stoicmanchild ago

jews are truly thr greatest threat to our freedom.

i dont mean all jews, but those subversive globohomo elites... of whom there are many.

for whatever reason they hate whites and western civilization.

they seek to atack whites with multiculturalism and instigate race-war, to divide and conquer to dominate the peasant middle class. they control the deep state, and funnel our money towards israeli and jew-controlled interests.

Warnos44 ago

As long as you don't forget the race traitors that are signed up with their kabbalah worshipping practices that aid and abet them. They're the reason the kikes got a foot hold at all.

captainstrange ago

As long as you don't forget the race traitors that are signed up with their kabbalah worshipping practices

That is a problem easily solved once the jewish question is solved.

Asshole-Casserole ago

Name the Jew, fine, but I’m doing pretty well in life, thanks to hard work. I know about the jew, and I let everyone know what I know when I can. However, you seem a bit flustered about life. Are you doing ok?

captainstrange ago

However, you seem a bit flustered about life. Are you doing ok?

I'm doing good. I'm glad you're doing well too, unless your a communist et al.

Derpfroot ago

Name them? It's time to burn them.

captainstrange ago

Name them? It's time to burn them.

Jesus christ, do you know how much gasoline and oil that would take?

Just start battle royale, crowd fund it, and invite every jew.

The last je that wins, fly in the helicopter money pallet and crush him with it.

A fitting king-midas-style ending.

Shit I want it as a movie now, all the various jewish stereotypes, all the factions, east coast, west coast, liberal, orthodox, you name it, all on an island or something. Done in the hyper-violent style of 300, or 300 meets Anchorman/Pineapple Express or other.

Suggested titles

"50 Jews and One Million Dollars"


"Million Dollar Extreme"

"The Last Mohican Mohel"

"The International"

etc, etc.

I just got this scene in my head of the laughing orthodox jew rubbing his hands together, and then 50 chabads gang walking through a childrens birthday party at a resort, and one soyboy jew with a ridiculous bush-hat shoots a hole through one of the orthodox jew's hats. The rabbi takes off his hat, flips it around, grimaces. Looks and then fires, as a clown (from the party) that had be hiding pops up to say "HI HUR HUR HUR IM GIGGLES" as the Jew fires blindly, misses the bush, and kills the clown, who flops over into the pool.

Meanwhile, the two jews from that one terrible wii-fitt commercial and sneaking around the beach bug-eyed, swinging wii controllers around and one of them steps on a land mine.

GhostWriter17 ago

Oh this little pedovore is going to leave the country all right

He’ll be in Gitmo by November 4th

Smokratez2 ago

Captain Strange is a jew pedo faggot.

captainstrange ago

Ooh man, I must have hit a nerve with this post.

Definitely not a jew pedo faggot but accusations out of the blue tell me you're one.

You definitely belong in a gas chamber.

Smokratez2 ago

You are trying to get white people fired or lose their job by naming the jews.

captainstrange ago

"ooh no, my poor jerb. I might lose my salary over my nation!"

Heres a hint jew: We're gonna lose our jobs anyway, we all are, that and so much more.

All you're doing is well poisoning.

Smokratez2 ago

well poisoning

You are being a useful idiot for the jews by spreading the globe lie.

captainstrange ago

You are being a useful idiot for the jews by spreading the globe lie.

I see you have chosen death. Your sentence: to walk the plank off the edge of your heretical flat earth.

Smokratez2 ago

You are too dumb to understand how perspective works. :D

Where I live 8 years get that.

captainstrange ago

What, Trump's gonna order himself to gitmo? Are you delusional?

Wonder_Boy ago

How about a link? OP is a faggot.

captainstrange ago

How about a link? OP is a faggot.

Because fuck breitbart. Oooh they tell the truth, mixed in with all their jewish bullshit. Why should I give them traffic?

Wonder_Boy ago

But it's ok to get votes on their content, eh?


captainstrange ago

"muh votes!"

Downvote it then faggot. Why the fuck would I care?

lololololol "voting matters". ha.

captainstrange ago

We really need to set a day where we all say it.

Call it JQ Day - Oct 16th 2020 - A day for us all to publicly question judaism.


The reason the authorities fear those who name the jew is simple: plain truth beats poorly constructed lies. then it only comes down to whos the loudest. and those easily swayed by a poorly constructed lie, are also easily won back. Right now its a battle of attrition. Which is why the state panics and quashes, character assassinates, or politically destroys anyone who name them. Its like embers on dry grassland. The media of course gives them a lasting advantage, but the media has also lost its influence (and society is reorganizing toward an internet-enabled media, though hasn't fully made the transition of credibility).

In other words, hypothetically, if enough people named the jew all at once, the knock-on effect would be enough people convinced that there would be too many 'fires' to put out.

At that point they couldn't stop the truth from spreading.

Just talk about the JQ in your everyday life. In particular, leave hitler out of it (too much 'muh ebil neo notsees' in the general public), and talk about it without malice, because people can't handle 'too-much-negativity'.

Mention the outrages, but without outrage. You don't want to appear to be raving.

And in particular, do this with evangelicals, the same people most ready to support israel and judaism. Talk about the loss of tradition, jewish hollywood, wall street which shipped their jobs over seas, how jews stereotype christians and whites in media, how whites get blamed for jewish "white 1% greedy", etc. Be sure they know that blm/antifa, and all it's "grievances", get blamed on them, and whos at fault for that.

Therefore, while I recommend all of this, I also propose Oct. 16th 2020, as JQ Day.

October 16th was the day of the million man march. But in this case, we can co-opt it as the white million man march for the truth about judaism.

There'd have to be volunteers for each state to make it worthwhile.

whiteboyday ago

There's a foreign influence in our country, our education system, our government

capnflummox ago

It's time to stop capitalizing 'jew'... even when it's a headline. ProTip: voat post titles aren't actual headlines. Capitalizing every word is faggotry.

captainstrange ago

It's time to stop capitalizing 'jew'

Thanks for the headsup.

Still capitalizing all headlines (except 'jew'). Makes it equally official as cnn (lol).

capnflummox ago

Fair Enough™.

captainstrange ago

Fair Enough™.

Best post all night.

New-World-Ebola ago

trump is an enemy of White survival.

Kike_Slayer_88 ago

The entire anglosphere is the enemy to White survival and well being to be exact.

New-World-Ebola ago


illuminalto2 ago

Seems they successfully divided us on Epstein/Clinton/BritishRoyalty/PizzaGate using Q.

Nukeisrael ago

We got boomers after this and the niglet lady being appointed to the Supreme Court STILL defending blumpf. They just can’t accept that they aren’t voting their way out of this. I don’t think they even care about whites anyway just a 1% tax cut is worth their children’s future. Psychopathic people, that generation.

captainstrange ago

I don't think they're psycopathic. I think they're in the dark. Specifically they're in the dark about

all the things they complain about, and even more specifically than that, the Source of the problems america has.

And we should make it our mission to let them know, them and everyone else.

Nukeisrael ago

Blue team: let’s genocide whites as fast as possible

Red team: let’s do it slower but legally!

You’re an enemy of white people everywhere if you think trump is good.

Asshole-Casserole ago

Ok. Vote for Biden then. In fact, vote for every democrat down ballot as well.

Nukeisrael ago

There’s the light switch brained well trained slave! Eat your slop slave and cheer on the legal replacement of your people. You actually disgust me.

Asshole-Casserole ago

You’d be sicker if you knew how good my life is.

Nukeisrael ago

There you go slave! That awesome boomer mentality. You you you individualism and no future for your children. Actually fucking disgusting. You are the ultimate slave.

BasedWolf ago

True, boomers are the only generation possibly in human history that have absorbed absolutely everything they can and paid nothing forward whatsoever.

All these boomers/lolbertarian LARPers benefitted from generations of pro-white, pro-American collectivist government policies, walked into swathes of economic opportunity when even a highschool retard dropout could make a great living, own a house, and raise a family, then they undermined everything that got them there, plundered the system, and brought their kids into an increasingly impossible to succeed in world where they've handed our future over to the global elite/jews and niggers.

I wish zoomers and millennials weren't so fucking cowardly and moralist, they would have just refused all the coronavirus lockdowns and let the virus purge the world of oldfags.

Asshole-Casserole ago

I’m not a boomer and I have provided an awesome future for my White children. Your life on the other hand must suck. You mad bro?

0rion ago

You're a disgusting, race traitor piece of shit.

Nukeisrael ago

Yeah an awesome brown future where they will be killed for being white. Actually fucking nasty dude.

captainstrange ago

You’re an enemy of white people everywhere if you think trump is good.


smokratez ago

Give me a real life example of how it went when you named the jew.

I_am_Smarticus ago

You said I was a faggot for pointing out that you lie all the time.

smokratez ago

I am right. You are a faggot that lies all the time.

Nukeisrael ago

Awww the wittle wetawded boomer can’t defend blumpf anymore :(. Kill yourself kike lover.

smokratez ago

The harder you inbred faggots attack Trump, the more obvious you make it he is against you jew pedos.

fightknightHERO ago

He's not a boomer but simply a kike

smokratez ago

Go shill for Biden the pedo some more, you inbred pedo faggot.

Day_of_the_rope ago

Damn I crack me up.

smokratez ago

Mongoloids are easy to entertain.

philmchawk ago

Mom was talking about epstein and I told her "ya jews rape kids they all do", she said "no" so I went down the list of weinstein, epstein, schnidar, show her the picture of schummer and nadler, etc etc. Then drummed up her libtardation and pointed towards trumps ex wife trafficking girls and blackrock/kushners involvement. It went over well. If you aren't a retard you can easily link something they hate with jews.

smokratez ago

I was talking about op. I wanted him to give me a real life example of him naming the jew. You are on my faggot block list, so I can't believe anything you say.

DantesInf ago

That's a good point. I think we need more effort on pointing out people like Epstein and Weinstein (who normies know about) are Jews.

Trump's ex wife trafficking girls is new to me. Got anything for me to lookup on that?

philmchawk ago

Ivana trump and maxwell used to drive around asking 15 year olds if they "got good grades".

Shlarb123 ago

Yeah, I was thinking an overt tactic would be to just hold signs at random intersections with phrases like “expel the jews” or “hang the bankers” or “Hitler/Rockwell 2020.” It would certainly agitate.

BB-3 ago

Shlarb123 ago

For sure, I’m a big fan of Pat. He could be controlled opposition or whatever but his messages definitely got some people thinking outside of their comfort zone.

SearchVoatBot ago

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captainstrange ago

Jews worry about even single instances of dissent. Even a single person in a whole state, one single person doing this, scares the ever loving shit out of the establishment.

That being said, regularly people out driving are 100% not on board with hitler.

Name the JEW, and more specifically, the bankers, wall street jews, and other jews.

Name them and name the problems they cause, the idealogies they advocate for, and the crimes their people have committed.

antiracistMetal ago

If only Voat knew about the Jew.

Heartdisease ago

Tell people on TikTok and Likee. I do.

SocksOnCats ago

You mean jew. Never capitalize that or anything associated with it.

capnflummox ago

Thank you.

antiracistMetal ago

I capitalize Jew Christian Muslim Hindu Buddhist but not atheist. I don't capitalize white or black.

I don't fag out over other people's capitalization policies.

This is Voat's equivalence of pronoun policies.

Kike_Slayer_88 ago

Go kvetch somewhere else kike and eat lead.

Asshole-Casserole ago

Ok moslem.

capnflummox ago

Found the kike.

AntiMason ago

What is a jew? I never heard that word before.

Nosferatjew ago

It's like a rat, but bigger.

BlkRifleCoffeeCancer ago

that's mean to talk about rats like that.

PeckerwoodPerry ago

Maybe rats shouldn't be sneaky, crooked nosed, baby eaters and they wouldn't get lumped up.

BlkRifleCoffeeCancer ago

Rats are opportunistic scavengers. Jews go out of their way to eat babies.

SavingEngland ago

Watch closely as the story could unfold that they're bringing their own city with them... To be built and inhabited on your soil.

TheGook ago

I agree, round eye!! fuck these fuckin kikes and their slave trash!!!

captainstrange ago

Also "500 billion gibs." to blacks.

This is him abandoning his base for socialism.

TheGook ago

Maybe trump fuck her nigger kids? He was friend of Epstein.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

I fuck yo mudda in her ostomy hole

TheGook ago

I don't know what that is but if its her donkeys orifice, then yes, yes you did. Donkey say "HI", btw.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

You stupid donkey! why you not Joogle?

TheGook ago

Yes, donkey have colostomy bag from all the love you give it.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

To be fair, donkey stretch my boo-boo hole too, so we're even

TheGook ago

That why you keep butter in pocket. lube.

captainstrange ago

I fuck yo mudda in her ostomy hole

The most savage and degenerate thing I think I've ever read on voat.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

And I wasn't even trying...

(my friend is a former LA cop...he said hookers letting dudes fuck their ostomy hole is a thing..)

captainstrange ago

Guess thats where the phrase "seen some shit!" comes from.

LA Cops must have seen some shit.

captainstrange ago

Maybe trump fuck her nigger kids? He was friend of Epstein.

If that were true, the leftists who aren't in on how the elections are run from the top, would have made noise about it years ago.

TheGook ago

yeah but they probry fuck her monkey trophy too though.