Think of all the disgusting things that are left in public pools (especially water parks).
- Fecal matter
- Cum
- Boogers
- Blood
- Puss
- Bandaids
- Dandruff
- Fold cheese from fatties
- Pubic hairs
- Spit / loogies from coughing while sick
- Toe jam
- Urine
- Ear wax
Sure, they add tons of chemicals to kill all that stuff, but now you are soaking yourself in heavy chlorines and other acids, on top of the now dead, but still present items listed above.
Just the thought of it makes me gag.
flopsymopsy ago
Black kids at my local pool used to shit in it when they wanted to go home...every single day. They shit, pool called the police, police gave them a lift home. Every single day.
claire_lovely ago
Ocean swimming can be very nice, I don't like public pools.
Twinkgoat ago
And don't forget the online vids of people having sex in resort pools.
..... wait until you realize there are public hot tubs. The filters of a hottub get twice as dirty in half the time and are 1/20 the size
derraboof123 ago
I'm not squeamish, and they're all bad, but #8 got to me in a big way for some reason. Ugh, shudder....
Tuftedtitmouse ago
Yep, it's a big factor for me too. Imagine the stink and cream that exists in those folds being dissolved by the pool chemicals. Many fatties have admitted to using public pools as their MONTHLY baths.
thirdsargon ago
It's not the pool, it's the public.
SpecialtyPizza ago
Big deal. Wont kill you.
Tuftedtitmouse ago
I never said it would. It's just gross to me.
dampkitty ago
Germans would lose to have a relatively clean pool like that,
all theirs are full of muslim turds now, thanks Merkel and Junkers
Ilisyer ago
You missed diseases and parasites like E. Coli and Cryptosporidium and other human transmissible diseases. From all that diarrhea, poor hygiene; unwashed buttholes, etc.
A public pool is not far off from a sewer or maybe a public toilet that hasn't been cleaned in a while. All that infectious poo splatter you might find all over the bowl... That's in the pool.
CDC: Recreational Water Illnesses Of course the stock image is a niglet... No wait, the nigger is the infectious agent; It's a warning.
CDC: Visiting Oceans, Lakes, and Rivers Less related, but more anti-white prograganda. More niggers on top, miscegenation below.
The CDC has no credibility when it comes to the health of white people. They clearly hate you and want to see you gone.
The_Mandalorian ago
The typical smell of bathhouses and public pools is the smell of chlorine reacting with urine in the water. Mark rober on YouTube has a video on it. Tried it myself with two different buckets. Feels good to have a private pool.
KingMortales ago
I grew up constantly swimming in pools, water parks, and the ocean, and I rarely got sick. I still rarely get sick and I'm not a pussy ass little bitch. If it can only bother you when you think about it then it's not worth thinking about.
Tuftedtitmouse ago
Ok tough guy. Enjoy soaking your head in cheese from the inner rolls of a 400lb Instagram model.
Pickle_Rick ago
I don't think anybody is cumming in the pool. Right?
Tuftedtitmouse ago
People fuck in pools all the time. I've caught people doing it at hotels before
Pickle_Rick ago
That's hot.
clamhurt_legbeard ago
Tuftedtitmouse ago
Yeah and? What's the point? I make a new account every few months. It's kind of funny when I get these comments because in reality I have been here for 4+ years.
clamhurt_legbeard ago
No you haven't.
Tuftedtitmouse ago
Yes, I have.
Smallest_Skil ago
I was a good swimmer when I was younger, loved the pools. Now the thought of it grosses me out for what the OP said. I have not been to a pool in many many years because its gross.
Tuftedtitmouse ago
Exactly. It's just gross. I know lakes and rivers have animal piss and bacteria and blah blah blah, pools are just concentrated human waste and I choose not to dip my body in it. Also, the chemicals in a pool strip your skin of beneficial bacteria.
jimibulgin ago
I was at the YMCA once and this lady get out of the lap pool screaming. A yoof had pulled down his pants and dropped a deuce in the water. She was screaming, "I'm wearing goggles, I can see everything underwater!"
who wants to play "guess the race...."?
BurqaFart ago
The office staff at our apartment complex locked the bathrooms near the pool because muh corona. Now everybody just pisses in the pool.
superspathi ago
Every drop of water you drink has been pissed out by something.
Jippymausen ago
I remember having a couple friends who admitted that they pissed in pools and acted like it was no big deal. Disgusting.
HappyMealBullshit ago
Why are so many people shitting in pools? In over thirty years of life Ive never once had the urge or need to shit in a pool.
B166-ER ago
Fish poop in the ocean. Doesn't stop me.
mrnicegoy ago
I remember I was at a gold's gym and they had a full hot tub in the bathroom not far away from urinals and sinks and stuff it was so gross, hardly anybody used it. One of the gym workers was taking some chlorine measurements and a guy asked him what he was doing he replied, "checking the ppm", the guy asked "what's that, pubes per million?" Whole lockerroom loses it....but it was only funny because it's true!
kammmmak ago
OP.. 26 days SCP: 23 (+23 | -0) CCP: 1k (+1.1k | -110)
Only if blacks will I not.
All of my best memories revolve around rivers, lakes, oceans And pools.
Humansized ago
city scum problems.
Civil_Warrior ago
Deal breaker.
Jiggggg ago
This is why I dream of being able to have my own pool. Clean Whites only
Leveraction ago
Don't go to the glenwood hot springs, colo. Wall to wall people. ALL of them 3rd world shithole sand niggers. I, thank God never got in when i saw a turd floating and these 7th century filthy disgusting nignogs using it as their personal bath tub. Demanded a refund. Used to be a nice place, NOT now.
Gibbsmecrack ago
Yes. Same with water parks or hotel pools. It's disgusting.
blackzetsu ago
"Fold cheese from fatties"
You got me with that one. Hard to contain laughter, geez that was good
Fried-Laptop ago
Tuftedtitmouse ago
Yes, but plenty of white land whales love to swim in pools.
78616BC93459 ago
It's the only way they can get relief from gravity. Comically, they float so hard they literally can't go underwater. It's worth throwing in silver dollars to watch a fatty try to submerge. They can't.
Tuftedtitmouse ago
Haha, that is true. They also will sit in a pool for 3 hours, just floating around, then go on Instagram and say they 'exercised for 3 hours today'.
Fried-Laptop ago
Spreading their legs & gargli g the pool water then going on twatter claiming sex w/ a dozen HOT guys & girls this afternoon
Tuftedtitmouse ago
I love their little mohawks.
New-World-Ebola ago
it's highly racist not wanting to swim in fecal matter
AlphaOmega ago
I was a swimmer for my entire youth and finished at the Olympic trial level. I was in a pool for an average of 20 hours a week for the last 8 years of my career. I'm now in my 40's and have no health problems to show for it.
Leveraction ago
You kinda missed the point. Try to keep up mkay?
Inatehiggers ago
Do you live around diversity?
Tuftedtitmouse ago
Good to hear. But that wasn't really my point. Just gross to me.
SmaugTheGolden ago
Oh, forgot to mention teenager's discharge. From 12-17 they have heavy discharge. Yuck
Pickle_Rick ago
What are ypu talking about?
SmaugTheGolden ago
The fact that teenage girls often have discharge from their vaginas in the ages between 12-17. Actually, my wife told me that bc was reading what Op said up top aloud and my wife chimes in and says, "Gross, girls discharge too", then started to tell me the rest, so I commented that here bc that is gross and it's in pools.
Pickle_Rick ago
I'm with that other guy. Sign me up for a frothy mug of teenage girl discharge.
tony2shirts ago
Wanna go half on a six pack? lol
Pickle_Rick ago
Most certainly.
SmaugTheGolden ago
Lol. It's as easy as going to the pool when it's crowded with girls.
tony2shirts ago
I would love to taste that
jimibulgin ago
shut the fuck up you degenerate kike.
tony2shirts ago
Age of consent is 16 in my state so those last 2 years would be completely legal... but I imagine the younger you go the sweeter it gets.
SmaugTheGolden ago
Just be in a public pool then bc it for sure will be there. lol
SmaugTheGolden ago
One time was at our local public pool at night and there goes a turd floating by about 8 feet away. Fucking disgusting.
Shlarb123 ago
It was just a Baby Ruth.
SmaugTheGolden ago
From someone's ass.
Smallest_Skil ago
tanukihat ago
They didn't used to be like that. I wonder what changed?
fusir ago
Why the fuck did we teach them to swim?
Notice also that they are on the relatively deep end and they can still stand. Someone built that park with them in mind.
Smallest_Skil ago
so many wild animals in that pool gross.
tanukihat ago
Can you believe there was a time when wild animals were forbidden by law to be in the pool? What changed?
Smallest_Skil ago
fightknightHERO ago
There is aids in the water
rndmvar ago
No, that's Ebola.
tanukihat ago
Rizzo9000 ago
MrPank ago
Yeah I dont get it. As a kid I dont remember them being nearly as fucking gross. Now? If a pool that isnt already infested with niggers or spics, it looks like it has been recently. Private pools only.
Tuftedtitmouse ago
Yeah, I will swim in my friend's private pool, because I know they are hygienic people, but even then I still feel kind of squirmy, I won't put my head under. We live near a small river that is crystal clear. I swim in there daily.
78616BC93459 ago
Clear don't mean shit. Hope there's no population of Mexicans within 50 miles or I guarantee there's shit and piss in that river at a minimum.
Plavonica ago
Or an illegal grow op upstream. There would be enough poison in the runoff to kill anything on the banks of that river for miles.
Tuftedtitmouse ago
Luckily very few, but what grosses me out is the sheer concentration of the listed items above. At least in lakes and rivers it's diluted 10s of thousands of times more than in a pool. It's also been my experience that most (not all) degenerates swim in pools over lakes and rivers. Obviously there are exceptions. Lastly, my point was not to imply I didn't think there is bacteria and stuff in lakes or rivers too, just that given the choice, I would never step foot or toe in a public pool.
ShackelfordRusty ago
To be fair, as a kid you probably didn't notice or care as much.
Mustard_of_puppets ago
Now do lakes.
Tuftedtitmouse ago
Depends on the lake. Some are gross, some are pristine.
ketoll ago
I've went cliff diving at a lake once and a couple of times swallowed some of the lake water by accident (goes up your nose, etc). Who knows what was in that. Never again.
AR47 ago
Every lake I have been too smells of dead fish and gasoline.
Gibbsmecrack ago
Lake superior is amazing. Super cold but that's what makes it crystal clear. Lake Michigan is okay but it seems to have a lot of algae in it compared to 20 years ago. Idk about Huron. Erie is full of toxic algae and Ontario I don't know about.
Eleutheria ago
Erie is the worst. Even when I went there 15 years ago, the shoreline was covered in algae. I can't imagine that has gotten any better.
BalfourYourFace ago
I was at LA fitness swimming there, one time I saw this chink bitch shaving her legs and rinsing the razor out in the jacuzzi, I saw this chick faggot blow his nose into his hand and flick it into the pool and then I saw this fat as fuck Indian with a turban on get out of the sauna and dip himself directly into the pool. This was three visits In a row. I just thought Holy shit this disgusting shit happens ALL THE TIME FUCK THIS.
never went back. I miss my high school and college pool where only water polo and swim teams used it... Clean AS FUCK
AngryInVirginia ago
Oh Lord! I just realized that I was guilty of the blowing my nose thing when I was a child. Where do I repent??
BalfourYourFace ago
He wasn't even in the pool, idiot
AngryInVirginia ago
My gosh! I am such an idiot!
KingMortales ago
Don't, people are fucking pussies nowadays. Not everything has to be 100% sterile.
Iamthelightning ago
South Park - Minorities in my water park
AlexanderMorose13 ago
Pipi's Splashdown with a mock Mario Bros. owner was pretty funny. The entire park getting so full of pee that it floods the neighboring counties was hilarious. The cure to pee being bananas put me on the floor.
McBoogerballs ago
What's the matter for you? You don't appreciate a Peepee's water park?
fusir ago
I like how south park correlated the number of minorities with the concentration of the urine.
McBoogerballs ago
Can always count on south park to slap the truth upside our heads. The degenerate Mr Slave & Ms Garrison, stupid spoiled whore, the goobacks, smug... Great show
TrialsAndTribulation ago
Agree, used to be great. It's such a shame Trey Parker totally cucked. The last five seasons have been unwatchable, preachy, and SJW level faggotry.
McBoogerballs ago
I agree, stopped watching shortly after pc principle became a thing
Tuftedtitmouse ago
It all went down hill when they started to crank out episodes in a week. The writing went to shit. Also, when they made each season one long episode, it went way down hill.
TrialsAndTribulation ago
Spot on. They were at their peak in the season with the Coon and Friends and the Deepwater Horizon parody. I could even deal with it when they made the season episodes a continuous story. But when they started getting preachy about social justice, especially with the introduction of PC Principal, it just looked like they were giving in the PC culture and I lost interest. I download and watch them just to keep up, but they're depressing and pointless and I don't ever re-watch them as I do with earlier episodes.
Tuftedtitmouse ago
Seasons 6-12 were the best work.
TrialsAndTribulation ago
This always happens when creators start to take their parody characters too seriously. They're supposed to be one-dimensional, and when you give them too much depth, the satire is blunted.
Tuftedtitmouse ago
Hahahaha, mexicans everywhere.