Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

Unless she's been demoralized by a joo.

boekanier ago

It' s only 'natural' in the weird and sickening world of advertising.

mudslime ago

Jew Basic Propaganda. Nothing new.


Do something, white warrior

ToxicWhiteMale ago

You got that right

Cunty84 ago

Smart girl, she needs to teach this to all European white girls all over, blacks are sub human no matter how nice an extremely small minority might come across.

ScientiaPotentia ago

If fact it is anti-Natural, but that is what we are up against. Our enemy is the enemy of God and the Natural Order. That is why they push Black empowerment, homosexuality, bestiality, necrophilia, interracial marriage, pedophilia, unnatural liiving, unnatural food, unnatural vaccines, unnatural work, female power/feminism, etc. Those things are all against the Logos, the Natural Order of the Universe, and God.

BatFairy ago

It's the media's fault most of these mud sharks go this way. Girls think they are being edgy and cool, and best of all in today's world - not racist.

It's beastiality for a woman to lie with a nigger. Burn the coal, pay the toll. They will be made Pez dispensers soon.

Finsterbaby ago

Agreed. It is disgusting and akin to bestiality. Might as well fuck a dog. I blame MTV and other jew-controlled media for this.

New-World-Ebola ago

the only way to stop this is to exterminate them all.

look at history and try to prove me wrong.

AhmaudArbery ago

I think there is something wrong with women who won't date their own race and yes that includes Asian bitches who want to duck white guys .

CheeBooga ago

Nobody wants a turd with eyeballs.

WhiteChickens ago

Niggers have a higher social status than white men in today's society.

That's a woman's main criteria for dating so we're fucked.

Doesn't matter if they're ugly, stinky, violent (that's actually a plus).

Sernie_Banders ago

Niggers have a higher social status than white men in today's society.

no they dont among normal society. among degenerate marxist SJW poor assholes, yes publicly, no privately. Even those types of idiots still date/marry white guys.

WhiteChickens ago

Not in mainstream society, the only society females care about.

All major corps have endorsed BLM, it's all over the TV and every form of media.

White girls are marching with BLM in every city and niggers are fucking all of them.

Sernie_Banders ago

social virtue points are becoming more important. which happened with the decline of society, family, religion, etc as we become nearly completely atomized. But right now, it is mainly those SJW marxist assholes that are marching with BLM.

WhiteChickens ago

Didn't realize we were specifying marxist or not, most females are commies. lol

Any area with a significant number of dindus will see most of the white girls fucking black boys.

Otherwise, the niggers will beat up the white boy and take his girlfriend.

This is just about any populated area now.

Whats_my_password ago

Media does it like an informercial and the girls grow up thinking that's cool and how to be popular. Since the late 80s, and now it's a generation completely raised on it.

CheeBooga ago

Only jews push black males with white women. Anytime you see it just know that a jew was behind it.

TasAkri ago

I hear jews are behind all that SJW bullshit but why? What's their gain? And what's their end game?

CheeBooga ago

The Kalergi Plan

RandomFurryDude ago

No self respecting white woman would want to date a man who resembles literal human waste.

DohBoy ago

It’s usually hogs.

ThunderMilk ago

Top right: He's like 30 and she's 12. WTF?

Inkbottle ago

The only time i want to see those colors together is when i'm eating an ice cream sandwich

voatdied ago

that full grown nigger ape is literally proposing to a child.

892012518HEROS ago

Good girl

Steinmacher ago

its called daddy-hate.

or they watched daddy worship nigger ball players as they grew up...

KosherHiveKicker ago

IF it was natural, THEN the fucking Kike media wouldn't need to push this shit 24/7 into their false "popular culture".

GhostBalls ago

I've actually overheard some ad exec types discussing this, and apparently it's A. absolutely deliberate and B. it's mostly women and gay men behind these ads. Make of that whatever you will.

JesusRules ago

gimme five dollah

yewotm8 ago

The mechanism causing it is natural, but the situation causing that mechanism in the female brain to act that way is entirely not natural.

Women get wet for men who are seen as powerful or high status in some way, and right now with niggers getting away with violence that White men are punished for, their primitive brains decide blacks are better. The same thing happened in Rotherham, where fathers were arrested for preventing their daughters from being around pakis. That only makes the little girls want the pakis.



Lagmonster ago

Almost like they were programmed at an early age to self destruct. What do you think beauty and the beast teaches little girls?

aussie_fuckin_legend ago

If you have been brainwashed for the last 20 years to hate your self and have no self worth then having a nigga as a partner is perfect.

rebel_1812 ago

They are trying to normalize it. What people see on movies and TV they think is normal behavior. That is the power and influence of the media. How many GFs have you had that thought you looked like a celeb. With the push for only nigger celebs, women will start thinking random niggers look like celebs and date them.

Sernie_Banders ago

No one says this, white women have the highest in group preference of any other race of women

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

That seems incorrect to me. I've never seen a pajeet woman with a white man, for example. And how many spicettes are walking around with non-spics? In my experience, it is definitely opposite.

Sernie_Banders ago

I see it all the time, especially indian women. Not to marry of course, her parents wouldn't approve of it. The same with Hispanic women. But they are more prone to serious relationships with white men than Indian women.

Logansrun ago

Definitely a push to counter natural instinct

Sernie_Banders ago

yes. women unfortunately are much more prone to have social herd mentality and are easier to persuade because of it.

happycutie ago

They don't. White women very rarely have relationships with blacks. Women want normal white guys.

It's also really disturbing that the black guy always looks older. The top right looks old enough to be her dad's age.

Sheisse ago

True. But when women get lonely and desperate, they will do anything (as you can see). These women in the pictures probably aren't quite yet in that boat.

TheKnightOfGod ago

"It's also really disturbing that the black guy always looks older. The top right looks old enough to be her dad's age." I noticed that too, fucking gross.

Khash36 ago

And yes i agree some black people are respectable. That is why I advocate for them to be nationalists & stick with their own race. If we all become mixed race mongrels than both whites and blacks will cease to exist. However, miscegenation hurts whites more, blacks get our good genetics & whites are erased. But that child will not be black anymore even if it does look and act more like a nig

Khash36 ago

You didn’t, although even as a young man I never wanted to date a black girl. You’re being a sensitive faggot, i’m stating why woman should never race-mix. Unless they are trash tier woman or other races than I don’t care

CeasarSalud ago

Marketing is mostly done by faggots at a handful of firms that are so pozzed you'd think Google was run by the alt right.

Their logic is niggers won't buy shit unless they see another nigger using it, monkey see monkey do sort of thing.

White people don't care and will buy it anyway.

Therefore we can get nigger money and white money.

Thing is, how often do people really see ads, streaming services dont have as many, some not at all, I'm trained now to ignore ads online. Only time I see adverts is if I go to a city or when they're posted here.

A nigger is probably more likely to consume media with commercials or live in an urban setting with billboards, so they actually see and pay attention.

So brands think the pozzed commercials work, black people steal and Rob people for the product more often and whites continue buying since they didn't see the pozzed adverts.

RustinKohle ago

Like every clothing site ive been on last few months the model is always a nig.

CeasarSalud ago

True, I buy shitty dress shirts and my wife was trying to get me to go to Brooks Brothers.

Got out of it since they have a bootlip on the front site, sweetie I don't wear nigger clothes.

Khash36 ago

I can’t understand why a woman would want to conceive a child that will not look or act like her. She’s sacrificing the best years of her life & her God-given gifts. That is why fighting miscegenation is a noble cause, it is to protect our woman who know no better. As a man I would want my children to be a better version of me.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Do you THINK it's due to LIES? I do. They WERE told there is NO difference other than SKIN COLOR between races. THAT is a LIE.

"Dr" Ben Carson JUST said (Fox News). When HE is operating on someone's brain there is NOTHING in there that allows him to tell if the person is black, white, yellow, etc. He is either a LIAR or he is an INCOMPETENT BRAIN SURGEON. There are DEFINATE differences between WHITE and nigger brains. PERIOD. FACT.

Parasites are ALL about unity. I wonder WHY??? You put niggers ALONE on a continent, they live in the STONE AGE INSTANTLY. White people are FAR BETTER OFF WITHOUT NIGGER PRESENCE!!! FACT!

He then goes on about Martin King. "judged not by SKIN COLOR, but by the CONTENT OF THEIR CHARACTER". THAT has ALWAYS happened. SAME WAY we DECIDE NOT to mess around with RATTLESNAKES without having gotten to KNOW ANY individual Rattlesnake.

You DO NOT get a BITE at the apple. That is NOT in the BIble. 2nd Corinthians. C6:17. DO NOT YOKE YOURSELF with INFIDELS. PERIOD. 6:12: Does Jesus have a concord with Belial?



CHOOSE! The consequences of THAT choice are YOURS to bear!!!

TripleZ ago

Bestiality is a sin.

anticlutch ago

They don't.

Any voat user who posts that they totally saw it IRL is a kike and at most they see a bunch of jewesses with niggers.

mendelbot ago

I see this quite often where I live.

GhostBalls ago

Bro, hate to break this to you, but some of us don't live on a hundred-acre compound in Montana. We see what's happening out there and the mixed relationship thing is real. I'm not saying I like it, I'm saying it exists. If your spergbrain can't even wrap itself around that much then I'm afraid I've some bad news for you. Go ahead, start screeching about how I'm a joooooooo for bursting your bubble.

Khash36 ago

Regardless on if they are a good nigger or not, you are destroying your genetic lineage. This is even more destructive when a beautiful white woman that has great genetics to offer takes a shit on the white gene pool. Two good-looking white parents always make the best children. Even other races should keep their race pure.

skimster ago

Women are fucked up creatures.

BaronVonCockmurder ago

Well, when the media raises them to think that white men are all racist pedos and that black men are all misunderstood angels..

SparklingWiggle ago

Isn't it interesting that whites can make niggers but niggers can't make whites.

bingo-bango-bongo ago

It is natural if youre surrounded by faggot white men and white pussified men. Women will go with the strongest genes and white dudes are failing big time

SparklingWiggle ago



TheSeer ago

Why don't they ever (or rarely) promote white males and black females?

Because even with a lot of brainwashing, it doesn't work.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

You see it occasionally, but the women are almost always quadroons with white-ish features and a happy head. You'll never see a white man with some orangutan straight from Africa.

Monarch981 ago

What do you mean a happy head

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

"happy head" = afro

edwardbernays ago

it's probably easier to get white guys to be faggots than to bang shaneequa

PanteraFan99 ago

I'm not even white and i know this as fact from hangin with my caucasian bro's.

pandnh4 ago

He’s not even holding the box the right way.

HolePunch ago

he knows he's going to kill her and pawn the ring when the first payment comes due.

Itgetsbetter ago

I once dated a fantastically beautiful germanic looking woman. Easily Playboy centerfold material. I knew from the start she was a hardcore leftie but I figured I could make it work if I focused on our common interests (fucking and watching movies). That worked for about 8 months until she started revealing she had black sex fantasies. I tried ignoring it at first but she kept bringing it up with increasing intensity until I was forced to give her the boot. Not sure what happened to her after that but I'd be surprised if she didn't do a nignog. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she did it before we started dating, though she never admitted to that.

CeasarSalud ago

When a woman has fantasies of fucking other guys you don't ignore it, you tell her to live out her fantasies while all her shit goes on the lawn.

Phantom42 ago

Plenty of whores in the option list...

No actual women though, as far as I'm concerned. I'd be happy to be proven wrong though.

dassaer ago

" ... but I figured I could make it work if I focused on our common interests (fucking and watching movies)."

Holy fcking shit dude, honestly, the outcome doesn't surprise at all lol ....

Hagitty2015 ago

The girls in the those adverts look kind of uncomfortable, tbh.

Splooge ago

They really do. It's like they instinctively know even pretending to enjoy the company of these beasts is wrong.

Onward2_Sideways8 ago

That's all jew propaganda. The only White girls that fuck niggers are refugees from v/fatpeoplehate.

Twodivinehipsters ago

What's with the FPH bashing? The Healthy At Every Size, fat acceptance movement is propaganda.

edwardbernays ago

no shit. in other news water is wet and grass is green

Maddmartigan ago

The desensitizing propaganda is working. I see more and more White girls with black guys. Women are weak and very susceptible to media and perceived social norms. They follow trends and those trends come from the (((media))). That's why the synagogue of satan has control over most forms of media.

13445123751 ago

To be fair, I've also seen more and more women dating niggers and, apart from the odd upper middle-class college educated liberal, it's mostly low-value fat sluts with tattoos who smoke and take drugs. At least, niggers are nowhere near taking good white women because what good white woman would fuck a nigger anyway?

TheKnightOfGod ago

Damn bro, you wrote down my thoughts.

CeasarSalud ago

Really, because I'm encountering more women who will flat out say niggers stink like shit and need to stop complaining.

Are you sure they're actual women and not Jews? The one girl from my high school who burned coal got made fun of at my reunion for being a ghetto hat trick, 3 kids 3 different dads.

PanteraFan99 ago

It's probably best to write those women off, they were going to fuck around and fullfill their fetish one way or the other who gives a shit if they are fat,pretty, or whatever the natural yearning for some women to be whores is unstoppable, don't blame the men all the time, lots of women persue this shit till they get what they want, stop thinking in the mentality of women being soft as the driven snow because those are very far and few current times.

TheRightSideofThings ago

a ghetto hat trick,

ahahahahahahahah I come for the stories but I STAY for the comments

Maddmartigan ago

I live right by a pretty nice beach and I see it all the time more and more. Good looking fertile white women hanging off of a niggers arm. Maybe it depends on location but from my view it's increasing much more.

voatusernamevoat ago

I've seen the same at my grocery store.

HolePunch ago

probably depends on where you are. i see it everyday and more often than ever. it's not just fat trailer trash girls either, i've seen upper class good looking girls with niggers

even ten years ago it was not as bad as it is today.

CeasarSalud ago

Must be a west coast thing, here in northeast metro it's always women whose pet negro screams "best I could do".

Joe_McCarthy ago

It's everywhere. At least in cities. And not just black-white either. White girls - HOT white girls - under 25 fuck niggers, spics, dotheads, gooks, you name it. And white guys aren't much better. Those who say this is all a Jew media myth are probably rarely around youth circles or live in the sticks. Right-wingers tend to be old and country - so living in denial is easy.

Maddmartigan ago

I agree. I have eyes that work and it's most definitely increasing.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Absolute racial submersion underway. In its final stages even. When the boomers die off you'll have country folk and race-mixers. A bit of an over-generalization but close enough to ring true.

Maddmartigan ago

It's clearly more prominent in the cites that's for sure.

CeasarSalud ago

Jew confirmed spread lies elsewhere.

Go back to Reddit and suck baby dicks rabbi.

GhostBalls ago

"Everybody who contradicts me is a joooooo!!!!!1 REEEEEE"

CeasarSalud ago

Is this your alt for replies Jew_McCarthy?

GhostBalls ago

Nope- but go right ahead and convince yourself otherwise if it helps to keep your world and mind intact.

CeasarSalud ago

Sure Jew_McCarthy

GhostBalls ago


Joe_McCarthy ago

Okay, genius.

Take a look at this. That's five years old even.

I did mention cities. 31% of new marriages in Las Vegas were interracial. Almost as high in San Diego and Santa Barbara. Wanna see hot beach babes with muds? Go to Southern California! Almost as high in Albuquerque. And so on.

Five years ago 45% of white Americans age 18-34 reported having dated interracially.

Moreover, I've seen this stuff. It is especially bad near college campuses in areas where the races interact.

Though if you're a retiree in Buttfuck, Montana or live Appalachia or some place - you may not get out and see what is going on.

CeasarSalud ago

Sure Rabbi, keep on pipulling.

Haha you even invoked another Jew to try and make your point.

I get it, since the blacks are onto you there's a collective oi vey by the tribe.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Well, if you call data from the Pew Research Center "another Jew", sure.

CeasarSalud ago

Jew Research center yes.

What's more disturbing is you actually looked that shit up or had it saved somewhere.

Go back to Reddit Jew_McCarthy

Joe_McCarthy ago

I seriously doubt you know the first thing about the Pew Research Center or who runs it. 'Jew' is just anything you dislike I suspect.

The 'Jew' business is just mudsill ad hominem but I'll humor your stupidity anyway. The Pew Research Center was founded by Andrew Kohut. Kohut is a surname of Slavic origin. Czech or Slovakian.

The current heads have an English surname and a probable Italian surname. If they're Jews I invite you to prove it. Not that you had a clue who they are before making this claim.

CeasarSalud ago

Ok Jew_McCarthy

Smokybubbles ago

Just desensitizing propaganda. Kind of sickening.

SearchVoatBot ago

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kammmmak ago

Stupid ignorant cunts

LibCucks ago


FridayJones ago

Maybe when bitches get nose jobs they lose their sense of smell. Because otherwise I can't see how they can occupy the same room, let alone the same bed. Niggers have a really nasty funky smell.

LurkedForever ago

The nog stinks.

hang_em_high ago

Got stuck by an extra smelly one on a flight once. Thought about going for the escape hatch.

LibCucks ago

Why are you still dragging this on. You think beating this dead horse will accomplish anything?

PuritySpiral ago

I agree that not every black is a nigger. That is still no excuse for miscegenation.

LibCucks ago

And you are corrupted by the jewish lie that niggers are human. Sorry to break it to you. They aren't.

LarryWhiteContrary ago

And they DONT. This is gaslighting propaganda by JEWISH marketing teams

Intrixina ago

This is absolutely gaslighting. Fuck the scumbag filth for pushing this.

CallingOutBsWeWoWeWo ago

Thank you for calling this out immediately for the fake shit it is

PagingDrBenway ago

Well, I see a lot of it recently where I am from. I never miss an opportunity to show my clear and shameless disgust at the woman. They usually immediately look at their shoes, or bury their heads in their phones, and have not once maintained eye contact with me when I shoot my accusatory gaze their way. I am a pretty fierce, impressive specimen of a White man too, so that definitely helps. lol

I don't tend to see the same 'couples' more than once. IU encourage all of you to do the same. Shame these whores out of their state of jew mind-control. Niggers don't have bigger dicks on average, all they have are jew lies on their side to fool the naive. We have the substance. Dominate. Own your space. Claim our women as our own. They love that kind of shit.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

I see some on occasion when traveling, but I more often see white women pushing around niglets in strollers, and you just know 93% of them have no father.

robot7247 ago

It's positioned as a fashion accessory like tiny dogs; post a pic and get likes.

thatguyiam ago

Hello glofegs

Ilisyer ago

It's ALL fiction. People need to immediately realize that these images are fake, made with props, actors, etc. Back when that top-right image first came out I changed it to this. Now understand that both the images you are looking at are equally fake. That there is no difference in authenticity of the illusion being portrayed here. (Mine being closer to truth, of course)

I believe this kind of propaganda works because the human mind just isn't built to disbelieve its own eyes. We can learn what we're seeing is fake, but it's still right in front of us. Where in nature can you find such perfect illusions? This type of visual manipulation never existed so there isn't a significant natural defense to these kinds of images, performances, etc. A healthy mind reacts will react with disgust, but there is still plenty who would be fooled into ingesting this poison. Especially when being lied to about the harm it does.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

Dude that pic is obviously fake. Beretta M9 is a gentleman's 9mm. That nigger would be sporting a Hi-Point.

Unless he stole it. Which he probably did.

envy_ ago

That picture funny as shit tho

itssomatic ago

Sacrebleu, to sully that Beretta by putting it in niggermitts.

Usernamenameuser ago

Thats hilarious

TheRightSideofThings ago

ahahahahahahahah that was fuckin hilarious

cosMICjester ago

A certain Austrian was right round up all these schl0m0 bolshevik buzzards to be jettisoned to their dark continent paradise or exterminate.

thirdsargon ago

Dating statistics confirm this.

001011001011 ago

Yep, looking at OkCupid system stats, women from all races prefer White men over other men and especially White women. The ones dating niggers are a loud minority rather than the norm.

bb4c35 ago

Same as guys that "like BBWs".

Man you're just looking for easy pussy, so much so that you're willing to drop standards. All there is to it.

Maybe if they could admit that to themselves they'd be doing better in life.

001011001011 ago

Oh wow, there are even obese women (get that 'BBW' outta here) who are picky these days, want nothing but Mr Chad Perfect and think they're actually desirable.

bb4c35 ago

There's a ridiculous lack of self-awareness on display on dating apps.

Pictures are all tits and ass but the text pretends she's not just there to get fucked

Chick could be 38 and all used up but still playing hard to get like she's got any of the spark she had at 20 left

Fat girls that aren't easy and pretend anyone wants them for literally any other reason.

And of course, guys that are trying to run through as many sluts as possible yet think they're above the negative effects of just throwing it around like that.

mr_anthrope ago

Even prostitutes say "no" to niggers. Most, if not all internet hooker ads state "No african American males" so that's proof that most women don't want to fuck niggers even if they paid them.

New-World-Ebola ago

that might have something to do with the violence and not being paid that usually ensues.

tankingwrong ago

Even prostitutes say "no" to niggers.

It's an actual thing in pornography that the girls that have any brains about them at all and recognize their acts as "branding" refuse to have sex with black men and have to walk a tightrope to not be blatant about it, the social justice types virtue signaling all the while they never take a black cock.

I can't think of who it was off the top of my head but one of the popular ones in the last few years actually got loud on Twitter about it where someone was giving her shit about not having an interracial scene and she said that the money would have to be the equivalent of a retirement because it would be the end of a career and that it's one of the last things the "pros" do when they can't even be pulled for MILF scenes any more. It is seriously down there with scat as one of the "this is all I've got left" things.

There are exceptions, of course, like Piper Perri, but that's obviously because they milked the fuck out of the memeability and made that "5 on 1" ridiculousness one of the most watched videos ever, which certainly translated into attachments to buy.

Usernamenameuser ago

Porn is fucking disgusting. I cant believe I used to think it was, not just ok, but a benefit to one's health.

Piper Perri looks Ike a child. Anyone who likes that type of pornstar is a pedo. While some women are adults at 18, some women are still children. Being an adult or being a child isn't aome arbitrary number assigned by the government. All people are different. Before you comment, I do understand the need for age of consent for the purpose of legalities. In my eyes, however, if I see a grown man with a girl like Piper Perri, he is a pedo

tankingwrong ago

While some women are adults at 18, some women are still children.

All women are children. Very, very few can be trusted with the extent beyond themselves in terms of autonomy.

Ergo, if it's not okay for the 18 year old to be responsible with their own decisions when it comes to sexuality, it doesn't matter if she's 26, or 40, or 60.

Further, your recognization of the fetishization of someone like Piper Perri, as let's both agree is an extreme example, does it doom her to being unable to have any normal relationship?

If every man acknowledged your point of view and didn't want to be seen in such a derogatory light, what man, maintaining his honor, could've possibly been with Piper Perri without being forever haunted with dirty looks for being a pedo?

Could it be that exact attitude which drove her from any possibility of a normal, tradwife life and left porn as the only option for fulfillment, the idea that she has no escape than to be fetishized for tween/teen visualization that she brings to mind not just any suitor but any person that sees her? And at that point there's no point in just getting the feet wet, she had to dive in head first, turn in to the skid, because it's not her that's sick, nor those that find her attractive, but the environment that puts her on a pedestal and simultaneously makes her desirable and forbidden; a true "carrot and stick".

I do not mean to make it personal, but it does affect me as a mid-30 year old with a mid-20 year old girlfriend. She doesn't do any age play, nothing we do sexual has any sort of "Lolita" or "Leon" or undertones, but I know what sort of looks people give me when she puts her hair in pigtails or one day when she messed up her ankle she climbed into a shopping cart and had me push her around the store -- I know that look, I detest that look because it's the look of someone who can only foist their own bias on to what they're seeing because it reminds them of a time, too, when they were younger or were with someone who was.

Usernamenameuser ago

You know you're right. I went off on a rant without thinking about it. Thanks for your viewpoint.

tankingwrong ago

You're fine. Discussions are what they are and there are many stressful factors milling about and we're just all trying to figure it out. Thanks for taking time to read.

Usernamenameuser ago

Everything is a case by case basis. I twll people all the time that nothing is binary. I let the image of those 5 nogs surrounding that little girl manipulate my emotions. Im happy you gave me a chance to take a step back and practice what I preach. I hope you and your girl are happy.

I totally agree with the "most responsible teenager in the house" argument.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

t.Roastie is jealous

CeasarSalud ago

They even have to pay the porn sluts more.

Maybe it's hazard pay due to the AIDs.

Gumbatron ago

These images are not "normal", They are (((advertising))) images.

LibCucks ago

And I said that they are.

LibCucks ago

believe it or not, not all black people are niggers

Crime statistics beg to differ. Just because you didn't encounter that particular nigger while they were in a chimpout moment does not mean that they are not a chimp.

Better yet, even if you were to find a statistically improbably nigger that was almost human, its offspring most certainly would return to the mean, and you would be back at square one with a subhuman incapable of rational thought, lacking of moral fiber and completely dependent on white gibs for survival.

Not only are all blacks niggers, they are not people.

ArcturianDeathTrap ago

Now is the time to do so. To not decide that, is to allow the infestation. Of course, nothing goes as wanted, absolutely. And we didnt design their genetics, so blame the retarded negronaki aliens downstairs that infested us with their roaches. They can all go back to wakanda niggerland when the aliens ship em out, thats the plan

D-marchhare ago

That's the fucking gold standered of dating goy.

Maat4u ago

They can act white. But under cortina circumstances. Their nigger instinct will show eventually. When whit whirl finds out it’s called “paying the toll”. Nah mean nickle?

LarryWhiteContrary ago

Bingo, I’ve know MANY that on the surface are personable, upstanding people, and then eventually coon out OR, if they don’t, their immediate family coons out

DrBi ago

Those men are hot silly