What is the paradigm, a fake phony Left vs Right hegelian dialectic? One group of RINOs support DualCitzenship flooding USA with illegals, others want to help anarchist commies & jihadi invaders? (imgur.com)
submitted 4.4 years ago by 4032911?
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26516914? 4.2 years ago
Fuck them both @icuntstopswearing @BasedWolf @123whatevs ? The enemy of my enemy Is STILL MY ENEMY more clever Chinese saying. https://voat.co/v/whatever/4130338/26516756
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26516914? ago
Fuck them both @icuntstopswearing @BasedWolf @123whatevs ? The enemy of my enemy Is STILL MY ENEMY more clever Chinese saying. https://voat.co/v/whatever/4130338/26516756