MolochHunter ago

only pedos make this argument

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I can't recall ever seeing you out of your safespace. I must be over the target.

86USSLiberty ago

Just remember q people, to research the jew. Don’t put all your faith in the plan. I mean sure I hope it’s real too but plan for both scenarios. It’s pretty hard for me to believe in someone taking down the deep state but letting his family get jewed up. I still think most q people are well meaning patriots and the movements led a lot of people to question things. Just be prepared to do more than sit back and enjoy the show.

Amerikaner ago

I like it, I love trolling those cunts. They definitely don’t like it when you you talk about jews or shit people.

slapstick2 ago

That sub is literally in isra

SendMeYourTitties ago

Yup, I was banned from GA for being “racist”.

knightwarrior41 ago

shit,Q predicted this! 🤣

pueppp ago

No one cares

ingeedingee ago


petevoat ago

Yeah, I've been having a weird feeling about GA for a while now.

TFS ago

I'm banned from submitting posts there. Fuck those jews!

Crensch ago

Prove it

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Your actions are all the proof I need. Also, you forgot to say REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Crensch ago

User above can't prove it.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Poor Crenschy...outed yet again. Maybe it would be best if you took the time to explain how/why your control methods on GA are exactly the same as the sites I mentioned.

Crensch ago


toobaditworks ago

Thanks. I believe you.

obvious-throwaway- ago

I kiked out and just removed them. Voat seems to have no interest in removing them from the front page, so I ended up doing it manually.

Donald_Trumpstein ago

Awww come on, don't pick on this psyop and the grifters that profit from it too bad. The small minority of accounts promoting Q here and everywhere else that are actual real people who believe it are just good old fashioned american paytriots. And even more importantly, they support ME!

They believe I'm saving the world from satanic cannibal pedophiles. Is that a bad thing???

Just Trust The Plan, w1ggan1gga and Honor our Greatest Ally

TRUMP 2020


CheeBooga ago

Remember, I exposed this stuff years ago when they first formed. I tolda so!

Crensch ago

You didn't expose anything. You jewed out and showed you were JIDF.

CheeBooga ago

You lying jew. You are a zionist front who works for nasty jew tiddy pics. I made a fool of you. You still don't understand it KeK.

Crensch ago

You got destroyed when I asked you to prove one thing and you linked me to a whiny Jewtube Jew on video.

How's the weather in Tel Aviv, Moshe?

CheeBooga ago

You wish, you little jew fag. You are leading a zionist front kek and call others "JIDF". WHAT. A. FUCKTARD.

Bow your ass at my boot, boy. I fucking own you. @Gabara

gabara ago

@Crensch is now operated by @srayzie

Crensch ago

Prove it.

gabara ago

Hitchens Razor. Colin died in April so prove he's still alive somehow.

Crensch ago

The burden of proof doesn't work like that. Prove your claim.

gabara ago

You made your claim first and therefor have the burden of proof, srayzie.

Crensch ago

If you want to get technical like that, the kike above needs to prove his claims first. Otherwise prove your claim that I am someone else.

gabara ago

Prove you're really in Froot Loops, Michigan!

CheeBooga ago

By Srayzies tits!!

blumen4alles ago

I wonder if that faggot is/was a T_D mod (not the original set, reddits replacements)

CheeBooga ago

Probably. No matter what, he is a zionist retard.

toobaditworks ago

A person who has been propagandized all their lives, brainwashed their entire lives and have just started seeing the corruption is not going to be going from zero 'woke' to 100 'woke'. They are going to find out about bankers, the fed, corrupt politicians and the lying media. They are not going to jump from 'loving everyone despite their race' to hating and naming the jews.

To believe that everyone has to name the jew to be on your side is ridiculous and sounds so unintelligent that it sounds like a jewish trick to divide and conquer.

Noticing your 2 month old account. Probably full of divide and conquer instead of trying to wake up people to truths and rabbit holes they have not yet allowed themselves to go.

un1ty ago

Because Q is waking up these people.

That's exactly it. No matter the actual veracity of the Q 'individual', the point is that it is placing people on a distinct path that will inevitably lead to an awakening of some sort.

Vc83 ago

I thought like you once, believe me one you know the truth, you know why naming them is so important. After you know, you'll realise they were right

toobaditworks ago

Naming them is important but you also have to understand that people will be turned off by it because they don't know anything about them so they need to be slowly told whats going on. Unless they are young and not brainwashed yet.

Broc_Lia ago

Don't care. Block them.

blumen4alles ago

Everything else is a waste of time.

anoncastillo ago

If they had Ghislaine Maxwell moderating reddit, who do you think is moderating us?

slapstick2 ago

Crensch is literay in Tel-Aviv from what I can tell

toobaditworks ago

Anyone can make this website. Especially since it came from open source reddit code to begin with.

usernameisnotthis ago

@molochhunter is a jew. he banned me from the sub because i made him admit it.

CheeBooga ago

I busted him almost 5 years ago. Yes he is a reddit jew. No doubts about it. I warned about that whole group. They also gatekeep the pizzagate subs. Strange that, huh?

usernameisnotthis ago

lol makes sense

CheeBooga ago

He's one of Crensch's little sidekicks.

Joesf23 ago

I just hate how anyone who questions "the plan" being wrong 99% of the time gets looked at or talked to as if they are a shill or troll. It's like telling a kid there is no santa and explaining why, then they call you a liar as they wait for a dude to come down their chimney.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

You mean like this?

Misskylie42 ago

I agree.

25371871? ago

OP is from SBBH, reddit's embassy on Voat.

GreatAwakening might suck, but SBBH are guaranteed drooling retards, so taking their word on anything is for people who belong on reddit.

MarauderShields ago

What's wrong with SBBH? Except the purile humor?

25381908? ago

They are redditors, who see free speech as a challenge. They dont want Voat to grow, they want Voat to die out.

Whenever you see an extra retarded and abrasive retard, good chance it's a larping SBBHer. Whenever you see someone posting Voat-worthy content, it is not a SBBHer.

Whenever reddit bans subs, you will see efforts to keep the potential new users off Voat. Those leading the effort will be SBBHers.

"The SBBHer will always tell you what happened to him, but he won't tell you why" - Old Voat proverb

They circlejerk and act as retards, then when a good mod bans the retards, they cry discrimination, try to rally actual Voaters against the good mod/sub.

They witch hunt individual users, follow them around, excessive pings, whatever a retarded child might do.

For a glorious hour or two, Puttitout banned most of them. That was Voat's peak.

MarauderShields ago

Thanks. This is fascinating. I was here when he made the code change and then wound it back, but I didn't see what all the fuss was about. That explains it. I never paid them much attention, but later there was a proliferation of SDBH and then SCBH and others. I'd read here thatbit was shills upvoating each other for CCP, but that doesn't really male sense as once you pass the SCP threshold what difference does it make.

I get that there's a "look how old my account is" dick waving thing, but other than that "legitimacy" it doesn't mean anything. Plenty of the older accounts here are fuckwits, or either sold, or compromised by weak passwords.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I am not SBBH.

25372049? ago

As you see, they know being outed as SBBH removes the chance of being taken seriously by the regulars.

Lying comes naturally to them, as does being a child. Expect no imagination. Another good hint, is a posting history consisting purely of circlejerk reddit-tier bullshit.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

and accusing users that expose you of being SBBH is a tactic that is as old as SBBH itself. Nice try schlomo.

25372200? ago

Note how the SBBHers reply is the exact reply I foretold: Juvenile, unimaginative circlejerk bullshit.

We are dealing with a bonafide redditor, people.

His next reply will be the same low effort juvenile crying, because after being outed by an actual Voater, taking a knee is his only option. He thinks there is honor in being willing to be a hysterical child longer, than rational people want to engage with him. That's SBBH for you.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I doubt there is a single legit user that believes your bullshit at this point....and if they can have em. Retard roundup.

Crensch ago

Submissions to sbbh and beatlestrollarmy.

He got you dead to rights.

blumen4alles ago

You forgot they are the owner of v/CrenschTopia the actual nicest sub on the site.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

lol...Who is "he"? You aren't just you? You are (((they))).

HesComingInTheClouds ago

@puttitout is a masonic orange 33 tranny

BjornIronside ago


VAT ago

lowercase jew is a verb, uppercase is a noun

"I got jewed by that Jew, after he told me he would not jew me this time"

veteran88 ago

jews consider it a great insult to misspell and mispronounce a name. exponentially so if they know your doing it on purpose out of disrespect and knowledge of their filthy customs.

Vc83 ago

They are all lowercase bitch

BjornIronside ago

Capitalization of proper nouns is a sign of respect.

I do not write with respect for the jew.

Also, jews are forbidden (without doing a ritual to "hide from god") to disrespect the tribe. They will always capitalize, or use some cutesy thing such as, "jooos".

VAT ago

Satan is 100% always historically capitalized. It is not because of respect.

BjornIronside ago

Okay, friend. Here we do not capitalize "jew", in any context.

abcjety ago

Welcome, took you long enough

ChildrensLivesMatter ago

That Crencsh character is revolting.

bingbang ago

He protects his squeeze box and uses that excuse to make /GA the most censored sub on voat.

ChildrensLivesMatter ago

I have seen that guy take pride talking about a dead infant. So disturbing!

AllTheThings ago

What censoring tactics do they use?

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

I remove the spammers, the pedos, the trolls, the shitposters...

They don't like that.

My sub is the nicest place on the site.

slapstick2 ago

Nah ur the biggest shill faggot on earth. Bans anyone that doesn't worship Israel. U masters

Crensch ago

You're a nobody.

The_Penis_Wizard ago

We're all nobodies here brosky, that's the point. Being a powermod just makes you a faggot nobody.

Crensch ago

No, some are pedophiles. Some are proven to be pedophiles, and some associate with pedophiles which I consider to be the same thing.

slapstick2 ago

Oh and you are shill? How does it pay?

veteran88 ago

I never hesitate to name the jew on greatawakening, and have gone on angry rants when jews are the bad guys, and i have never been banned once.

I think the enemy has shifted it's shill tactics to mostly demoralization shills, and divide and conquer shills. I have seen this patern repeat across a number of platforms, this is always the last stage before the site adopts reddit style censorship, gets bought out, or is destroyed i guess they consider voat a bigger threat now. I hope voat wins, i'm tired of moving.

Crensch ago

And these faggots are trying to frame me as the porn spammer.


blumen4alles ago

How dare you bring Kek into this!

VAT ago

try to mention any alternative subverses like v/theawakening or v/greatawakening, and the local v/QRV people will downvote your post claiming "not authorized by Q himself" or "those mods censor too much" and other claims.

facepaint ago

Yeah, that whole motto of WWG1WGA (Where We Go One, We Go All) is used to convince their followers to eliminate anyone or anything that questions any approved theme or idea in their forums. It brainwashed those idiots with a meme.

I am beyond amazed that something that started on the chans, where everyone is trained to question everything and to not trust any claim without receipts has turned into this. It is almost as if some boomer tier people with zero chan training got a hold of some several green text stories and took it as the gospel truth.

Everything "Q" posts reads like AND functions like a horoscope. You can read anything you want into it. This is why they are constantly claiming that "Q was right." Anything they retcon into making one of the pronouncements is true is seen as proof and validation that "Q" is the real deal. Anything that does not pan out is either ignored or it is assumed they just haven't yet figured out what Q really meant.

toobaditworks ago

I'm not a big fan of Q but:

I am beyond amazed that something that started on the chans, where everyone is trained to question everything and to not trust any claim without receipts has turned into this.

That is exactly why they don't go trust other forums.

The reason they only trust a certain forum is because Q is anonymous. And because Q is anonymous anyone could claim they are Q except on the chan where it all started because they have some number thing to prove identity IE: receipts as you put it. When the chan was taken down or before... Q gave a backup forum the OK using his identifying number (receipt) on the chan and said to go to Voat.

This is why they don't want people going to other forums because those forums can be run by frauds, fakers, liars, etc...

Nukeisrael ago

It’s boomers who raided /pol/ in 2016, not native 4chan users. Nobody who went through the naturalization process on 4chan from /b/ in middle school believes in 4 shit. /pol/ is a natsoc board and everyone else there is a boomer Qtard migrant who thinks not sucking trumps dick makes you a communist.

VAT ago


Q made a few astounding valid predictions, not many, but I am impressed.

Q warned us all that the media would try its best with dirty tactics to smear Q like this. This is just another attack! It will not work on the dedicated.

It is common among primates and humans to gang up and bond together tormenting chosen group members.

The relentless attacks on Q by older goats here is unwarranted, though sometimes funny in the NPC context this week.

A token tiny percentage of Q members could not handle "niggerfaggot" and "kike" but for all I know they were voat false flag plants to draw anger towards Q.

Q followers are no diferent from any other intelligent people, other than being enlightened.

Q is misunderstood and ridiculed because it is not normally explained in full why the movement is what it is. Its not complex but does take 3 minutes to explain Q movement.

But All the Q respondents in this thread will no doubt be bullied by some of the younger in age, but older in account age, bad apples. A few of the older goats seem to enjoy antagonizing "QTards" "Boomers" "Political heads" "Qoomers" "Knowitalls" "Qfags" etc that are flooding into their formerly semi-static space.

They do not want to understand Q at all.

Q is already proven time and time again to not be a hoax.

People are just upset that Q does not always reveal every detail ahead of an event, in order to prevent the event from NOT happening (informing enemies that are watching).

What is Q ?

The purpose of Q is to get people to research and think for themselves.

Q's core values are very simple. MAGA. Think for yourself. Stop being told how and what to think. He asks questions to draw attention to specific events. This is formally known as the Socratic Method. Which is exclusively used to discover the truth in the face of one's own biases. His main focus is getting America back into the hands of Americans and not globalists/Deep State. Which is why you know that all those who attack Q are ignorant, idiots, or shills. There are no exceptions. Basically Q is a back channel to Trump + US Military Intelligence. If you support Trump you support Q. If you don't support Q you don't support Trump. But you should decide for yourself if you care to listen to Q.

This is paste from a previous reply Another made to others on Q.:

Q is not a troll or a LARP. At best you can claim he's a psyop. And he is. Anyone telling you he's a troll or a LARP is telling you they are an idiot or a shill. Very probably a shill. Cults don't demand you think for yourself. Since Q only demands that people ask questions and research for themselves, what is the obvious outcome of the Q movement? Why is it called The Great Awakening? So yes, it absolutely is a psyop. But that doesn't mean it's bad. One of the oldest forms of psyop is to simply drop leaflets into enemy territory that food and safety is available. This was commonly used by the Allies in WWII. It's why everyone wanted to surrender to the Americans.

Q told us a peace deal with NK was a done deal. MSM was screaming that Trump was going to start nuclear war with them. Q provided unique pictures from AF1 flying over Korea (taken by anyone). Q provided surveillance pictures of a building. Months later, after the peace talks were underway additional surveillance photos were provided with Kim on top of the building. The building was a hotel where the talks were held. Kim was enjoying the infinity pool on the top of the hotel!

An anon asked Q to have Trump say, "Tippy top shape." and you know the rest.

Q also makes many Alice in Wonderland references and especially white rabbits. He frequently has said, "follow the white rabbit."

Q has provided surveillance photos of Page and Strzok, while they were employed by the FBI, while they were romancing it up in the UK. They met with other, as of yet, unidentified people.

Q told us exactly 30 days, to the minute, when John McCain would be executed or suicided. What privileged is frequently provided to military officers as an honorable death? Historically it's a gun with one bullet. McCain had a closed coffin funeral.

McCain got "cancer" as he wore his boot. His boot jumped foot. Hillary also got the same boot. It's believed these were to hide GPS trackers. Suddenly the claim of arrests make more sense? Remember the Clinton's flying commercial and how pissed off Hillary was?

"The United States seeks to impose tangible and significant consequences on those who commit serious human rights abuse or engage in corruption, as well as to protect the financial system of the United States from abuse by these same persons." "I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat."

"Sec. 12. In accordance with Article 33 of the UCMJ, as amended by section 5204 of the MJA, the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, will issue nonbinding guidance regarding factors that commanders, convening authorities, staff judge advocates, and judge advocates should take into account when exercising their duties with respect to the disposition of charges and specifications in the interest of justice and discipline under Articles 30 and 34 of the UCMJ. That guidance will take into account, with appropriate consideration of military requirements, the principles contained in official guidance of the Attorney General to attorneys for the Federal Government with respect to the disposition of Federal criminal cases in accordance with the principle of fair and evenhanded administration of Federal criminal law." - January 1, 2019

When it Comes to Guantanamo, Trump is Truly the Builder in Chief

US private prison program rebooted by Trump administration

Turley: Sessions’ Appointing Utah Federal Prosecutor Much Better for Trump than 2nd Special Counsel

It's pretty obvious by now: Trump is facing a coup

Every president since Reagan has been part of a Deep State cabal

This is just the tip of the iceberg. I challenge you to investigate on your own in earnest. If you are honest, I am absolutely confident you will believe.

Read the comments here:

BTW, there is currently over 57,000 sealed indictments at the DOJ. The DOJ has been hiring like crazy. An average year has no more than 2,000 sealed indictments. There are simple links that let you browse through the dated headers.

Within a 24 hour period, globally, over 50 media outlets all came out with the same attacks on Qanon, claiming he is fake, fringe, and/or violent. They never did any research and never contacted anyone within the movement. Real or not, the powers that be are terrified of Qanon. They absolutely do not want you do research for yourself.

It was no Qincidence that Q = 17th letter, and Trumps entire total words of his emergency alert test, presidential cell phone alert, was exactly 17 words. (dont forget the two header words) Trump stands with Q!

Yes, Virginia, There really is a Q.

Just Believe and Do Your Part to help what is asked of us in each Q drop. Q says "you have the power" and it is because we do have the power.

You can trust that Q will deliver us the righteous justice we seek that is fast approaching!

No action is needed, at this moment because Q will do most of the heavy lifting until we are called forth, and Q will vindicate us to the nonbelievers!

"Where we go one, we go all!"

MarauderShields ago

To be fair, a lot of the Qtard and Queef or Queer gags are more like a gentle hazing. A testing of the mettle, so to speak. This is mental fortitude training and a purpose built barrier to entry.

Some is malicious, yes, but none is as dangerous as the wolf in sheeps clothing.

Misskylie42 ago

‘Q’ is probably some White House puppeteer. These people have no idea

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Banning, post removal, comment removal and brigading are the main ones. For me it was comment and post removal and a banning based on me posting in a sub they didn't like. Which is absurd. I'm sure if shadow banning were an option here they would do that too.

SearchVoatBot ago

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mr_anthrope ago

One of you Q guys should just find a sub that's unused and take it over. There are some subs here without mods and it looks like you just need to click "You Can Claim This Sub" in order to become the mod. Do that and make it your new Q sub.

tom9152 ago

"You Can Claim This Sub" isn't working for me

CheeBooga ago

fuck these zionist retards. EXPEL THEM ALL

facepaint ago

Why do that? Can't anyone just make their own new sub from scratch?

toobaditworks ago

Yes and Q posted voat and the great awakening sub. It would defeat the purpose of trying to stay in control of their movement by going to another sub.

VAT ago

I know a few of them, but I feel so sad inside that their Mods disappeared from here almost 2 years ago, or from the planet. Some subverses have cool names.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

"you Q guys"...easy there cowboy. Not Q. Just trying to stop them from making more mistakes.

404LogicNotFound ago


Ocelot ago


MarauderShields ago
