Arnold_Toht ago

I agree with the sentiment of the OP.....with that said, I think it’s more nationalism in any form they hate. Right now we are experiencing a form of fascism, I mean jews in government and other subverted reps are working with corporate jews to run this shit show, so the state has merged with business to rule us in authoritarian way. They don’t hate fascism, at least in its current bastardized form, they hate anything that promotes nationalism because it undermines their power structure.

Arnold_Toht ago

The organic form of fascism is nationalist in nature, that’s the kind they do not want.

AfricanZionSafari ago

What if you are enemies with both juden and sand niggers?

Motzfeldt ago

Can anyone recommend theoretical fascist literature that's not Hitler?

DanielR ago

I prefer : "The enemy of your enemy is still your enemy!"

Pjest ago

The Enemy of your enemy is your enemies enemy. nothing more.

ArcturianDeathTrap3 ago

The enemy of your enemy is still your enemy, and all your friends are enemies, because they secretly consider you an enemy, you have no friends, only enemies, so you must have money for bribes. This is the way.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

I looked into fascism a long time ago, and liked what I found

Crikes ago

That's your enemy trying to talk you into their only chance of defeating you.

United States is a nation based on the principles of individual rights and individual merit.

Love it or leave it.

Vc83 ago

The enemy of my enemy is not my friend, but what is bad for my enemy is good for me.

RoryBellowsLives ago

They don’t hate fascism they hate a Hollywood made up version of the NSWPD that is now retconned as “Fascism”. Most people who loudly profuse to hate “Fascism” love these extreme lockdown measures and using the techniques they accuse “fascists” of against their political adversaries.

wrathfulmomes ago

No. The enemy of your enemy may be your temporary ally.

RCCollier ago

Become literally Hitler. Hail victory.

screamingrubberband ago

The enemy of your enemy...

Worked out well with Iran and iraq!

Nosferatjew ago

Fascism is not our enemy.

m_1 ago

I Hate @Crensch

@gabara hates @Crensch

@M_1 hates @crensch

gabara ago

We all hate @crensch!

TheGook ago

why? wat he do?

noob_tube ago

He bans all dissent from his sub, v/GreatAwakening. Voat is more of a fucking Q forum now, but it used to be a free speech platform. Of course, the qultists don't like that because they hate being reminded of how many times Q got it wrong.

gabara ago

He's the one that got us all in this mess in the first place. He told the Q tards to come here.

TheGook ago

why would Nazi tell zionist to come here? That very weird. is crensch joo?

Broc_Lia ago

So your enemies get to pick what you like as well as what you hate?


Should we adopt Trotskyism too? Stalin hated him, so he must be good, right?

kishind ago

The tweet only says it's worth looking into.

Broc_Lia ago

Come on, that's not what that phrase means when it's used like that. They're gently understating their position to give it strength.

therage96 ago

The only thing these morons will bring about by calling everyone Hitler is an actual Hitler. It's a foregone conclusion at this point.

kishind ago

With all this repetition of Hitler's name, we should promote him to demigod status by spreading his likeness, chanting in unison, and making ritual offerings. Then he can channel his energy through the likenesses. Whether it's jew-fic evil Hitler or the war hero who loved his people and fought their oppressors, I'll take either.

aekotra ago

Lol at still not understanding Hegelian dialectic.

Tevelyn ago

The right answer is actually. That was 100 years ago. Today, china is committing a holocaust. Biden supports china. Point and screech at people who came to power 100 years ago. The same thing is happening in 2020 and the democrat party supports it.

clymer ago

downvoted. I'll keep my constitutional republic and my bill of rights, thanks. The left is actually fascist.

kishind ago

You're using the word like they do, interchangeable with "tyranny". Unlike the fake history meme, most Germans retained their guns. Actual ethnic Germans, not "citizens of Germany".

Fascism is the government forcing corporations to serve the collective good of the people. But like all dictatorships, it does not survive the dictator. It radically changes when the central figure dies.

We need something more permanent and decentralized (while still lending itself to collective action).

AmericanBannedStand ago

They can’t be. Fascism is a right wing ideology. Fascism would not permit muh gender bullshit, for instance, and the left loves that.

thebearfromstartrack ago


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thebearfromstartrack ago

What for is my question.

anticlutch ago

Fascism is good. It's natural order.

Nature is king fascist.

500five ago

Fascism works in ethically homogenous areas. If a bunch of kikes are the leaders of a fascist society, it will be to their structure and desire. Anything "-ism" depends on the people.

KingMortales ago

Although I'm pro fascist, I believr that any system works with a 100% white ethnostate.

SpaceAgePimp ago

White = achievement.

Communism = anti-achievement.

Even if we could get it to work, would we want to?

KingMortales ago

No, and that's why I'm a fascist in addition to an ethnonationalist.

Nukeisrael ago

If a “bunch of kikes” are leading a white nation it is de facto not fascist.

noob_tube ago

Whites can make anything work. Fascism, communism, constitutional republic.

VoatsNewfag ago

Most mammals live in small packs and prey upon or fight with their own kind. Like Lions kill their stepchildren, because they care more about their own genes than the lion population as a whole.

ThisSideofthePale ago

There are no non-lions in lion societies. They all kill jackals, they all eat the same animals. Any fighting amongst themselves can be argued to be for the betterment of the lion population as a whole. Survival of the fittest and so on.

123whatevs ago

Yeah, they also hate Jesus Christ and Christianity as well. To the point that their fairy tale book has a paragraph that states that Jesus is burning in hell in a pot of shit.

MIght be time to look into that as well.

kishind ago

Hate implies near-equality. Jews love to degrade and humiliate Christians and their symbols. It's not hate. Hate includes the feeling of a threat. They're not threatened. Jews scorn Christ and Christians.

But they hate and fear fascism.

Chimaira92 ago

Cuckstianity has pacified our nations, they hate Hitler and the NSDAP more than they hate Yeshua.

Maybe time to look into that.

noob_tube ago

The crusades, organized by the catholic church, are why the saracens didn't conquer Europe. Traditional christianity is based.

NorthSeaPagan ago

Uh, no, the Crusades are actually what let the Turks conquer all of the Balkans and didn't really stop the Saracen advance into Europe at all, it was the Mongols that did that. The only lasting effect of the Crusades was the fall of the Byzantine Empire which allowed the Ottomans to size all of Greece and Anatolia.

noob_tube ago

Wrong. Byzantium didn't fall because of the crusades, they fell because of Saracen onslaught. The crusades united Europe to fight the invaders.

NorthSeaPagan ago

Wrong. The Fourth Crusade destroyed the Byzantine Empire you fucking retard.

noob_tube ago

Lol yeah? Byzantium fell because of Europe uniting to fight the Saracen horde, not because of the Saracen horde?

noob_tube ago

Andronikos I Komnenos slaughters the 60,000 white inhabitants of byzantium, sells the remaining living ones as slaves to the Saracens

Crusaders put an end to it.


NorthSeaPagan ago

Uh, yeah, the Crusaders that attacked Byzantium destroyed the Byzantine Empire, you are the one who denied that, not me, interesting you mention the Latin Massacre because that's just more proof that Christianity is a garbage religion.

noob_tube ago

No, the Byzantines, who slaughtered their white population, destroyed the byzantine empire. Saying that Byzantium is standing because the walls are standing is nonsense: its the people of Byzantium that made it what it was.

NorthSeaPagan ago

Hahahaha, their White population? You mean the Latin merchants that lived in Constantinople? You do realize that the Latin population of Constantinople weren't natives right? God you are a fucking moron.

noob_tube ago

Yes they were. What we call the "byzantine empire" was known in its time as the (Eastern) Roman empire, i.e. Latin.

NorthSeaPagan ago

You are a fucking idiot, they always called themselves the Roman Empire, the "Byzantine Empire" is a modern creation and the "Latin" population in Constantinople was more recent from Italian city states. Go be a 90 IQ boomoid somewhere else.

noob_tube ago

Right. It was built by Rome, i.e. Latins, i.e. white people. When they killed the white people, Byzantium fell.

NorthSeaPagan ago

No, you are a fucking retard dude, sorry, Latins at the time refereed to Italian merchants not fucking White Romans, who, yes, built the city of Constantinople and were Orthodox Christians, mixing with the local Greeks and Anatolians. The Latins didn't do fuck all besides trade with the Byzantines. Fuck, please, just stop commenting on history, you historically illiterate morons make us look stupid

noob_tube ago

There's a city in Italy named Rome. That is where Romans came from. The Romans built Byzantium. People from modern Italy were in fact the very people who build Byzantium. After the fall of Rome and a thousand years of Saracen conquest, the natives became darker, less white. The "foreigners" were the builders of the city, and the byzantine slaughter of them was like BLM rioting and claiming they wuz kangs. Crusaders putting a stop to white genocide != the fall of Byzantium.

NorthSeaPagan ago

Okay let's go over this supper slowly for you since you are a retard.

"There's a city in Italy named Rome."

Yes, that is true

"That is where Romans came from."

Also true

"The Romans built Byzantium."

False, Byzantium was an ancient Greek city that existed for thousands of years, Constantinople was founded by Constantine the great as "Nova Roma" in Byzantium to serve as the Eastern Roman Empire's capital though.

"People from modern Italy were in fact the very people who build Byzantium."

Partially false, the people from modern Italy includes later Gothic and Lombard genes that were not present in the original Romans.

"After the fall of Rome and a thousand years of Saracen conquest, the natives became darker, less white."

Somewhat true, but not the amount of mongrelization from the time of the Caesars to the time of Emperors was insignificant.

"The "foreigners" were the builders of the city, and the byzantine slaughter of them was like BLM rioting and claiming they wuz kangs."

No, no they weren't you complete and utter fucking retard, the "Byzantines" (who literally called themselves Romans) were genetically pretty much the same as the ancient Greeks and Romans, but keep on imagining that they must have been dark skinned because... what? It fits your retarded anti-White, pro-Catholic narrative? What about all the Catholic cities along the Illyrian coast the Crusaders sacked? Were they all non-Whites too? You know how hard it is for smart people to deal with retards like you? It's like dealing with fucking shitlibs, you don't really know anything about anything so you just make shit up as you go along to fit your retarded fuckwit narrative.

"Crusaders putting a stop to white genocide != the fall of Byzantium."

Oh yeah, the Crusaders stopped White genocide by destroying the Roman Empire, the thing stopping the Saracen and Turkic hordes from pouring into Europe, never mind the fact that the Mongol horde was in Eastern Europe or the Saracens were in Spain, attacking the Roman Empire and the "Holy Land" was really what saved Europe everyone!!! Never mind the fact that the Turks were in Vienna a few centuries later, never mind the fact the Turks forced the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth into submission, never mind the fact that Spain was under Saracen rule for another 300 years, who cares right?

Fucking die, you pathetic noob.

noob_tube ago

Partially false, the people from modern Italy includes later Gothic and Lombard genes that were not present in the original Romans.

I meant Modern Italy as in Italy didn't exist at the time.

No, no they weren't you complete and utter fucking retard, the "Byzantines" (who literally called themselves Romans) were genetically pretty much the same as the ancient Greeks and Romans, but keep on imagining that they must have been dark skinned because... what? It fits your retarded anti-White, pro-Catholic narrative?

They were darker than western Europeans. That's what a thousand years of Saracen conquest does to a people. They're very dark now, it didn't happen over night, it happened over years, and it had already started happening by the time of the first Crusade.

What about all the Catholic cities along the Illyrian coast the Crusaders sacked? Were they all non-Whites too?

Yes, at least partially. That's what a thousand years of Saracen conquest does.

You know how hard it is for smart people to deal with retards like you? It's like dealing with fucking shitlibs, you don't really know anything about anything so you just make shit up as you go along to fit your retarded fuckwit narrative.

I get it entirely. Some people like to pretend that the byzantines just turned dark one day, without any understanding of how a people change over time.

Oh yeah, the Crusaders stopped White genocide by destroying the Roman Empire, the thing stopping the Saracen and Turkic hordes from pouring into Europe,

They were already in ruin. That's why they themselvs had sent diplomats to Rome to request the first crusade.

never mind the fact that the Mongol horde was in Eastern Europe

Stopped by the Teutonic knights: Christians.

or the Saracens were in Spain

Ousted by the Knights of Santiago: Christians

attacking the Roman Empire and the "Holy Land" was really what saved Europe everyone!!!


Never mind the fact that the Turks were in Vienna a few centuries later,

That doesn't change the fact that the crusades saved Europe from Saracen conquest.

never mind the fact the Turks forced the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth into submission

That doesn't change the fact that the crusades saved Europe from Saracen conquest.

never mind the fact that Spain was under Saracen rule for another 300 years, who cares right?

Ousted by the Knights of Santiago: Christians

Yes, the Crusaders saved Europe from Saracen conquest.

NorthSeaPagan ago

"They were darker than western Europeans. That's what a thousand years of Saracen conquest does to a people. They're very dark now, it didn't happen over night, it happened over years, and it had already started happening by the time of the first Crusade."

The Saracens never conquered the Roman-Byzantine Empire, the Saracens actually had more control over Western Europe, you know, Islamic Spain, Sicily and Southern Italy than they ever did over Greece and Constantinople.

"Yes, at least partially. That's what a thousand years of Saracen conquest does."

Illyria is modern day Croatia, it had less Saracen genetic influence than Italy, France, and Spain.

"I get it entirely. Some people like to pretend that the byzantines just turned dark one day, without any understanding of how a people change over time."

No, actually I think they turned somewhat darker when the fucking Turks conquered them, you fucking retard, my point was that they weren't significantly darker in 1200 than the fucking Italians were, who, mind you, were under, alongside the rest of Western Europe, constant raids from Muslims in North Africa and Spain, but did the Crusaders attack the Muslims there and stop the White slave trade? No, they attacked the Graeco-Roman Orthodox Christians and the "Holy Land."

"Stopped by the Teutonic knights: Christians."

No, the Teutonic knights didn't stop the Mongols, the Teutonic Knights fought White Pagan Baltic tribes, not the Mongols, the Mongols Golden Horde would rule over and collect tribute from the Russians for literally hundreds of years.


Hahahaha, the fucking Turks were at the gates of Vienna and Warsaw a few centuries later but they "saved Europe"? God you are a fucking retard, the Islamic advance into Europe had mostly ground to a halt by the time the crusades were launched, in fact if it wasn't for the fourth crusade it's likely the Balkans never would have fallen to the Muslims. The Saracens were busy fighting a war with the Mongols when the Crusades were launched and it was the Mongols capturing Baghdad which destroyed the Saracens, not the puny little Catholic armies.

"That doesn't change the fact that the crusades saved Europe from Saracen conquest."

Besides they didn't.

"Ousted by the Knights of Santiago: Christians Yes, the Crusaders saved Europe from Saracen conquest."

Yeah, something which could have been achieved 300 years earlier if they had sent their armies to Spain instead of "muh (((Holy Land)))" and Roman-Byzantium. You know what the worst thing about you Christcucks is? Anything, any little thing the Christcucks do good you praise and treat like some heroic deed while pretending it is "all because of Christianity" and then anything they do bad you pretend didn't happen or excuse away with the most retarded arguments imaginable. You people really are just fucking barely better than niggers.

noob_tube ago

The Saracens never conquered the Roman-Byzantine Empire, the Saracens actually had more control over Western Europe, you know, Islamic Spain, Sicily and Southern Italy than they ever did over Greece and Constantinople.

Right, because of the crusaders, who stopped their invasion of Europe.

Illyria is modern day Croatia, it had less Saracen genetic influence than Italy, France, and Spain.

I don't know about french, but yes, modern Spanish and Italians have a lot of arab mixture.

No, actually I think they turned somewhat darker when the fucking Turks conquered them,

Yes. As they conquered, they turned white lands into brown lands. They were attacking the Byzantines for a thousand years before the crusades.

my point was that they weren't significantly darker in 1200 than the fucking Italians were, who, mind you, were under, alongside the rest of Western Europe, constant raids from Muslims in North Africa and Spain,

Italians had not had nearly as much pressure from the Saracens as the Byzatines did, other than arguably Sicily.

but did the Crusaders attack the Muslims there and stop the White slave trade?


they attacked the Graeco-Roman Orthodox Christians and the "Holy Land."

Yes, because they were genociding whites.

No, the Teutonic knights didn't stop the Mongols, the Teutonic Knights fought White Pagan Baltic tribes, not the Mongols, the Mongols Golden Horde would rule over and collect tribute from the Russians for literally hundreds of years.

Yes, the Teutonic Knights stopped them from invading Europe, for example at Leignitz in 1241.

Hahahaha, the fucking Turks were at the gates of Vienna and Warsaw a few centuries later but they "saved Europe"?

Yes, they saved Europe. That's why the Saracen invaders failed to make further headway for centuries.

God you are a fucking retard, the Islamic advance into Europe had mostly ground to a halt by the time the crusades were launched,

Yes, by the byzantines, who knew they could not continue to hold them off, which is why the sent emissaries to the Pope to request the crusades.

in fact if it wasn't for the fourth crusade it's likely the Balkans never would have fallen to the Muslims.

If it weren't for the fourth crusade, the wholesale slaughter of the white population of byzantium would have gone unpunished.

The Saracens were busy fighting a war with the Mongols when the Crusades were launched and it was the Mongols capturing Baghdad which destroyed the Saracens, not the puny little Catholic armies.

Yet, those puny catholic armies managed to conquer and hold Jerusalem, 2000 miles away from their homelands.

Besides they didn't.

Oh I didn't realize they'd conquered us. Weird how we're still white...

Yeah, something which could have been achieved 300 years earlier if they had sent their armies to Spain instead of "muh (((Holy Land)))" and Roman-Byzantium.

But then they wouldn't have saved Europe from the Saracen horde in the middle east.

You know what the worst thing about you Christcucks is?

I'm not even Christian.

Anything, any little thing the Christcucks do good you praise and treat like some heroic deed while pretending it is "all because of Christianity" and then anything they do bad you pretend didn't happen or excuse away with the most retarded arguments imaginable. You people really are just fucking barely better than niggers.

You're a nigger. No matter how much white Christian men sacrifice to save you, you're still upset about it and demand that they do more.

NorthSeaPagan ago

"Right, because of the crusaders, who stopped their invasion of Europe."

Uh, no, the Crusaders destroyed the Roman-Byzantine Empire, just because the Crusaders handed some Anatolian coast-land back the Roman-Byzantine Empire before destroying it doesn't mean they stopped the Saracen invasion of Europe, not that it was the Saracens that conquered that land from the Byzantines anyways.

"I don't know about french, but yes, modern Spanish and Italians have a lot of arab mixture."

Uh huh, so why were the Latins (Catholic Italian Merchants from Genoa and Venice) "Whiter than than the Byzantines"? And yeah, the French have trace DNA from the Saracens.


No, they didn't, the White slave trade continued on for a good 500+ years following the last crusade, but "cute."

"Yes, because they were genociding whites."

20+ years ago they killed Italian Merchants and their families due in no small part to Christian infighting under a different regime and you believe that means that they were justified in betraying an allied state? Oh, and nice job not addressing their attacks against Croatian (Illyrian) White cities, just ignore that right? Oh, and the Greaco-Roman Byzantines were, once again, were no or barely "darker" than the Italian Merchants they killed, are you seriously trying to claim that the Graeco-Romans were niggers? Because that is flat out false.

"Yes, the Teutonic Knights stopped them from invading Europe, for example at Leignitz in 1241."

Yeah you still didn't refute my point, the Crusaders alongside a whole bunch of Catholic states fighting to defend themselves against the Mongols isn't the same as launching a Crusade against the Mongols (which they could have done, freeing the Slavs, but instead attacked the "Holy Land" which was filled with shitskins).

"Yes, they saved Europe. That's why the Saracen invaders failed to make further headway for centuries."

No... no that's not why the Saracens failed to make advances for centuries afterwards you fucking retard, their actions literally led to the fall of the main Balkan power (Rome/Byzantium) which led to the Turks taking over the Balkans, there actions had a net-negative effect on the security of Europe from non-Whites, the Crusades in the Holy Land had basically zero effect at all on the Saracens there, who were way to busy dealing with the Mongols to try and take a few irrelevant Crusader strongholds on the Palestinian coast, oh did you forget that? Oh yeah, the Crusader states basically were wiped out after the first few years of being there.

"Yes, by the byzantines, who knew they could not continue to hold them off, which is why the sent emissaries to the Pope to request the crusades."

Yeah, that's not what happened, the Byzantines requested assistance in retaking land from the Turks not holding them off, the Byzantines had the naval dominance to defend against the Turks... and the Crusaders, once again, turned on the fucking Byzantines and destroyed them.

"If it weren't for the fourth crusade, the wholesale slaughter of the white population of byzantium would have gone unpunished."

Again, are you trying to claim that the Med Graeco-Romans were not White? Because that is just flat out false. Present literally any evidence for your claim that the Graeco-Romans at the time were not White or fuck off. Even as someone who is a "nordicist" this is fucking retarded, the Graeco-Romans were not fucking shitskins you fucking retard.

"Yet, those puny catholic armies managed to conquer and hold Jerusalem, 2000 miles away from their homelands."

Yeah, for all of a few decades before Saladin reconquered it... all while the Saracens where busy fighting the Mongols...

"Oh I didn't realize they'd conquered us. Weird how we're still white..."

Hurr durr me think Crusaders saved Europe from non-Whites hurr durr"

No retard, without the Crusaders Europe would still be White because they didn't stop some massive invasion of Europe, they could have launched actual crusades against the Mongols and Saracens in Spain but instead fought pointless wars in Jerusalem for retarded religious reasons, attacked their fellow Whites in the Baltic and Finland, attacked fellow White Christian Catholic cities in Europe and destroyed the Roman-Byzantine Empire.

"You're a nigger. No matter how much white Christian men sacrifice to save you, you're still upset about it and demand that they do more."

Hahahahahaha, if it wasn't for the fucking Christcucks we wouldn't be living in this shithole right now, we would be living in a country like Japan and all the niggers/shitskisn would be either slaves or dead, and you are a literal nigger in regards to your ability to think.

I'm done arguing with retards like you, you are blocked, I can't argue with someone as stupid as you, who refuses to admit that "his side" can do wrong and made massive fucking mistakes, and paints anyone in opposition to his side as a fucking non-White. Go eat nigger cocks.

noob_tube ago

Uh, no, the Crusaders destroyed the Roman-Byzantine Empire, just because the Crusaders handed some Anatolian coast-land back the Roman-Byzantine Empire before destroying it doesn't mean they stopped the Saracen invasion of Europe, not that it was the Saracens that conquered that land from the Byzantines anyways.

The Saracens failed to conquer Europe as they intended because of the Crusades. The Crusaders stopped the invasion of Europe.

Uh huh, so why were the Latins (Catholic Italian Merchants from Genoa and Venice) "Whiter than than the Byzantines"?

They were whiter than the Byzantines. They were attacked and conquered by the Saracens less than the Byzantines had been up to that point.

No, they didn't, the White slave trade continued on for a good 500+ years following the last crusade, but "cute."

They absolutely did. The Crusaders invaded North Africa, where the slavers were based out of.

20+ years ago they killed Italian Merchants and their families due in no small part to Christian infighting under a different regime and you believe that means that they were justified in betraying an allied state?

Yes. All enemies of whites are my enemies. What is the point of "saving" Europe if all the whites die?

Oh, and nice job not addressing their attacks against Croatian (Illyrian) White cities, just ignore that right?

The Venetians had been warring with the Croatians for centuries. Just because they continued to fight doesn't detract from saving Europe from Saracen invasion.

Oh, and the Greaco-Roman Byzantines were, once again, were no or barely "darker" than the Italian Merchants they killed, are you seriously trying to claim that the Graeco-Romans were niggers? Because that is flat out false.

The ancient Greeks were white: the Romans were actually descended from them. However, after thousands of years of Saracen conquest, rape, and miscegenation, yes, they became darker. I wouldn't call them niggers, but to claim that they were pure Aryan or something is nonsense. By the time of the fourth Crusade the Byzantine empire was completely surrounded by Saracen (arab) conquerors, substantial mixture had occurred by that time.

Yeah you still didn't refute my point, the Crusaders alongside a whole bunch of Catholic states fighting to defend themselves against the Mongols isn't the same as launching a Crusade against the Mongols (which they could have done, freeing the Slavs, but instead attacked the "Holy Land" which was filled with shitskins).

Are slavs aren't white? Is Russia in Europe? You're saying that the Crusaders repelling the Saracen invasion of Europe doesn't count because of Mongols attacking Slavs? How does this relate to the discussion?

No... no that's not why the Saracens failed to make advances for centuries afterwards you fucking retard, their actions literally led to the fall of the main Balkan power (Rome/Byzantium) which led to the Turks taking over the Balkans, there actions had a net-negative effect on the security of Europe from non-Whites, the Crusades in the Holy Land had basically zero effect at all on the Saracens there, who were way to busy dealing with the Mongols to try and take a few irrelevant Crusader strongholds on the Palestinian coast, oh did you forget that? Oh yeah, the Crusader states basically were wiped out after the first few years of being there.

Again, The byzantine empire was already ruined. They had already been losing the war with the Saracens for centuries. They were already surrounded by Saracen invaders. You can't put that on the Crusaders, who had also been fighting and killing the Saracens for centuries.

who were way to busy dealing with the Mongols to try and take a few irrelevant Crusader strongholds on the Palestinian coast, oh did you forget that? Oh yeah, the Crusader states basically were wiped out after the first few years of being there.

Saladin was famously merciful to his enemies, and he would not allow the Templar Knights to live because of how dangerous they were and how much damage they had done to his armies. To suggest that the Crusaders didn't repel the Saracen invasion of Europe because they failed to maintain the territories they captured in the middle east is ridiculous.

Yeah, that's not what happened, the Byzantines requested assistance in retaking land from the Turks not holding them off, the Byzantines had the naval dominance to defend against the Turks... and the Crusaders, once again, turned on the fucking Byzantines and destroyed them.

Entirely wrong. Traditionally christian lands in the middle east had been conquered by the Saracens, who threatened to invade the Byzantines. The emperor appealed to the pope for help, knowing that they would be easily overrun if they didn't receive any. He wrote a second letter when they attacked Constantinople.

Again, are you trying to claim that the Med Graeco-Romans were not White? Because that is just flat out false. Present literally any evidence for your claim that the Graeco-Romans at the time were not White or fuck off. Even as someone who is a "nordicist" this is fucking retarded, the Graeco-Romans were not fucking shitskins you fucking retard.

Yes, after thousands of years of Saracen conquest and arabs raping white people, they began to grow darker.

Yeah, for all of a few decades before Saladin reconquered it... all while the Saracens where busy fighting the Mongols...

Thus saving Europe from the Saracen invasion.

No retard, without the Crusaders Europe would still be White because they didn't stop some massive invasion of Europe,

Yet they did. Without the Crusades, the Saracens would have invaded Europe.

they could have launched actual crusades against the Mongols and Saracens in Spain

They did.

but instead fought pointless wars in Jerusalem for retarded religious reasons,

To repel the Saracens invading Europe.

attacked their fellow Whites in the Baltic and Finland, attacked fellow White Christian Catholic cities in Europe and destroyed the Roman-Byzantine Empire.

Wrong, the Byzantine empire collapsed ultimately because of Saracen conquest, not because of the Crusades, although the Crusades did forestall their destruction.

Hahahahahaha, if it wasn't for the fucking Christcucks we wouldn't be living in this shithole right now, we would be living in a country like Japan and all the niggers/shitskisn would be either slaves or dead, and you are a literal nigger in regards to your ability to think.

If it weren't for the Crusades, we'd be dead because the Saracens would have killed us all by now.

I'm done arguing with retards like you, you are blocked,

That's usually how idiots handle it when they find out they were wrong.

I can't argue with someone as stupid as you, who refuses to admit that "his side" can do wrong and made massive fucking mistakes, and paints anyone in opposition to his side as a fucking non-White. Go eat nigger cocks.

The Crusades saved Europe from Saracen conquest.

Nukeisrael ago

This dude just keeps embarrassing himself. It’s fucking sad.

Nukeisrael ago

Why didn’t the Byzantium retards just larp in the woods instead of having a state? They probably would have owned the crusaders if they did that.

noob_tube ago

Imagine being this salty about being wrong that laws will not solve the jewish problem.

Nukeisrael ago

I’m not wrong though. You think it’s possible for states to not exist. It’s isn’t. You’re a moron like every single anarchist on earth not named ellul or ted k. Imagine being you and not knowing what a state is. Imagine being a libertarian in 2020. Imagine being a retard who thinks asking nicely or the free market will solve the jewish problem. Imagine not knowing how power works. Imagine being you.

noob_tube ago

Keep crying, I need a little more salt for my potatoes.

Nukeisrael ago

“Anarchy is going to remove kikes and keep them gone forever.” Imagine being a retard who thinks states won’t exist. Have you actually ever thought before? Like honest question have you? Or did you just think “man states are bad dude, the world would be such a better place with like no states mannn” like some sort of retarded hippie? Of course you haven’t thought about it, you’re a moron. Keep being wrong though dipshit.

noob_tube ago

Cry moar.

123whatevs ago

I keep hearing this myth every single time.

No Christianity hasn't pacified our nation: consumerism did

Excessive porn, excessive fast food, excessive entertainment, excessive debt slavery, etc

Christianity was the only thing in this country that stood up to the LGBTQ degeneracy back in the 70-90's until it was subverted.

There is a reason (((they))) are trying to cancel all the Christian holidays. Next time you see one just wish him a "Merry Christmas" or "May Jesus have mercy on your soul" and watch him seethe.

Also I haven't met a single jew who hates Hitler. And why why would they? It's not like Hitler did the holocaust or started massacring them like Hadrian.

Nukeisrael ago

Christianity allowed the kikes in every single time. Pick up a history book bro. The reason the frankfurt school targeted Christianity is because it was the social spiritual bond of western white countries back then. If they were pagans in some alternate universe the kikes would seemingly hate paganism too. It’s just they need any spiritual meaning gone so they can have people worshiping materialism because that’s when they are ripe for subversion. Saying that Christianity is true because kikes tried to deconstruct it in the west is the same argument boomers make to say that trump must be based because the media shits on him and kikes own the media. It’s just not a logically following argument especially when you look at history. Whites have literally nothing to do with a desert religion, especially one that teaches cuckery. And no don’t bother explaining what your god “actually meant” and how turn the other cheek somehow means to kill all niggers I’ve heard it all before.

Chimaira92 ago

Christianity is the worship of a socialist, pacifistic Kike called Yeshua. The reason the other kikes hate him is because he self declared himself as the king of all kikes and constantly criticised his fellow kikes for their behaviour.

Christian churches openly advocate pro lgbtq bullshit in their churches today. The fact that it can be subverted means it is not a useful religion at all.

poopballs69 ago

Christians were some of the only people in America that tried to resist the degeneracy. It's like there was a tug of war match between the White Americans and the niggers/fags/Jews (degeneracy), but the only people pulling on the White side were the Christians. Meanwhile, you had non-Christian Whites throwing their own race under the bus to go join the other team, or at the very least dissociating themselves from the Christians. It's clear as day what happened... Every single tv show I watched while growing up was anti-Christian, anti-God. Anytime I heard news of Christians rejecting this or protesting that they were always spun as the bad guys. How do you expect them to NOT get subverted when their own race left them behind? This country abandoned God, and if you're not religious than think of God as a metaphor for morality, and it was done in order to participate in mindless hedonism. Like whatevs said, consumerism and hedonism consumed the west.

Christianity could always return to what it represented 30+ years ago, which was a group of Whites that were against degeneracy and wanted to conserve tradition. To bring up some ancient history of a religion is so far from our current reality that it's completely meaningless. We've evolved well beyond that point and these things have taken new forms and meaning. You say "Christianity is the worship of a socialist, pacifistic Kike called Yeshua", meanwhile most Christians would have zero clue as to what you are even talking about. And same goes for the Christians from 30+ years ago, because that is completely meaningless to them. They knew what they believed in and that's all that mattered. Unfortunately, they were severely outnumbered, and betrayed by their own race.

Nukeisrael ago

Yes and now god is dead and he’s not coming back so we better find something new to rally around fast. Christianity is just simply not true and people realize it that’s why it fell out of favor. Was it better than the retards we have running around now and their moral relativism? Yeah, but that doesn’t mean the desert cult is the truth. It’s always these appeals to function rather than truth when arguing with a Christian and it reminds me of keith woods on youtube. We evolved to be spiritual beings but that doesn’t make everything we find spiritual to be some hidden transcendental truth. When we figured out what the sun was we couldn’t really worship it as a god anymore could we? When we realized lightning wasn’t god doing it we couldn’t go back and pretend it is anymore right? Nietzsche talked about this 130 years ago and he was right. God is dead, it’s as simple as that.

NorthSeaPagan ago

Yeah you still don't get it retard, the whole reason shitlibism exists is because of Christianity, you don't see retards talking about how horrible inequality and not mixing with niggers is in Japan or China because they aren't Christcucks.

Silver_Sky ago

Well, then please explain, in 1500 years of Christian European history, why it is that only in the last 70 years, when Christianity has been replaced by atheism, that European culture has suddenly caved to these insane ideas? You would think that if it were the true weak point, it never would have lead to the numerous golden ages which flourished across Europe.

NorthSeaPagan ago

Uh, it's been this way for WAY longer than the last 70 years you fucking retard, you people need to stop pretending the 50s were the high point of civilization, by the 1950s civilization was already shit, your issue is that you are a retarded Christcuck and Enlightenment faggot, European civilization has been cucked and had the bad traits which led to the modern world ever since Christianity, but this really started getting bad around the late 1700s when the French Revolution and later Enlightenment reforms in Britain, the U.S. and the rest of Europe destroyed traditional European society. Europe has "golden ages" in spite of Christianity, not because of it.

Silver_Sky ago

>Ignores the industrial revolution

>Ignores the enormous cultural in arts and music in the 1700's-1900's

>Ignores the creation of the scientific method

>Ignores the enormous proliferation of science and technology since 1700's

>Ignores the massive improvement of the human condition

>Ignores the scientific marvel which is making it into space and landing on the moon

>Ignores the racial homogeny which existed across pretty much ALL of western culture until the 50's/60's.

>Ignores the vast majority of people pushing for massive third world migration are brainwashed atheists.

>Ignores how the only part of our society not dying en mass due to cultural rot is the traditional Christian parts.

Yeah, there are a lot of heretics in the church right now, and I say they should be the first to be judged, but guess what, if you are a nefarious group trying to subvert a culture, you weasel your way into the institutional power in this case organized religion and take power that way. Also, just to point out from your earlier post, China has taken the bait of the jews' authoritarian communism and gone ham with it to the point they have fucking annihilated their ancient traditions and treat their people worse than how white people treat cattle. That has to be one of the absolutely most brain dead, idiotic takes on preserving a culture or a people that I have ever seen.

Before Christianity came to Europe, our ancestors were constantly warring against each other and not achieving anything near the splendor of Rome or even ancient Greece, but in just a few hundred years multiple countries, lead by people cultured by the ideals and morals of Christianity, went on to eclipse every prior race/civilization in ways that could never have been conceived of before.

And if you are so gung-ho for paganism, then by all means. Prove it. Build a functioning society built upon its ideals, lead by its customs, and guided by its morals, and show me that it can stand the test against the same adversaries that Christianity has faced, although I would say your cult has already been proven to fail as it has already been conquered.

If you are so concerned about limp-wristed modern Christians, then I have some words for you. We beat you. We ground your religion into the ground. When your people fought us, you lost, when you tried to spread your ideas, ours won. When your armies fought ours, we were victorious. Only one of our religions has survived the test of time to date, and that is Christianity, because God is with us.

So I repeat myself. If you are so bold. Go. Do. It. Prove that you can build a better civilization. Stop bitching on the internet and go build this society and show the world that yours is better, otherwise you are no better than a bunch of feminists complaining about how white people stole the land from the native Americans.

BasedWolf ago

Fascism is just tribalistic collectivism. Mussolini might have given it an official name, and WW2 made it into a meanie bad bad word, but at its core it's the system pretty much every group in human history has adopted, from small tribes to modern states up till probably the 19th-20th century.

The only reason "collectivism" gets a bad rep among cuckservatives is because the only collectivism they know is the globalist/biological leninist style that leeches from the main demographic (whites) to give to the degenerate, misfit "collective" of faggots and minorities.

But when the main demographic forms a collective of its own (fascism), that's a good thing for whites, not a bad thing.

noob_tube ago

Fascism is what communism would be if it hadn't been invented by jews. The whole is more than the sum of its parts.

philmchawk ago

The only thing that stops a man with a gun is a man with a gun. The only thing that stops a collective (globalist faggotry) is a collective (fascism).

Nukeisrael ago

B-but me and my larper buddies in the woods are totally gonna smash states in the year 2020 with anarchism! The jews just shit themselves when they hear the mighty libertarian doctrines! Just don’t physically hurt us and you can do whatever else it is you want!

Olivefigs ago

You are back

anticlutch ago

The bible teaches explicitly and numerous times against groupings of different "races".

PhilKDick ago

Yet the curse at the tower of babel, causing peoples to speak different languages, was specifically to separate peoples. And God decided to separate the descendants of Isaac and Esau from the start into different races.

kishind ago

The lies in the Bible don't become suddenly true because of the many truths in the Bible.

BasedWolf ago

Which is exactly why christcucks are subverted, Semitic cucks.