25389041? ago

For being a JEW?

That sucker ought to go to prison for such behavior. Who the hell does he think he is, anyway, a GENTILE?

25384340? ago

Well three jew negros shot by one white guy in self defense ... think that's the reason....

25382394? ago

By the end of 2020 the clearest vision you can have is seeing the world through the lens of the Jew. Jew tricks and understanding them are the literal path to understanding this fucking Global North Korea exportation. Fuck JUDAISM TALMUDIC FUCKS!

25382007? ago

Bothers me that these fuckers were able to obtain MOD status. These fucking rat fuck jews can't keep their slimy fingers off of anything. Just hold tight boys and girls. - Roughly 8 more weeks.

25381566? ago

You fucking Q tards are finally catching on and it’s a beautiful sight

25381067? ago

hahaha its gone, thats hilarious.

25380747? ago

Daily reminder that this faggot bitch kike is the mod of QRV

25380712? ago

will you shut the fuck up for fucks sake>>>>What did Q say about those who scream the loudest?

25380749? ago

You should stop screaming about all the Dem corruption and the fact that they eat children.

Why are you complaining about satanic pedovores? Makes me suspicious of you.

25382390? ago

Read OP's post carefully.. look at the wording... THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THE DS USES AGASINT US...

Why are you giving aid comfort and support tot he DS?

25383005? ago

We're saving Israel for last.

Q said that. Why are you saying Q is deep state? Haha. Try harder, Chinabot.

25383654? ago

israel ??? i thought it was Meh JEWS this Meh JEWS that that did all of this? hmmmmmm

do you see where i am coming from.. yes Q said Isreal for last I agree Isreal has major issues...

Mossad created controlled by CIA

this was done AFTER op Paperclip...

They are all nazi's
we must be care fully with our choice of words... most norms don't understand it anyway and many come her daly ...

the very enemy we are engaging uses our words against us..

Think the Garden of Edon > it starts there.. I know you agree with this.

I have the knowledge of the deep study i did of the New Age Movement 10 years... I started 1980

Hillsong church is new age new age is nazi

Alister Crowly , Alice Bailey , and Adolp hitler all were indoctrinated through the same book..

Secret Doctrine

25383806? ago


25388305? ago

The luciferian initiation is taught by Alice bailey in her book Rays and Inititations ... she also stated Isreal hasn't been punished yet by God

To all the Shills that posted on this tread > are you all listening?

You are spreading exactly what Hitler believed

Alice Bailey taught this ...

Again you spread THIER lies...

To all others

Do your research ...

25380571? ago

So, now the Jews that comped a mods account are trying to paint us as violent anti-semites....too little too late moshe. The price you pay to play is upon you.

25380270? ago

Shekelstein Nosenburg crawled back into his Tel Aviv basement.

25379398? ago

These faggots have no idea how they are pissing citizens off. We do not fear them, we do not fear their slander. We recognize them for the enemy that they are.

25379301? ago


Did the "Ignore Posts calling for Violence" sticky always say this? or was it recently changed?

I have noticed an increase of posts calling for violence. This is a shill tactic to demonize the Q movement when the time is right. Think Comet Ping Pong and Hoover Dam. Ignore their attempts and continue to spread information. These people are stupid.

"The masses tend to panic in such situations. No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift." -Q Post 22

25379530? ago

Last edit time: 1.8 years ago on 10/23/2018 9:42:32 PM

25378451? ago

If you guys fall for this, you're hopeless dupes.

25378453? ago

And yet you can't even explain how.

25378646? ago

I have explained it a thousand times since the communists have tried to divide us, and turn us away from Americanism, libertarianism, Christianity, and any other code to live by.

Those shilling fear, hatred, bigotry, and division, are your enemies. QRV, and voat for a long time, have been overrun with communists inundating us with poison. They offer false dichotomies, and claim you must be for one and against the other, when QRV was created to research/discuss "Q", who has warned from the beginning that you communists are trying to divide us.

The pretense that these anti-American, anti-Q, anti-Christian, anti-Trump, anti-human, are on "our side", or a part of "QRV", calling out their infiltration, is ridiculous, and obvious.

They who would have you fear, and betray your principles, are your enemy. They who encourage you to not be afraid, stand on principle, and be independent, are your allies.

Collectivism is communist poison.

The communists tell the Jews that every other group is out to get them. They tell the whites that every other group is out to get them. They tell the blacks that every other group is out to get them. They tell everyone that every other group is out to get them.

Divide and conquer is obvious.

They also divert any discussion of communists being our enemy, and turn us toward other groups.

Again, obvious.

We have nothing to fear but fear itself. Every American knows this. Every Christian knows this. I'm guessing anyone of any code knows this. Trump has said this. "Q" has said this. We've been warned countless times against your communist division tactics.

Stand on principle, as Trump, and "Q", and every other doctrine worth heeding, has told you to. This infiltration to vilify QRV was predictable, and an obvious tactic. Don't fall for it. Don't be your enemies' useful idiot used against good people.

25379725? ago

Thing is though, if someone is threatened with deadly force, if the alternative is being murdered, defending yourself is the only option. That's not "dividing and conquering" - that's common sense.

What's "dividing and conquering" is concernfagging about doing the above.

25379586? ago

Then why the fuck did the mods support Antifa pedos?

25378734? ago

The communists tell the Jews

Communism is jewish by its very nature. It was invented by the jews as a political system to spread their control over non-jews.

I absolutely agree with you that we can't let the jews divide us. We must stand united against them.

25379520? ago

You are the tool of the communists, and specifically the communist Jews. You are giving them their only chance to defeat us. You may just be their useful idiot, and have not understood this before, but now you have no excuse. If not before, from now on, you're doing it on purpose.

Stop being their useful idiot. Whatever benefit you think you have coming to you assisting the communists, you've been mislead. Sooner or later they will turn on you. Study history. They're entirely anti-human. They only want death and destruction.

25379546? ago

How does exterminating the jews help the jews?

25380987? ago

There is no exterminating the Jews, and there never has been... which is why you know of, and we're discussing, "Jews".

Communists want Jews to think that people want to genocide the Jews, just like communists want whites, and blacks, to think there are other entire groups who want to genocide them.


It's very obvious.

25378331? ago

Fuck saving Israel for last, that's the cause of the problem.

I've a terminal tumor that needs operation ASAP. But first I need to get my nails done or my wifes boyfriend won't be into pulling my hair when he has his turn with me.

Get your priorities strait.

25378408? ago

I agree, the sooner the better.

25378180? ago

Okay, I’m sorry...this is one of those “at this point, I’m too afraid to ask” things...I’ve been wondering what this “Q” thing is for a while. Does it stand for...the JEWISH quotient? “Q” standing in for “quotient”?

25378290? ago

Q is just from the early posts, one of the first posts was titled Q Clearance Patriot.

They haven't explained how they picked it.

25378252? ago

Jewish Question

25377565? ago

Here's a mod from the great awakening arguing Jews are PATRIOTS


25377621? ago

GA has been jew controlled for a long time, too.

Jews need to be in power for when they have to shut down the Q narrative when we go hot.

25383962? ago

“When we go hot.”

lol sheeeuh

25383990? ago

25377485? ago


25377160? ago

because either he is a Jew or he want to be one

25378880? ago

Well, just because you want to be Jew, doesn't mean he does. He may want to be a Baptist.

25377182? ago

So sad for his 3 shot tribemembers!

25377159? ago

Too little too late. The goyim know now kike.

25378906? ago

Shouldn't "kike" be kapitilized?

25379303? ago

Not much for semantics. The ash pile is the same size either way.

25377082? ago

Wait...is he actually Jewish? Sephardim? Ashkenazim?

25377148? ago

The jew who cried about a white kid shooting 3 jews who attacked him?

He's either a jew or a jew ally.

25377314? ago

I'm just trying to figure out whats up with the Jew thing. How do you know he was a Jew and how do you know the 3 attackers were Jewish? I

25377374? ago

He doesn't. Anything he know (which is a hell of lot) and anything said he doesn't like is, is done by a "Jew". That's his world.

25378266? ago

Look again. Whoever the poster is, he is correct. We have all their names now.

25389859? ago


25376823? ago


the internet is full of retards.

25376901? ago

You must like kikes if you're here then.

25376924? ago

I enjoy reminding kikes what's coming, as does any patriot still left on here.


25376734? ago

Scenes from my new favorite movie...



https:// youtu.be/LUzcayxCbwQ

25376623? ago

If this really happened notify the site owners.

25376589? ago

25376398? ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever comment by @VicariousJambi.

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25376102? ago





25377440? ago


25377808? ago

Ok, rabbi.

25376775? ago


25375820? ago

Why does QRV even have mods? They aren't needed and they don't do shit. They allow shills and Deep State faggots to spam tranny threads all day and night, not deleting those threads. We have to downvote all of the trash that gets posted on this subverse anyway.

25375830? ago

They leave tranny porn but sticky a post saying you shouldn't defend yourself.


25375863? ago

It's almost as if filthy kikes are responsible for all subversion in the world, or something.

25378812? ago

Exactly how filthy are "kikes", you sound very knowledgeable.

25379267? ago

Oy Vey. Where do I even begin?

The kikes, are so disgusting, and I'm not talking about normal disgusting. I'm talking about hideousness, in the eyes of God. I'm talking about ultimate evil. These are literally vile creatures.

We can start with the teachings from Jesus. But in fact, we can go back to Canaan, before Moses arrived.

The filthy kikes (just FYI, jews today aren't even the real jews, but it really doesn't matter, as long as they self identify) believe they are gifted by God, the right to charge us usary, to use our children as animals, and to cheat, kill, steal, and use as their pets.

Wait until you read the Talmud.

But my best advice, read "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", the FBI recently tweeted it, so you can go read it from the FBI archives!

Next, you need to read "The Jews and their Lies" - Martin Luther exposed the kikes, and saved Christianity (yes, also the Catholics) from full on kikery (don't get me wrong, Catholics, and all Christians have been cucked, but too much to talk about all at once...)

Then, read "The International Jew" by Henry Ford.

Please, really do, return with questions!

It's literally our duty to educate the world about kikes.

25389386? ago

I've known Jews all my life, not one of them was the slightest bit different from everyone else I knew, from all different religions or atheists.

All that crap you wrote is from you personally, it's what YOU believe, and you sound like someone I'm glad I never met.

Whew, good luck with all that crap. Sounds like it's a full time job, must keep you pretty busy.

25376799? ago

Not all. Don't forget the American nigger and those bastard sons of Ishmael.

25389563? ago

Someone's very low IQ is showing.

25393025? ago

I don't suffer from a low IQ. In fact, I'm pulling a 148 according to my last test (roughly 12 years ago) and I'm a member of MENSA.

That, however, is beside the point. Your worldview is not reality to anyone but yourself. You're obviously in denial concerning the world's state of affairs and blindly low-level projecting.

In truth, you're making yourself out to look moronic but surmise if you wish.

25375940? ago

and then hitler for like no reason

25375985? ago

We're gonna make Hitler look like Gandhi (without the raping of kids)

25375503? ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever comment by @MrDarkWater.

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25375483? ago

Every. Single. Time.

25375025? ago

It is clear the Cucked Mod should be removed... He doesn't need to be here performing his cuckery.

25390239? ago

Are you suggesting that you'd like to see even MORE jew hating here, than we see now?

I mean the Jew haters are activists, that's obvious, but why would you want more of them?

What exactly is your complaint about?

25396589? ago

Quit acting ignorant. Take what I said at face value.

I just happen to think the moderators of any forum, and especially the Q Endorsed forum should not be forcing their political views on us. And besides that fact... Did you read the Sticky post? He was down right condescending to people that participate in this forum. Piss on him.

25375068? ago

Now watch it not happen, because the entire team is just one jew.

25378838? ago

Really? I thought it was an Episcopalian. Or, maybe a Catholic, or even a Mormon.

25378852? ago

25391748? ago

Ah, a nice ROMAN nose.

25374986? ago

Give it up people. The post was meant to extract negative emotions from you. This is nothing more than a distraction. You are feeding the beast by keeping this subject alive on qrv....and they win every time you do this. Focus on what is important in our fight towards freedom from the evil doers. WWG1WGA.

25376796? ago

Your comment should be higher but this forum is MOSTLY cabal shills.

25378138? ago

Yeah, I agree they have taken over. I spend less and less time here now. Better things in life then fighting the crap on this low life forum lately.

25377420? ago

It's pushing 80% shilling. at least.

25378148? ago

Good number.

25375172? ago

That might matter if there was a limited amount of emotion to go around.

25375087? ago

oy vey im so sleepy arent you sleepy lets all forget the three JEWISH FELONS who were rioting and got shot like the dogs they are

25375036? ago

Fuck off kike.

25374723? ago

Communist Jews do everything they can to foment bigotry, and anti-semitism specifically. Don't fall for it.

25374823? ago

"Stop hating the communist jews who are trying to destroy your country" are you seriously saying this?

25375129? ago

I'm stating the obvious; your enemies require your hatred and bigotry, and it doesn't serve you. Ask yourself why they attempt to manipulate everyone this way. Again it is obvious.

Divide and conquer. You've been warned not to fall for it. If you're an American, you know to stand on principle, that freedom is for the brave, and we must not allow them to divide us. If you're a Christian you know not to hate, or be afraid. To stand on principle.

Notice something about the commie shills on voat, and their attitude toward liberty, Christianity, Americanism, or literally any principle?

Our communist enemies are made up of every group. They don't want us focused on communists, but focused on anything else.

Let's pretend only and every Jew is bad, which is obviously not the case as we've seen countless times with CCP, Hillary, Obama, Biden, the Bushes, McCain, Romney, etc.. that aside, lets pretend it's all the Jews, and only the Jews, who are evil.. They still want/require us to be bigoted and anti-semitic.

Notice how the communists used fear/division to destroy the world in the 1900s when they had their boogieman?


25376737? ago

Its the Jews actions that make the Goyim anti-Semitic, they are not hated just because of their religion, its their scheming and plotting for centuries to undermine and rule over the Goyim and create a New (Jew) World Order. Why do no Jews stand against this, what the "evil" Jews are doing to the Goyim? How are we supposed to differentiate between good Jew bad Jew while they are actively trying to genocide us?

25390022? ago

I'm guessing you haven't had one single experience in your whole life of a Jew scheming and plotting against you.

25377967? ago

Stay alert. I think your backyard is full of them right now. Best get home and get out the anit-Jew repellent spray.

25375267? ago

Cool ramblings, that had nothing to do with anything I said or asked.

They don't want us focused on communists, but focused on anything else.

Communism is secular judaism applied to their cattle. We absolutely need to destroy communism and the people who created it.

The only people we need to divide from ourselves is the jews.

25375493? ago

You are either a communist Jew, or one of their useful idiots.

We need to eliminate you communists, whether you're a Jew or not. We need to not allow communists like you, likely a communist Jew, to replace, or conflate, "Jew" with "communist".

Stop being a useful idiot used against all of humanity, and strike the root. The issue is with anti-Americans, slavers, and communists. Anyone who mentions "Jews" wants you to turn on your fellow principled American Jews, and wants to distract you from the wicked non-Jew, anti-humanity, communists we can see all around us.

Don't oppose any of the good. Don't give a pass to any of the wicked. Don't be a fool.

Want to share your thoughts onAmericanism? On liberty, and Christianity? I bet I know what they are!

25376077? ago

your fellow principled American Jews,

Hello fellow whites rubs hands together so fast he starts a small campfire

25375859? ago

fellow principled American Jews

No such thing. Jews are their own tribe, they do not belong to any nation, it has always been this way. Thousands of years of them sticking to themselves and working collectively to destroy their host nation.

Why were they kicked out 109 times?

25375353? ago

Racist horseshit!

25375843? ago

Jews are a different race from white people?

25377821? ago

According to the Jew haters.

But, you knew that, didn't you Jew hater.

25375507? ago

It's racist, which is whatever.. but worse, it's horseshit. It's the poison of our enemies.

25386943? ago

Why did God scatter the people at Babble, why would he confuse their language? Why did Jesus call the Pharisees and there ilk children of satan? Why do you ignore Christianity, God, and Jesus? Do you know better then God?

25376810? ago

Is the Talmud racist?

25376853? ago

I've never read it, but it seems to be. You know why I haven't read it? Because it doesn't matter.

Liberty is all that matters. Individual rights, and individual merit. Those who oppose and distract from it are our enemies. Those who defend it are our allies.

Any doctrine that promotes individual rights and individual merit is good. Any that opposes it is bad. Same with people.

25374685? ago



25376668? ago


25374624? ago

Oh god dude you stupid fucking niggers

It's not about the jews

The talmudic jews that worship demons are using antisemitism as a way to continue their operations without being ridiculed

They will use any name or face to confuse and distract you

Even some of the people here who want to make it a jew issue

They want you to

So then they can slander you all as nazis

What the fuck don't you people see that it's all a trap

That they set beautiful traps for you to fall into everyday

Laced with so much negative human emotion, whatever way they can find people to not be logical

Get the fuck ahold of yourselves

25375072? ago

Always with the "its not all jews" or "its the fake jews". Anyone diddling around talmudic horseshit gets the oven.

25374846? ago

Calling us Nazis has no power anymore. Race realism is good. We don't live in happy fantasy land anymore.

25374924? ago

You just feel good in your deluded self superior hate

The bavarian illuminati has the same exact mentality as you

25374949? ago

Who do I hate? What're you basing that on?

25375302? ago

Quell your fanaticism, you're smarter than this

If you want to make treadway fueling the fires of racial divide will only support the plan of the dark one

Humans are always pitted against eachother and things that are worse than humans are doing all the work

Address the reality of what is taking over the human who is consumed by darkness

It is always spiritual

25375852? ago

^---- can't even answer a question.

25374429? ago

it should stay

25378797? ago

It really should, it backfired on (((them))) perfectly.

25383908? ago

Actually it didn’t! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

25374328? ago

funny, but wish I would have kept a screenshot.

think it was our first big revolt;)

25374322? ago

Call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."

25378256? ago

What Comic Book is that from?

25374326? ago

And no mod will be removed, because the whole team is jews.

25380762? ago

and Jesus was a jew

he was from he tribe of Judah

So was David

25382365? ago

No, Jesus was HEBREW. There is a difference. He was against the jews.

25383869? ago

Jesus was absolutely a Jew.

25382471? ago

he was of the tribe of judah

Remember when Isreal split into two kingdoms?

you had the

Kingdom of Israel, And the, Kingdom of Judah

70AD when Jerusalem fell it was Roman Occupied ( to use a term you might understand) kingdom of Judah...
Judah was one of twelve sons of Isreal
I know History

25389412? ago

When Jesus was a Judean the ancestors of today's Ashkenazi Jews were a tribe of pagans living in southwest Asia.

Jesus was not an Ashkenazi and the Ashkenazi Jews are neither blood descendants of the people of Israel or the people of Judea.

25389497? ago

i never said he was you said ALL JEWS are I proved that statement that ALL JEWS isn't correct....... That was and is my point... you keep proving it for me.

I thanQ you for that.... The Bible also tells us there are Jews that are not Jews.. that is the group you are referring to.......

25381659? ago

Stop it. Q told you you’ll need to unlearn everything, so unlearn everything you just posted because it’s bullshit. Jesus couldn’t have been a Jew as Jews father is Satan. Fucking retard

25383884? ago

Um, Jesus was also a product of Satan, you dolt.

25387099? ago

The only unforgivable sin... Be very careful.

25382370? ago

wow such brotherly love....

25389166? ago

As well as such stupidity.

25380962? ago

So give the kikes more free stuff and power? Sure, let's kill them with kindness while they kill us by riling up niggers and self-hate.

25389181? ago

I see your problem, you're already consumed by enough self hate, who needs more, eh.

25390063? ago

That's what the Jews want Whites to do.

25382486? ago

sad.. very sad

25382506? ago

What do you propose, hmmm schmekelberg

25382573? ago

read SunZu.. read carefully about the different grounds...

this will be a start into understanding from a Military mindset
this is a war of words...

We must be extra careful in the ones we use OR the Enemy can and will use them against us to hurt us..

Q has told us this before..

Yea i can get wrapped around an axel i have before and will again...

why give enemy more ammo?

25382837? ago

Bring light to the darkness unless it's the kikes, got it.

25389203? ago

Difficult to believe such stupidity, isn't it.

25380788? ago

Gee, what happened to him?

25374306? ago

We have won the Battle of Sticky Swamp we need a patch.

25374431? ago

Maybe pepe catching a little fly-seal of remphram' with his sticky tounge?

25376601? ago

Needs to be a meme

25374242? ago

Pwned. (((They))) always go down hard in the end.

God despises you (((rats)))

One Adamic 17 year old patriot smoked 4 of you like he was playing a video game in God mode.

Run to your underground caves, flee to israel. Its over.

25376432? ago

The holocaust will be real this time.

25378291? ago

What sewer do you guys come out from?

25382455? ago

Don't worry little jew, you'll be free soon

25389249? ago

Who'd be worried about you, pipsqueak?

25390038? ago

Lol, If you only knew who you were talking to.

25381676? ago

Read the Talmud faggot. You’re going to see chaos like the fall of Rome/Weimer and then some.

25379684? ago

The Talmud

25380975? ago

That was a sick burn.

25382263? ago


25374353? ago

yeah that was pretty awesome, and I'm a grandma!

hope my daughter can find a nice guy like Kyle, or Nick Sandman.

gives me hope that they're still out there.

25377186? ago

Daaamn grandma you out here on voat? My grandma couldnt stomach this place. Good for you.

25376370? ago

Especially Nick, that guy's loaded!

25380071? ago

Heh. Load.

25374284? ago

"We're saving Israel for last"

25374238? ago

Sticky about the JQ when?

25374274? ago




25374376? ago

so what do you think the 'reason' is?

I can think of several possibilities...

25374399? ago

FBI archives posted the Protocols of Zion, every interesting.

25377117? ago

What did Ben Shapiro have to say on the matter?

25377154? ago

No idea, I don't listen to jews.

25378791? ago

That's cool, it's okay to be ignorant.

25374445? ago

yeah I thought so too.

can't put this one back in the box and it's so awesome to watch them squirm.

25374466? ago

I downloaded the specific version posted by the FBI and labeled it, in case I ever need to do some comparison.

25375076? ago

That's really smart. I'm curious if you find any differences.

25374182? ago

That was the biggest redpill I've seen in awhile.

The JQ is always relevant.

25379718? ago


Are you going to try to divide people by their faith? I disagree with Evil behaviors. Such as dividing people by their skin color, or faith, or orientation, or gender. I agree with Good behaviors though.

Hundreds of Patriot Orthodox Jews Chant “USA”, “Four More Years” at Trump Rally in New York City

Organized by philanthropist Lazer “Louis” Scheiner, the audience cheered “Four More Years” and “USA” as Trump took the podium.

Source http://shorenewsnetwork.com/2019/11/18/hundreds-of-orthodox-jews-chant-usa-four-more-years-at-trump-rally-in-new-york-city/


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video 1Video 2

WebsiteTwitterFacebookInstagramAll Videos

25381623? ago

Read the Talmud or if kike kill yourself.

25380947? ago

But GOYs, what about these 3-4 Jews that are on your side? Don't be a racist bigot nazi! Fellow whites

25377090? ago

How do we know the person was a Jew?

25389138? ago

Why do we care?

25380306? ago

Their behavior.

25380744? ago

that is exactly what Antifa says about Facists.
Exact same thing

It is also exactly what BLM says about racists

Exact same thing..


25380918? ago

Yeah, it's called projection at it's finest.

25378029? ago

Because anyone who says or does anything against cult narrative they are called a Jew, kike, or rabbi. As a bonus they are also often invited into gas chambers, usually by the same people who claim that Jews were never gassed.

25378635? ago

And they talk like they are superior to everyone too. like "you fuckers this you fuckers that"

it's really common across all (((mods))) of almost every q related online communities

25381600? ago

I put fuck in almost every comment. Some of us have been awake much much longer than Q has been around. Clown world will make you jaded and frustrated after about a decade.

25380051? ago

No, all I’m saying is they aren’t all Jews.

25378564? ago

There was no gas u moron

25380058? ago

lol But the Jews should be gassed, right?

25384796? ago

They will be handled by God

25380932? ago

No, we should keep sending Israel foreign aid and give them free missiles to use on Palestinians.

25375325? ago

hah! true... The JQ is always relevant in many current event topics.


677 DOWNVOTES by ENRAGED voaters!

25386281? ago

722 downvoats now.

25379336? ago

wow, it went down a bit. Last I saw was 539.

25380163? ago

now 700+

25381146? ago

756 angry downvotes so far now and plummeting!

25376172? ago

That’s only the anons that can downvoat kek

25376374? ago

They must be short on resources. There is one subverse where you can get 30 upvoats just making a comment agreeing with the OP. Their Jew power is wearing off.

Death to all Jews

25389094? ago

Heil Hitler !

25377532? ago


Ship them all to Israel.

Build a wall around Israel.

When only 2% of their population has ever worked a job they'll all starve to death in their fucking commie utopia.

25389123? ago

How can you LIVE with all the Jews around, a person might want to kill himself in such a situation.

Hint, hint.

25374217? ago

Now watch to see if any mod gets removed, or if the whole team is jew.

25377472? ago

You either are or you are working with the cucked mod, faggot.

You glow. Now GTFO

25377693? ago

I have 185pts saying I'm not.

25377730? ago

No, you have 185 pts of emotional anons who up-voted your message about an incident you created in the first place. You are here pushing division-fag shit and we are starting to notice.

Once everyone calms down and notices that you are the same shill who spams QRV every day with bullshit, this will all pass and we go back to normal.

Sorry faggot, but you failed. Again.

25378358? ago

Up to 204 now.

25378055? ago

Are you a kike apologist?

25378085? ago

Hi sock puppet.

Get back to your gangster posts now, faggot.

25378309? ago

Kike lover and/or rabbi confirmed.

25380899? ago

It's so funny watching them do what they do, isn't it?

25376031? ago

they will replace the "jew team a" with "jew team b"

25376147? ago

We should remove all jews.

25374291? ago

Been there done that. The whole team is kiked. Theyve been desparately trying to gatekeep this movement and direct attention away from the jews.

25380880? ago

I began to wonder once the 8kun links were taken down a month back.

25374510? ago

Enter, "chinabot", shill.

25375451? ago

Hah, he replaced caps-lock-kike

25374407? ago

funny if this is their best attempt, because even the deepest sleepers are starting to see that something isn't right.

Harvey Weinstein and his rat face did (((them))) no favors.

25375020? ago

At this point, any move the jews make will only dig them a deeper hole.

25375974? ago

"If your enemy is making a mistake, do not stop him." - Art of War

25375658? ago

their lies are getting heavier and the ground is turning to quick sand faster and faster

25374001? ago

Thakfully, it saved us from.watching you post your tranny porn.

Now we just have to tolerate you spamming the same old news over and over again.

25373593? ago

What a fucking Jew bitch!

25375268? ago

DEEEEE-VON!!! get the rope...

25374063? ago

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25373549? ago

And yet we still have to read your spam about it.

Can you go spam some other sub-verse with your gay-ass drama?

25376809? ago

See, all you get are low-iq replies from cabal shills

25374188? ago

I think it's great to rub it in their faces. Fuck those kikes.

25373596? ago

You're not even a Q follower, so nobody cares what you think. :)