BlackJivesChatter ago

You are a pedo. There is tons of text to prove it fag

fightknightHERO ago

literally 3 words

tons of text

alright (((OP)))

how much CP you've got on your HDD?

BlackJivesChatter ago

None, but he has yours with your grandkids fag

fightknightHERO ago

Mote and beam

BlackJivesChatter ago

Jew rabbi

BlackJivesChatter ago

Go in to any jail, prison etc. and say you support underage marriage and the woods and AB would murder you.

NorthSeaPagan ago

When should females get married faggot?

35 like @Helena73 wants?

BlackJivesChatter ago

18-25 is the prime age... not your pedo 14-17 year lease shit

MuzzieJuice ago

I don't think he means we should all go out and have Epstein style parties. But if we actually create an ethnostate we are going to need a huge population boom. The legal age to marry could be lowered a bit to speed up the process.

I still prefer mine 18+.

Helena73 ago

We do need an organized eugenics project to increase population, with particular eye toward encouraging high IQ individuals into having kids.

For example $5000 year for married woman with 1 kid for 15 years who has an IQ over 100

$8000 a year for the second kid, $11,000 for the third, maxing out at around 5 or 6 kids — if you try to do more than that there’s a higher probability of retards and other disabilities, not to mention neglect.

Which would mean that cummulatively a married woman (>100 iq) could get around 80,000 a year for 15 years for quintuplets. Maybe you could only afford half that— the point is, you have to give some incentive for more intelligent women to skip career and breed.

You could also step it by IQ as well. A woman with 140 IQ would get more than a woman with 100 IQ.

But I don’t think we have to resort to fucking 12 year olds like savages.

MuzzieJuice ago

12 years old is a bit young. It would have effects on their mental and emotional development.

Helena73 ago

At risk of being called feminist roastie (again) I think some guys have no idea what taking care of an infant entails. Unless you had a lot of younger sibs a 12 year old girl has no idea how to keep one alive. Infant mortality is pretty high for all teenage moms, failure to thrive, all that shit. It gets much better in the 20s because moms are more mentally equiped.

The only reason 3rd world types shit out babies so young is that they pursue a quantity or quality strategy since half their kids died in childhood less than a century ago.

Oh not to mention 12 year olds do not want to be sexual, especially with a 25 year old man. Jesus. I didn’t even want to consider having a dick jammed in to me until maybe 17, and and certainly not an “old man” of 25 or 30. Northseapagan need to be beaten.

MuzzieJuice ago

I agree with you. 12 is entirely too young. I was just playing devil's advocate because these call out posts are kind of cringe.

NorthSeaPagan ago

I literally have stated here countless times what I actually believe in

1: All niggers (all blacks are niggers), kikes, race-mixers and cucks should be killed

2: All other non-Whites should be killed or removed

3: The White Ethnostate should be traditionalist and fascist

4: I believe in arranged (at least partially arranged) monogamous marriage

5: I don't believe in homosexuality, pederasty, (as stated above, race-mixing and cuckoldry too), premarital sex, extramarital sex, polyamory or polygamy (except for the ruling White male elite, meaning top 1% of 1%).

6: I believe the age of consent should either not exist or should be much lower (12 preferably) and that adult White men in their 20s should be given and have acquired the resources and jobs to financially provide for their White wives, who should be between the ages of around 12-18.
That is my belief, to return to how our society operated prior to the feminist revolution in the late 1800s and the Jewish destruction of our society, prior to liberalism and egalitarian race-mixing degeneracy.

Helena73 ago

20 somethings marrying 12 year olds:

Please kill yourself or go immediately to bangladesh where you fucking belong.

This is why burma kicked out the so-called rohingya. Rural buddhist peasants with no education were disgusted with those animals because their culture deemed it normal to fuck 12 year olds and they would frequently attack buddhist girls. To savage and perverted for even simple traditional peasant folk to abide. You sound like a leftists. “Its totally natural to fuck assholes. Why would I be this way if it wasn’t”

Its totally natural to kick the shit out of kiddie fuckers. Its my natural instinct. Natural law. Don’t ask why when someone swings you by a tree branch— its natural law.

fightknightHERO ago

you're not even white my dear jewess

you get no fucking say in this

Helena73 ago

You don’t get a say you little brat. You think the world is run by 25 year olds? You wish you were as white as me.

fightknightHERO ago

Jews ain't white ya silly cow

Helena73 ago

You ought to know. What color is the cock in your mouth? Take it out and check.

Khash36 ago

I too am young & support these ideals & hate this jew world. Would love to go back to the good old days, it’s hard to find a suitable white wife & I see absolutely disgusting worthless ugly jungle niggers with beautiful young white women far too often, it’s actually unfathomable. I want to kill them all & get the feeling of disgust every time I encounter such a unholy, undeserved pairing. Society wants us strong white men to just give up & die, alone, weak, & childless.

NorthSeaPagan ago

Yeah exactly how I feel, I am so sick and tired of the modern world and all it's disgusting degeneracy.

I wish I was born before the modern world was a thing and niggers/shitskins were anywhere near us.

Khash36 ago

And I agree the age of consent should be 16 in a white ethnostate, and I understand your reasoning. It’s how we were and are supposed to live, it’s not about sex but instead family raising & having a pretty healthy wife for as pong as possible to homestead & make children. If we didnt have non-whites or feminism than there wouldnt be much of a struggle to have a baby boom, but yeah the law is really just there to further choke out white birth rates, or atleast to give these girls enough time to grow up & be brainwashed/indoctrinated by the jews.

NorthSeaPagan ago

I would say it should be younger than 16 but yeah, 16 is a perfectly good age for a White girl to marry a good White man and start having sex and kids with him. I think the issue goes deeper than just brainwashing though, I don't think girls can postpone marriage past the age of 18 and not turn into hypergamous, vacuous whores and I don't think giving them full control over who they marry (It should be decided in part by her parents and according to tribal laws) is healthy.

Khash36 ago

Yeah I’m not too caught up on the age as long as they are pubescent 16 or 14 just seem like solid square ages. Ideally no such law would be required, & most actual pedos are jews and non-whites anyways. We need stronger family units , I wish my parents helped me find a wife, all white communities used to be close & social with one another. You’re pretty wise for someone your age you wont even be done developing until your like 25

Khash36 ago

Every day I curse the jews for what they have done. It’s really a downer to be living out my prime in the current day, when even 30 years ago I would have enjoyed life much more. I understand man. I’m sure you also know, but in every negative aspect of life you can see how the jews have made the changes responsible for that misery. Really if there were no jews then all our problems would be gone, all of my gripes stem from the jew world & anti-white nigger hordes. Race mixing, non-white population proliferation, degeneracy, brainwashing, it would be gone. I just want to have a nice white family & work hard in a nice white community. I can’t even relate to the average person because of how brainwashed and disgusting their views are.

NorthSeaPagan ago

Yeah I know exactly what you mean, most of the older people here have zero understanding how aggravating, humiliating and pathetic it makes you feel working underneath niggers/shitskins and feminist bitches (who companies love to put in management positions these days), they have no idea how aggravating it is to see constant race-mixing and whoring around (I know it's not most girls/women who are race-mixers but most are whores) and it's really aggravating always being treated like "you are the problem" as a White guy when we are literally the only ones that keep anything running, I have been in and out of work for a while now (currently a Neet, probably going to get a job again soon) because of it, at my last job both my bosses were niggers/shitskins (some dirty Indian cunt and some Arab male that kept hitting on the White females) and half my coworkers were niggers/shitskins and it's like that at pretty much all the jobs where I live. It honestly feels like there is nothing to live for when I go outside these days, I find it hard to have the "willpower" to do anything because of it.

And yeah, talking with normies is horrible, living in a shitlib area with shitlib parents is fucking miserable, everyone wears their stupid fucking masks and everyone follows the rules, no one dares talk about the niggers/shitskins coming into the state and ruining the cities and fucking our women and no one seems to give two flying fucks about White men's situation unless it's to attack us for being "wasist pigs."

I hate living in the modern world and wish we would fight back but the brainwashing against us is so strong that i sometimes wonder if it's ever going to happen at all.

Khash36 ago

It feels good to talk man haha. I also don’t give a fuck about this gay world. Yup most places don’t even hire white guys, i’m lucky I found my job. I quit once to look for a better paying union job, but no luck. What the fuck type of world is it where a hardworking experienced concrete finisher young white man can’t get a construction job? But niggers and spics are hired & trust me they are worthless, always. Especially niggers or even more nigger spics like Puerto ricans. Anyways I suggest you look for a job in construction if you enjoy hard work & mastering your trade, it gets easy once you have put some years in, plus you get really strong. Hardwork honestly can make you feel great & like a man temporarily. Being better at my trade (masonry/concrete) is the only thing that keeps me going & it’s still a haven for conservative white guys. But my boss sucks & my company is owned by ashkenazi crypto kikes, although even they know not to hire niggers, as almost all our workers are white. The jews are even ruining construction, turning it into a trade for pussies & niggers nowadays.

NorthSeaPagan ago

Yeah I know exactly what you mean when you say niggers/shitskins are worthless in the workplace, they mostly just sit around pretending to do work, doing as little as humanly possible not to be fired and pushing as much work as possible on White male employees if they can, it literally disgusted me to work under them, and yeah, I really should look into construction and trades.

BlackJivesChatter ago

No adults only pedo supporter

MuzzieJuice ago

The fact you immediately attacked me for providing an un-biased view says quite a bit. Straight to the slander, huh?

BlackJivesChatter ago

Stop supporting pedos, huh?

MuzzieJuice ago

I'm not, nigger. My great grandmother started having white kids at 16 and ended up having 24 of them. She was 14'ing it up her entire adult life.

BlackJivesChatter ago

Until you you fucking jew LARP

MuzzieJuice ago

Whatever you say, division inciting cuck.

BlackJivesChatter ago

Ok rabbi. Shalom

NorthSeaPagan ago

No it's fucking not you retarded niggerfaggot, there is nothing special about 18, it's not even the fucking age of consent in most White states in the U.S., let alone in Europe where in many countries it's literally 14, and it used to be 10-12, but keep pretending the kikes special laws in one White country in the modern day and age where it's legal for niggers to fuck our women and fags to fuck each other in the streets is the best.

Khash36 ago

Yeah It’s absurd & far more sinful to allow beautiful 18 year old white girls (oftentimes younger) to lay with animals such as niggers. That is far worse than a twenty one year old good white man marrying a fifteen year old & staying with her for life while building a large family.

NorthSeaPagan ago

There is nothing worse than race-mixing with niggers/shitskins, having sex with horses, dogs, cats, little boys, toddlers, etc. all of them are less degenerate than race-mixing with a nigger/shitskin.

Khash36 ago

No kidding you’re absolutely correct

NorthSeaPagan ago

At the end of the day there is nothing worse than them touching/fucking our females, especially younger ones.

BlackJivesChatter ago

Man..l you are fucked in the head. I know you haven’t even been to Europe, besides being outside of your 16 mile crack nigger home.

NorthSeaPagan ago

It's also interesting you mention Germany as your age of consent is 14

BlackJivesChatter ago

See how far that gets you rapist

NorthSeaPagan ago



I am a White man that wants to have a marital relationship with young White girls?

How does that make me a fucking rapist?

BlackJivesChatter ago

You are a dirty jew who wants to disrupt the white race. Fuck off

NorthSeaPagan ago

I've been to Europe before actually, but whatever, all of this information is publically available online, but keep pretending I am "fucked in the head" for not following dumb kike laws and wanting to live like my ancestors while accusing me of being a cuckold child rapist that thinks it's okay for niggers/shitskisn to rape our kids you sick disgusting fuck.

You are no different than the Qtards, all you do is attack those to the right of you that know more than you do without ever fucking listening to what I say, all you do is think "I am so fucking tough, I am like Chris Hansen catching these evil pedos!!!" and no, I don't support any men, especially the massive amount of non-White "men" (they are not people and should be killed) that were on that show trying to meet teens for random casual sex because I don't support casual sex, premarital sex, infidelity, race-mixing or any other sort of degeneracy at all.

BlackJivesChatter ago

IRL tell a true Arian you want to be with his 13 year old daughter. See how quickly he ends your jew life

NorthSeaPagan ago

I have never raped anyone nor would I ever rape anyone, I am just a young, 20 year old White man that would love to live in a world where I could get married to a nice, pubertal, virginal White girl, wanting what is my birth right, wanting what every White man had for thousands of years because of some stupid kike laws written 100 years ago does not make me some sort of monster.

Helena73 ago

I dont think you are

BlackJivesChatter ago

You are just a 20 year old jew who suggests rape of white people. Fuck off rabbi.

BlackJivesChatter ago

He is a cuck LARPing as a white nationalist. Fucking rabbi.