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25757732? ago

The Whore for Trump, its like a shitty hollyweird cliche since the days of cowboy films, you are programmed for this shit. The cowboys whore with a good heart, the diseased hooker with a heart of gold is a stock character in tv shows and old hollweirdo films involving a courtesan or prostitute with a hidden integrity and kindness You get attacked on 2 fronts, two Demonic Cults. The first one Christ-Killer Satanic group pushing the mutilation of kids, pushing dual citizen politik, open borders and they push porn, dumb media and degeneracy. The other Satanic Babylon group are mohammedans, they push the mutilation of kids, they push for Open borders and religious extremism, they also push Sharia Laws. Both of them are one and the same even though it seems only one of the group is pushing porn and degeneracy, the mohammedans are also perverts and degenerates and rapists and bandits and pedophiles, but they are less open about their sickess and lie to cover up. Muslim typically are not as smart as covering their crimes as extreme Jews so the dumb muslims get exposed through their terrorism @Helena73 @montol @Asshat12 @Olivefigs

25769291? ago

Funny Cartoons might be a better way?? Simple message in a toon and evrery pic is worth a thousand words.... especially since some Boomers have poor eye sight?