Dorfaladin ago

There were strange mentions of a happening at Pelzer South Carolina. I guess it is a town with 89 residents, and some weird stuff was discussed about the place. There was some sort of map and a "field trip" mentioned in these creepy vids? Does anyone have a rundown on that info from the chans?

neverobey ago

right and someone answered how he had to yawn right before he read it. Maybe it's all just trolling. 4chan is their habitat but it all moved me in a way I can't explain.

neverobey ago

and about that Trigger stuff: I got totally sucked into the boards on 4chan and felt spooked out about the fact that some folks there were threatening others for exposing some weird stuff about emf manipulation. And there was this guy talking about how tired he is and that he needs to go sleep and we all should do that and how people said they were even effected by thoose comments. And this guy just came back, over and over repeating how insanly tired he is. This was my most scariest experience on 4chan so far.

WakeyWake ago

Strange, I just came off a board with that guy posting about sleep. I didn't think to connect it to mind control tho. Interesting. I just guessed it was someone who was literally sleepy bc of what time it was, but would check back when he woke up. I am always half asleep at this hour so stuff I come across of interest, I save, to reread when I wake up. But now that u pointed it out, there were several posts about being sleepy, weird. Def someone trying to trigger the mind to rest & not further investigate. Thanks for calling it out.

neverobey ago

yeah, we can't know but it's fishy.

madhatter67 ago

I don't really go to the chans but a while back there were some links posted here from /pol that had the same "go to sleep" stuff going on......

Though it could just be trolling, it seems to happen at specific points when the autists are making progress....does seem like an attempt at NLP/hypnosis.....obviously we are the "woke ones"....of course they want us to go to sleep....

I'd imagine a lot of the responses to the trigger are plants, the idea being that will increase suggestibility (a kind of peer group effect that is seen in "mass hysteria")

Now, If it is directly connected to mind control/MKULTRA, we need to figure out a strategy to beat it....and I'm certain it can be even though these guys have been researching this stuff for a long time, I think we have a couple of advantages over them.....

Their first problem is being Sadistic fuckers they have mostly focused on the trauma based methods of mind control....and using them on minds that haven't yet fully formed....this of course can be hugely powerful, but even that programming can be broken with a bit of understanding and work.....trying to programme free thinking adults with words alone, though I know it can be possible, takes a lot of work, especially if trying to do it to thousands at once....

Using non trauma based techniques is a lot trickier for them....though I've no doubt they are good at it, it requires more than just repeating a trigger a few times to get results....true they have managed to hypnotise most of our society to believe all is well and we can trust our (((Masters))).....but the very fact that we are here and on /pol shows that some of us are more resistant to the programming

I know we have other people here interested in Psychology and Magick, I think a discussion might be useful on strategies for overcoming this stuff.....I'm pretty sure we are as smart as these fuckers, and though they may have had a head start and greater resources initially, they have also shown hubris, and I believe are getting increasingly worried that something is waking that they can no longer control....

So, anyone have good tactics for nipping this in the bud? My best guess is to get some preemptive programming in if we can to prevent anyone else inducing us....being ethical, unlike these fuckers, we would have to explain what we were doing before inducing anyone.....or set out a self induction strategy.....

I'm interested in this stuff, but don't have massive practical experience with it....anyone out there who can lay out a good way of protecting ourselves from this?

neverobey ago

Things I've already learned about so far are:

maybe we should make a list. If you would have told me something like that a year ago I would have called you a lunatic. But I smoke weed every day for more than 15 years now and it makes me wonder whether this is the reason why I finally awoke and always felt a little "less sleepy" than others?! Who knows?!

Sports and most of all dancing is a good programing, too. I dance every day for an hour. Sounds ridiculous, I know, but try it! And of course praying or meditating.

madhatter67 ago

Very interesting....I used to smoke a fair bit of weed and it certainly changed my world view and helped me see behind the curtain....psylocibin even more so!

I also have always been into making music and the healing effect of sound....and I've always kept fit....cycling in particular is a great way to lose yourself in nature....

And that disconnect from nature many have is part of their power...these people are anti nature in everything they do...anti life....anti love.....anti humanity

It's up to us to educate and open minds the true nature of reality

Take care my frienf

Joe10jo ago

@neverobey, yes! The sleepy person freaked me out too! Shoot, I'm even nervous to admit to it here on Voat that it had an effect on me too.

neverobey ago


neverobey ago

I really want to puke. Don't know anything about underlying shemes but this definately is a commercial for Babys! Disgusting. Youtube is full with this crap. Corperations are targeting the children of parents who are too tired to pay enough attention. This baby literally cries everytime one of the KINDER SURPRISE gets taken away. This is consumer behaviour programming. Parents watch out!

kestrel9 ago

Don't know, but this saw this posted earlier where it was discussed... and your imgur link was on this thread ...maybe you've seen it there, but if not you may find some theories.

pWHOp ago

ah nice, thanks. i don't read /pol/ on 4chan so i'd missed it there, haven't seen it elsewhere yet.

kestrel9 ago

np...just saw it this morning by chance...weird shyte by the sound of it.

pWHOp ago

Definitely not normal.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

I can't stand those finger family songs! WTF is the appeal? Why are there so many versions of them? It's the most annoying song ever and disturbing too. Who wants their kid going around singing 'Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?' If it's some kind of mind control, that would be a reasonable explanation for the song's popularity.