heili ago

Obviously, the most active people who have been here the longest are the ones that acquire mod positions and are most interested in IRC, so yeah, many of us showed up there. Obvious correlation, not causation.

Putting the lie to the cabal of IRC people... I am also on that IRC, am an OP there (courtesy of moe) and disagree with you plenty.

Yes, a lot of us are there. Yes, we talk and are friendly. We do not agree on everything and IRC is not a hive mind.

Icy-Defiance ago

If you read my original post, you'd find a link to an example of what I'm talking about. Too bad you didn't actually do that.

Icy-Defiance ago

Heh, funny thing is, this post was made partly to dissuade drama. People were suspicious about an IRC that I mentioned a few times and I wanted to make it clear that anyone can join. I think being human and talking with people is better than just ignoring a bunch of anger while it grows.

And it actually worked. The response was great until Lumus was pinged...which is the second reason I made this post. The reason I didn't ping Lumus at first, was because I expected he was part of a cabal of some sort. That was exposed exactly how I wanted, so now I know exactly what kind of hostile people I'm dealing with.

If that makes you dislike me and move to some other image host, then that's your choice. Don't worry, though, now that my ownership of Veuwer and admin rights on IRC are public, I have no reason to make more posts.

Icy-Defiance ago

I'm not talking about /v/protectvoat. Once this was posted there I got a lot more downvotes. When ElectroLumus was pinged, I got 5 downvotes on everything within 5 minutes, plus Scandinavian and you both made comments instantly. That wouldn't even happen even if it was posted in /v/protectvoat. That's exactly why I didn't ping him at first, I kind of suspected there was a cabal attached to Lumus and wanted to see how normal people would vote, so thanks for exposing yourself now.

Icy-Defiance ago

Sorry, but "nip it in the bud" doesn't mean "intentionally break rules and then pretend to be angry when the post gets deleted."

Crensch ago

That's what happens after a period in the English language.

Crensch ago

Oh, right, I forgot. Bitch.

Crensch ago

You're right I gave you too much credit by assuming you'd have class offline.

I'm happier without "credit" from someone like you.

It's too bad, you missed a great opportunity to insult me by giving me the credit - you know, since you didn't actually get a straight answer about my real life, but a hypothetical.

Don't worry, you don't have to look up what word, I know you just don't like being wrong, and won't put in any footwork into being right.

Crensch ago

You're probably that guy who is totally normal in public, friendly to the waitress, etc.

If I were, it wouldn't be for any other reason than because it's the most efficient way to get what I want, and avoid what I don't want.

Gets online and suddenly courtesy and class goes right out the window.

The threat of having someone able to waste my time, money, or physically harm me being gone would make it easier to actually speak my mind.

Not that someone like you would know anything about courtesy or class. After all, you're clinging like a bitch in heat to your precious subverse that nobody wants you modding, probably getting off to the idea.

I might not be nice, but I wouldn't hold a crown that the vast majority didn't want me to have, and that alone makes any implied assertion of your superiority in courtesy or class completely laughable.

Oh well.

Was that supposed to be your "drop the mic" moment? Guess I ruined that for you.

Crensch ago

Ladies and Gentlemen! I present to you today, a glorious treat. @she has shown her bitch-self to post this delicious bit of grade A bullshit:

Hate to get involved here but you're the guy who calls me a "bitch" even when I asked you politely to stop.

I think that says a lot about your character.


Oh my. This is just too fucking rich. Asked me politely. HAHAHA

I can't even keep a straight face here. Somebody help me understand what good this idiot thinks pointing this out would do her.

Was she equating my calling a spade a spade to icy's whining? Was she attempting to discredit me? Was she playing some "muh fee fees" card?

I just don't even know.

Crensch ago

So here's the deal. A number of moderators on Voat have become friends with each other on IRC.

Apparently, the 'friends' of moderators won't hold them accountable, no matter how indefensible their position happens to be. I wouldn't have friends that would back me up no matter how wrong I was, but it seems that some people don't set the bar that high.

This is an issue, because it becomes very much like an in-crowd of people that can do no wrong according to - wait for it - you.

This is entirely true. However, that IRC server and our conversations are entirely public and many more people who don't have such positions also participate.

If I wanted to associate with the kind of people that wouldn't hold others accountable for their actions, I wouldn't have left the other site.

If any of you want to join, please do, we could use some fresh blood.

Not if someone like you has any power over it.

Obviously, the most active people who have been here the longest are the ones that acquire mod positions and are most interested in IRC, so yeah, many of us showed up there. Obvious correlation, not causation.

Correlation, causation, completely-fucking-irrelevant. I don't care when you became a circle to jerk each other off, nor do I care how - it happened.

The relevant facts are that some few are defending this cunt in such a dishonest, and shady way that there's really no reason to trust them, or anyone associated with them.

If anyone has questions or concerns, please, post them here or PM them to me, and I'll do my best to answer them. Especially concerns about policy, because I want this place to be as immune to corruption as possible, and IRC policies are a good part of that.

Would you consider shady/shit moderation, and dishonest argumentation to be part of that corruption, or does corruption mean something different to people like you?

What I see is a few people who are intentionally breaking rules and baiting mods into deleting posts so they can feign outrage and then request those subs for themselves, and a few more people who don't like rules or mods of any kind anywhere.

What I see is that the SJW cabal is starting drama in whatever subverses they think they own, and when pinged, get absolutely fucking wrecked in the comments. What I see is a bunch of people baited into posting on subverses with mods that'll lick the assholes of the drama queens and start deleting posts and banning.

What I see is the conversation being moved to places where this shit is bound to happen by those arguing in defense of she.

And I find that seriously fucking dishonest.

I mean, @ElectroLumus already admitted to a lot of dishonesty, and @nomerasques requested ownership of /v/askvoat after brigading the hell out of his objection to @she by linking it to a couple other subreddits. (He dropped the request a few hours ago because of people calling him out on the obvious conflict of interest.)

What's really great about all of this, is that their words and actions are completely fucking irrelevant, yet you, and those like you, seem to think that it's worth mentioning.

Nobody is rallying behind either of them. This end of the argument isn't by some group with any goal in mind besides calling out bullshit mods and their bullshit cabal. Literally nothing else links the people on this end. You guys have your cute little "public" IRC that, surprise, surprise, one of you has power in.

Now people are getting angry about /v/seriousdiscussion, but anyone paying attention will notice a few things:

It's @ElectroLumus causing the outrage again

And this is still completely irrelevant.

The removed posts were breaking the rules of /v/seriousdiscussion

Nobody pinged there, or who saw it on the front page gives a damn about the rules. Most probably aren't even subbed there. The bait post was put there for that very purpose.

This isn't an argument against those on this side, it's a scathing indictment of the depths your side will sink to in order to win any discussion.

People trying to argue against the witch hunt also had some posts removed under the same rules

Oh, boo hoo, one or two low effort posts in with many, many more high effort posts on this end.

Way to make it look like you're just being "fair". Any kid could do that.

Posts with the same message that don't break the rules are not being removed

Bullshit. Oh, and what about the bannings? Not one of you twisted fucks was banned.

Now, I've said it dozens of times already, and I'll say it again, I can understand some outrage against /v/askvoat's question mark rule, especially when highly upvoted posts are removed. I supported Atko when he removed /v/askvoat from the defaults, I recommended to askvoat mods that they change the rule, and I supported Stoic when he changed it.

"Pepper the post with something to make me sound reasonable... find something, anything... just something that makes me seem like I'm not always going to be against them."

Your agreeing with us makes no difference, and doesn't in any way make the rest of your post any less wrong.

However, when someone posts something critical of a mod and intentionally breaks a rule so it will be removed and he can pretend to be angry, fuck that guy.

No, fuck that mod. ESPECIALLY because the rule, in plain fucking English, didn't actually say anything about a question MARK. She interpreted it how bitches with morality issues interpret things, and deleted it.

If your moderating is being bitched about by a massive fucking sub you're moderating, you ride the pine like a good little bitch until the matter is solved. Anything else is proving how unqualified you are to moderate.

Now the same people are doing exactly the same thing in /v/seriousdiscussion and a hundred others are just taking their bullshit at face value.

Again, baiting people into a sub with rules and mods that favor you isn't an argument against us, it's a massive sign that points to your complete inability to hold your own with words - you require mods to do your dirty work.

If you break rules, your posts will be removed.

You know, Atko pretty much stomped that one to death already. Maybe you should rethink your internal model of how things are going to be run here.

That's not censorship, that's how the website is designed, how quality is maintained, and how the purpose of many subs (/v/seriousdiscussion especially) is enforced.

Rendered completely irrelevant by my previous words. You repeat yourself a lot.

If you want /v/seriousdiscussion to turn into a cesspool of insults instead of actual serious discussion

I reject your implied assertion that I cannot present serious discussion while also calling she a bitch.

then by all means, keep protesting every deletion. The rest of us, myself included, will protest against you.

I cannot wait until the lot of you are stomped into submission. Seems like it takes a while for deluded people to finally realize when they've lost.

The lot of you still haven't figured out that defending she is a completely lost cause. You continue to use every kind of manipulative tactic your pathetic minds can come up with in order to rewrite history, or divert the attention off of the actual subjects, but you're flailing.

If you see people deleting posts to push a political agenda, whether it's liberal, conservative, or anything else, then let me know, because I'll join that protest with whatever influence I have.

Don't want you. If this is the best argumentation you can come up with, hang out with the other side.

If you all have any questions or arguments or whatever, I'll respond to whatever I can in the comments below.

Oh, I do hope you respond. Not that I think you can do better than you have, much as I'd like that, but it'll be fun to keep sticking needles in all the places you wriggle.

Edit 2: As soon as @ElectroLumus was pinged, @Scandinavian and @kevdude also showed up and I got 5 downvotes on most of my comments. Now, who's in a secret cabal here?

Some people aren't mods of big subs... or you know, "friends" of mods in the right places - *wink wink

If that's the only way they can harm you beyond just shutting you down textually, when you have all the power, your whining about internet points makes you pathetic.

leixiaotie ago

Just go to /v/stuckdebate instead

zoetry ago

@ElectroLumus was suggesting that they wouldn't start spamming the word 'faggot' because they're a mod of /v/LGBT.

That post has nothing to do with how they got their position moderating /v/LGBT

Edit: It was actually posted about 3 hours after they accepted the position.

Icy-Defiance ago

Scroll down a little more. He says he got the mod position while doing all that shit.

I really hope you don't regret making him a mod. I don't think you know what you got yourself into by doing that, but just like in she's case, I won't try to take the position from him until he actually tries forcing political beliefs on people, so good luck.

zoetry ago

So, because the two events coincide, you assume they have some correlation?

Icy-Defiance ago

That's how he got famous on this site, probably how you knew about him, and if so then that's how he got the position.

But hey, I have nothing against you, and if you were talking with him before all that shit then you probably know what you're doing. It's only a tangent to the drama anyway, so I won't argue the point.

Icy-Defiance ago

More a joke than a warning. Also, I'm surprised you'd use that sub as a defense of anything, considering how you got your position there.

Icy-Defiance ago

Wow, it's been a long time since I've seen someone misunderstand something that badly. Like, I'd attempt to clear up the misunderstanding, but I don't even know how to do that here.

Icy-Defiance ago

before @ElectroLumus was pinged

Icy-Defiance ago

on the heels of a PM warning me that mods were coordinating retaliation in IRC

There was way too much spam when you joined for any sort of coordination to be possible. I don't think any of the askvoat mods were even online. I'm sure you wouldn't believe me if I said I don't know about any such coordination, but Daniel already proved the spam happened.

Icy-Defiance ago

Like Daniel said, only Atko and Putt have any control over Voat. That one has nothing to do with me. I'll unban you on IRC, though. Just don't start spamming FAGGOT and LIVE DEBATES over and over.

Icy-Defiance ago

Askvoat is supposed to be for asking questions. Honestly, I don't give a shit about that one. Tell me when people start trying to enforce political views like when /r/technology censored everything about Tesla, or /r/news censored everything about the TPP. I'll join a protest then.

CrowTRobot ago

You might not care, but the post asked two questions in the title. Turns out, a lot of folks do care.

Icy-Defiance ago

Nah, I had 25 upvotes and a single downvote before @ElectroLumus was pinged. Now look at this thread. It's mainly just his cabal that cares. They just make a lot of noise.

CrowTRobot ago

I was referring to somescientologists askvoat post.

Crensch ago

He was attempting to divert attention onto his poor feefees and internet points.

They do that when there's literally nothing else they can say.

Icy-Defiance ago

If it's public why are users banned for spam based on user name alone? User SheEple?

Manhood101 spammed the shit out of the IRC right after I made the post and we had to lock it down. SheEple looked like one of them, especially considering the timing. If it was you, I'll unban it, but I doubt it considering you didn't get pinged in this topic until well after I banned that nick.

However, it is interesting that you would know about that ban. You hadn't been pinged yet, manhood101 was spamming the IRC, no one else from this post had tried to join yet, and yet you know about that nick. Combine with your previous admission of dishonesty and intentionally trying to start drama, and that's really suspicious...

Icy-Defiance ago

Lol SomeScientologist is opposed to your witch hunt, as far as I'm aware. He also hangs out in IRC with us. That example works against you.

She is also deleting with the question mark shit, again not a rule.

Yep, you didn't read my post either. Though just to be clear, it was a rule, just worded horribly. It said question "?" when she meant question mark. I can't defend her for either the wording or actually enforcing it, which I made clear in my post.

I made this post to actually talk with people rationally and clear things up, not to deal with the mindless accusations of people who are entirely incapable of reading.

Do you think you own the place?

Yeah...that's not relevant to anything here.

Scandinavian ago

  • "She" moderated a sub to an extent neither users nor the founder of this site liked. That's fact.
  • Seriousdiscussion mods named and shamed regular users, then banned them mid-conversation. That's fact as well.

You can keep stirring this drama as much as you want, but at the end of the day, Atko runs the show alongside the community. 10 angry people from IRC can't do a lot about that.

"She" didn't get the position she wanted on AskVoat. Thousands of users applauded Atko's decision. Now let it go, move on. If anyone is keeping their moderator position on a big sub in spite of users' wishes, they've shown their true colors.

I feel your post here reminds me a whole lot of the Reddit clique. The dismissive language, the blatant lies about what events happened and the always present vicitimhood.

Remember, "She" was trying to grab Level 1 position mod from his/her position as Level 2 mod. The only thing you really get from that is the ability to purge all other mods. We, the community, caught this early on.

This is not Reddit. Take your Reddit behavior elsewhere.

Rea11yN0tMe ago

Thanks. I was not sure what bugged me about @Icy-Defiance post until I read:

The dismissive language, the blatant lies about what events happened and the always present vicitimhood.

I can't say anything about the blatant lies as I haven't followed events, but the other two are certainly spot on.

WatDabney ago

You can keep stirring this drama as much as you want...

That's the funniest fucking thing I've read all day.

Unintentional irony has always been my favorite kind.

Icy-Defiance ago

You can keep stirring this drama as much as you want

Says the blackest pot I've ever seen. If you stop baiting people into deleting posts and pretending to be angry about it specifically to stir up drama, I'll stop defending people from you.

As for the rest of your post, obviously you didn't read mine. Don't make me repeat myself for the 30th time.

Scandinavian ago

The community didn't want "she" as top mod. Neither did this site's founder.

Seriousdiscussion mods got in way over their heads. Voat is not Reddit. Don't make it one, it won't do you any good.

Icy-Defiance ago

The community didn't want "she" as top mod.

Sure, I'd rather Stoic gets the spot, but for completely different reasons. There's a massive difference between opposing a shit rule, and intentionally breaking said rule just to cause drama and then calling everyone who disagrees with you a SJW and telling them to go back to reddit instead of actually arguing with them. Have you ever heard of ad hominem?

Neither did this site's founder.

He never said anything about that. He didn't remove her from power, didn't deny the subverse request, and didn't give a shit about any of your drama outside of the bad rule, and if you read my post you would know I agree with that.

Actually if she keeps pressing for the spot, she'll probably get it, because according to the current unbiased rules she has first dibs on it. I'm not sure yet if she will push for it, though. Gotta wait and see. And if she does bring back that question mark rule, then I'll protest it along with you. I just won't join in the SJW conspiracy bullshit.

Seriousdiscussion mods got in way over their heads.

Lol I saw the screenshots. One was defending she, and all had insults, so of course the comments got deleted.

Don't make it one, it won't do you any good.

Says the guy who is trying to punish people just because they have opinions you don't agree with. That is an SJW tactic, and I left reddit to get away from that, not from rules in general.

Scandinavian ago

I seriously can't understand how you can lie like that. Like, we're just two people on the internet. You know you're lying about events, but you're just hoping nobody will notice.

Anyway, I'll watch this unfold from a distance for now, it's late. Have fun.

Icy-Defiance ago

You know you're lying about events

Yeah, ElectroLumus already admitted to that one, and you're siding with him. It's also odd that you'd show up the second ElectroLumus got pinged, along with a strong downvote brigade... Very odd indeed....

Scandinavian ago

By all means, get the admins to tell you we're not the same user. @Atko, feel free to share that my location isn't the same.

You're exactly what Voat was created to get away from. Let's see how that works out for you here.

Icy-Defiance ago

Probably not the same user, but definitely part of a not so public cabal. Do you want to make a post about it and invite other people to join like I did?

Crensch ago

Probably not the same user, but definitely part of a not so public cabal. Do you want to make a post about it and invite other people to join like I did?

A public cabal? You mean people that can actually see the bullshit you post for what it really is?

In a math class, some kids will get to the correct answer.

Some kids will get the wrong answer.

Some kids will get the same wrong answer as other kids near them.

I'm really hoping that I don't have to explain this analogy further.

You already admitted that the mods were friends on a chat platform that most of us don't see, and nobody gives a fuck if you say it's public and that all are welcome - we're here because IRC just wasn't something we were interested in.

Which means that the IRC is nothing but a subreddit (yes, subreddit) you and the others frequent and become buddy-buddy together in. A website we don't want or care to go to. "All are welcome to this subreddit".

Nobody goes for many reasons.

Guess what the rest of us have?

The right answer.

Icy-Defiance ago

So we're not allowed to talk in a public chat room, but ElectroLumus, Scandinavian, and kevdude are allowed to do exactly that in a private chat room and downvote brigade everything that disagrees with them?

Makes sense.

Crensch ago

So we're not allowed to talk in a public chat room, but

Nobody said that. Do you require strawmen in order to respond? I guess so - I haven't made it easy for any of you cunts to respond to my words lately.

ElectroLumus, Scandinavian, and kevdude are allowed to do exactly that in a private chat room and downvote brigade everything that disagrees with them?

I'd like to see proof of this. Not that it would make any difference, because, for people that can follow a simple. fucking. analogy. they still came to the correct answer.

CrowTRobot ago

Since text posts won't notify folks: @ElectroLumus @nomerasques @she

Icy-Defiance ago

It's working. I'm using it right now, but it's self signed and irssi doesn't like that. Other clients have some way to accept the cert anyway, but I haven't found an equivalent for irssi. If you find anything, please let me know, because you're not the first person with that problem.

insert_name ago

I agree with everything you say TBH.

I just don't get why some people are so obsessed with getting internet power. TBH I think it's because these power-mad moderators have some serious social issues in IRL, and try and gain some kind of meaning and significance and social stature by being a mod of an internet sub-forum. Like, being a mod means they'll get messages and social interaction and stuff which they clearly lack IRL.

It's pretty sad when you think of it.

Calorie-Kin ago

Couldn't agree more. Props to you for taking the time to explain this.