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NorthSeaPagan ago

When should females get married faggot?

35 like @Helena73 wants?

BlackJivesChatter ago

18-25 is the prime age... not your pedo 14-17 year lease shit

MuzzieJuice ago

I don't think he means we should all go out and have Epstein style parties. But if we actually create an ethnostate we are going to need a huge population boom. The legal age to marry could be lowered a bit to speed up the process.

I still prefer mine 18+.

NorthSeaPagan ago

I literally have stated here countless times what I actually believe in

1: All niggers (all blacks are niggers), kikes, race-mixers and cucks should be killed

2: All other non-Whites should be killed or removed

3: The White Ethnostate should be traditionalist and fascist

4: I believe in arranged (at least partially arranged) monogamous marriage

5: I don't believe in homosexuality, pederasty, (as stated above, race-mixing and cuckoldry too), premarital sex, extramarital sex, polyamory or polygamy (except for the ruling White male elite, meaning top 1% of 1%).

6: I believe the age of consent should either not exist or should be much lower (12 preferably) and that adult White men in their 20s should be given and have acquired the resources and jobs to financially provide for their White wives, who should be between the ages of around 12-18.
That is my belief, to return to how our society operated prior to the feminist revolution in the late 1800s and the Jewish destruction of our society, prior to liberalism and egalitarian race-mixing degeneracy.

Helena73 ago

20 somethings marrying 12 year olds:

Please kill yourself or go immediately to bangladesh where you fucking belong.

This is why burma kicked out the so-called rohingya. Rural buddhist peasants with no education were disgusted with those animals because their culture deemed it normal to fuck 12 year olds and they would frequently attack buddhist girls. To savage and perverted for even simple traditional peasant folk to abide. You sound like a leftists. “Its totally natural to fuck assholes. Why would I be this way if it wasn’t”

Its totally natural to kick the shit out of kiddie fuckers. Its my natural instinct. Natural law. Don’t ask why when someone swings you by a tree branch— its natural law.

fightknightHERO ago

you're not even white my dear jewess

you get no fucking say in this

Helena73 ago

You don’t get a say you little brat. You think the world is run by 25 year olds? You wish you were as white as me.

fightknightHERO ago

Jews ain't white ya silly cow

Helena73 ago

You ought to know. What color is the cock in your mouth? Take it out and check.