minx88 ago

If these Jews or Nager’s have a problem with facts then they can take it to a therapist we don’t give a shit what they think they can go cry to a therapist that’s what therapists are for

BlancEtNoir ago

What a pretty kitty Ricky owns

WokeazfuQ ago

IQ tests don't measure creative genius I doubt any of the top musicians would do that great on an IQ test.

People who live in the jungle have a high IQ for their environment.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Hitler was a visionary patriot, loved by His people

J_Dahl ago

Thats an uncomfortable truth.

jimibulgin ago

you mean the kiked up centers of Basel and Rotterdam?

isbratwurst ago

People are driven by individual traits not group statistics. Individual traits are much more widely varied than group tendencies. For this reason it is an error and immoral to apply group statistics to individuals.

lord_nougat ago

Well, aside from the people who are driven by demons.

LargePeter ago

Culture and genetics have a powerful influence and it infuriates the Left.

Nesano ago

If you think gender's on a fucking slider you know nothing about science and facts. Fuck Shill Nye the Science Lie.

Maroonsaint ago

Iv begged for people to change my racist mind. It would be great to be equal and all that shit. It just isn’t true. Iv had one person day iq was bullshit. They linked to a Wikipedia page that said basically “of course white people did better on iq tests they created it” in the next sentence “asians did the best” it makes sense though for retards to link to something that doesn’t disprove a thing

FriedChicken ago

To be fair, science can be quite cruel/intense for the average person. I wouldn't base you day-to-day decisions on science.

aishvivo ago

Awww, what an eloquent refined thought provoking argument.

aishvivo ago

I really think this is idiotic, there are plenty of black geniuses, and poverty and bad education go hand in hand. I have no idea if the average IQ of black people is less than other people. But it probably has to do with poverty.

aishvivo ago

How did you become so racist? And such an awful person? I'd like to know so I can help prevent it in other people in society...

Nukeisrael ago

Recognizing racial differences to try and solve social issues is not evil. You pretending people are equal and destroying entire races is evil. Kill yourself.

aishvivo ago

Ironically I agree with you, recognizing racial differences isn't evil. I don't think think everyone is equal. Overt racism is stupid though, you still haven't given me an argument for why it isn't...

veteran88 ago

That is why affirmative action is civilizational suicide.

TheGook ago

Every brack I know stupid and stink.

DarthAsterix ago

Where can I get the studies? Search engines are no use...

uab ago

It's funny that you'd say that.

You do come across as a schoolboy, and I think you're ignorant of the world and of the meaning of words you use. Remember, this is not recess, this is Internet.

uab ago

What you want, must be entirely up to you to answer. I hope that makes sense. The language you use, gives me the impression you think I'm one of the guys in recess, and you think this is a game of who wins at appearing 'tough.' Letting your neighbor have their house to themselves, is separate and different from cuckoldry. If you think it's right for the Swedes to have their country to themselves, you either agree that it's right for the Zulu to have their country to themselves, or you have no moral principle.

Your notion that imperialism is necessary for survival, is neither here nor there. That's like saying your family needs to take over the neighbor's home 'to survive.' Why? Are you retarded? Do you need to live off of other people's property? Why? Europeans lived for 10 000 years in Europe, and whereas I'm sure vikings and others engaged in more than commerce, Europeans have survived by living off the land. For thousands of years. That you don't want your neighbors, that you don't need to have anything to do with, at all, to live, tells me there may be something wrong with you. Perhaps you were exposed to armed robbery by black people, and have some sort of PTSD that's behind those feelings. Your reply is not that of a thoughtful, rational man.

Nukeisrael ago

Europeans have been in Europe for wayyyyyy over 10k years. We aren’t just niggers that evolved either. Nice education you got there nigger lover.

uab ago

You are right. I was thinking of northern Europe, where the ice did retract about 10 000 years ago, and had people follow it north.

He isn’t just a human with black skin if that’s what you believe.

What I believe, is a lot of young men today were not brought up properly by their fathers, obviously not through any fault of their own, and reach their early teens trying to be a man, with no guidance as to how to do that. So they try to raise each other, in recess, and for the heavy intellectual oppression in school, and elsewhere, they seek an outlet online in places like Voat.

The races are obviously more than skin color, and whereas it's good that you have come across this topic, you are not contributing very much to our correspondence here, and rather do seem to take my attention as a way to prove yourself as a man. You should prove yourself as a man, but I must report that I have little interest in contributing by participating in this pretence of an intellectual debate. I recommend continuing to read up on facts, and also to read up on manners. Being a mature man is not what you may think. Cheers

Nukeisrael ago

Yeah, you aren’t a race realist and therefore wrong. You know nothing about anthropology, how early humans emerged or where or psychometrics. You just believe all humans are equally possibly efficate and are wrong. It’s not just “a little more than skin color” it’s wayyyyy more. You’re a complete retard. There are remains of cromagnon from 28kya that are fully modern Europeans just with bigger brains. You’re an idiot. Again, kill yourself. Being a cucked ignorant fag who wants equality and peace doesn’t make you right.

uab ago

It's funny that you'd say that.

smokratez ago

Trannies aren't women. They are men addicted to female hormones with mutilated bodies.

lord_nougat ago

Stop trying to make them sound so sexy, you degenerate!

un1ty ago

I think Gervais is based, he is just sort of playing the part. Or maybe not? It;s really hard to tell these days, what with the "hidden in plain sight" processes they have.

batesvillbilly ago

He's pretty classically liberal. He's probably considered right by english standards. I've listened to all of his podcasts with Karl and Steve loads of times. He's against things like state executions but really likes a police state.

VandalayIndustries ago

Makes sense.

Upvoting only because the truth needs to take the place of the dumb eyes wide open derp on front page.

This has promise to make my dream come true.

NoBS ago

Whites statistically have a lower IQ than Whites, that's why divide and conquer so so easy.

Quite being a slut for Jews.

Thereunto ago

Those with Northern European ancestry have a higher IQ than those of Western or Southern European ancestry.

KingMortales ago

Italians have the highest iq in Europe.

RandomFurryDude ago

Found the D&C jew.

KingOfTheCorpses ago

Good to see a fellow Jew on Voat. Divide and conquer. That's how we'll get those pesky whites.

Skeptic5000 ago

Nice to see the jew sowing division among whites.

smokratez ago

Is that why all the Northen European countries are getting raped to death by sandniggers? They thought about it with their big brains and decided that was the best thing to do?

Nukeisrael ago

The adults are talking here and basing their worldview off of actual data. Just fuck off flat earth boomoid. You aren’t even aware of the JQ and run your mouth on psychometrics. You couldn’t even tell me in your own words what IQ measures.

SearchVoatBot ago

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smokratez ago

The adults are talking here

You are an inbred faggot who believes anything jews say.

You aren’t even aware of the JQ

jews are responsible for white suffering and white genocide.

You couldn’t even tell me in your own words what IQ measures.

My iq is at least 140. Post yours. You white nigger.

Sympozium ago

What was he originally referring to with that tweet?

Chiefpacman ago

It's time*

Doglegwarrior ago

you should always start this argument with.

asians have the highesr iq

then someother race i think some indian group does

then whites and work your way down

put chimpanzees above blacks of course

NoBS ago

Jews have the highest IQ. They also have highly functional criminally insane.

Sure, it's easier to go after the "obvious" retard but the smarter the criminal the bigger the crimes they get away with.

Going after the low hanging fruit is like kicking a retarded child while they are already down. Only Wiggers do that. Well, niggers too, of course.

Doglegwarrior ago

jews dont have the highest iq.. who is overreprented in the mental health field? jews are 34% in some cases! who is writting the books and doing the research? who owns the book publishers? its all fucking kikes pushing thisnshit.. they are mentaly fucked up gypsies with a god damn religion tellin them they are fucking gods choosen people! they are low empathy high mental illness psychos with high tribal tendencys from desert region! can u ask for a more fucked up mixture?!!!

Sympozium ago

Debunked so many times. You need to look at the racial average, and then it is whites by far, surpassing east-asians (Korea, Japan, China..) who come in 2nd.

Nukeisrael ago

Oh yeah that’s why the highest average iq populations on earth are East Asian. Why do you even talk about things you don’t understand?

Sympozium ago

It's not correct, but good for you chinklover. Swallow whatever false narratives you can.

Nukeisrael ago

No, east asians actually do have around 105 iq average. I fucking hate talking to people on here about psychometrics because they are all retarded. Most of you think we just get an email from China or something saying “our iq is 105!”, and we put it into books with Lynn or something. No, we do the research ourselves and the asians here in the US score similarly. You dumb niggers don’t even understand how this is evidence of genetic iq and just get angry because asians are a tiny bit smarter. We have lots of useful idiots here with 0 knowledge of psychometrics who actually are just wignat dumbfucks. And this is coming from a national socialist.

boystosoys ago

i don't know what the big deal is to admit that east asians have a higher iq than whites. are people here actually going for white supremacy?

Nukeisrael ago

I think whites are all around the best too but guess what? That doesn’t change reality. Look at the retards here denying basic psychometric facts like East Asian IQ. They have bigger brains and 105 iq average everywhere on earth. They are just emotional kids like redditors who still believe race is a social construct. It’s just our side’s useful idiots man. It’s just insulting when you’ve actually studied this shit in depth to the point of not only knowing what but also why these things the are the way they are and some 90 iq actual faggot just starts making shit up based on 0 evidence “hurr the asians cheat, yeah that’s it!” They think we just get an email from Xi or something and go oh look 105, okay! They don’t get that it’s been the same for decades and if they understood things like brain volume as well it would line up perfectly with how they score. Just fuck them dude. You come here and give away free knowledge and some actual little faggot just goes “hurr they don’t test the rural ones” as if the people whose job it is to be fucking psychometricians never thought of this before. I want them to go look at Lynn’s latest book, I bet none of them could even understand how any of this works. And this is coming from a literal national socialist who wants a white ethnostate and thinks that all races besides whites and east asians are literally subhuman.

smokratez ago

No, we do the research ourselves

You don't do any research. All you do is parrot jew talking points.

this is coming from a national socialist

White nationalists don't worship inbred jews.

Nukeisrael ago

It’s actually Ashkenazi at around 106, East Asians at around 105 and then Whites at 100. Everyone else is garbage. Also kikes need to die because of their other genetic traits.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


Both jews and chinese fudge the math, withholding retarded people to bump the numbers up.

Meanwhile, the average IQ in America is 100. Given that Whites are only 60-some percent of the population, and given that blacks are at least 13% of the population and have an IQ of 85, it's clear to see removing blacks would make the entire rest of the population go up on average. Going down to just whites leaves us with around 106 IQ.

boystosoys ago

i believe it was in culture of critique, but kevin macdonald argued that ashkenazi jews evolved to be in more "intellectual" realms as a group survival strategy. i'm not sure how much of their success is due to the iq and nepotism link or just one or the other, but i would concede them having a higher than average intellectual capacity than whites as a whole even if it's just 100 vs 105 as a minimum for example. even in europe the average iq hovers at about 100 for western and northern while southern and eastern hovers around 90-95. also, the data for east asians i've seen also lists other countries like singapore, japan, south korea, and taiwan at around a 105 average and not just china. however, raw iq isnt everything. iq is just problem solving and recognizing patterns. there are other parts of the brain which provide stark differences as well and which may manifest themselves as intelligence.

Nukeisrael ago

Oh yeah 100 years of iq tests they “fudged.” I bet you think we don’t send our own people over there either. Weird how east asians also have an iq of 105 in western countries too. Oh wait I’m talking to somebody who doesn’t know how psychometrics work and thinks an RPM is cheat able. You are retarded.

WhiteChickens ago

Weird how they don't manage to test their mongoloids in the rice paddies but they got every one of our toothless rednecks. lol

The average IQ in Israel is in the 90s so no. lol

Nukeisrael ago

It’s so funny how you all react the same exact way as a flaming leftoid when you hear a scientific fact you don’t like. East asians have bigger brains and 105 iq average everywhere on earth for the past 100 years. Literal emotional retards who know nothing about anything and cry when you hear facts you don’t like. Why are asians in the west also 105 iq average just like in asia? Let me guess they cheated right?

WhiteChickens ago

Nah, they've never had widespread testing, blow it out your butthole.

Nukeisrael ago

Yes, east asians you dumb nigger. It’s what the Japanese, koreans and Chinese are. 105 iq, cry about it more science denial shouldn’t be on our side at all. Oh they “never did widespread testing” huh? Do you think we just get an email or something from China and just go “hurrr okay we believe you!”? We do the testing ourselves and they have the same IQ in the US as well. Why is that? Emotional little faggot science denial no better than a leftoid. Blow it out your ass you actual nigger who knows zero about anthropology or psychometrics.

WhiteChickens ago

No. lol

We're going to do East vs West vs Southern Europeans now. We're a "unique cluster" as well. lol

They did not test every Chinese peasant so shut your hole.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oh ok, I guess you sure showed me.

When you ignore reality, I guess you're always right! Hahaha

Nukeisrael ago

I’m basing my views on literally 100 years of IQ data. You literally are projecting when you talk about things you don’t understand. You think it’s possible to cheat on an iq test or think we just take people’s word for it and don’t do the tests ourselves. Kill yourself retard who doesn’t understand how psychometrics work.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Wow, that's some pretty interesting fantasy you just wrote!

I wonder what the next chapter will be....

Nukeisrael ago

“I don’t like reality REEEEEEEE.” Kill yourself. You’re as bad as the leftist who doesn’t utilize the scientific method because it doesn’t appeal to every single fee fee he has.

smokratez ago

who doesn’t utilize the scientific method

Says the faggot who blindly believes jews who tell him he's spinning on a ball flying through space. :D

smokratez ago

He's an inbred jew faggot. That he went with the debunked high jew iq should be all the proof you need.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oh yeah, from his first response it was clear as day. Weirdest thing was e TWO downvotes I got within ten minutes....

Nukeisrael ago

The 115 iq of ashkenazis was debunked and retarded. They do have around 106 though and that’s a unique genetic cluster. Making the argument that the jews we are talking about (ashkenazi) having an iq of 95 would be like saying whites have an iq of 88 or something because Africa has millions of christians and thats “white.” The jews we talk about here that ruin the world and need to be destroyed are european jews (ashkenazi) and have an iq of around 106.

smokratez ago

Based on records kept by jews, who you already worship as you are an inbred atheist.

uab ago

What do you care if there black people in Africa? The problem is not blacks but that Jews and Freemasons are actively importing them into white nations' homelands, by using The State. The moral is that, like every family should have its own home, so every nation (ethnic people-group) should have its own country, and every race should have its own continent. Good fences make good neighbors.

Nukeisrael ago

And smaller brains and cranial capacity. And they are literal hybrids created from beastiality between EMH and erectus and whatever animal was down there when they introgressed into africa.

SearchVoatBot ago

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smokratez ago

A jew fucked a monkey. That's how niggers came into existance.

These same jews make us stories that you believe as science. You are literally dumber than inbred monkey fuckers. :D

gazillions ago

I doubt its the blacks that have hurt feelings over it.

smokratez ago

Atheists have the lowest iq of white people. They are the niggers of the white race.

Nukeisrael ago

Flat earthers actually and people who actually believe blumpf is going to change anything. I’d bet money my IQ is at least 20 points higher than yours.

smokratez ago


The globe is scientically impossible and was made up by inbred jews. That you believe it's real means you are as dumb as inbred jews.

How do you like that Trump banned critical race theory? How does that make the jews happy? You believe he's a jew puppet. Why would a jew puppet do that? Use your non existant big brain to make up a good reason, you inbred pedo faggot.

Nukeisrael ago

Hahahaha ill eat my own dick if you have an iq of 140. You’re actually probably around 95 or so. My bad, I’d bet money my iq is around 30 higher than yours or about 2 sds. Stay retarded boom boom.

smokratez ago

Post your iq faggot. I posted mine.

Nukeisrael ago

You don’t have an iq of 140. “Trump banned critical race theory.” You realize affirmative action in the US is technically illegal right? It still happens. There’s that 140 iq showing when he thinks people don’t bend rules. You’re mentally retarded if you think trump doing this even matters at all, it will continue, especially in private companies. You just straight up dont have an iq of 140. You’re a flat earth retard who doesn’t even understand the JQ and you’re probably in your 50s. It’s sad as fuck man. At this rate you won’t ever get it.

smokratez ago

I lowballed my iq. It's probably higher. Post your iq, you inbred mongoloid.

wonderfuldonut ago

fools and sjw's are incapable of understanding reasoning and logic. They are all for science when it reflects their world view however science reason and facts are swiftly ignored when it proves their ideals false.

minx88 ago

But you cannot reason with the bolshevik Jew sack of daemonic shit they don’t want to hear you they just want to kill you and drink your blood they have been admitting to that numerous times just ask any Jewish professor they’re the ones are calling for white genocide and saying that it’s OK for blacks to kill whites it’s the juice they are the poisonous to face litteral back stabbers l

wonderfuldonut ago

So I take it that you are fan (joking). One can never reason with demonic shit of any kind that is indeed true.

smokratez ago

fools and sjw's are incapable of understanding reasoning and logic. They are all for science when it reflects their world view however science reason and facts are swiftly ignored when it proves their ideals false.

This is the exact same for atheists. Atheists are people who are not smart enough to realize how dumb they are. All they do is parrot jew talking points that let them pretend they understand science. They are teh niggers of the white race.

asdf0987 ago

So which religion do I choose and how do I know it's the right one?

smokratez ago

I don't follow any man made religion. No mortal man stands between me and God. That's how I do it.

asdf0987 ago

Okay, which "God-made" religion do you follow (all of which happen to be practiced and preached by men)?

smokratez ago

You seem to not understand.

asdf0987 ago

So you follow your own delusional concept of "God"?

smokratez ago

You sound like an inbred atheist. How low is your iq? Mine is 140.

asdf0987 ago

For real? You pull out your "measurement" instead of just communicating logic? White nigger dick.

smokratez ago

You are too dumb for logic. Atheists are the niggers of the white race.

asdf0987 ago

Are you a troll who's just average? I don't think you're genuinely that stupid, just kinda phoning it in. Come on, man. Dig deeper. Put a little wit and nuance into it.

dummythicc ago

They don't even believe in a skygod without any proof at all that it exists! So dumb! I mean it's called blind faith for a reason, you live your entire life without any proof what you believe is true. That's what smart people do, just say shit is real! The bible says that the bible is real! Good enough for me!

christfags are why we're not exploring space right now.

wonderfuldonut ago

What you say has much truth to it, a dummy is a dummy regardless of what name it is given

puggy ago

but facts can be so raaacist

woattisvoat ago

Chinese have higher iq than whites. Does this fact hurt your feelings?

minx88 ago

No I’m sorry that’s wrong and that’s going to hurt you but then you take it to a therapist

Just because Chinese can do some math does not mean that they are more intelligent Chinese are the mongolid retard bitch of a Jew!!

They are the Asian ZHU they are just like them they are cheap they are greedy they are ugly dwarfs the women have these massage salons and are giving general warts by touching 20 guys per day they are disgusting the place is stink they’re not clean they fall for communism over and over and over again because they’re ...stupid

woattisvoat ago

So do white pornstars. You only look facts that confirm to your bias. Do you you know how much they have made progress in the last 50 years alone? Anyways I agree iq is not everything. But it is true their iq is higher than whites. Like it or not

minx88 ago

zhu= jew.. chinese are the ugly stupid bitcg to the jew.

Jews love Chinese women Like kikebook lizardBerg.

Everywhere we go we see Jews with Chinese girls because Jews like this stupid little girl look

Jews are really cheap and Chinese girls will do anything for 10 bucks

but the Chinese girls pretend to be submissivw but actually are nasty screaming NAGS.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Then why is China a shithole, and Sweden is not?

woattisvoat ago

Great. You've proven whites are better than chinese. What a logic. Chinese don't allow Muslims to breed but Sweden welcomes them with open arms. Who has higher iq here?

minx88 ago

It’s not about IQ stupid it’s about what they’ve just been telling you concerning that they do not they go for conformity .

That has nothing to do with iq.

Just doing some math does not make you more intelligent anybody can learn math

woattisvoat ago

Ok Chinese have more iq but whites are more intelligent. Happy?

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

But Chink Muslims ARE breeding, what are you talking about? Where do think they come from, the stork?

woattisvoat ago

Man, it feels like I'm on reddit lol

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

You should go back there, your homo frenz are waiting

SolomonPapermaster ago

Chinese had gunpowder for 500+ years and never developped firearms. They might be good at math but lack creativety.

woattisvoat ago

You can look at facts that you like. Have you seen how much they have changed in the last 50 years? Do you know how much VC funding Chinese tech companies are getting? Semiconductor industry is the only one is USA is ahead of. Even that China is progressing rapidly. Looks at how many large semiconductor companies were created in the last 5 years alone

minx88 ago

Yet they still eat rat on a stick and bats and turtle soup and they are extremely vicious and evil against dogs so they are Chinese are disgusting shit

dampkitty ago

Actually warfare drives innovation, and China didn't really have the same level of conflict that Europe had

LargePeter ago

This. Their culture punished innovation and rewarded herd instinct.

minx88 ago

exactly.Because they’re stupid bitches to the Jew

puggy ago

conformity is highly valued in all Asian cultures, non-conformity and independent thinking is looked upon as suspicious

minx88 ago

because they have no self-esteem they’re ugly little dwarfs they were greedy and they’re completely materialistic they’re just like the Jew the Asian version

Reddit_refugee_1488 ago

Any given study is only as valid as its methods of data collection.

Tell me, do you think the Chinese government is remotely trustworthy?

minx88 ago

no not trustworthy chinese are the asian jew

woattisvoat ago

I saw some iq map on voat which showed Chinese have high iq than whites. The same map was used by goats to feel good about being superior than blacks.

Reddit_refugee_1488 ago

IQ certainly is most useful, but it is not everything. While Asians may or may not have a higher average IQ, they haven’t managed to attain the heights Europeans did (barring the Japanese, they’ve done quite well).

You’re not gonna need some number to feel superior to blacks - reality is more than enough for that.

minx88 ago

Japanese have a better IQ than Chinese Chinese are stupid they keep falling for communism that is pegged into them by the Jew Chinese are disgusting and cheap and the copy cats they have no original thoughts like did you did you steals other peoples work and takes credit for the Chinese make fake handbags that last a couple of weeks before falling apart

woattisvoat ago

Agreed with everything except "may or may not have". They definitely have

Reddit_refugee_1488 ago

I’m really not sure, not after recognizing how the Jews jewed the fuck out of their IQ tests.

Sure, Asians aren’t Jews, but once that doubt is there... it never fucks off. Never.

Nukeisrael ago

Do you think we take the chinese government’s word or something and just believe them? What about korea and japan, other east asians in the same genetic cluster that also score 105? Also just cheated? What about the east asians in the west that have scored 105 for decades too? Cheated every single time? Maybe don’t talk about subjects you have 0 knowledge on, you come off as a reddit type who denies facts he doesn’t like when you do that kinda like the leftoid who thinks race isn’t real because of fee fees.

Reddit_refugee_1488 ago

How ‘bout you eat a dick, buddy?

“We” did the IQ testing on the Jews, too - but again, what the fuck does it matter when it’s not a representative sample?

wonderfuldonut ago

yes facts can be rayciss, bigoted and intolerant, if one uses liberal or sjw logic it goes without saying

uab ago

Exactly right. Moral relativity

wonderfuldonut ago

Negroid logic is astounding, riot, loot and burn down the actual stores they usually shop in for food and goods, to protest the death of a junkie felon!

TripleZ ago

and then riot and loot because there are no stores to shop at in da hood.

wonderfuldonut ago

Yes, primitive minds only comprehend primitive concepts, dont like what happens loot and riot, dont like result loot and riot.

There is no known cure for stupid. Education cant cure it, it is what it is

Killnigs3 ago

more like amoral capraciousness

uab ago

I had to look that up, and I can't agree that it's entirely random, what these people support. They may have an instinct for 'excitement,' and so would probably often be impulsive, but they also want to gather resources, status, titles, fame, various such things that you could expect a narcissist to want.

For example, that Nancy who admonishes people to not go the the hair-dresser's, but herself goes to the hair-dresser's, has no interest in principles, only in her own interest. Apparently she owns a billion USD or something. I do not think she would ever just give that away on a 'whim,' but absolutely think she's scheming all the time to try and increase her fortune in any way she can, completely disregarding both legality and morality that she may, earlier the same day, have tried to impose on others...

Killnigs3 ago

these people argue the merits of killing babies their morals and feelings are completely all over the place random and at the beck and call of their leaders they have no true values at all but anger and rage and a sense of righteousness

uab ago

Sure, a sense of self-righteousness and right to do whatever they perceive serves them. That is what I mean by 'moral relativity.' They think it's wrong to steal, if it's you stealing from them. But they, themselves, feel absolutely entitled to steal all day long, at least so long as they can get away with it...

There is no day of the weak, is my point, when they think others stealing from them is right, and them stealing from others is wrong, so whereas they do not follow any principles, they do follow self-interest. From the book Animal Farm, you know the expression, 'some are more equal than others.' Another term that applies is, 'double standard.' If there's a 'double standard,' then there is no standard..., it's just about what at any given time seems to serve them.

Killnigs3 ago

moral relativity might be what one would attempt to ascribe some rational basis for their behavior but i assure you there is no foundational belief systems at work in any of these people. Even most average people cant explain their morals and ethics.

uab ago

By 'moral relativity' I do not refer to any actual set of values, but exactly a lack of standards, and simply them setting up 'rules' that change from moment to moment, according to what they think benefits them.

Killnigs3 ago

i think you are spending more time thinking about the theorhetical notions of whether souless npcs have a belief system i think they are essentially zombies who lack the will to their own life at all

uab ago

I am thinking of that. Our topic is quite practical, and you will find that a lot of people are talking about it, writing books about it, and doing academic research on topic that to me seem quite relevant. One aspect of this topic, is what they call psychopathy. Some academics consider that what we call psychopathy is not at disease at all, because the effects are not random as you would expect, but very uniform within the group of psychopaths. They suggest that psychopaths are not normal people behaving in strange ways, but that they are a different type of human behaving in ways that are completely normal ... for them, and that psychopaths are actually a sub-species within the human species.


There is a lot of research and books and other information on psychopathy and narcissism. One thing they find, is that psychopaths have differences in the physical brain structure, compared to normal humans.


Something similar also, according to what researchers are finding now, the case with political attitudes. There is a biological aspect to it.



One attempt at explaining politics, says that conditions in a human being's surroundings, can cause their brain and body to either adapt to the strategy of what they call r-selection, or to K-selection, simply put to either have the strategy of a rabbit or of that of a wolf, prey and predator, grass-eater and meat-eater. Stefan Molyneux made a three-part series on this topic, called Gene Wars. I highly recommend it. There is also Dr. Edward Dutton, 'The Jolly Heretic,' who regularly podcasts on YouTube. I very much recommend the book Stefan Molyneux's lectures were partly based on, namely The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics, by the pen-name Anonymous Conservative.

Highly intelligent and educated people are actually looking into these sorts of topics, and I think these are very important topics because we see a planned, organized destruction of the entire fabric of Western societies happening as we speak... You could dismiss the people involved as stupid 'zombies,' but I think a much more serious look is very much warranted. I suggest that perhaps this weekend, you could get a good start by watching for example Part 3 of Gene Wars:


Killnigs3 ago

I was a born psychopath known since I was less than 4 years old, it most certainly effects brain structure and neurochemistry. Drugs effect me much different cocaine does nothing at all booze doesn't make me lose much of my head ever either.

uab ago

Interesting. Then I am curious as to why you would think that political views could not similarly be affected by two distinct types of brain to do with 'life strategy' (r/K Selection Theory).

Killnigs3 ago

I 1000% believe brain structure and political views or even capacity for abstract thinking are related as are degrees of will or independent thought.

uab ago

Then it seems I mistook your meaning. My impression was you considered 'NPCs' normal people with simply less capacity. This is not impression of them. In my view, the attempt at using r/K Selection Theory to explain politics, makes sense. Then it wouldn't be simple stupidity, cowardice or insanity that would lead Politicians and others to do what they do, but very 'rational' goals of destroying the societal fabric, opening the borders, removing the pillars of society, men, and replacing them with women, and so on.

Killnigs3 ago

i subscribe to the feew great men theory 99.999% of scoiety would be all but iseless in rebuilding us to where we came from to where society is now

uab ago

Of course. People are not the same. Steve Jobs will not be replaced. The reason society works, is exactly that we know how to follow those who know better than us. Everyone listening only to themselves, would cause pretty much instant collapse, this seems obvious to me.

Killnigs3 ago

no i guess they are normal in that they outnumber the wolves probably 8 or 9 to 1 or 2

uab ago

Well, what I think is you have a sort of un-intuitive division of the human species, seemingly based on r/K Selection Theory. You have normal men and women, biologically different, with biologically different roles in life, and with mentalities that follow from their biological roles. These are K-selected humans in that they are normal, but women's views and values, again, are different from those of men. Next you have r-selected humans. These hate the natural societal structure, and want to replace it via legalism, The State, and via theater, faking cultural realities and ideals to manipulate the population to strive for ideals that fit with the replacement societal structure. Humans in general follow perceived authorities.

Among r-selected humans, you have two forms of legalism, namely feminine legalism, and masculine legalism, also called leftism and rightism. With women's Suffrage, you get leftists targeting normal women, and women enthusiastically give their support. Normal women are not striving to destroy their own people but simply adhere to authorities, that is to say would normally adhere to patriotic men. If, however, you put women in a position to influence society, themselves, they will through the best of intentions destroy it. With the majority of normal women, and some few actively traitorous men, supporting leftism, The State becomes a powerful, destructive tool. As for normal men, and some traitorous women, they will support rightism. Left and right are both legalism, and so regardless of what the people 'choose,' the outcome is legalism. It's like being stuck in 'The Matrix.'

Killnigs3 ago

basically we have to rape them into submission

uab ago

Your report o nthe psychopath perspective is interesting. This way is not acceptable, as you may already know, among normal humans (dedicated Muhammadists are not normal.) You can notice the underlying social 'mechanics' at work here. Women and men simply want to perform their natural roles, and you could say that's for the man the create the house, and for the woman to make the house a cosy home. There's a natural 'division of labor' among the sexes, among the mother and father. Men are supposed to lead and guide, be protectors and providers (for their own wife and children.)

The one and only reason women destroy nations, is that subverters, Jews and Freemasons and other traitors, manage to set up this entity The State, and to, via it, then give women a power one the societal level that women would normally never, ever have. This is done by skillful manipulation of the normal people, the men and the women. My impression, and I certainly don't know how it happened in all jurisdictions, is it was often not women themselves but men who pushed for women's Suffrage (I assume Jews or Freemasons.) It's a subversive hidden agenda, conspiracy, from the start.

If you keep awareness of the subversives, you can keep them out of all societal influence, and if they are caught acting on their subversive personality, you can give them the traditional choice between death and exile. This way you will keep the anti-nature forces from substituting The State for the natural society. You will have individuals with their natures intact, they will form healthy families, which are the building-blocks of nations, and the races will be preserved. Life as it should be, and largely has been for maybe 200 000 years.

Normal women are by definition perfect as women. Their indirect, subversive actions via The State, are a symptom of the hidden agenda, the conspiracy, and of the natures of those who have probably been slowly trying to implement that conspiracy since several thousands of years. Attacking women is like shooting the messenger, or like puttuing a band-ain on a bullet hole... To add one more, we should avoid throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

If you are a psychopath, which I think you did claim, I don't know how that would 'typically' work with regard to treasuring these natural social groups, including the ethnic people and the race, but I invite you to consider my notion that the natural social groups, the enemy of the globalists, function very simply via good, normal people acting out of self-interest and their innate nature; no harm needs to come to anyone, for these structures to continue on. Rather than oppressors, leaders are what make strong communities.

Killnigs3 ago

yes exactly amoral, as in without concern for morals ethics or values or principles of any kind. Capricious of or having a sudden and erratic nature, they can be stirred but only at the beck and call of their leaders.

uab ago

The first part I follow. The 'erratic' part I'm not sure I know entirely what you mean by. I do think they are very lost in life, depending on 'fashionable opinion of the week,' reading a lot of 'lifestyle magazines' and so on, definitely following leaders and idols. If we looked at percentages of atheism, I assume we would find higher numbers for these people, which I think exactly has to do with their feeling lost. Lacking this particular inner 'moral compass' is still not random. If you 'trigger' their particular sense of how thing should go to benefit them, they have demonstrated that they will commit violence and even murder, and you have the various other screaming-at-the-sky TDS. They don't just wake up one day, and put on a maga hat

Killnigs3 ago

The are like perpetual children incapable of processing thought. If they lack the will to have a functional belief system and worldview it is hard to say they are really people at all

uab ago

They are not people, according to some things I've read and heard, not in the sense you and I mean. As for worldview, I can't agree that it's based on will. The human being is not a 'blank slate' that can simply be 'programmed,' by ourselves or others, to hold any and all views.

mendelbot ago

Don't give me "your feelings don't matter" shapiro bs.

"Black Lives Matter" begs the question "To Whom?" It doesn't make it an irrelevant issue.

dummythicc ago

Understand that the shapiro cuntstain is controlled opposition. He isn't a scientist and by no means coined the "facts don't care about feelings" shit he repeats ad nauseam.

uab ago

It's not about 'Black Lives Matter.' Like their organizations usual have, it's a name that doesn't simply convey something about the organization but that is in itself a manipulative propaganda campaign. By putting up the words 'black lives matter,' they are trying to sneak under the rader the notion that anyone they oppose, said that black lives do not matter. Nobody said that. So they are doing a very simple strawman argument already in their name. With these people, everything has an 'angle,' is always about manipulation, trying to sneak some tactical progress.

What Shapiro says in his expression, is very good. He does have very many good points in his debates. The thing is not that he doesn't have any points but that he is a sort of trap, a honey-pot, a piper of Rotterdam, collecting up the 'rebels' and sending them on a long trip to the middle of nothing... This is the case with all 'civic nationalists' and the labelling of them as some sort of anti-globalists. They are not globalists, simply proponents of Corporations instead of proponents of The State.

Now, the post we are commenting to here, does have a point, because those who want to destroy Western civilization, and I don't mean Jews in key positions but the 'useful idiot' white Europeans, are based on women's views and values that are indeed about feelings, and that do not take into account what the practical results would be, if their feminine values were applied to society instead of to the family and little children. You also have r-selected men, typically non-masculine men, and generally black people who appear to be r-selected as a race.

mendelbot ago

"He does have very many good points in his debates."

It doesn't matter if he's adding poison into what he spoon feeds his audience.

uab ago

He does add poison. I'm not saying Shapiro is someone to follow, I said that some of what he says are good points. It's like if your opponent wears pants, you don't therefore now become anti-pants-wearing.

mendelbot ago

uab, You do have a point. It's good to be quick to see where people are right, otherwise you'll always under-estimate your opponents.