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LarryWhiteContrary ago

And they DONT. This is gaslighting propaganda by JEWISH marketing teams

thirdsargon ago

Dating statistics confirm this.

001011001011 ago

Yep, looking at OkCupid system stats, women from all races prefer White men over other men and especially White women. The ones dating niggers are a loud minority rather than the norm.

bb4c35 ago

Same as guys that "like BBWs".

Man you're just looking for easy pussy, so much so that you're willing to drop standards. All there is to it.

Maybe if they could admit that to themselves they'd be doing better in life.

001011001011 ago

Oh wow, there are even obese women (get that 'BBW' outta here) who are picky these days, want nothing but Mr Chad Perfect and think they're actually desirable.

bb4c35 ago

There's a ridiculous lack of self-awareness on display on dating apps.

Pictures are all tits and ass but the text pretends she's not just there to get fucked

Chick could be 38 and all used up but still playing hard to get like she's got any of the spark she had at 20 left

Fat girls that aren't easy and pretend anyone wants them for literally any other reason.

And of course, guys that are trying to run through as many sluts as possible yet think they're above the negative effects of just throwing it around like that.

mr_anthrope ago

Even prostitutes say "no" to niggers. Most, if not all internet hooker ads state "No african American males" so that's proof that most women don't want to fuck niggers even if they paid them.

New-World-Ebola ago

that might have something to do with the violence and not being paid that usually ensues.

tankingwrong ago

Even prostitutes say "no" to niggers.

It's an actual thing in pornography that the girls that have any brains about them at all and recognize their acts as "branding" refuse to have sex with black men and have to walk a tightrope to not be blatant about it, the social justice types virtue signaling all the while they never take a black cock.

I can't think of who it was off the top of my head but one of the popular ones in the last few years actually got loud on Twitter about it where someone was giving her shit about not having an interracial scene and she said that the money would have to be the equivalent of a retirement because it would be the end of a career and that it's one of the last things the "pros" do when they can't even be pulled for MILF scenes any more. It is seriously down there with scat as one of the "this is all I've got left" things.

There are exceptions, of course, like Piper Perri, but that's obviously because they milked the fuck out of the memeability and made that "5 on 1" ridiculousness one of the most watched videos ever, which certainly translated into attachments to buy.

Usernamenameuser ago

Porn is fucking disgusting. I cant believe I used to think it was, not just ok, but a benefit to one's health.

Piper Perri looks Ike a child. Anyone who likes that type of pornstar is a pedo. While some women are adults at 18, some women are still children. Being an adult or being a child isn't aome arbitrary number assigned by the government. All people are different. Before you comment, I do understand the need for age of consent for the purpose of legalities. In my eyes, however, if I see a grown man with a girl like Piper Perri, he is a pedo

tankingwrong ago

While some women are adults at 18, some women are still children.

All women are children. Very, very few can be trusted with the extent beyond themselves in terms of autonomy.

Ergo, if it's not okay for the 18 year old to be responsible with their own decisions when it comes to sexuality, it doesn't matter if she's 26, or 40, or 60.

Further, your recognization of the fetishization of someone like Piper Perri, as let's both agree is an extreme example, does it doom her to being unable to have any normal relationship?

If every man acknowledged your point of view and didn't want to be seen in such a derogatory light, what man, maintaining his honor, could've possibly been with Piper Perri without being forever haunted with dirty looks for being a pedo?

Could it be that exact attitude which drove her from any possibility of a normal, tradwife life and left porn as the only option for fulfillment, the idea that she has no escape than to be fetishized for tween/teen visualization that she brings to mind not just any suitor but any person that sees her? And at that point there's no point in just getting the feet wet, she had to dive in head first, turn in to the skid, because it's not her that's sick, nor those that find her attractive, but the environment that puts her on a pedestal and simultaneously makes her desirable and forbidden; a true "carrot and stick".

I do not mean to make it personal, but it does affect me as a mid-30 year old with a mid-20 year old girlfriend. She doesn't do any age play, nothing we do sexual has any sort of "Lolita" or "Leon" or undertones, but I know what sort of looks people give me when she puts her hair in pigtails or one day when she messed up her ankle she climbed into a shopping cart and had me push her around the store -- I know that look, I detest that look because it's the look of someone who can only foist their own bias on to what they're seeing because it reminds them of a time, too, when they were younger or were with someone who was.

Usernamenameuser ago

You know you're right. I went off on a rant without thinking about it. Thanks for your viewpoint.

tankingwrong ago

You're fine. Discussions are what they are and there are many stressful factors milling about and we're just all trying to figure it out. Thanks for taking time to read.

Usernamenameuser ago

Everything is a case by case basis. I twll people all the time that nothing is binary. I let the image of those 5 nogs surrounding that little girl manipulate my emotions. Im happy you gave me a chance to take a step back and practice what I preach. I hope you and your girl are happy.

I totally agree with the "most responsible teenager in the house" argument.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

t.Roastie is jealous

CeasarSalud ago

They even have to pay the porn sluts more.

Maybe it's hazard pay due to the AIDs.