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AllTheThings ago

What censoring tactics do they use?

Crensch ago

I remove the spammers, the pedos, the trolls, the shitposters...

They don't like that.

My sub is the nicest place on the site.

slapstick2 ago

Nah ur the biggest shill faggot on earth. Bans anyone that doesn't worship Israel. U masters

Crensch ago

You're a nobody.

The_Penis_Wizard ago

We're all nobodies here brosky, that's the point. Being a powermod just makes you a faggot nobody.

Crensch ago

No, some are pedophiles. Some are proven to be pedophiles, and some associate with pedophiles which I consider to be the same thing.

slapstick2 ago

Oh and you are shill? How does it pay?

veteran88 ago

I never hesitate to name the jew on greatawakening, and have gone on angry rants when jews are the bad guys, and i have never been banned once.

I think the enemy has shifted it's shill tactics to mostly demoralization shills, and divide and conquer shills. I have seen this patern repeat across a number of platforms, this is always the last stage before the site adopts reddit style censorship, gets bought out, or is destroyed i guess they consider voat a bigger threat now. I hope voat wins, i'm tired of moving.

Crensch ago

And these faggots are trying to frame me as the porn spammer.


blumen4alles ago

How dare you bring Kek into this!