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JewsControlYou ago

Inb4 post walls hags in denial come in and flip their shit out of sheer jealousy over young beauty.

fightknightHERO ago

Helena73 is coming for your ass

greydragon ago

What a faggot you are being. Stalk much? Is it because she is a woman (or claims to be one)?

fightknightHERO ago

i have screen caps of various disgusting users

from jews to jew pedophiles, but this one is really fucking gas worthy

she literally goes to v/whitebeauty and pretty insults every good looking submission as "whores" and "14 looking girls, you're all pedophiles"

look at this roastie having a fucking meltdown over a tiny fucking nipple protruding out of a aryan woman's dress

she screamed for censorship like a typical feminist cunt, do you understand now why i want this bitch out of this site?

greydragon ago

Okay, that was a bit weird on her behalf. But I've done dumber while trashed several times on this site. No one decided to make me a target and get me off this site (which I would enjoy).

What I'm saying is, do you see why this statement is wrong?:

... do you understand now why i want this bitch out of this site?

No. I don't understand.

fightknightHERO ago

you sound like a very low T dude (or kike since you obviously simp for this jewish bitch)

get the off the digital jew and do some fucking exercise

consume good amounts of D3 (Vitamin D, which can come from either the fucking sun or supplements) and ZINC (masturbating depletes the body of ZINC)

incase you're mentally cucked more than you are physically go to here

and if you're a serious soyboy who ate nothing but tofu for the past 5 years then we're need a lot of fucking work to fix you up

that means eating meat, onion (king of testosterone) garlic (also full of testo, and flavor) Mushrooms (surprise surprise, mushrooms of full of testosterone)

seaweed (full of iodine, which does the opposite of what (((Fluoride))) does) and ditching eating carbs and sugar all together (carbs when broken down are basically just sugar, sugar lowers testosterone)

i think that should be enough, ask me again if you require evidence to get rid of the inner jew (lust)

greydragon ago

I stopped reading after your faggot anime post. I would fuck you up in real life. It would tickle me if you tried to say the first two lines to my face.

greydragon ago

Project much, hero? LAWZ.