SearchVoatBot ago

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happycutie ago


but the porn has a satanic symbol on it so that makes it based porn

Ok Jew.

happycutie ago


voacoal ago

100% would smash


No, let's stop worshiping women period. You want a woman that beautiful? Stop worshiping her or any other woman.

ex-redd ago

You want a woman that beautiful?

Yes, I would be honored to sire many offspring with a woman that beautiful.

Do I worship her--or Women in some way? No, of course not. But I do worship beauty itself in a way--and she embodies much beauty.

Helena73 ago

You put a halo on her lol.

ex-redd ago

its the Black Sun for Christ Sake

Helena73 ago

Used as a halo. Don’t play dumb. That’s a fucking halo.

ex-redd ago

fine--she represents beauty of the aryan race in an ideal way. Blonde haired, blue eyed, symetrical face, nice perky tits (youthful and ready to feed hungry aryan offspring): she is a breeder.

Helena73 ago

That picture is clearly meant to evoke marian iconography. You know it. I know it. Everybody on this post knows it.

Go ahead. Say this isn’t a play on christian imagery. Prove to everyone how dishonest you are.

That is no hallow

Lol gtfo

At least argue with me honestly and say you don’t think this porn is so bad.

Trying to argue that this isnt a nazi pornfication of the virgin mary is bullshit.


Also you shouldn't be "honored" to sire offspring with her dude. She's just a human being like you, and unless you are ugly, she has no more worth than you do. Just another human being.


I understand man. Neither this woman or any other woman deserves to be put on a pedestal like this. It makes her into a god, and it makes us peasants. Stop worshiping it, even if you appreciate. No woman deserves attention like this.

ex-redd ago

it ain't a hallow, lady--it's the black sun. Get over yourself--nobody is putting anyone on a pedestal outside of appreciation for her physical beauty.


You can't put her on a pedestal for anything. This why men don't have any power any more.

ex-redd ago

yeah, put the male form on a higher pedestal and...go the way of the late ancient Greeks if you please.


last i checked this society is going to shit real fast bud

ex-redd ago

agreed, but the idealization of pretty white girls is the least of our worries: go after the kike imagery where she can only be happy if she has a nigger mate, or gets a dick attached via quack science. An idealization of beauty to entice men and give women a desire to be as beautiful/healthy is a good thing. you sound like a jew, "femenist" or just hate women. This image does not make men want women to be their leaders, or superiors--but men should desire beautiful women. It is Nature, and healthy (as long as they don't just masturbate to porn, but are inspired to attain the best woman they have a means to).

Haveyoursay89238 ago

Porn or not, let's not pretend this isn't fantasy for the most part.

America's catering and food industry fed white girls with tons of junkies and it's really difficult to find a girl that's under size 16.

Fried-Laptop ago

This is why niggers & jews hate us

Helena73 ago

This is why they love us. They’re like hey, we can sell nudey pics to goys of their own women. We’ll make lots of money.

ex-redd ago

and the jews force niggers on our women

and if you don't like it: FUCK YOU RACIST

Fried-Laptop ago


CaptainFuture ago

Black sun symbol, Isais Circle, Vril Ladies, ....very nice!

NorthSeaPagan ago

She needs White dick

Fried-Laptop ago

But just one.


NorthSeaPagan ago


Helena73 ago

This is PORN.

Oh but it’s Nazi porn! Degeneracy on our terms!

Hahaha. Fuck off. How many times do we need to go over this coomers? How many times do we have to slide down the slippery slope into Babylon? Weeee!

Stupid stupid goy.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/WhiteBeauty comment by @ex-redd.

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ex-redd ago

hold on, let me photoshop in some little snot nosed runts to make everyone happy.

the White Man needs some eye-candy too every now and then

happycutie ago

the White Man needs some eye-candy too every now and then

You have your wife or future wife. If you want other women you will get shot.

Helena73 ago

How is it not porn?

fightknightHERO ago

Can your piehole, jewess

Helena73 ago

Can my piehole what? Bury you in this debate? Yes it can. Which is probably why you resorted to ad hominem. You’re intellectually impotent. This is my piehole right now lol > :D And once again this is porn^. Have the honesty to admit you love porn—you’re a big fan.

fightknightHERO ago

This is porn because i say this is

imagine being so salty about **women who are prettier, more famine and generally more European than your

Yiddish ass**, that you scream for censorship under vague notions of "pornography" just because there is a nipple protruding out of her thin dress

how greatly i enjoy exposing your dysgenic ways to the populace of voat

because i know a miserable, lonely, bitter she-kike when i see one

Nukeisrael ago

She’s not a kike but she has a visceral reaction to any girl under 40 and says they are like 14 and you’re a pedophile if you think they are hot.

fightknightHERO ago

I'm pretty certain she's a kike, i'm the official kike hunter of OAG and i can instinctively detect them by speech patterns alone

for what are jewish women, if not Feminism incarnate?

Nukeisrael ago

Nah, she’s not dude. She’s White but hates younger pretty women, I think it’s just a female thing. She’s not even a feminist I don’t think.

fightknightHERO ago

How do you know she's white?

her speech patterns aren't white, and her constant shilling for jews

is obvious as hell brother

Nukeisrael ago

Because I’ve argued with her many times and she doesn’t push for jew shit. She just hates young pretty women like all older women do I think.

fightknightHERO ago

you must remember my son, (((Feminism))) can only prevail in the mind of a woman who's open to jewish spiritually

now would why a so called "redpilled woman" promote these vary dysgenic values here on voat?

granted she could be a post-wall fatso who are salty about not having a chad Aryan husband or she could be a kike infiltrator looking to subvert us from within

trust me when i say this, i can tell the difference from your usual QhristCuck from a subversive (((agent)))

kegelkikensteen ago

Regarding 9/11

I just never thought this conspiracy had any legs.



Helena73, a useful idiot, or a kike shill...

Either way doesn't matter.



Thank you fightknightHERO

fightknightHERO ago

It's a female kike if her cuntish feminist tone isn't telling by itself

Clubbooradley ago

Helena doesn’t have the stones to admit she hit the wall at least a decade ago, making her the bitter, self-anointed “porn-police” we see before us.

Helena73 ago

I “hit the wall” sometime ago. Maybe you think you will never hit the wall. Jokes on you.

Regardless. Still porn.

Maybe if I point out Helena is 47, it will invalidate her argument

Nope. Happy to play porn police. Zero apologies for being past it. You’re still a degenerate.

How did we get to homo-parades and slut walks? Well the jew started out with shit just like this, pretty goyim girls in tasteful poses.

It’s art

They said.

Don’t be a puritan. You’re frigid.

They said.

Little by little they pushed the boundaries.

Now we have three hundred pound black lesbians marching nude and masturbating in public. And goats are like, how did we get here?

From someone who remembers the seventies, take it from me.

^^^IT STARTED WITH THIS SHIT. Hello. Are ya listening?

halinflorida ago

Too many clothes.