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Maddmartigan ago

The desensitizing propaganda is working. I see more and more White girls with black guys. Women are weak and very susceptible to media and perceived social norms. They follow trends and those trends come from the (((media))). That's why the synagogue of satan has control over most forms of media.

CeasarSalud ago

Really, because I'm encountering more women who will flat out say niggers stink like shit and need to stop complaining.

Are you sure they're actual women and not Jews? The one girl from my high school who burned coal got made fun of at my reunion for being a ghetto hat trick, 3 kids 3 different dads.

PanteraFan99 ago

It's probably best to write those women off, they were going to fuck around and fullfill their fetish one way or the other who gives a shit if they are fat,pretty, or whatever the natural yearning for some women to be whores is unstoppable, don't blame the men all the time, lots of women persue this shit till they get what they want, stop thinking in the mentality of women being soft as the driven snow because those are very far and few current times.

TheRightSideofThings ago

a ghetto hat trick,

ahahahahahahahah I come for the stories but I STAY for the comments

Maddmartigan ago

I live right by a pretty nice beach and I see it all the time more and more. Good looking fertile white women hanging off of a niggers arm. Maybe it depends on location but from my view it's increasing much more.

voatusernamevoat ago

I've seen the same at my grocery store.

HolePunch ago

probably depends on where you are. i see it everyday and more often than ever. it's not just fat trailer trash girls either, i've seen upper class good looking girls with niggers

even ten years ago it was not as bad as it is today.

CeasarSalud ago

Must be a west coast thing, here in northeast metro it's always women whose pet negro screams "best I could do".

Joe_McCarthy ago

It's everywhere. At least in cities. And not just black-white either. White girls - HOT white girls - under 25 fuck niggers, spics, dotheads, gooks, you name it. And white guys aren't much better. Those who say this is all a Jew media myth are probably rarely around youth circles or live in the sticks. Right-wingers tend to be old and country - so living in denial is easy.

Maddmartigan ago

I agree. I have eyes that work and it's most definitely increasing.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Absolute racial submersion underway. In its final stages even. When the boomers die off you'll have country folk and race-mixers. A bit of an over-generalization but close enough to ring true.

Maddmartigan ago

It's clearly more prominent in the cites that's for sure.

CeasarSalud ago

Jew confirmed spread lies elsewhere.

Go back to Reddit and suck baby dicks rabbi.

GhostBalls ago

"Everybody who contradicts me is a joooooo!!!!!1 REEEEEE"

CeasarSalud ago

Is this your alt for replies Jew_McCarthy?

GhostBalls ago

Nope- but go right ahead and convince yourself otherwise if it helps to keep your world and mind intact.

CeasarSalud ago

Sure Jew_McCarthy

GhostBalls ago


Joe_McCarthy ago

Okay, genius.

Take a look at this. That's five years old even.

I did mention cities. 31% of new marriages in Las Vegas were interracial. Almost as high in San Diego and Santa Barbara. Wanna see hot beach babes with muds? Go to Southern California! Almost as high in Albuquerque. And so on.

Five years ago 45% of white Americans age 18-34 reported having dated interracially.

Moreover, I've seen this stuff. It is especially bad near college campuses in areas where the races interact.

Though if you're a retiree in Buttfuck, Montana or live Appalachia or some place - you may not get out and see what is going on.

CeasarSalud ago

Sure Rabbi, keep on pipulling.

Haha you even invoked another Jew to try and make your point.

I get it, since the blacks are onto you there's a collective oi vey by the tribe.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Well, if you call data from the Pew Research Center "another Jew", sure.

CeasarSalud ago

Jew Research center yes.

What's more disturbing is you actually looked that shit up or had it saved somewhere.

Go back to Reddit Jew_McCarthy

Joe_McCarthy ago

I seriously doubt you know the first thing about the Pew Research Center or who runs it. 'Jew' is just anything you dislike I suspect.

The 'Jew' business is just mudsill ad hominem but I'll humor your stupidity anyway. The Pew Research Center was founded by Andrew Kohut. Kohut is a surname of Slavic origin. Czech or Slovakian.

The current heads have an English surname and a probable Italian surname. If they're Jews I invite you to prove it. Not that you had a clue who they are before making this claim.

CeasarSalud ago

Ok Jew_McCarthy