.

16120656? ago

FYI the "temple" isn't there any more. They had a "fire" on the island.

16120642? ago

Do we have any information on where James Alefantis and John Podesta are? Have they made any recent public appearances? Has anyone looked into James Alefantis's other business Buck's Camping and Fishing?>https://www.bucksfishingandcamping.com/

When you scroll down the page you'll come across a picture of someone cutting a slab of raw meat. Why is there a candle on the meat with 2 Donuts around it?

16120665? ago

A fishing/camping store has a cake shaped like a steak? This is nothing. It's like being surprised that a real estate company might have a cake shaped like a new house on a property.



reddit spacing

<podesta is innocent goy

Kill yourself.

16120649? ago

Isn't "buck" paedo slang for boy or something? Or maybe just sex (or possibly specifically homosexual) slang for boy as in young adult male.

16120645? ago

I'm all for digging but this is pretty innocuous. It looks like a cake made to look like a giant steak. And those are clearly cloth napkins not panties.

If you find anything linking this image to known pedo symbols by all means post about it but otherwise this is just adding noise.

16120644? ago

Are those panties on the bottom left? Why?

16120636? ago

There are multiple convictions of government officials for pedophilia, mainstream headlines about government agencies abusing children, accusations by foriegn governments about the systemic abuse of children by American and European governments sponsored charities.

16120634? ago

No way. Something this shocking would be all over the News if it were real

16120712? ago

Pretending to be retarded is still being retarded.

16120630? ago

Thread has been slid very far down, offering a bump

16120631? ago

We've been missing these threads tbh.

16120624? ago

I vaguely remember a while ago some supposedly reputable and respected media people were saying that pizzagate was real or something. Does this sound familiar? Does anyone know who are/is the most mainstream media person that believes in this?

16120627? ago


Not entire sure but it sounds like your talking about ben swanson. He made this report a while back and dissapeared for almost a year. Seems like (((someone))) really didn't like what he said.

16120612? ago

By depleting the third world nations of those who won't go along with sexual violence and thereby causing third world economies to collapse, the first world nations prove their superiority. The people who prove their "intelligence" by manipulating others are a stoneskulled minority with no grasp of the long-term. They impoverish themselves ghetto-style; they reign miserably in hell, until hell kills them. The lives of criminals contain nothing but boredom that they can never alleviate. Nothing is ever good enough, mm. The ones who are actually smart notice that the people "beneath" them live happier, less boring, less stressful lives.

16120609? ago

You realize the nations with actual child trafficking problems lose people to the first world when the first worlders point out that they don't have this issue, right? People have to be spectacularly brain-damaged and unreliable to hurt children. You don't have to be a natalist to notice how much superiority the first world gains for its relative paucity of child abusers. There is no nation on earth that could not reap benefits by driving out those who hurt kids. Everyone knows this, and yet primitives worldwide know well how to organize and sophisticate their efforts to destroy society, so well that people from places that already have this problem know to go to the first world.

And people who are loyal to anyone other than themselves, or indeed who are so good at being loyal to themselves that they value living in a world that doesn't suck, know that they can profit by taking advantage of this common pulse of humanity. They assist the tides of people fleeing their stupider brethren who hurt children. They watch and turn on the incompetents who are so weak that they can only "dominate" the weakest people on the planet. It's a way to buy safety in a world containing literally billions of people who are smarter than child abusers.

16120608? ago

Remember when this shit was taking off and getting deep and there was a convenient (((shooting))) at the pizzeria? The whole thing seems buried and I haven't seen an article mentioning it since it happened.

16120615? ago

The only damage done was to a hard drive on one of the pizzaria's computers.


16120616? ago

Bullshit. That's to goddamn convenient.

16120603? ago


16120602? ago

Look what I found here, in Russia.

Yandex Eda (Yandex Food) is a fast food delivery service sponsored by Yandex company (the most popular search engine in Russia and literally "Russian Google").

Pay attention to this logo. It seems to be nothing special, many will think that it just looks like a "fingerprint" or something else.

Maybe I'm too paranoid and it's just a coincidence.

But this logo with combinations of pictures with pizza by Papa Jones, is triggered associations with pizzagate.

I do not know about this company too much, maybe other Russian anons will come to this thread and help us.

Their site: https://eda.yandex/

1 pic - Logo

2 pic - Food delivers, these guys are walking around the city with this symbol on their backpack and delivering food.

3 pic - Yandex food introduce papa jones pizza.

16120662? ago

I know a lot of you are new to this, but no, not every spiral means pedophilia. They are very specific and open about the spiral types. They MUST be a triangle shaped spiral for boy lovers and MUST be a heart shaped spiral for girl lovers. This is well documented. They HAVE to be specific because of the problem you're running into. If any spiral means = pedos, then the pedo lovers might walk into the wrong place demanding kids. I have no idea why so many fucking boomers don't get that there are no mistakes with a Jews symbolism.

For us, it's bad and also a waste of time and manpower to look into every damn curly symbol out there. This is nothing and looks like the Dreamcast logo.

Picture for reference again so you don't get confused. The pedo toy pic here is exactly how they look in the real world and you can see in the jewelry. They're just so blatant and hidden in plain sight, so don't go chasing every swirly out there.

16120606? ago

Shill. Spirals are meaningless. Or at least nothing to do with paedophilia. Don't fall for the spiral shills.

16120605? ago

Yandex is the Russian Jewgle. Nothing new here.

16120578? ago


16120572? ago

Thanks for posting all of those info graphs. that was a good read.

16120570? ago

Bumping with my trafficking folder, do not allow the shills to slow down the investigation. The kikes are boiling in their own pot after kvetching over Kavanaugh, and now is the time to turn up the heat.

16120571? ago

Big Bear

Interesting. There's a photo of a topless teenage Amy Jo Johnson, the original (American) pink Power Ranger, in Big Bear somewhere out there on the internet. I saw it back in the mid-90s.

16120690? ago

Flight of the navigator was a very jewy movie with Sarah Jessica Parker and Paul Rubens.

Scientists took the boy from his parents, put him in a room, showered him with toys, and watched him through a one-way mirror.

16120694? ago

This art is also in the P o d e s t a house.

It looks like a gaping anus and the head of a penis (sphere, right) that's too big for it.

16120696? ago

Looks more like one eye to me. The amethyst in the background makes it look kind of draconian. In the Qliphoth, the apex attainment is union with lucifer (sometimes also called moloch), gaining the eye of the dragon. a source on this degenerate magick. http://keepersoftherealms.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_27.html

16120539? ago

That gate is homosexual.

Stick to cookies and green apples

16120534? ago

Don’t walk through that gate.

16120540? ago



Creepy posters creepin

16120526? ago

James Alefantis fled to Europe

He done run

Ha , first you pee pee poo poo pisssssss then they run then they died

Jimmycomet will be found in a ditch in a week or a month or so

Cap this'n for posterity and shit


Nigger nigger nigger niggerology nigger nigger

16120543? ago

I believe he's in Israel now. He ran out of places to hide

16120537? ago

Shits weak

16120530? ago

James Alefantis fled to Europe

prove it

16120522? ago

Good breakdown of the entire Pizzagate thing. Interesting read and even stuff I didn't know about in small details.


16120515? ago

How is that even a question? No shit it's real. Even if the satanic jew melodrama is a psyop that doesn't change the convictions in the Franklin Scandal. Normalfags, I swear…

16120504? ago

It’s not what you think it is, but whatever.

It’s actually really fucking disgusting what it is.

16120512? ago

what it is?


16120500? ago

i used to believe it 100% now i realized all of it is schizolevel Alex Jones-tier bullshit …

16120496? ago

Others have touched on this, but pedophilia is more a tool of control than a tool of pleasure. Systemic pedophilia is one of the best ways I can think of to keep a group of criminals loyal to each other. You can be caught with a dead intern in your office and with the right PR the general public will forgive you, but mention someone is a pedophile and it's over for them. When criminals all have evidence of each others pedophilia they stay in line perfectly.

Forget freemasonry, forget any of the old boys clubs, forget the mafia, those are relics of criminal empires whose days have passed. Now, it's systemized kid fucking. In the past such loyalty required the threat of murder and frankly there are many who do not fear death, but being exposed as a pedophile, boy of boy, no one will want to face such a consequence. I imagine that most of the kid fuckers in high levels of power are not necessarily attracted to young kids, rather its a requirement to fit in at that level.

Now to speculate for a bit, I wouldn't 't be shocked if the pedophilia normalization is coming from those who want out of this system. If it was just a fight for the right to fuck kids this would be pointless, because they are already doing that in plain sight. I think they just want the leverage their handlers have over them to be lessened. They know they will never be accepted if they are outed as child fuckers, but if they can lower the social cost just enough that it's not a death sentence then maybe the boot on their neck won't be as tight.

Needless to say, all pedophiles should be necklaced regardless of their intentions.

16120486? ago

IDEA: Find a republican currently up for election and involved in pizzakike, then make a few memes to send the left in the right direction.

16120485? ago

Server hacked @ CP. Hope you've seen this: https://youtu.be/HTRewHDOr90

16120484? ago

I haven't followed or worked much specifically on Pizzagate, I just know the basics, but this came across my plate and I thought of you all. Sorry if it's old news, and I couldn't find any confirmation, still I figured here would know, or could use it.

16120482? ago

We need the victims to talk. 2 of the Luzzatto children are teenagers now. Well, Emerson is 12 which is an honorary teenager. Even Maeve is 10, which is close. Ruby is the oldest at 14 and this is her Instagram:


Unfortunately it's private, but maybe someone can contact her? These girls could be the key to blowing the whole thing up.

16120463? ago


16120454? ago

still not including the Vatican

<in a big fucking way

you know, this is why no one takes this seriously

clergy related abuse is finally making headlines in a way that highlights Feelgood Francis as complicit

you could be taking advantage of that but you don't, why

16120455? ago

still not including the Vatican

Has the Vatican been linked to Pizzagate? I haven't seen any connection yet. It's been revealed recently that most church abuse isn't even paedophilia, "just" homosexual abuse as most victims weren't prepubescent. There could still be coonection to this of couse, I just haven't seen presented, that just seems to be its own scandal.

16120457? ago

it's own scandal

see, that's the problem - they've succeeded in everyone think that it's 'separate'

no one realizes that the Vatican is one of the most influential bodies on Earth because it's hiding in plain sight. yet the (((Vatican))) worships the same demonic forces as the "liberal" abusers on which you're focused, the symbolism is literally the same shit on which michael aquino and co. based the entire platform - why wouldn't they be connected, and are you sure you just haven't looked? the vatican has settled almost $4 billion in child abuse related lawsuits since 1950, there are a bunch of lawsuits still being made and it's not conspiracy-tier.

it's statistically improbable that these scandals don't dovetail, it's annoying to me that no one wants to give it effort, especially when pope Francis might as well be a member of the DNC

16120461? ago

Then find the connection. So much work has been done already, yet I don't think I've seen one connection to the Vatican or the priest scandal in general.

16120459? ago

*making everyone think

16120426? ago

These threads are always a lot of smoke with a little fire. I do believe that this is a pernicious problem, but I don't believe any Pizzagate "investigation" thread has seriously moved the needle.

16120432? ago

you're right

the pizzagate enquiry led to little actionable evidence

that's a major problem

meanwhile the jews are having their metoo-i-got-weinsteined party

16120430? ago

people said this about pedowood for 5 years until everyone got #metood and dan schnieder got fired and james gunn got fired and rick and morty had a bunch of shit dug up on them.

16120431? ago

nothing ever rose shill reactions as hard as pedowood

because that's the core game of the jews

human sacrifice, especially of the innocent

16120393? ago


Also - here's the chat log from BITCH ASS FAGGOT #4CHAN IRC fucking TRAITOR CUNTS



16120582? ago

wgat is the word that starts with C and ends with K

16120396? ago

These pics

16120388? ago

Here's some fucking faggotry from when the faggot bitch ass kike cunt traitor faggot mods(I KNOW YOU'RE HERE TO 8POL MODS - YA FUCKIN KIKES) accidently'd the entire fucking Google Captcha system when the new Podesta shit came out.


also dropping what i have for the new podesta shit.


16120387? ago

Akron, Ohio

17180767? ago

I live here and will investigate. This pizza shop is located in a very artsy, gay area. A lot of gangstalking goes on here, even rumors of paid snipers, possibly LE. Reporting for duty!

16120382? ago

Pitfire pizza in LA right next to a preschool, because of course it is.

16120377? ago

The only dots needed to connect pizza gate to reality are the photo of clinton at comet, and the photo of alfantis with rothschild in the stairwell. The art on the wall, the interests of alafantis, those are just further confirmation. If you dont understand how evellyn Rothschild's wife with alafantis is a caught in cookie jar photo, you are uninformed about rothschilds.

16120446? ago

clinton at comet

wasnt comet but a nearby restaurant, besta pizza

16120373? ago

Yeah, they are pruning this hard from 4chan. I had several threads up, and was able to get some images off. But not many. This is a screen shot from Google View, with a picture someone found on their Instagram. It looks like they must of added the Pizza All Knowing Illuminati Eye as recent art. This would be fucked up if they knew about Pizzagate and the art was put up after the election. It's literally asking for trouble. Like, who thinks of 1700 Bavarian Conspiracies when they are getting Pizza? Who would make this art, knowing the connections after Pizzagate broke?

If that is really John Podesta, then this is some Rabbit Hole stuff they are trying to memory hole on 4chan.

16120513? ago

This photo is from Pasadena, Ca.

16120481? ago

I am surprised 4cucks /pol/ haven't done anything to dox the mods or getting them fired or trolling them into submission.

16120376? ago

16120370? ago

16120368? ago

Just when it looked like mods were letting this one slip by on purpose. Almost suspicously on time, when people started to bring that up.

Terrifying stuff today, though.

16120366? ago

Pizzagate is real when the hangings start.

16120362? ago

Very real and easy to figure out. Qfags deliberately do this web of bullshit argument because they like the image of being a conspiracy theorist.

16120358? ago

This shit just exploded on cuckchan, how come you guys are not rising hell yet?


16120359? ago

because none of us browse cuck chan, though looks like podesta needed his "fix". Place already looks super dodgy

16120367? ago


Those threads have been shoahd. Maybe they're onto something…

16120356? ago

Every time I see these threads I can't help but remember.

16120352? ago

McCain is linked to Jewish Arizona mafia with ties to Bronfmans (NXVIM backers and kike billionaires).

Ties to Russia Jew mafia too.

Relate to Arizona pedo smuggling ring.


16120351? ago


16120617? ago

Thanks for that movie reference

It's good, very enjoyable.

16120425? ago


their bass guitar player got the shit beat out of him by the hells angels for molesting a 13 year old girl at a grateful dead concert. A lot of their songs are occult. Their first three festivals took place on active military bases and they are a continuation of MKULTRA from the 1960s.

16120321? ago


I'm going to drop this here because I think it might be something.

This book has some references to Podesta's private art collection.


The book emphasizes that because the pizza "party" is secret, it's more special.

16120327? ago

anyone looked into Adam Rubin?

16120330? ago

I could barely find mention of him, however when I looked up his name in the Podesta emails I found over 75 emails that mention his name. I haven't look at any of them, however.

16120324? ago

Just found this

16120315? ago

Just dropped in to say that our guys in power, Trump, Sessions are under terrible threat from the Continuity of Government scum, the assassins and secret bankers and spies every day.

Sessions and Trump are working in deep collusion despite all appearances to effect real change.

Trump won against all odds. Remember how far fetched it seemed when he first declared his presidency?

A year and a half later he won in one of the most glorious evenings in my lifetime of 65 years. He won by the skin of his teeth but he won.

We have to be patient and watch and do everything we can to support Trump and the force of counter coup he represents without relent.

We all know 4 and 8 chan are deeply powerful forces in this fight.

Don't despair, don't relent, don't forget ANYTHING.

The USS Liberty, 911, the USS Cole, all the ridiculous crisis actor frauds, and yes Pizzagate, all of it; grab every scrap of evidence photographic, video, documents and prepare for the worst which is yet to come, for the rats are cornered and desperate with wild bloodshot eyes.

16120317? ago

The USS Liberty, 911, the USS Cole, all the ridiculous crisis actor frauds, and yes Pizzagate

All jew attacks on the US

This doesn't stop here, redditor. Trump is part of our plan, not the other way around.

16120301? ago

There is. Look into the Dutroux case and the Ballets Roses. Look into Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. Look into Berlusconi's Bunga Bunga parties. Look into Evan Viscount Tredegar and Aleister Crowley.

You may have to pick up an actual physical book to do some of this.

16120295? ago

its real anons vop and lewis arthur are trying to stop tuscongate and dirty as fk corporations stealing kids

16120310? ago

Be careful of anything, better yet just dismiss anything related to veterans on patrol. They are scumbag hacks using stolen valor to make a buck.

Pushing anything related to them has only made us look bad.

16120304? ago


Total bullshit. Great propaganda, though

16120300? ago

Adrenochrome is easily and cheaply mass produced because it's made from epinephrine. The idea that elites would kidnap and torture kids just to try to squeeze out micrograms of the stuff is nothing but a red herring used to discredit you. Stop falling for that misdirection.

16120401? ago

it's idea from a resident evil game, anon. survivor on the playstation I think. same exact story, umbrella need a substance from adolescent brains so they abduct them, take them to a secret island facility, frighten the living shit out of them and then tear out their brain at the heighth of their fear. lol the shit these shills try to push as real


oh I'm a shill because I don't fall for youtube tier bait for social network soccer moms and half chan sperglords? what am I shilling? wheres the proof, the actual incident was fake news

16120405? ago

and your fucking SAGE doesnt work like that you fucking NEWFAG

thanks for the fucking bumps you little faggot astroturfing kike. go fucking neck yourself bitch. the time is nearly here when we start jailing you fuckers and if that time doesnt come - let the blood baths begin

16120403? ago

go back to reddit you fucking FAGGOT

16120441? ago









typical shill tactic: instigating useless bickering

not saying any of those anons is a shill but that type of energy is a derailing, wittingly done or not

16120444? ago

aren't male feminist and white knights are looking to get laid with their behavior?

16120410? ago


thanks for that. that was really constructive and informal. good work wasting your time and mine. well done. and I'm the shill,sure

not my fault that you getting mad because you can't conjure even one compelling example of evidence that "the world is controlled by pedos". I read this whole thread and it isn't much better than a pedogate one you'd find on halfchan. bunch of shills, bringing the board down to their level.

… thread is dildos. total absolute

16120414? ago

go back to 4cuck faggot

16120415? ago

go back

he says

while posting a halfchan macro

16120419? ago

you sage once and you leave if you want to effectively say something faggot. you dont keep responding because then you're effectively bumping the thread dumbfuck

16120417? ago

you really dont understand how the chans work and you never will - because you're paid to be here faggot. 4chan is our retarded nephew and memes cross between the chans, however - posting quality is usually of higher content here on 8.

i specifically have told you that you aren't fucking saging the thread and you still haven't figured out to sage the thread. neck yourself queer

16120422? ago


newfag blah blah blah

its called a polite sage you faggot. though this hardly deserves it. fucking chimping out over that which is irrelevant to the topic.

16120547? ago

Kill yourself faggot kike. Fucking kill yourself.

16120424? ago

neck yourself kike

16120293? ago

The Voat subverse is slowly dying for both good and bad. Vindicator and that bitch, Sarah are killing it.

16120283? ago

News on Q/Wikileaks/FBI/Mueller PEDO Siggi Hakkari

What do two childrens, kung-fu priests, planes, helicopters, panamaprins, chapels and sects have in common? Yes, all of this is found in Flight Cabin 1 at Reykjavik Airport. The children's armies are in charge of a company registered with over 200 million shares, the Kung Fu priest, once a bodyguard and a pirate hijacker, manages the meetings of the religious community and the Panamanian Princess on his own. The child's name is Sigurður Ingi Þórðarson, better known as Siggi Hakkari, and sits him alone on board together with Robert Tomasz Czarny who abused two girls in Iceland for years. Everyone has access to restricted areas. And when members of the religious community meet in the area, they can easily enter a vulnerable area or embark on planes and even get up to a helicopter and get the air there is that interest. Surveillance is nothing. To trace this story, a few journalists and a lot of space needed an eventful scenario that should never have taken place. (google translate icelantic)


16120296? ago

news on Q

Go back to reddit and fellate your jew god there.

16120274? ago

Pedophilia kikes are real.

But Pizzagate is a psyop to discredit it. Zero children have been saved but every news media has done a report on them silly people who don't like politicians and totally shot up that pizza place.

Stop being an useful idiot.

16120291? ago

Sure thing, kike.

16120270? ago

the amount of effort that goes into these shoops

Has anyone considered channelling that autism into a more digestible format, like a webpage with links to the archives of the original photos? Or accordion style image expansion when you click a piece of text? Or even a time-line?

Panning around the image, it becomes hard to read everything.

16120258? ago

Bump for justice

16120256? ago

16120754? ago

What the actual fuck is wrong with these people?

16120252? ago

Uncle Fatih’s Pizza, Vancouver BC

Pedo swirl art on walls

The Rise rental building just next door has pedo swirls in the windows



16120248? ago

dont forget about tucson. cemex bulldozed the child rape camp and tower. mayor is a rothschild. all have ties to ventana medical soros and clinton foundation. ventana is a pharma company harvesting adrenechrome from the thousands of kids brought across az border. Michael Lewis Arthur Meyer and his wife flora troy Shabani Meyer and VOP veterans on patrol are the only ones stopping it. this is big and see all the pedo Civano links in tucson

16120598? ago

It's easier to synthesise adrenochrome in a lab

You can buy it online

The meme is probably used to discredit

16120601? ago

I believe you are likely correct

16120246? ago

John Candy was in movies with Macaulay Culkin, Tom Hanks. Maybe he saw things? Noticed this quite a while back when the movie was on TV. 1:34 Mark. The title font change doesn't really do with anything, let alone the "O" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUbtdq1JVkc

16120284? ago

He looked like Dan Schneider a little bit. That seems too out there to just be speculation. I don't want to think bad about John Candy but you are right he does seem like a pedophile.

16120244? ago



16120240? ago

Everything retarded is real.

16120239? ago

Alefantis' sister wrote a letter to a judge requesting leniency in the sentencing of a convicted child molester/rapist. The article has of course been scrubbed.

Does anyone have the archive link?

16120237? ago

Reminder that shills will try not to merely censor or demean, but instead redirect and soil the original intent of any movement they do not like. Good examples are any posts that attempt to correlate it with some wacky unbelievable shit, so as to turn away newfags and lurkers. It's classic information warfare tactics.

Pizzagate is real

Pedophile sex trafficking rings are real

Hollywood is a major hub for it

16120233? ago

voodoo donuts video removed mirrored here


16120226? ago

muh pizzagate

imkikey retardation


muh shills

cuckchan summerfag retardation

16120224? ago

Ok so I think I've found a new pedophile but I'm struggling to find more information.

I don't know how many of you grew up in Christian families or watched Veggietales as a kid but I think the series was infiltrated by a Pedophile and that's why it declined in popularity before becoming some religionless blob on Netflix.



I was trying to figure out why Veggietales seemed to decline, and was reading up about it's useless adaptation after being purchased for NBC. When I noticed one of the Producers (David Pitts) that came in from 2001 onward (about the time it started to go downhill) didn't have a link for extra info.

So I went and looked him up.

Well the only info I could find was on http://bigidea.wikia.com/wiki/David_Pitts - the fan wiki for Veggietales.

"Fun Facts

His favorite type of pizza is pepperoni and sausage."

Now Pizza is in a lot of Veggietales stuff and started out as a joke about Pizza in the Bible and then became a running joke so I thought hey maybe I'm just panicking because I've my own ideas.

What's the alternative? A pedophile was placed in Veggietales because it was a successful Christian movie series so there was a concentrated effort to remove the franchise?

Even if that was somehow true how a Producer have more influence than older members of staff or the owners?


http://bigidea.wikia.com/wiki/Phil_Vischer - Was one of the founders of Veggietales and a lot of people thought he left the company after Veggietales very popular and successful Jonah movie. Infact if you open up that link you'll find this whole section on his "Departure"

During the production of Jonah, the company was in financial trouble due to various events (eg. HiT Entertainment trying to sue them after buying the rights from Lyrick Studios). Around that time, they hired a lot of people to help out with their productions before they went bankrupted. There was one new guy who was a new producer and thought he was king, but then one production he was working on wasn't going well, which resulted the project being shut and made the new producer really mad. Just as the company was being bankrupt, the producer thought Phil was the problem for not letting the crew members doing what they want. So when Classic Media brought the company afterwards, the producer place in their contract that Phil should stay away from being CEO. When Phil had a meeting with the owners, he suggested that he should remain as CEO. But this was overturned when John and Eric wanted the company to move somewhere in Nashville and they only wanted Phil as a consultant, and give him an office allowance so he can stay in Chicago.

What the producer put on the contract is that if Phil came back, he'll walk away and stop making the shows. So during the next few years, Phil wrote some books and created both Jelly Telly and What's In the Bible…

So yeah I can't find very much more than that but it stuck out as very strange to me that an 'anonymous' Producer had so much influence on the company and at the same time a new producer that only has Pizza in his profile online, ran in Big Idea from the very time the franchise started going downhill.

And as anyone who browses on here knows, there has been a concentrated effort to remove Christianity and alternative media from the public space for decades now.

Post ended up bigger than I expected but wanted to know if anyone else has come across this

16120685? ago

I might know why you can't find anything. In case of infiltrating particularly tough nuts to crack. Instead of using one of their more well known plants they purposefully employ an unknown for the infiltration. I know its not a whole lot to go on but there's a reason they use those types of unknowns to deal with the holdouts. It also has you noticed very useful for blocking any attempts at uncovering much about them. Its entirely on purpose.

Since its a kids show its indeed safe to assume its a pedo. Beyond that I can't really help much. I just know they keep entire groups of those hidden fuckers just waiting to be deployed. You just happened to stumble upon one of them. Which is interesting. Usually they try to keep those guys reserved until the time comes.

If you by some miracle can somehow track his origins that would provide some very enlightening information.

16120511? ago

Good find. anon. I'll assist in digging

16120220? ago

Co-author of book detailing allegations of child sex-abuse by former politician in South-Africa found dead

Mark Minnie, co-author of the controversial book The Lost Boys of Bird Island, which details allegations that former apartheid minister Magnus Malan was part of a paedophile network, has been found dead.


16120213? ago

This is a reupload of deadpool Mickey Mouse finger fam. Mute it so you don't have to hear this atrocious song.

16120200? ago

Glad to see this thread has not died. Have a like free bump on me anons.

Vid is related to elsagate, but who do you think is behind that? Same pedokikes behind pizzagate and PEDOWOOD most likely.

16420732? ago

It was proven that (((bankers))) in Europe were behind these videos.

16120212? ago

Its hard to tell what is going on with elsagate. It seems to be a pedophile thing. In the dan harmon digging there was this cartoon. When the man deficates in the mouth of the child in the cartoon it seems like he is getting off on doing that. So another thing with elsagate is stinky shit and frozen carechters farting and very just offputting and gross things associated in a hello kitty way. I speculated that the elsagate cartoons are what they show as cartoons to the kids they are holding captive. As an addition to the satanic ritual abuse even the time off they are watching disturbing cartoons and this shit. Its like something you would show someone to let them know they are in a hellworld.

16120205? ago

kike free

Motherfucker. Anyways here's a link as well


16120206? ago




16120211? ago

Voat has less shills than any 8ch board. It just has more lolbergs in its userbase.

16120219? ago

You honestly cannot fucking believe that. There are thousands of sockpuppets on voat and it’s riddled with kikes and their paid shills. It’s a reddit clone, which means that other users (read: jewish sockpuppets) can censor you and prevent you from speaking entirely. All posts with a score of -4 or lower are instantly hidden from view for everyone. All accounts with negative SCP/CCP are prevented from posting more than 10 times per day.

16120199? ago

Anyone have this old jones video? I seem to have lost it from my archive.

I find the coverup always the most telling part of any big scandal. This video makes it more obvious than anything else (as well as how AJ/infowars is obviously controlled opposition)

If anyone can mirror it or megaupload it, I'd be grateful.

16120197? ago

Jesus Christ, at what level would Pizzagate be in the Protocols? Is this their part End Game on Abusing and Sucking the Goyim's soul or something

16120344? ago

Protocol Seven is the blackmailing protocol, the jews will not back anybody without a blackmail folder.

16120198? ago

The first protocol and a lot of other protocols outline a global masonic apparatus. The pedophilia is often used as a method of blackmail from what has been exposed. So it would be used as something to cement the global masonic apparatus.

16120195? ago

Alex Jones said it fake so it probably true.

16120193? ago

Today, you learn that Zionist Supremacy is a doomsday cult.

Each nation has heads of state, politicians, bankers, generals, and popular entertainers to help steer the mythology of that nation. When faced with the threat of nuclear catastrophe, those key people have to be made to do whatever it takes (and again, even against their own immediate interests) to ensure their own survival and to prevent them of even accidentally escalating conflict in a complex geopolitical game involving nuclear arms. Does a rowdy politician have to be put down? Does an impatient general need to be put into check? Does an entertainer with a loud mouth need to be silenced? You could assassinate any one of these theoretical players, but then you have to contend with their remaining influence networks and now you have a whole mess on your hands that will take decades to manage. It’s best if these players of influence managed themselves. What if blackmail could be planted on these players in a way which would destroy the social and political reputation of powerful people and decouple them from their influence? If that were possible, then that player can be made to play by the rules, even if it was against their own interests. If a whole network of blackmailed assets were made in such a manner, you could steer geopolitical ambitions in a more predictable and managed way. You could, theoretically, assert control over the playing field and minimize unintended nuclear escalation.

Each nation has its own taboos, but some of those taboos can change over time with media and political pressure. For example, many countries, adultery and homosexuality is met with extreme social stigma, punishment, and even death. If one was to create blackmail that was nearly-universal and grand in scale, one would have to look no further than violent pedophilia. With the advent of film, a person can be coerced to engage in not only pedophilia behavior, but to also kill the child after wards while being filmed. This would bind the person and all of their influence to whoever owned the footage. As you scale this technique out to compromise more and more powerful people, you need more and more film footage, storage facilities, and… thousands upon thousands of children on a near annual basis. How does one create the necessary loyal handlers to facilitate this unbelievably gruesome and horrifying type of blackmail creation? A doomsday cult provides all of the trials and training needed to select for the most loyal who will go to any lengths to appease the faith.

16120187? ago

My latest ban from pedo mods on cuckchan

The only 3 pics I uploaded was the ID from the 4 flag aussie posts.

16120174? ago


16120172? ago

bump for kill the (((pedogate)))

16120170? ago

You mean to tell me there are people who still don't believe in Pizzagate? Even after they staged an event where a known actor 'magically' shot directly though their computer hard drive from '30 feet away'?

Christ, how dumb and gullible is the average normie anyhow. I'm thinking starting a religion might be the best possible career path of all.

16120399? ago

why would they need to "believe in it" if it were indisputable? poor choice of words son

16120400? ago

sage doesn't work that way here bitch ass shill faggot

16120169? ago

h3h3productions Ethan Klein and his wife are possible pedos

passed out or dead child in background

yet they have no children

16774499? ago

noooooo :( not Ethan

16403717? ago

This is the sort of stuff they post to discredit pizzagate. Take a generically enjoyed popular figure, blame him with a picture that is obviously not sketchy or weird at all and link it up with the actually disturbing pictures that are so disturbing.

People will then only look at pics like this (since its about someone they actually know) and presume all the "evidence" is this sort of garbage thus discrediting the entire theory.

16420731? ago

Using a similar approach, they went to extreme lengths to discredit the (((Plhelps-Sxeton))) Sandy Hoax connection. There was the ridiculous Robbie Parkre / Tony Hawk ear lobe analysis, and a hundred more like that. Any mention of it will bring in the shills.

16417790? ago

This person is likely between 6 and 8 years old

Or a midget.

16440407? ago


The problem with that pic is that she is turning her leg a bit to get to his mouth, so you're looking at it from a slight angle rather than looking at the side of the leg straight on. You'd have to add a couple of inches to get the correct length.

16120689? ago

This is Ethan's wife's art.

Remember the recurring "changeling" theme when Pizzagate was first exposed?

Very interesting coincidence that she would paint the same theme.

16120347? ago

Is the person lying on the ground a kid or not?

16120282? ago

And what the fuck is the backstory on that image?

16120275? ago

Where's the original pic, did it come from twitter?

16120273? ago

Are you sure it's a child?

16120152? ago

doing gods work op


16120147? ago

Who are the people that must die for this to end? or is this just one of lifes necessary evils that will exist forever?

16120146? ago

16120140? ago

THE KINSEY REPORT ≤<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

16120180? ago

thank you

16120126? ago

did a search for bing's img tag like a deleted thread suggested. I'm fucking pissed about what I found. Pic related.

16120235? ago

If you want to see some bad stuff, search for "imgchili"

16120129? ago

disinfo to cover tracks?

16120134? ago

Decide for yourself nigger. I just did the search again and found it fairly quickly. Here's an url for you lazy bitch http://pixshark.com/little-girl-crying.htm

A holocaust can't come soon enough

16120136? ago

I'm calling you a lazy bitch for pointing out memoryholing

No faggot. What I meant by disinfo is (((they))) put the swirl on the stock images to divert people from finding info when searching for real pizzagate info with reverse images.

16120138? ago

What they did is read this thread and respond to the criticisms laid forth about Child Porn images being available on their servers.

Now they are no longer available.

16120122? ago

Bumpity bump. You kikes and your children will burn on stakes here on earth, and for eternity in a hell beyond your worst imagining, and will still deserve more suffering than that.

16120118? ago

If the NSA say pizzagate is real. It is.

16120181? ago

Except they didn't. That's someone tweeting an image, not a retweet of a real tweet.

16120112? ago

Pizzagate is not only real, it is and always has been the foundation of the jew religion. judaism is a moloch-worshipping child sacrifice cult that only pretends to worship YHWH, that's why even the yids' own god tribal sky god fucking hates them.

16440419? ago

For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make an atonement for your souls upon the altar, since it is the lifeblood that makes atonement. Therefore I say to the Israelites, ‘None of you may eat blood, nor may any foreigner living among you eat blood.’ - Levicitus 17:11-12

gives a whole terrifying dimension to "spirit cooking."

16120614? ago

Facts, the Jews have been cursed by G-d because of their rejection of the messiac.

16120800? ago

Why do so many retards/Jews/shills/proselytizers come in here to speak this kind of irrelevant drivel when something important is being discussed?

16120183? ago

Checking these trips. I don't mean to derail, but does anyone have non-kosher information on moloch?

16120098? ago

July 27th is the longest blood moon of the century and there is a strong influence of Mars. This alignment will bring conflict, bad moves on the interpersonal level, and make pilpul and kikery very bad tactics to use. What would be grumbled off, will be fighting words.

16120111? ago

been saying this for years

will be spending my time with the trees among friends

it is advised that all do the same

16120105? ago

Mars also has strong connotations of health and masculinity. So as long as you don't tell lies, don't act like a fag and don't skip leg day, the evil will pass over you in search of a more comfortable host.

16120115? ago

So you’re saying I can’t target the strong.

16120103? ago

Ahh the task at hand, should have looked more closely. Where?

16120099? ago

So you’re saying I will get laid by an Indian woman.

16120072? ago

Anyone got that pic of Quentin Tarantino suckin some kids toes with the scale comparison?

16120071? ago

Bump, shills are panicking

16120081? ago

anime trash

i agree but you need to get the fuck out.

16120085? ago

triggered goon

You pedos are going to hang first.

16120143? ago

there aren't any goons anymore, and if there is, they're posting on 4cuck. NOT HERE. so shut the fuck up, you people are like bots, you say the same fucking thing every time someone is slightly irritated by your D/C moe shit.

16120709? ago

D/C moe shit

some fag gets triggered by anime image

call them a fag

it's the anime image that's d/c



the chans


That sounds like a bit of a stretch to me but the gravity defying sphere looks like your typical jewish modern "art" to me, with the whole minimalist + defying nature thing.

16120144? ago

triggered goon

You're never getting that ten bucks back.

16120094? ago

Their system is color coded. Blue means straight and defensive. Red means passion hearts, without blue, red alone means they are ambiguity. Purple is the mix of the two. White means purity and willingness to die. Black means strength and fighting. Grey means indeterminate and of choice. Silver is the minion color, it the people that do the leg work.

Not sure what it means outside of this system. Diamonds are very beautiful girls. Up arrows that are not spiraling or pyramids means trafficking in females apparently, not sure as I wasn’t involved in those branches. I only heard rumors and saw some of the symbols involved with all of that, never asked, and was never told.

Down arrows mean females, but of their own free will. Red and white together means no entry if there is a ring or unbroken circle involved. If it’s a upside down triangle with red and white it means you yield your female of the moment assuming the relationship isn’t actually formal, as in you know each other.

Orange means passion and action. If it’s a triangle that’s upside down it’s a female. If it’s anything else it’s a dice roll. Orange with black means sodomy. White with black means straight action.

Stars are a different matter. A black star means you’re in for a sex, but it’s likely to be a surprise what you end up with, could mean a black girl, or a white girl. Blue stars mean defense of race. White stars are virgins. Green stars are organics, as in the vegans. Red stars are typically Asian from what I have seen, of which Indians are as well.

There’s way more to this than that, as the networks are vast and there are easily a billion people involved and the only constant is that there is always external interference in the system. Usually people that were never accepted or that were outcast due to oath violations or something else. Most of the oath violators appear to be Jewish. Don’t know, most of my interactions with Jews are supervised by Masters of Lodges these days. The Jews came after me a few times and several committed direct oath violations.

Beastiality is also a big no no in Masonry.

16120124? ago

Assuming you're not just larping… do the colours used in national flags apply to those colour codes? Are national flags a Masonic thing to begin with?

Is does pic related refer to human trafficking?

16120127? ago

The colors are based on something similar. I am not sure if Freemasons have adopted them. I went through a different branch of Masonry.

The colors do represent something, that varies based on which cultural block is in power in that region. Green stands for natural law. Blue stands for defense, and so and so forth. I couldn’t say for sure, you’d have to ask a Freemason to be sure.

I went through the Russian branch of Masonry, which involves physical as well as mental testing to achieved anything. I understand the Freemasons using their communications methods as degrees according to the other thread. I wasn’t aware of the difference until recently myself. I thought all Masons went through the same stuff. It’s also confusing as the Freemasons basically speak a completely different language and are expected to perform in the real world and within the economy. The Russian branches in my experience do not require anything of the sort, and as a result tend to appear to be closer to the Jewish and Muslim forms of Masonry.

In the end it’s all the same thing. Bringing people together or keeping people that can’t reasonably function within society that have something to offer safe from being ran over by the society for their apparent idiosyncrasies.

Is there a conspiracy by the Masons to genocide the White race, maybe, but not that I am aware of. The Freemasons don’t exactly invite me to their cook outs. From what I can tell they don’t even care for me, because of my ways.

16120125? ago

I think he means in shops signs and the like.

16120116? ago

I've heard of gold star lesbians. Probably part of that code too.

16120095? ago

If you notice this stuff is all around you everywhere you go.

16120054? ago

16120051? ago

So they use symbolism. How do we fight them back with symbolism? What are some good guy symbols?

I'm aware of the

Saturn vs Jupiter

Cronos vs Zeus

also I know Swastika is actually good. But what else? Everytime I google for this stuff I just get satanic shit

16120156? ago

So they use symbolism. How do we fight them back with symbolism? What are some good guy symbols?

"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."

16120262? ago

used my little ms paint skills i have

16120163? ago

Interesting parallelism, to be sure.

16120060? ago

Figure it out.

People larping as Satan worshippers are everywhere.

16120068? ago

I want the opposite of Satan worshippers. Good symbols to combat them

16120075? ago

The Christian cross. Any sign that looks like a plus sign. The number 11, as it represents commandery. The number 33, as it represents Mastery. If you get involved with Masonry, don’t go past the 33, as that’s where the faggotry starts. I made it to 33 in three systems and stopped. I have the rights to a commandery, and can pretty much live how I choose as long as it doesn’t violate my oath, which I never have. God help anyone that causes me to do so, as they will learn very quickly how bad things can get for them. I chose my systems very wisely so that I am a walking trap. If I get forced into something I don’t want to do, their lives immediately become the targets of all Masons everywhere.

They will try to tell you not to talk about this stuff, but you’re not under any obligations to not speak about it. This stuff is easy to figure out for anyone.

The Christian cross is your best bet. Alternatively a golden or ring anywhere. Basically and circle on your person is a symbol of fealty. Perhaps buy a watch with a round bezel. Avoid geometric shapes if you’re not wearing a circle or ring.

I can’t tell you what the left or communists think. I never associated with those people. I was never involved with those branches of Masons either.

If you really want to know the meaning of the pyramid symbols, I will telll you.

The pyramid represents choices from the perspective of the observer. You’re the eye of judgement. Whatever choice you make will lead you to whatever possible outcomes within the scope of the time line that is probable which is the rest of the pyramid. Every single choice you make leads to a probable outcomes. This is the core lesson of Masonry.

16120753? ago




can pretty much live how I choose as long as it doesn’t violate my oath

Super Blood Wolf Moon January 20th 2019

Guess what masonniggers? One of you is going to tell us where the public false flag sacrifice will be. And one of you is going to tell me where in the 33rd State the Jewluminati is having their private ceremony. Pic related.

16120502? ago

Basically and circle on your person is a symbol of fealty. Perhaps buy a watch with a round bezel. Avoid geometric shapes if you’re not wearing a circle or ring.

i'm wearing a buddhist red string, that's what i think. is this approved or is there a bad meaning behind?

16120505? ago

Are you a Mason? Which arm is it on? They mean different things and the state and city matters as well. If you don’t live west of the continental divide you should be okay. If you live west of that divide and are in a liberal city it means something else. If you’re Asian it won’t matter.

The cops are scared of the Chinaman. They will just think you’re Chinese.

16120507? ago

left, no i'm not a mason. i'm not even living in america. i'm into symbolism, but know nothing about your codes. i'm aware of the kabbalah and therefore the mason link, but for me its more a fate thing, choosing my own destiny and red color signaling that i'm more on the rebel site. always thought symbols were for communicating existencial ideas instead of this code speak. doesn't really make sense for me. well, just wanted to make sure i 'm not wearing some masked satanist thing. you never know.

16120109? ago

clinging to a Jewish religion to save you against Jews

KEK you fuckers are so stupid!

16120150? ago

16120079? ago

You get the rope and all your faggot masters too, you will be made equal in the DOTR

16120082? ago

Good luck.

16120042? ago

Well home alone the movie seems to talk about cheese pizza a lot…

16120364? ago

He ate pasta too in a scene. I remember it clearly because of when he was saying grace he specifically did mention it. Also dat obvious blond haired beta kitten symbolism.

16120035? ago

pizzagate is real


OP, I remember the threads and the fun, horrible, and absurd… but there's one thing I'm not sure I'm capable of, that the newfags could use. That's a rundown on which parts were real and which we just decided were "probably true/good propaganda" for shitposting during the Great Meme War of 2016. Did anyone actually keep track of that? It all blew up so fast that it got difficult to sift through.

16120027? ago

Liddle Senator (((Schiff)))

Trump knows…

16120026? ago

Diners Drive-ins and Dives showed Comet Pizza's basement. Also article.

16120025? ago

Did a kike just call these theories "cheesy"

I dont want to point out now obvious you are too much because you might learn

16120003? ago

Indeed it is

16120001? ago

Maybe if anal rape wasn't treated by people as a de facto punishment it wouldn't be so effective.

That's the secret. If you want to solve the problem of government-mandated child prostitution, figure out how to offer treatment and rehabilitation. These people are caught up in a gang lifestyle. The problem of child porn and prostitution won't be solved without offering these criminals an alternative to getting raped in prison.

16120007? ago

MFW I know that the pedo rings will drug people to have children rape them, then use that so they can sodomize them. Both acts are against their will.

16120541? ago


doesn’t post face

I want kikebook to leave

16120008? ago

Or they'll have family members rape a child, and then use the blackmail against the older member to coerce the victim into becoming a rapist themselves. Intergenerational blackmail! Some families have been repeating the same damn problem for hundreds of years!

16120010? ago

I already know about that. Found out the hard way that my uncle was a pedo, which is strange because I know he had no background of abuse as a child. I am pretty sure they used the promise of helping him with he late wife’s medical bills to get him to do it. Then they came after me because I am a perpetual annoyance to the people in power.

16120013? ago

The worse thing is he ran me through the gamut and everything to get me to break. Even had cops and the people around me doing the same bs. Never happened and now the bitch shield of all the left wing extremists went up.

16119999? ago



16119996? ago

why dont we just mow down all the kikes with a hail of blessed gunfire?

16119995? ago

post evidence or fuck off

16119994? ago

Just remember, 58cf60 is the very best they can do here. The argumentative techniques are very easy to read and it's standard shill tactics. Read the sticky if you're a newfag, brush up on opsec, and DON'T BE A MASSIVE RETARD wasting time replying to shills.

16119982? ago


16119978? ago

We know. They fuck kids.

Give me skippy's head on a spike.

16119970? ago

Hey Taylor, why did you cuck out on us when we needed you most?

16119968? ago


Who cares if you're part of a satanic church?

the bigoted American christian voting public who won't vote for a jew or an Italian or a mormon

16119961? ago

OFF TOPIC: Just finished watching True Detective season 1. Loads of pizzagate related information.

16120043? ago

yeah dude, that whole show seemed like a cry for help, it even featured the symbols

16120044? ago

I do watch movies and shows to observe the conniving way of the Jew, I may watch this one, but probably not.

16119985? ago


16120268? ago





True Detective season 1 was based on an actual case involving Satan worshiping and child molestation in Louisiana. Accompanying vid is a mini-documentary Vice (I know, I know, but has really relevant and interesting info) did on the subject.

16120361? ago


Reminder that True Detective S2 was going to deal with human trafficking using the metro tunnels before it was changed into a generic corruption and gun/drugs running story.

16120257? ago

16119956? ago

I love how you completely failed to give any form of evidence to your ridiculous accusations, instead linking to some dimwitted Jewtube e-celebs (who're spouting even more idiotic claims). Furthermore one of you proudly points out Sexual abuse allegations written down on some celebrity's wiki page as evidence for a child porn ring.

I'm still waiting on evidence of sexual child abuse in video or picture form that would proof the involvement of a organized, wealthy interest group.

16119993? ago

if there was 100% concrete evidence, then we wouldn't be here, anon.

the only thing I have to contribute to this thread is that most of the relevant people I know have stated that it's pretty common knowledge that this pedo shit has been going on for a long time. it's just my word, I have nothing to substantiate this, but a lot of people are aware and it's just kinda accepted that old jews have weird preferences/fantasies which they are free to practice whenever they want. tbh this has probably been going on for centuries…

16119959? ago

If you've looked at the evidence and still don't see it, that's because you don't want to understand. If you haven't looked over it, then that's on you. In any case, why must you choose to defend pedophiles?

>>11883622 (Checked)

You're welcome, my man!

16119934? ago

infinite amounts of circumstantial evidence never equals a proof

pizzagate in a nutshell

16120794? ago

Who needs proof to do a solid investigation of the investigators who are obstructing the solid investigation of the incredibly suggestive, numerous, and rather suspicious evidence which suggests horrific and systematic crimes against children are ongoing? Reasonable suspicion is sufficient for that. Oh well. I guess they all really do fuck kids. Still think the world has a future?

16119983? ago

Thr userped judicial system regularily convicts people on circumstantial evidence. The wikileaks terminology jn the emails literally refers to very obscure pedophile terminology in terms which cannot be understood outside of that context. You are basically saying phrases have no connotative value yet i assure you if there was phrase in an email of suspected murderer such as "sleeping with the fishes" it would be admissable. You and your ilk make up bullshit burdens of proof.. which would require one to form, fund, and create an entirr intelligence agency (and not get caught and spend eternity in solitsry confinement). If evidence was clearly found it would be inadmissable due to the means it was obtained anyway. The emails dont down right have to say fucking little kids to mean fucking little kids.

16119938? ago

Changing IPs won't work here moshie.

16120332? ago


fucking kike shill bots. rot in hell sand nigger scum

16119931? ago

vid highly related

16157253? ago

What the fuck? This is creepy as hell. Is this real? That's one of the most fucked up things I have ever seen.

16269084? ago

Actually its creating a split personality through torture where the child can be easily controlled, and be more willing to commit sexual acts

16157263? ago


Elites drug of choice… adrenochrome

That’s the most disturbing thing.. what they do to extract.. inflict terror and pain

16288460? ago

Read up on psychopaths.

They need physical/traumatic stimuli to feel anything. Thus the weird art, gutturally disghusting imagery, or anything that can be shocking.

Torture, rape, domination, screaming victims, fear in people's eyes. These are the only sorts of things that gives them any pleasure or feelings at all.

They feel no fear which is why it's easy for them to become politicians.

16295158? ago

What's with his knees on the girl?

16295153? ago

16157257? ago

They're known to torture the kids before they drink their blood

16120805? ago

Holy mother of Christ. Was there a thread about this archived somewhere?


Any links?

16120802? ago

You people need to keep working out.

When you resent work, remember, these people have grown week and flacid. It is possible to break them with your hands if you train.

16120779? ago

I remember when this hit the scene

16120646? ago

I still don't think it sounds like him. The people wanting to kill him after seeing this are the easiest tools to use and stir. Just imagine, it could be the exact opposite: He's getting dox/mailed because he actually ended or attacked cp. And now you all want to kill him. Just imagine.

If anyone has a real audio analysis i would be grateful. Just showing two Audio Waves like in some videos is not an analysis (!).

Also, assuming the video is real, could they be using CIA-tier Drugs+Sensory Overdrive in the portrayed scene or is there any clear evidence it's "real"?

btw i dont get how my beforementioned theory is a stretch of imagination but 'yours' isn't. Honest answers welcome.

16120664? ago

Just imagine, it could be the exact opposite: He's getting dox/mailed because he actually ended or attacked cp. And now you all want to kill him.

This is why we must never conflate demands for evidence with support for criminality, kids.

16120628? ago

I know he's banging on the doors to the shower and using flashing lights but is something else going on in there? I don't hear water running. I've heard of CIA and other groups using bugs, snakes, or mice for psychological torture. Having an unusually difficult time finding links to this sort of thing atm

16120576? ago

Hate doesn't even come close to describe what I feel for these people.

16120521? ago

I can never watch this video without wanting to watch Molesta be slowly tortured by an expert.

16120811? ago

I'm normally not big on cruelty, but I will make an exception for these types of people. They must be introduced into hell screaming.

16120335? ago

16120241? ago

Anyone have the version where it shows that it is Podesta?

16120175? ago

to be fair, this was probably just a run through for a presidential candidate debate between Hillary and Trump

16120171? ago

It's just a game anon. Stop being so racist.

16120166? ago

jesus christ

16119949? ago

Anyone remember the site this came from? It was really similar to sentimentalcorp in both name and contents.

16119953? ago


16120619? ago

This is definately weird as fuck. Here on the page http://worldcorpo.net/music/index.html there is a song called midlife crisis around 1:30 he says "shitty websites make my dick go up like the climate, watching these kids struggle for help is priceless"

16120622? ago

Oh fuck it gets worse. Not sure if you lads have seen this one before but i will post anyway. http://worldcorpo.net/video/18.html Here is a video depicting a young kid in swim trunks screaming as 2 adults are yelling at him to take a shower, it's titled show time. The only other parts i could make out is the man saying "what are you screaming about? i like this, i like this kid, he's a real special guy" This ones really disturbing, maybe even more so than the hot shit podesta video. And another disturbing one here where some guy is covered in blood taking a shower http://worldcorpo.net/video/11.html

16120164? ago

I'm on their discord. Weird peoplebeen trying to dig but can't get any info yet or any deeper

16120032? ago

those videos

16119964? ago

Fucked up website.

16119958? ago

Thanks been wondering about that for ages.

16119939? ago

What's the video of? I know it's skippy yelling at a kid but where is he? It looks like he's using the broom/brush to bang on a sliding shower door that the child is behind as well as one of those rotating christmas lights pic related

16120227? ago

I know it's skippy yelling at a kid but where is he?

There are images of comet ping pong that matched in shape and color

16120698? ago

taken down for copyright infringement

oh deary

16120600? ago

is gone

16120381? ago


<kid yells out "John"

16120354? ago

Fucking hell, that vid always gives me chills

16120242? ago

nvm, thanks.

16119947? ago

I know it's skippy

No you don't, retard. It may sound like him (?), but that's it.

16120703? ago

Hi John

16120185? ago

did you miss the part where he says "I'm john podest-" when he's singing the cailou song?

16120595? ago

He says "I'm just-a"

The lyrics of the kailou theme song

16120023? ago

An audio engineer analyzed the voice. It is absolutely him.

16120020? ago


it's afraid

16120090? ago

16120097? ago

Some Jewish people are alright. Get over it.

16120579? ago

If you encounter 1 untouched by communism, there not actually that bad. It's the group think ones you have to watch out for.

16120514? ago

They were alive when we threw them from the chopper, I assure you!

Charlatán zorrón detected

16120519? ago

Too bad Allende was also jewed out as fuck, he took weapons from the fucking (((soviet union))), South America has never had an unkiked option

16120520? ago

As opposed to taking weapons from America, the bastion of world zionism?

16120322? ago

See >>12090025

There are no good jews. Look at all the jews inthe replies using words we use to demean them against us. They have no souls.

16120318? ago

Bobby Fischer and Stanley Kubrick are both dead, there are no more "good jews".

16120113? ago

t. jew

16119929? ago

16119928? ago




So you've realized that spamming won't work and are falling back on the age old derailing tactic of CP it seems

16119927? ago


The P doesn't stand for pedophile

anon is a communist

Also well done for barebacking, enjoy Jamal.

16119926? ago

Remember to global report these kikes.

These are the sick fucks spamming threads and shilling.

16119925? ago



These are the people spamming threads.

16119917? ago

Sage, because you're a nigger that refuses to learn and comply with hatechan's standards.

16120384? ago

Sage, because you're a nigger that refuses to learn and comply with hatechan's standards.



16119907? ago

Q predicted they'd all get away with it

16120057? ago


get lost retard

16120055? ago

Shut the fuck up.

16119919? ago

16120045? ago

Twelve was better

16119913? ago


You guys remember operation redstick? I propose something similar to spread this. Although as soon as it starts to gain any traction the MSM will shut it down and those who began spreading awareness will be character-assassinated or worse. It's a difficult situation. We need somebody like Elon on our side… assuming he isn't one of them.

If all the politicians are in on this ring, and then the populace is unwilling to act due to the (((MSM))), what are we to do? I think it was Rockwell that said most civilians are just spectators in times of strife and then join the winning side at the last minute. Even trying to do something in the physical world will likely result in swift defeat, given the entire federal government is in on it, and they can pretty quickly stop an angry protest.

Where is MAGA-man when you need him? I get people say he's a jewish shill and all, but honestly if he could get some people that he trusts, move to a bunker, and then have all these people dealt with in one night that would be stellar. The only problem is that the media wouldn't support it, probably not even FOX. When Hitler conducted the Night of the Long Knives he had sizeable control over the public sentiment. Trump doesn't have that luxury, but maybe its what he's waiting for a second term?

There is of course the ever-present option of just Riding the Tiger. If you haven't read "Ride the Tiger" by Julius Evola, do it literally right now. You can find a pdf online easily. Maybe we should just wait for the pendulum to swing back the other way, for the tiger to tire, for our chance to strike. But I don't want to be accused of being a shill just because I propose vigilant passivity as an option.

I like to think we'd be the first ones to exercise our revolutionary right, given the opportunity.

Any ideas?

16120305? ago


I was thinking of listing toasters on craigslist for $14.88

that way we can reach out to other NatSoc folk in our areas. It would be too big an effort of abc.gov to track if we all did this. Local police would probably more want to join us than deter us or track us and fed agencies would be too thinned out trying to keep up with 100's of toaster postings across the nation. Hell, spread it out over the globe and wish interpol good luck on taking us all down for wanting to associate with our own kind.

16449309? ago

Need to do a small toaster oven… That would be even better or some leather wallets or something like that.

16449316? ago

Better yet, speak plain English you faggot.

16120313? ago


Yes! My God, yes!

$1,488.00 dollar ovens!

You sir, are a genius.

We do need to localize and group up. Of course there's going to be infiltrators, but we just need to keep a level head and come together in benefit of each other. Exercise groups, study groups, financial groups, group living arrangements. We need to collectively associate for the betterment of our people. We can't afford not to .

16120132? ago

I like to think we'd be the first ones to exercise our revolutionary right, given the opportunity.

quality post mate

16119945? ago

Post is on-point, anon. All of it, from your observations to advising we read Evola.

I'm not sure exactly how we deal with all. Redstick was good but honestly I'm in favor of more blatant advertisements. Plus digital was a little too traceable in my opinion and hampering to distribution, because not everyone(and I know this is pathetic) can handle a flash drive.

Stuff like billboards, random flyers, leaflets just left in the streets. Advertisement style posters printed glossy and shit, make it so god-damn subversive and casually up front it ends up just kind of blending in. I'm sure the average anon invested enough to care can work up the fifty bucks to make some prints or something and put them around. Hell, fake movie posters and shit put up out of nowhere will get people's attention. Easy enough to photoshop and frame, go stick it up somewhere in town, on a bus station corner or the building across the street or something, or your college campus or make some magnets with something printed and slap them around. Some people may remember the chalkening and what-not. Shit makes you scratch your head and dig.

If someone could craft a narrative similar to the Q-LARP but make it just full of redpills rather than a fake story of hope and internal rebellion, I think it could take off. I.e. paint some grand story about this mix of unknowns fighting the system for a better world. That will get tinfoil-hat wearers and Televangelists actually doing something.

Maybe just a link to a tightly controlled website printed on said items, no immediate stuff, just plain statistics, observations, maybe a little fear-stoking but just be flat out truthful, no bullshit. Offer no plan immediately, just get people thinking. Put it in public places so they can't get away from it. Similar to how "It's Okay to Be White" went down.

And certainly no links back to this place. It'd almost have to be done seperate of it so the media can't return fire as effectively.

Seriously, a fucking box that says "FREE" on it with some fancy printed books or pamphlets will get some attention. A bowl with leaflets and some candy attached to each one. I'm not even joking, people will take that shit and then wonder what the fuck is attached. Maybe that sounds like faggotry but only mass attempts will even get the public gears turning. Meanwhile, the guys who actually want a quality, comprehensive rundown are probably here already.

I mean isn't that kind of how grassroots campaigns do this stuff? The best part is the anonymity, the mystery behind it, makes it more appealing. Nobody stand out with some picket signs or something, just continue to be an anon and drop the shit off and go about your day. You probably shouldn't show your face or whatever, watch for cameras and make sure you don't leave fingerprints if that's your concern.

Then totally wipe the posts, the drives we host it on, let others seed it and spread it. Set a fire while putting the spark out.

16119990? ago

If someone could craft a narrative similar to the Q-LARP but make it just full of redpills

Too many redpills at once would send 99% of people to the hospital.

16120475? ago


Ultimate redpill: That monster zero is pretty tasty.

16119952? ago

If someone could craft a narrative similar to the Q-LARP but make it just full of redpills

That's how I know you're a newfag.

Intro redpills are always delivered in the same method as qq larp.

open ended questions that are moderately easy to answer

mostly hands off approach to answering questions about the questions

consistency in both delivery and message

qq larp uses the old redpill me techniques mastered on the chans.

16119889? ago

Then why is there no evidence (pics or vids) of minors getting sexually molested in a wealthy environment?

16403718? ago

Then why is there no evidence (pics or vids) of minors getting sexually molested in a wealthy environment?

Somebody find that Podesta vid of the kid in the shower with Skippy shouting at him for this anon…

16288458? ago

Franklin Coverup, faggot.

16120820? ago

How many child rape convictions had goddamn video of the rape in evidence?!

Fuck outta here

16120676? ago

You mean a baby getting his dick sucked by wealthy jews?

16120610? ago

Then why is there no evidence (pics or vids) of minors getting sexually molested in a wealthy environment?

ahem why do you think I stopped going to halfchan/b/ and migrated here?

16120546? ago

I honestly really wish at least one of these celebrities, or even non-celebrities, would sue for being called paedophiles as it's factually incorrect. (Except for actual paedophiles, like Ian Watkins, obviously.)

16120494? ago

The same reason why there's rarely any evidence of politicians and powerful people fucking their wives or cheating on their wives on of age whores the only way we're ever aware of those things is testimony.

These people are very careful and use 3rd world children and god forbid some of those kids you see on missing posters that never return.

If you do something that will get you executed, you're going to take godly precautions.

16120477? ago


Imagine what this fucker does behind closed doors if he does shit like this in public

16120436? ago

There have been countless instances of pedophilia among the ruling class for the entirety of recorded history. What the fuck ate you talking about? No evidence? There are multiple publicly disclosed high profile cases of ruling class pedophilia within recent memory. The Franklin scandal, Dennis Hastert, Anthony Weiner, the Rockefeller who respected no jail time for raping a three year old because according to the judge "he wouldn't fair well in prison". Historically there have been accounts of this kind of thing going back literally thousands of years. You're just completely irresponsibly ignorant.

16120447? ago

Whats the name of the mental disorder when your 8 year old self wanted to have sex with 16 year old girls?

16120451? ago

Whats the name of the mental disorder when your 8 year old self wanted to have sex with 16 year old girls?

8 year olds don't want to have sex. They lack the sexual urges that come with puberty. If an 8 year old is thinking about sex (other than "Ewww, that's gross!" if they learn about it) then they must have been psychologically effected in some way. However, even if they were thinking about sex it wouldn't be in the same way as when they're older. That sexual urge just wouldn't be there.

16120449? ago

What's the name of the disorder where you equate uncomprehending pseudosexual hetero fuzzies from boys aimed upwards as universal consent for Yaldabaoth-inhabited kikes & shabbos goy to kidnap, rape and desanguinate prepubescents with a heavy predisposition to pederasty while farming babes for sacrifice on industrial scale both in the open through abortion and behind the scenes through trafficked women? I call it 'soullessness,' personally. You filthy golem-thing, you reprobate sub-animal, how can you be this lazy in shilling? The doom falling on your head will be all the worse for this sheer stupidity, your sins beside.

16120452? ago

uncomprehending pseudosexual hetero fuzzies from boys

If he means what you think he means, and he didn't actually mean 8 year old noys wanting to literally have sex with older girls, then it's just a combination of a boy appreciating beauty and his biologically hardwired heterosexuality giving him the knowledge that boys are attracted to girls. So he would "like" her. A simple crush but without the full sexual feelings.

16120453? ago

He doesn't mean what I 'think he means,' what I'm stating as fact is a vicious put-down of his ridiculous insinuations. He means what he said; eight year olds are clearly wanting to have sex with sixteen year olds, because he asked what it is, therefore it is in the first place. And therefore, he is somehow justified as a rapist, a ruiner, a devourer of little ones and the innocent, be he only a would-be pedophile or actively guilty. It's stupid, but it still has to be torn up.

16120249? ago

there are , but you dont get to see them because the media is not going to show you

but if you look youll find them, they are there

elite jews are pedophiles, and people that are friends with jews are pedophiles

16120189? ago

why is there no evidence

You are arguing from an incorrect premise. There is plenty of evidence. You will do your best to deny the evidence because you are a shill.

16119892? ago

16119893? ago

So you're saying all those powerful, extreme wealthy and cunningly smart people came up with a bulletproof conspiracy that involves blackmailing everyone into silence and distill complete and utter secrecy into their own members…just so that they can fulfill their animal desires to rub one out with a child?

16120542? ago

Id 58cf60 is a pedophile jew trying to slide the thread. I'll give it a solid bump. Yes, Jews do love to molest children, I'm not sure why, but it has something to do with their worship of Baphomet, they think it gives them spiritual power to do the very worst to innocent children. They all have to be stuffed into a flaming hot oven kicking and screaming, their flesh and fat must be burnt to a black crisp (only after their castration of course). What would you do if you had all the money and power in the world? Create a utopia? Colonize space? Well whenever the Jews take absolute power, throughout all history the first thing they do is set up child sex trafficking rings. The only thing Jews love more than black dick is fucking kids younger than 5. That should tell you alot about our enemy, the inbred children of satan.

Sorry kikes, but the cat is never going back into the bag with this one, the goyim all know about your pedophilia.

16120427? ago

just so that they can fulfill their animal desires to rub one out with a child?


pedocrime is the means not the objective

the objective is power

your disingenuousness in throwing the strawman fallacy quoted above signs you as a shill, a willing cuck or a troll

either way, an enabler

16119971? ago


No, a bunch of slantimation enthusiasts figured it out in a matter of days with a smattering if course from the podesta email dump. The cat is out of the bag and Jews are on constant damage control mode every day since then. Voat.co does a better job with cataloguing but just check Twitter and yt comments on anything the principal suspects say, people know and are shouting about it.

It has absolutely broken past chan containment.

16119972? ago

*with a smattering of clues

16119896? ago


Insufferable faggot.

Blackmail has always been used to control politicians (why wouldn't it?) and what possible better blackmail material could you have on a person more powerful than them fucking a child (and then probably killing it after)?

Bulletproof conspiracy? Of course not. It's about keeping people in line. Stragglers / defectors are killed. The ones that get to the media (See: Franklin scandal, Jimmy Saville scandal, Jersey Care Home for few examples) have OBVIOUS links to institutional involvement, but always get "debunked" by the usual suspects shortly after.

Meanwhile, children disappear by the tens of thousands yearly.

You are an insufferable faggot though.

16119960? ago

what possible better blackmail material could you have on a person more powerful than them fucking a child (and then probably killing it after)?

membership in a satanic church

16119897? ago

children disappear by the tens of thousands

Because some aging billionaire wants to live out his carnal instincts to rub his flaccid dick for ten minutes on a child? Did I mention that there's zero evidence of sexual child abuse in wealthy circles on the web?

Maybe you should stop forcing your autistic conspiracies up a mountain of illogical counter arguments and do some real research on child abuse.

This is a great starting point for a non biased look on pedophilia… https://www.wikileaks.org/wiki/An_insight_into_child_porn

And if you still feel the need to uncover some cheesy conspiracies then let me throw you a bone to chew on…research into the 90s disco scene in New York, specifically the homosexual part of it (Disco 2000, Michael Alig) and be surprised at what was going down back then.

16295165? ago

"Hurr hurr don't look here look there"

Fuck da fuck off with that shit.

16295163? ago

Zero evidence? Lol.

16157266? ago

Jew confirmed

16120718? ago

5 months ago

No one reported this, otherwise I would have deleted and banned it immediately.

16120719? ago

Now be so kind as to inform us all of Jim's Freemason marching orders passed down through Chodemonkey onto you.

16120721? ago

If you were literate, you'd know I'm not a mod anymore, and was removed by the yid in charge of the site expressly BECAUSE I would have deleted such obvious spam.

16120716? ago

imagine actually typing this out

16120464? ago

Because some aging billionaire wants to live out his carnal instincts to rub his flaccid dick for ten minutes on a child? Did I mention that there's zero evidence of sexual child abuse in wealthy circles on the web?

Have you literally never heard of Jeffrey Epstein or something? My boy is a billionaire convicted pedo. And although he was convicted of minor stuff (pun not intended) in the scheme of things, this nigga has a fuckin private island with what looks like an ancient Babylonian domed temple erected on it. And we know he flew underage girls as well as famous celebrities and politicians on his private jet (often at the same time) because we have the fucking flight logs. Sure everything is a bit circumstantial but at what point do you go “hmmmm maybe the convicted kid fucker wasn’t flying those children around as a favour to them or something, and maybe hmmm that temple complex on the private secluded inaccessible island isn’t just for harmless larks and this giga-kike is at best up to the same shenanigans with children and his bigwig friends he invites there.” Hmmmmm.

Just because these people have better opsec of their activity and you can’t see cp videos of Hillary fingering 8 year old pussy on P2P file sharing sites isn’t evidence of innocence. God fucking damn it you make me sick.

16120465? ago

My boy is a billionaire convicted pedo.

There's no evidence that Jeffrey Epstein is a paedophile. He wasn't convicted for anything involving a prepubescent child.

16120471? ago

ahh the old semantics argument, sorry 14 year olds are technically not prepubescent so no one should care when they are raped by the rich and powerful on a mystery island.

16120473? ago

sorry 14 year olds are technically not prepubescent so no one should care when they are raped by the rich and powerful on a mystery island.

So why aren't you calling him a convicted zoophile? Obviously words don't matter when someone commits a crime, right?

16120574? ago

As has been pointed out at >>>/aisha/1 it is not pedophilia if she has begun her menarche because puberty has begun.

You should only fuck prepubescent girls if you are not attracted to them, while looking at images of older girls, for the selfless purpose of helping their vaginas grow to carry white children once they begin to produce eggs.

You should also not ejaculate inside them because that is onanism, a waste of seed. You should avoid orgasm, which should be easy because you are not attracted to prepubescent vagina and are disgusted by the necessary chore of fucking them, until they are no longer prepubescent.

All ejaculation would accomplish is pair bonding at the cost of masculizing them. Masculizing women is a necessary evil for reproduction but should be otherwise avoided when they are not able to become pregnant. The benefit of pair bonding is offset by the homosexual aspects and how your wife will feel unloved as she becomes more manlike the more of your sperm she absorbs.

16120398? ago

Did I mention that there's zero evidence of sexual child abuse in wealthy circles on the web?

Podesta's pool entertainment.

16774494? ago

they look real dirty and dishevelled to be bumping elbows with political royalty, also the crying girl in the end o.0

16120668? ago

I've seen a bunch of pizzagate videos before, but I don't know why this one disturbed me so much.

I'm following the lead from 4th picture and I see a whole bunch of pedosymbols.

The name track_the_bear is most likely a reference to the bohemian grove activity where they dress kids up in bear costumes while the faggot old men chase them down and fuck them.

Look at this fucking spic. Profile picture is a one eyed moloch faggotry, first 2 pictures are him in a pizza costume.

16120671? ago

I meant the 4th picture from >>12154768

I'm tracking another insta from picture 2.

This one seems to have a pizza on her arm.

16120259? ago

kys kike

16120755? ago

Has anyone looked at who liked and retweeted that stuff?

16120238? ago

Because some aging billionaire wants to live out his carnal instincts to rub his flaccid dick for ten minutes on a child? Did I mention that there's zero evidence of sexual child abuse in wealthy circles on the web?

As if people haven't gone to the most extreme lengths imaginable to fulfill their sexual fantasies before. You're bad at this. No one is buying what you're selling. Switch tactics or get lost. You're wasting your time.

16120230? ago


16119974? ago

Wew what a buttblasted Jew. Go try that lame shit on Reddit, we're onto you here.

16119969? ago

be surprised at what was going down back then.

with Giuliani and the mafia selling drugs along with Oliver North?

we know all about it, remember when David Rothschild turned up dead in a building on ave C and 5th? same building they found Bobby Darin in

16119965? ago

Did I mention that there's zero evidence of sexual child abuse in wealthy circles on the web?

are you stupid?

16120784? ago

Just a shitmason getting let off by other shitmasons.

16120191? ago

Did I mention that there's zero evidence of sexual child abuse in wealthy circles on the web?

are you stupid?

No, 58cf60 knows that he is lying. He is a shill.

16119937? ago

Pigs in high places! https://youtu.be/ORU5x-ryedU

16119943? ago


Obvious attempt to distract

16119946? ago

This is worldwide! Whats up, to many truth bombs in this vid haha

16119920? ago

Because some aging billionaire wants to live out his carnal instincts to rub his flaccid dick for ten minutes on a child?

That's exactly why you ridiculous cretin

16119914? ago

there's zero evidence of sexual child abuse in wealthy circles

How new are you? Here's a really basic one. Look into all the people surrounding this that have had "accidents".


16120221? ago

Who is Jimmy Saville?

Who is Gary Glitter?

Who is Jeffry Epstein?

The fucking balls on these shills.

16119923? ago

He's not new, he's a dishonest shill who's being bankrolled by the same (((pedos))) he's defending.

16119989? ago


It's a lot more than that I'm afraid. They're fighting to avoid the rope.

16119903? ago

Ever seen any of Podesta's art collection?

16119906? ago

So you are comparing offensive works of art with sexual child abuse? The whole purpose of creating such art is to provoke with shock value…what does that have to do with an imaginary government pedophilia ring?

16120159? ago


bwhahaha yah right

eat shit Fucko

16119976? ago

Hey faggot. I know you're new and all, but. If a person has a shit-load of my little pony clopfic on their pc, it's not because they're not a ponyfucker.

Play devil's advocate if you like, if you're an egg-on-face fetishist.

16119908? ago

Strawman/derailing argument much?

Shoo shoo nigger

16119909? ago

Derailing you say? Then you won't mind to explain to us how pic related is evidence for a government pedophilia ring?

16119916? ago

Derailing you say?

Doubles down on derailing

16119918? ago

Ahh anon. Once a nigger, always a nigger. The classic semitic doubling down secret technique.

16119900? ago

What kind of scumbag defends pedophile rings?

16120491? ago

16120184? ago

What kind of scumbag defends pedophile rings?

16120142? ago

The kind of scumbag who has "skin in the game". This one is articulate and can't avoid a parting reference to homosexuality.

Verdict = 100% Jew

He's involved in the PIDF (pedophile internet defense force) for at least emotional reasons, and likely has a bit of shitty history with that sort of Jewsy lifestyle.

He is prolly supposed to be trolling 8ch only for hasbara purposes, but you brought out the shrill bitch in him.

16119904? ago

Someone with a spine who defends wrongfully accused, who calls out idiots for the nonsense they're defecating into this world, who doesn't take sides and who can back up his claims with easy to research arguments…arguments your kind seems to be running out of.

16157264? ago

your kind

Whoops, that must have been a typo

wrongfully accuses

If these people are capable of being “wrongly accused” ie: if they aren’t fucking kids then they’re legitimately good people, then you don’t belong here. Everyone on the web in the thumbnail deserves rope regardless of whether or not they’re pedos.


16120639? ago

So what about the sheriff arrested for planning to rape and eat his own children? What about the government official caught raping his own 6yo daughter? What about Dennis Haster? What about Epstein?

16120468? ago

this kike is shilling hard. no evidence of wealthy pedo rings? jeffrey (((epstein))) ring a bell?

16120263? ago

So the pedo rings in the catholic church most recently exposed in pennsylvania arent documented facts? What about the pedos currently charged for the sex cult with bronfman (seagrams heiress and rothschild billionair/clinton and trudaeu major camaign donor) and allison mack arent documented as trafficking 12 year olds? I supposed anthony weiner being busted 3x for sexual predation on minora is a (((coincidence))) as is bbc and royal family of uk being rife with pedos. What about the well documented sexual use of minors in the boystown juvenile homes? I could go on and on and i have gigabytes of data at this point anyone saying there isnt a massive pedophile conspiracy is a pedophile or a kike shill either worthy of a painful execution

16120757? ago

anyone saying there isnt a massive pedophile conspiracy is a pedophile or a kike shill either worthy of a painful execution

That's bullshit. It's an extreme claim that people are resistant to accept because nobody wants to believe that we live in that kind of sick world. Stop attacking and driving people away if you want them to actually believe any of this.

16120764? ago

This. It’s like the holohoax, such a huge old lie most people need to redpill themselves on it after being teed up. I head about it around 2012 from David Ike and didn’t believe it until the leaks. People that deny these things who are not shills need to lurk the fuck moar, especially the emails.


That’s some fine autism anon. Here’s my rehash of old research on the Portland connection to Jimmy Comet and circumstantial evidence of child sex trafficking and SRA. Oregon is the 33rd state so Kabbalah kikes and masons love it as a vacation spot or to film (((Cory Feldman))) movies. Does anyone have archives from when that 1ee7 haxor proved alephantis is a Rothschild?

16120265? ago

Hello my man any chance of compiling this data for use for fellow internet detectives??

16119940? ago

I can't see how you could argue with the facts, in this vid! https://youtu.be/ORU5x-ryedU

16119901? ago

You know damn well what kind of scum..

16119887? ago

post red pills faggot, storm this fucking thread with pedogate shit. Get going nigger, the shills went fucking apeshit tonight, we have got to keep going

16120155? ago

Look into the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, and cases like mayor John Hess.

16288459? ago

Take a look at Dupont Circle and the local underground tunnel system.

It's easy to transport ANYTHING (inlcuding trafficked children) through that tunnel network.

Comet Pizza is at the center-left of the tunnel pic.

16295157? ago

This is the weird art stuff going on there now.


Looked into what they were about, but were kind of vague. A shit load of artists are using it as well as “philosophers” and “musicians”. Do you have any citations explaining the Tunnels?

16119888? ago

16120793? ago

Well, then it is easy to see what must be done in order to effect real change. Expose them all, so that the end of the world as we know it is forced to occur ahead of their comfy schedule. Otherwise, it's just a slow bake in Pedo Heaven for the Sheep of Stockholm Syndrome.

16120778? ago

Newfags will think is is qshit, but it really is awesomely true

16119988? ago

my blackpill OC

Sad but true.

16120474? ago

This is what a shill post looks like:


Probably Russian. muh Russia, &ct.

16119895? ago

Sheila Jackson Lee: Representative for Texas's 18th congressional district, serving since 1995.

Pedo ring confirmed.

16755380? ago

Dat sheboon face, really.

16120375? ago

She was in Richmond ca when then chief of police mangus (now Tucson az police chief) was being outted for covering up a dozen of his officers sexually abusing a minor child

16120518? ago

abusing a minor child

I remember that as some 17yr old slut that was whoring herself out for shekels. Could be wrong case, but if not, that hardly qualifies as abuse.

16120158? ago

this satanic gunt looks like she just ate 6 Big Macs made out of human flesh

16120021? ago

FBISD, one of the largest school districts in the Country. SW suburb of Houston.

16120022? ago

these niggers couldnt be any more in our faces about it

16120804? ago

Maybe someone could explain why the FBI could be such an expert in this evil shit, so damn well-funded, so damn far-reaching in the power over citizens (along with the rest of the damned eyes), and yet we are

A: Hearing about this shit AT ALL

B: Hearing about it because they haven't put a meaningful dent into it all this time because

C: Incompetent? What a fucking god damned sort of incompetence THIS qualifies to be!


16120040? ago

Oh, but they can.

16120016? ago

16120179? ago

SPeaking of pedo niggers. These niggers Ayo and Teo. Idk even what to say.

https://www.youtu be.co m/wa tch?v=lwk5OUII9Vc


man babies


their channel

https://www.you tub e .c om/channel/UCB_Mdi3acqKLRR8zKFkqKoA

One of their related channels is this fucking freak -

https://www.youtub e. com/channel/UCEdvpU2pFRCVqU6yIPyTpMQ

totes fucked up

https://www.youtub e. com/channel/UCEdvpU2pFRCVqU6yIPyTpMQ

fucked up lyrics, sign language

16120121? ago

More common than you think.

British Prime Minister Theresa May wears something similar.

16120017? ago

Literally pedoring

16120791? ago

16120480? ago

Yo dingus, the spiral is the wrong direction to all the examples.

16120047? ago

game specifically designed for children with both boy lover symbols behind the W.

16120050? ago

The entire game's universe takes place in a world called "the spiral"

The Myth element in the game is also hella illuminati (see pic related)

I played the game when I was little and I know it was fucking huge and a shit load of kids played it. I don't remember any pedophilic experiences, though if there were any pedophiles they would likely be high level as it is actually really tedious and difficult to get to a high level. If anyone on here has any experiences with pedophiles on this game feel free to share. There is likely more imagery related to those boy/girl/child lover symbols ingame, so if anyone has more information on this game please feel free to share.

16120062? ago

That’s not a pedophile symbol. It’s Ra’s eye casting judgement on something.

16120065? ago

quit the bickering you fucking faggots.

go to leftypol if you want to argue about symbolism bullshit.

16120066? ago

There’s no argument, I actually know what I am talking about. I was a Freemason.

16119898? ago

She probably wore a pedo ring so when people google the phrase it only comes up with that image and not the actual pedo rings she's either involved in personally or has covered for.

16120338? ago

Rope is too quick. No expense should be spared: helicopter rides for all.

16120084? ago

I've seen this on sale at gay pride parades. It's a thing.