I love this shithole. My tech skills are fairly meager but I would absolutely contribute monetarily and otherwise to Voat's survival or whatever can be built from it's ashes.
If you have any ideas/suggestions to BuiLd BAcK BetTEr post them. Example: I've heard of some anonymous/distributed hosting tech that could let a place like this survive, but I have no idea if they're really functional.
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111MrGuy111 ago
The easy thing to do would be to just get a mirror going. We'll need an image of the site including members and their ratings intact.
crazy_eyes ago
Just start fresh.
Acerphoon ago
I have some very informing posts saved. How do I archive them?
Sometimesineedhelp ago
I just went through my saved posts... Clicking on most of the links contained in them shows that the links themselves have already been scrubbed. So disappointing (but not surprising)
SilentByAssociation ago
Speaking of saved posts... in my experience, Voat is only capable of going to 20 pages. Trying to view 21 and beyond yields nothing. Bug or feature?
Acerphoon ago
It's mostly these damn image hosts that all went offline. magaimg, etc.