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25371871? ago

OP is from SBBH, reddit's embassy on Voat.

GreatAwakening might suck, but SBBH are guaranteed drooling retards, so taking their word on anything is for people who belong on reddit.

MarauderShields ago

What's wrong with SBBH? Except the purile humor?

25381908? ago

They are redditors, who see free speech as a challenge. They dont want Voat to grow, they want Voat to die out.

Whenever you see an extra retarded and abrasive retard, good chance it's a larping SBBHer. Whenever you see someone posting Voat-worthy content, it is not a SBBHer.

Whenever reddit bans subs, you will see efforts to keep the potential new users off Voat. Those leading the effort will be SBBHers.

"The SBBHer will always tell you what happened to him, but he won't tell you why" - Old Voat proverb

They circlejerk and act as retards, then when a good mod bans the retards, they cry discrimination, try to rally actual Voaters against the good mod/sub.

They witch hunt individual users, follow them around, excessive pings, whatever a retarded child might do.

For a glorious hour or two, Puttitout banned most of them. That was Voat's peak.

MarauderShields ago

Thanks. This is fascinating. I was here when he made the code change and then wound it back, but I didn't see what all the fuss was about. That explains it. I never paid them much attention, but later there was a proliferation of SDBH and then SCBH and others. I'd read here thatbit was shills upvoating each other for CCP, but that doesn't really male sense as once you pass the SCP threshold what difference does it make.

I get that there's a "look how old my account is" dick waving thing, but other than that "legitimacy" it doesn't mean anything. Plenty of the older accounts here are fuckwits, or either sold, or compromised by weak passwords.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I am not SBBH.

25372049? ago

As you see, they know being outed as SBBH removes the chance of being taken seriously by the regulars.

Lying comes naturally to them, as does being a child. Expect no imagination. Another good hint, is a posting history consisting purely of circlejerk reddit-tier bullshit.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

and accusing users that expose you of being SBBH is a tactic that is as old as SBBH itself. Nice try schlomo.

25372200? ago

Note how the SBBHers reply is the exact reply I foretold: Juvenile, unimaginative circlejerk bullshit.

We are dealing with a bonafide redditor, people.

His next reply will be the same low effort juvenile crying, because after being outed by an actual Voater, taking a knee is his only option. He thinks there is honor in being willing to be a hysterical child longer, than rational people want to engage with him. That's SBBH for you.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I doubt there is a single legit user that believes your bullshit at this point....and if they can have em. Retard roundup.

Crensch ago

Submissions to sbbh and beatlestrollarmy.

He got you dead to rights.

blumen4alles ago

You forgot they are the owner of v/CrenschTopia the actual nicest sub on the site.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

lol...Who is "he"? You aren't just you? You are (((they))).