whatdowehavehere ago

I missed the sticky but sounds like Qtards are pretty upset over it

CheeBooga ago

Biggest down vote probably in Voats history. They also took down, for s short while, the "no call for violence' sticky and it says right on the tin that if it ever gets taken down that the sub is compromised.

whatdowehavehere ago

Interesting, but a no calls for violence sticky is cucked? Or essential for no glow fag FFing?

CheeBooga ago

Something very troubling has happened behind the scenes and members of the sub should use caution until we can figure out what is going on.

smokratez ago

Nigger, you are a soupdoxretard tranny faggot. You are not we. lol

robot7247 ago

Yep, the language of a shapeshifter; "we", "our", "very troubling", etc.

CheeBooga ago

Crensch alts

robot7247 ago

u/smokratez already made the point -

Nigger, you are a soupdoxretard tranny faggot. You are not we. lol

CheeBooga ago

Do you still stare at those flappy jewess tiddy pics from srayzie? kek

robot7247 ago

Your mom?

CheeBooga ago

Chico's mom?

j3wish_fabl3s ago



TheSeer ago

Is this for real the QRV take on the hero Kyle Rittenhouse? Told y'all they are just trying to make ppl complacent and run out the clock!

CheeBooga ago

QRV mods sided openly with the jewish terrorists and demonized Kyle. They stickied it then got downvoted into oblivion and unstickied it. QRV is run by dirty leftist kike terrorists.

TheSeer ago

Will that be the death of the Q larp then? Because Kyle sure is getting a lot of flak! I am pretty sure according to Qsmarts that means HE is over the target!

Warmoose76 ago

Same as the v/pizzagate mods

CheeBooga ago

Its still zionism, however, The Awakening do not seem to be as bad as all the others.

RM-Goetbbels ago


Make Pol Pot Great Again!

Maat4u ago

Just got banned outside of this for showing facts about the Kyle situation... fuck this censorship crap

CheeBooga ago

This is all you need to show QRV kikes. It cannot be disputed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnlYfh2YqIo&feature=youtu.be

ARsandOutdoors ago


ItsYaNiggaPayon ago

I thought the thread in question was obviously addressing the optics to the normie retards.

Also legitimate question: how stupid are you to believe grabbing a gun and heading into a riot isn't itself damning evidence of an intent to shoot someone?

Obviously the fucking rioters are dangerous and suspect already and that isnt even debatable. But if Kyle was your cousin you'd say, "i dunno man that seems like youre asking for trouble" and not "hell yeah kyle, white fuckin power!"

The division is between boomers w families and ideas of living responsibly for many people vs unlaunched manchildren who do not consider things like the well being of young men.

PygmyGoat ago

You must have missed the first video where Kyle was being interviewed and said he was there to protect a business and help people. He didn’t go rushing into the middle of a riot.

CheeBooga ago

I thought the thread in question was obviously addressing the optics to the normie retards.

QRV mod sided openly with antifa/blm terrorists while demonizing a great American who defended himself.

Also legitimate question: how stupid are you to believe grabbing a gun and heading into a riot isn't itself damning evidence of an intent to shoot someone?

Its his town and he can defend his town. In fact, our constitution demands that we defend against all terrorists, foreign and domestic. Many of these terrorists are jewish convicted for sex crimes and violence. Kyle did nothing wrong and is a great American. What are people supposed to do? Run from their towns like cowards or defend their properties and places of work?

But if Kyle was your cousin you'd say, "i dunno man that seems like youre asking for trouble" and not "hell yeah kyle, white fuckin power!"

No. I would've been right there with him defending my town legally. and how can anyone say "white power"?? Kyle is spanish.

The division is between boomers w families and ideas of living responsibly for many people vs unlaunched manchildren who do not consider things like the well being of young men.

No. The division is by zionist jews dividing goyim.

ItsYaNiggaPayon ago

Im not unsympathetic to the kid, the opposite even. Im just sayin, a fucking normal and legitimate adult take concern is "what was this kid thinking?"

Assuredly it's some failed little ghoul chickenhawk nudging him that way I'd say

Nesano ago

Q is against Kyle? Wtf?

robot7247 ago


I had to wade back in over there for about 8 seconds to see that that mod is against Kyle and the above post was taken down -


Nesano ago

Told him to kill himself.

CheeBooga ago

That's the way it looks. QRV sub sided with antifa/blm

robot7247 ago

The QRV sub or the mod; why are you lying about it?


The post was pulled down -


CheeBooga ago

The "no call for violence" sticky was also pulled for a short time and that means the sub is compromised. It says so right there. Very troubling for this sub and its members. It appears leftist antifa terrorists have taken control of the sub. There will be a very detailed & documented thread about it tomorrow.

robot7247 ago

You are way too interested in that verse redditor.

Way too interested, like it's your job.

CheeBooga ago

No. I detected antifa terrorists here in a take-over attempt of a sub and feel it is my duty.

robot7247 ago

You're saying that QRV isn't a larp and it's your duty to defend it?

This thread is about v/QRV not about v/whatever.

Because who the fuck cares what is said on QRV except you, you are very interested in it like it's your job.

CheeBooga ago

No. They are a zionist front. My attention is on antifa/BLM terrorists infiltrating Voat. You seem like you work for the infiltrators. Very suspicious behavior by you. You are part of the crensch/zionist front here or an alt. all of you kikes know what i think of you.

robot7247 ago

Said the new gatekeeper. Looking forward to your new alt and I'll find you again.

CheeBooga ago

but... I don't hide and my new username will be evry similar like my last three. fucktard kike.

robot7247 ago

Way too interested in the workings of voat, way too interested.

Because you are paid to be interested and slide.

CheeBooga ago

Paid? By whom?? Lay off the meth, jew. I know you are a jewish zionist. Bow at my boot, little doggy.

robot7247 ago

kvetching intensifies

Nesano ago

That's fucking retarded. I thought Q was supposed to be about uncovering truth or something.

CheeBooga ago

Its all a jewish psy-op.

Nesano ago

You're a jewish psy-op.

smokratez ago


If someone posts to this, they are a reddit tranny.

CheeBooga ago

I don't support zionist regimes nor pedophile terrorist antifa.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Wait, the Qcumbers are still here?

I blocked all their subs day one, when they started infesting Voat.

CheeBooga ago

lol Yes and their leadership have openly sided with antifa/blm terrorists. https://archive.fo/kBMlA

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Colour me surprised...

Maersk ago

Based on downvotes I see 3 angry Qtards. Oh wait its actually just 1 kike

CheeBooga ago

Jews downvotes gives me great pleasure.

MarauderShields ago

Let the mocking commence!

CheeBooga ago

I will use your great post to an archived link to their deleted sticky in case they delete it. We can never let them live this down. https://archive.fo/kBMlA

albeit ago

So why link to an archive from over 24 hours ago? The mods unstickied it but didn't delete it. They also don't have much of anything in the mod log. Click next and archive has one that has over 600 downvotes.

QRV is not GreatAwakening and is not buying that kike bullshit, despite how much you shit on them. Right at the top, a comment with 108 upvotes (less than 5% downvotes) naming the jew.

CheeBooga ago


albeit ago

What is a comped moderator?

The stickied submission was upvoted by only 6% of viewers. Over 700 users have downvoted it as of now. Is there any submission you know of anywhere on Voat that is more downvoted?

CheeBooga ago

I'm proud of Goats for that but no QRV mods have came out to disavow. They hate qtards, obviously. QRV OPENLY SIDES WITH ANTIFA/BLM UNTIL QRV LEADERSHIP DISAVOWS.

albeit ago

I'm proud of Goats

No way you can explain it away as solely goats from other subs brigading. Not when the ratio is that big.


There aren't leaders (except perhaps Q, which these moderators are not). QRV is an anonymous board. Leaders are for "namefags".

QRV mods

The job of moderators is to remove content that breaks Voat's sitewide rules (illegal content, spam, etc). The removed submissions and removed comments have barely any activity, and the few removals appear legit. Who knows how active all of them are. Could be all three, could be one rogue, whatever.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

It started as a way to get Trump support from conspiracy theorists and boomers. It got insufferable when it attached itself to Christianity. Events like this expose who is really running the Q show. All about herding the 'fellow whites' The QRV has always, always defended jews. They ignore these facts, misdirect, kvetch and use Christianity as a cover. They'll never address this issue and when you refuse to even acknowledge there is a whole tribe of people out there working against your race it is a huge blindspot that anyone, not just Jews, can use to take advantage of your people

You can 'refuse to hate' all you want but it won't stop Tyrone from shooting you and it won't stop a 'fellow white' from making you homeless and destroying your family with their degeneracy.

CheeBooga ago

Any time anyone posted any truth about blacks or jews in there the mod would post that "oy vey they're trying to divide us" bullshit.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

Yes. Ignore that huge tapeworm. He's 'one of us.'

Carpools ago

QRV has always been about principled Americans being united, vs anti-Americans trying to divide. This anti-Jewish stuff is clearly the work of QRV infiltrators.

Why do they need QRV to seem anti-semitic?

FightingTheDarkArts ago

Do I really need to go into who owns all the central banks, like the Federal Reserve, all over the world? Do we really need to have 'the talk' about who owns all social media and almost all corporate media and who runs Hollywood. These are not conspiracy theories. They're easily proven facts.

Tell me why Qoomers always claim they don't need to be anti-semitic but ALWAYS defend, cover up for and mis-direct for Jews? Let's not act like most of you are just impartial.

To see white boomers so brainwashed with Jew fuckery that they will become enraged at their own children and grandchildren just for even questioning Jewish tribalism shows everyone how destructive the conditioning has been on whites and these are the exact people Q takes advantage of.

Jews have literally collapsed our whole economy and most of us can't even go to church and you want to not be anti-semitic? We're on the brink of a total collapse where soon we won't have a choice but to kill one another and you're about these horrible Jews like Fauci and Gates and Bezos and Pelosi and Schumer? If you arent a Jew look around you, at your people jobless, going homeless and suffering. You call yourself principed? You are ab absolute evil piece of shit.

CheeBooga ago

Truth about jews IS NOT "anti-semitic".

Carpools ago

CheeBooga: Truth about jews IS NOT "anti-semitic".

That's beside the point. Americans &/or Christians are not anti-semitic either.

Why do these infiltrators want QRV to appear anti-semitic?

What has Trump, and "Q", said since day one about division, standing united, and being principled?

CheeBooga ago

If you unite with jews then you are stupid. all jews are foreign enemy combatants and demons.

Carpools ago

CheeBooga: If you unite with jews then you are stupid. all jews are foreign enemy combatants and demons.

Is that what brought you to QRV? Believing "Q", Trump, and Americans, are stupid?

CheeBooga ago

No. I call out zionism and jewry. I am the greatest jew hunter who ever lived.

Carpools ago

CheeBooga: No. I call out zionism and jewry. I am the greatest jew hunter who ever lived.

LOL! I didn't realize you were a child. Just understand that you're doing exactly what your enemies would have you do. Ask yourself why.

CheeBooga ago

oy vey naming the jew is exactly what jews would do, goyim. Thanks for letting me know you are one of them.


petevoat ago

Did Putt sell Voat to Neo cons?

slapstick2 ago

Based af post, fuck q fags and all trust the plan shills

stromble ago

look for the mod that's a baby dick sucking nigger lover

CheeBooga ago

lol they probably all are. At this point I think all jews are pedophiles.

bdmthrfkr ago

You kikes crack me up with your antics, one of your co-workers has comped QRV, makes an obvious bait post and then pil-pull from you to take the sub down.

I used to think that Sane was gone but now I can see that you just changed your name. pic related https://files.catbox.moe/vhk6oq.jpg

SearchVoatBot ago

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CheeBooga ago

You think I'm Sane? shit. He wishes he was ME! (dont tell him I said this)

bdmthrfkr ago

Sane was a department, you are just some faggot jew employee. Have fun losing the internets wagey.

BarbaricHamSammy ago

Spot on.

bdmthrfkr ago

I just call them like I see them.

allahead ago

Boomers are so pro-jew and pro-israel. They have been brainwashed by talmudvision and the holohoax for almost all their lives.

Dauphin ago


Nukeisrael ago

Is that the Q board or something? Is it pretty much the donald on this website?

CheeBooga ago

Yes. It is one of the zionst Q subs. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3994300

BarbaricHamSammy ago

That for some reason you are obsessed with? Interesting,


CheeBooga ago

QRV MODS openly sided with antifa/blm and said "fuck you" to the community.

BarbaricHamSammy ago

Not one of your kike friends doing a test drive? Do tell.

CheeBooga ago

Crensch alt

BarbaricHamSammy ago


Humansized ago

qtards are just a mix of larping kikes and their useful idiots. the q infestation is the worst thing that ever happened to this site.

gonnatoom ago

Nooooo you have to trust the plan goy!!!

Humansized ago


its all so tiresome.

Reverse-Flash ago

Look on the bright side, you only have to listen to it for another 4.5 years.

IOK2BW ago

J anon



KingMortales ago

I just blocked them after a week and wouldn't know they were still here if it weren't for you tards bitching.

jewsbadnews ago

Doesn't matter if you block them. They still downvote your posts.

Humansized ago

i did too. but they dont stay in their containment subs.

smokratez ago

Lemme guess. Don't vote for Trump. Voting doesn't matter. But do vote for Pedo Joe right? lol

Humansized ago

it might be a strange concept to you but there are more than 2 sides to something as complex as politics. reducing it to red vs blue and then treating them like warring factions when in reality theyre 2 sides of the same coin is as low iq as you can get. in short, jews control you body and soul and youre too dumb to see it

smokratez ago

I will vote for Trump. You are voting for Joe the pedo Biden?

Let's see if you can pick a side in something as easy as this question.

jews control you body and soul and youre too dumb to see it

Are you an atheist? You are already in the anti Trump jew cult. So that's one cult you are confirmed to be in.

Humansized ago

cant debate goes for personal attacks and accusations

every single time. everyone knows youre just a larping kike because you will pretend to bitch about jews all day but the second anyone brings up zognald you immediately start with the insults and playing the this or that game. no i dont support kikes, no i dont support pedos, no i dont support abrahamics, and no that doesnt mean im an anthiest. seethe harder.

Agent7851 ago

You can vote for trump while not sucking his dick. Or does every qcumber think anyone not jerking off to trump supports Biden?

Nukeisrael ago

They do think that. This smokratez dude is like the living embodiment of the boomers who ruined /pol/. “You don’t think trump is perfect? You’re a communist and support Biden!” Before that if you ever said anything about trump they would call you a bernie bro. They really do think /pol/ is some Qtard trump lolbertarian board or something, not knowing they ruined the place through mass migration from reddit and faceberg. If you are a white guy and not third position at the very least by now you’re never going to make it.

smokratez ago

You sound sexually frustrated and gay.

Agent7851 ago

Oy vey attack their character because you can’t debate anything

smokratez ago

Retarded atheists work for the jews willingly because they are too low iq to think for themselves. Debate that, faggot.

Vc83 ago

The worst, and also good. For how do any of us wake up from the indoctrination? They have seen jewish tricks, slowly they are coming to know. Those that dont will filter themselves out

Nukeisrael ago

And /pol/. Arguably just as bad are the election migrant boomer conservatives.

Humansized ago

mixed feelings about that. their autistic internet sleuthing is fun to see. like when theyre able to find commies identities from just a few frames of video. but alot of them are just edgelords trying to get reactions.

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

The original group was like that. Most of the good folk have long since left the whole Q thing

Nukeisrael ago

Uhhh I’m not talking about actual native people from 4chan who go on /pol/. Those people are smart. I’m talking about the boomers who invaded during 2016. They aren’t doing any of the doxxing or finding flags by constellations, those would be the actual natives of the website. The boomers are just retarded and don’t belong at all. They mainly just jerk off to trump all day while the actual posters are natsoc.

Usernamenameuser ago

The retards who think theyre dIgItAl sOlDiErS because they read a twitter thread.

Humansized ago

oh so just more qtards and zognald followers. gotcha.

Nukeisrael ago

Yes. The ones who made the completely fucking cringe “don’t care still voting trump” memes. They couldn’t even name the anime characters in the memes. They tried to fuse their reddit the donald civnat shit with Chan culture. Some even have the balls while only being on the entire website for 4 years to say how it’s a libertarian board. If you just banned everyone over 40 on /pol/ the discussion would be 10x as good.

CheeBooga ago

I agree. Pure cancer.

Maat4u ago

Says people whom only bitch online the o lay place able to bitch left...

auchtung ago


armday2day ago

Fuck yes I know what you're talking about

J_Dahl ago

The one where you got roasted alive while everyone else got shitfaced at a party? I like that idea

armday2day ago

Pedos: get the bullet

jews: finally get gassed


ruck_feddit ago

Remember when the shark had the air tank in it's mouth and the bigger boat guy rifled it? That, except smaller tanks of a different gas.

MrBateman ago

"Don't be like Kyle"!

Astupidname69 ago

NOOOOOOOOO You goyim can't defend yourselves!


Intrixina ago

If everyone was like Kyle, there would be no leftists in the world at all, no concernfagging jews, and no shitskins.

MrNevsky ago

If Kyle had a few friends he would have been perfect, but he did damn well for one guy.

VAT ago

hah! true...


677 DOWNVOTES by ENRAGED voaters!

Helena73 ago

If everyone was like kyle we wouldn’t have a problem.

I would like to point out the even though he likes cops (alot apparently) he was still incredibly effective. You can have allies that dont agree with you 100% on every issues folks.

Also fuck QRV mods.

SixBajillion ago

It’s cops vs niggers at this point and any smart white man will side with the cops

Helena73 ago

You would think

MarauderShields ago


NoBS ago

Shadownet lost the narrative. I am sure they will not expose the desperation with such butt hurt again.

CheeBooga ago


ForgottenMemes ago

Always was.

Ocelot ago

Compromised by, or founded by?

CheeBooga ago

Precisely, and I think the latter.

RockmanRaiden ago

I too have noticed Qoomers kvetching about this. Calling it staged. Saying it wasn't real. You can tell they have never been in a fight before let alone a gun fight. Qoomers are just as much an example of subversion as the jewish commie pedo sex worker mulatto degenerates out there destroying my city.

Cletusaurus ago

Ever since the Protocols were realeased by the FBI on Twitter, many of the Qoomers are starting to look into it. I bet many of them are reading it right now. Look at the sentiment on their QRV sub. They are rebelling against their (((mods))) and naming the Jew.

Don’t believe they were doing that before

RockmanRaiden ago

That's hilarious.

DirtyQews ago

Qoomers don't read past headlines.

Helena73 ago

Qoomers are not the problem. They are not that bad. This guy’s an anomaly. The Q people are okay on this site. Just because they are not screaming Gas the Jews with their hair on fire does not mean that are communist degenerates. Get some perspective.

Nukeisrael ago

They’re civnats. All civnats are my enemy. It’s 2020 where we have books available for free, research papers and people like Ryan Faulk telling you about race realism FOR FREE. There is zero excuse to be a civnat anymore unless you are low iq (which qoomers are).

Helena73 ago

Almost all of us started out as civnats. Even though books and research papers have been available for awhile. Some people have been exposed to more propaganda than others as well as a general lack of an alternative message. My guess is someone was feeding you an alternative message, even if it was a civnat one.

Unlike gender, political ideology is a spectrum. You will not “win” if you make 95% of that spectrum your enemy. Older people understand that one’s ideology changes a lot over time and are naturally not as rigid. Thats why 25 year olds should not be making these sort of decisions. Your purism is a losing strategy.

BTW if you attack my people you are my enemy.

Nukeisrael ago

It’s actually harder than ever ever to take the race realism pill which leads to the ethnic nationalism pill. The best race realists got nuked from YouTube. There was a based series of some “anti-sjw” who used to critique Islam and feminism (Alt lite like sargoy) and he tried to fuck with the autist known as ryan faulk aka the alternative hypothesis over race realism to “own the alt right.” Bad mistake. He got picked apart word for word over like 6 videos so badly that his own videos were getting ratioed and his own fans were making fun of the comments until he eventually quit youtube. After realizing differences in IQ/behavior from faulk I started looking into why these differences exist in the first place which leads to anthropology and genetics. At this point everything remotely true is nuked from YouTube which sucks because people will just think everything on bitchute is flat earth tier. The kikes know what they are doing. That’s for sure.

Helena73 ago

A lot of civnats (boomers, Q anons, MAGA heads) already know the racial disparities are due to divergent evolution not systemic racism. They just dont want to be seen as hurting peoples feelings or being disloyal to “American” values. But the more their stability is disrupted, the more they are attacked for being white and peaceful, the more they will move toward the right.

These two camps are not as mutually exclusive as you would have us believe. Civic nationalism can work if there is a low amount of genetic diversity and a high amount of cultural unity. But that has obviously been trashed. Some of the boomers et al. are holding out hope that it isn’t— you really cant blame them.

Nukeisrael ago

Yes civic nationalism works between whites with low genetic distance and probably mind wiped East Asians who don’t hold grudges or yellow people who are attacked as a whole like whites are now which leads to pan europeanism. The USA was a “melting pot” of different ethnicities that were already just different ratios of the same exact 3 protoraces as each other. That’s a lot different than importing niggers and amerindians. Civnat cannot work with niggers/any group. Arguably the only way it works (between actual “distant” genetic clusters) is between east asians and whites. And that’s only due to low violence and high iq, they would still completely stick to their own given a 50/50 population and probably vote slightly against each other’s interests even if the country was first world. Between multiple euro ethnicities? Easy, just a couple generations and they are just a new “race” with slightly different ratios of the three root races that made up Europeans in the first place.

MarauderShields ago

They're not bad people, but they are civnat and thus misled. This means problems down the line.

RockmanRaiden ago

That's precisely what it fucking means.

Helena73 ago

Haha no stop being a baby.

RockmanRaiden ago

There's blood on the ground. The time to be lukewarm is over. It's fucking war. Stop being a bitch.

Helena73 ago

You want to persuade them not alienate them son.

RockmanRaiden ago

The shit that is happening should be persuasion enough. Alot of us are still in denial and coping. We need to be frosty and ready.

Helena73 ago

Some people will never be frosty, you still need their popular support. Some people will be slow to come around, but they will as they see their stability threatened. Woo them. Dont insult them and dont expect them to swallow a 10 kg red pill in a single day. Everyone did not have the benefit of your experience.

MrDarkWater ago

Wrong, QRV users are aware of the infiltration and calling (((them))) out. Those kvetching are kike-shills

Phantom42 ago

When the time comes, Qultists die too.

SouthernCracker ago

always kill a traitor before an enemy.

MrDarkWater ago

We are your brethren. Aim your sights at the enemy. The Qoomers are making me more proud day by day.

If and when they all become disillusioned, they will have already been primed to join us.

Phantom42 ago

No "brethren" of mine tries to justify a 17yo killing jews in self-defense as a bad thing.

FightingTheDarkArts ago


RockmanRaiden ago

Exactly my feelings.

MrDarkWater ago

Correct, that was a kike and the Qoomers see what's up. Shapeshifters are all over this site, but the Qoomers have begun breaking away from their would-be gatekeepers

NoBS ago

Those who scream the loudest...