1concernedmama ago

Alysia Davenport Area Supervisor FBISD Extended Day Program Office: 281-634-4228 Fax: 281-634-4224 [email protected] www.fortbendisd.com/extendedday

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

Remember, Tom Delay, former House Majority Leader from Sugar Land, tried to warn of 12 perversions, including pedophilia, being legalized by the DoJ.


sodePllAlliK ago

"Sugar Land" reminds me of "Candy Land" and of Fiona Barnett's "Candy Girl" documentary. All anyone has to do to prevent their kids from being raped is to stop sending them to these fucking state indoctrination institutions. Homeschool significantly reduces the risks of molestation.

1concernedmama ago

OMG @Piscina thank you so much!

Summary Logo has -

boy lover symbol girl lover symbol what looks like a puddle of urine hand in heart iconography

infograph 1 [https://ibb.co/jAYzyp](https://ibb.co/jAYzyp)
infograph 1 [https://archive.is/HZVd2](https://archive.is/HZVd2)
infograph 2 [https://ibb.co/eV9NJp](https://ibb.co/eV9NJp)
infograph 2 [https://archive.is/Ndehv](https://archive.is/Ndehv)

@think- - here is an organized pastebin dump and archive:

full dump - https://pastebin.com/n13Nf4Qy full dump - https://pastebin.com/raw/n13Nf4Qy full dump - https://archive.fo/7iK5W

Included in that dump is what I tried to post in another thread.

The facebook pages are self explanatory, but the pastebin dump has a lot of info attempting to find out when this logo first appeared and who was involved in the program when it came into being.

Piscina ago

I notice that these people are Christian Scientists. Here is their page, where they use the symbol of a crown around the cross, which can have various meanings according to Wikipedia. This symbol is also widely used by freemasons and templars, who worshipped Baphomet.

think- ago

Thank you. And thanks for digging this stuff up! @Piscina might want to edit the pastebin link into her OP (that's merely a suggestion, @Piscina.)

Please keep up the good work, @1concernedmama.

OoLaLaFrenchGirl ago

Good job! Thanks for posting this info.

carmencita ago

Sugarland Tex? That place has been in the news recently and in the past for some strange things. Wish I had time right now.

think- ago

Thank you for posting this, @Piscina. Could you please add a short description for these links:





Rule 3: EACH link in your post must include a description of content and how the link relates to the post (except when markup is used to embed links

Please ping me once you'll have edited, so that I can remove the 'Grace' flair. Will be back in a couple of hours.

Thank you.

Piscina ago

I think I've done what you requested. If you need more, please let me know.

144truth ago

@Piscina great research

thanks 🙏 for your research And Thanks for keeping this place fresh

think- ago

Thank you, @Piscina, I will remove the flair.