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JewsControlYou ago

Inb4 post walls hags in denial come in and flip their shit out of sheer jealousy over young beauty.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Helena73 ago

Hi wall hag here. How much $$$ do you owe this onlyfan whore?

chirogonemd ago

Man oh man, the amount of projection in this thread is fascinating. I won't ever understand why guys here insist on gloating over the existence of the wall. Oh wait, I do get it. They feel scorned by women so they hold that abstraction up like a big tee hee. See women, it doesn't matter that I'm 5'6", you hit the WALL.

I hate it whether it's coming from man or woman.

But all the dudes in this thread acting like this girl almost belongs to them because she's white and said something racist. Haha. This girl would probably walk right fucking past most of these guys, but they're going to suck her dick because she's young.

Anima possession. This is the divine woman archetype showing up in full force. It's interesting to see the human unconscious at fucking work. Some broad with nice skin and some crazy contacts appears in white holding up a racist comment and suddenly the guys here are back in the womb again, dancing inside their goddess image. Meanwhile, she's doing it for attention and they're raving over a girl that would probably jump in a car with a black professional footballer if he whistled at her haha.

Helena73 ago

Watch how she magically transforms into a “jewess whore”

chirogonemd ago

Race betraying baby-murderer whore if I've ever seen one

JewsControlYou ago

About ₪6,000,000ILS.

fightknightHERO ago

Helena73 is coming for your ass

greydragon ago

What a faggot you are being. Stalk much? Is it because she is a woman (or claims to be one)?

fightknightHERO ago

i have screen caps of various disgusting users

from jews to jew pedophiles, but this one is really fucking gas worthy

she literally goes to v/whitebeauty and pretty insults every good looking submission as "whores" and "14 looking girls, you're all pedophiles"

look at this roastie having a fucking meltdown over a tiny fucking nipple protruding out of a aryan woman's dress

she screamed for censorship like a typical feminist cunt, do you understand now why i want this bitch out of this site?

greydragon ago

Okay, that was a bit weird on her behalf. But I've done dumber while trashed several times on this site. No one decided to make me a target and get me off this site (which I would enjoy).

What I'm saying is, do you see why this statement is wrong?:

... do you understand now why i want this bitch out of this site?

No. I don't understand.

fightknightHERO ago

you sound like a very low T dude (or kike since you obviously simp for this jewish bitch)

get the off the digital jew and do some fucking exercise

consume good amounts of D3 (Vitamin D, which can come from either the fucking sun or supplements) and ZINC (masturbating depletes the body of ZINC)

incase you're mentally cucked more than you are physically go to here

and if you're a serious soyboy who ate nothing but tofu for the past 5 years then we're need a lot of fucking work to fix you up

that means eating meat, onion (king of testosterone) garlic (also full of testo, and flavor) Mushrooms (surprise surprise, mushrooms of full of testosterone)

seaweed (full of iodine, which does the opposite of what (((Fluoride))) does) and ditching eating carbs and sugar all together (carbs when broken down are basically just sugar, sugar lowers testosterone)

i think that should be enough, ask me again if you require evidence to get rid of the inner jew (lust)

greydragon ago

I stopped reading after your faggot anime post. I would fuck you up in real life. It would tickle me if you tried to say the first two lines to my face.

greydragon ago

Project much, hero? LAWZ.

Helena73 ago

Yes I am and I still think muslims did it.

greydragon ago

I don't know why you are getting shitted on. Weather through it. I always liked our very few conversations.

Helena73 ago

Aw thanks. I know why Im getting shitted on. I like to tell the truth at inopportune times. No one likes their echo chambers disrupted. Its okay. Im very philosophical about it. Thanks for the support.

greydragon ago

Cheers. I am not the faggot echo chamber either.

I like your independence.

fightknightHERO ago

How does a war with the Jewnited states of America Benefit Muslims?

besides, we already have proof of israeli kikes being involved in 9/11

even Netanyahu himself "predicted" this event in 1995


do you want more evidence you pretentious kike bitch or have i cemented this argument for good?

duhurensohn ago

US fags did 9/11

Babadookk ago

wow thank you

Helena73 ago

Maybe because muslims think the US is controlled by jews and is occupying their countries. Those guys are crazy.

Babadookk ago

you realize the saudi royal family is jewish?

Helena73 ago

No I dont realize that. They are Wahhabists.

Babadookk ago

no. the last name is osman

Helena73 ago

Salman is an arabic name

Babadookk ago

it is not. jewish names commonly end in 'man' because jews chose names for themselves at the beginning of the 1800s in order to fit in

Helena73 ago

No the similarity to the jewish name is coincidental. Salman the Persian was a companion of Mohammed and it is he that many mulims like Salman Rushdie are named after. It means safe or secure in arabic.

Babadookk ago

its a sephardic jewish surname of hebrew origin

Helena73 ago



From the root salam— safety, security, peace, submission, surrenderس_ل_م#Arabic

Helena73 ago

Maybe she’ll change her mind if I keep calling her a jew. It’s what passes for a serious argument around here!


fightknightHERO ago

You are a jew, you behave like one and lie like a shriveling kike bitch

i'd tell you to go fuck a nigger and die childless and high chances you've already accomplished the latter

Helena73 ago

Nope. Not a jew. Don’t fuck blacks. Muslims bombed the towers.

fightknightHERO ago

well at least ya ain't burning coal, though you haven't refuted my latter claim

therefore i feel assured this 47 year old busted yenta has failed to create more disgusting kikelings into this highly Judaized clown world

i salute you for your contribution to fighting dysgenics

good on ya Rachel

Helena73 ago

Still not a jew. Still not an argument.

How come you have no arguments? I know, because your room temp IQ cant come up with any other reponse except kike.

Nukeisrael ago

They literally call any hot young women a 14 year old and you a pedophile and her a whore. The female mind belongs inside of a house taking care of children, cooking and cleaning as nature ordained and not doing real human stuff like debating ethics and politics.

Thadeus ago

I disagree that taking care of children, cooking, cleaning, and organizing a household isn’t ‘real human stuff’.

JewsControlYou ago

Agreed, but what do you expect from the most responsible teenagers in the room?