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HeehawNPepe ago

It depends what part of the government you're looking at and during which time. Overall, no, it wasn't 85% (or whatever). There literally weren't enough jews for there to be that high of a percentage.

If you're looking at the part of the government that more or less set and enforced policies, then yes, the number is somewhere in the 80s.

It's been a while since I looked at the numbers, but if you take all the rank-and-file into account, the percentage drops to the 20s and 30s - which is still a massive overrepresentation given the population demographics.

It depends on how much you want to split hairs. Regardless, I think it is safe to say jews were the driving force behind Bolshevism, even if they weren't always the ones doing the dirty work.

AnotherRedditRefugee ago

Thought it was 90%.

badruns ago

Look at the US government, and how things break out the higher and higher you get. Mayors of small towns? No. Mayors of major cities like NYC? Yes. Governors? Yes.

What about congress and the senate? Are they all Jews? No. Are the majority of them jewish, married to jews, or funded by jews? yes.

Same thing.

ForgottenMemes ago

Of the communist terrorists executed at Rumbula in retaliation for murdering ~25k innocent Latvians, ~20k were jewish and ~5k were not, per official documents from the Latvian police.

philmchawk ago

The higher ups, the lower ranks were around 10-15%.

SpreeFeech ago

Jews are bad, m'kay.

videocodec ago

Even Stalin had heavy Jewish ties. The Jews were also responsible for almost all the bloodshed and intentional starvation.

mattsixteen24 ago

Stalin had jew in his blood. All the people who surrounded him were jews. He had jewish wives, mistresses, his sons were married to jews. Jews make the bogus claim that Stalin persecuted the jews for being jewish. This is a lie. There were competing political factions among jews. He had his political opponents murdered like Trotsky so they wouldn't seize power from him. Communism is never taught in school because it was a jewish creation that is responsible for more deaths in the last century than all the wars in history combined. The goal of communism is to exterminate Christianity.

Even Hitler had jewish military personnel.

f1ddler ago

I believe it was around that figure ..... just check out the first government ... the important positions were held by jews and the lesser positions by others inc Chinese

Joe_McCarthy ago

Super short version: no. You don't get 85% out of this. More like 30%.

parnellsUprising ago

30% seems to be way underestimating that. Even Solzhenitsyn stated that 2/3rds of the NKVD were of semitic origin, so I call bullshit on your propaganda.

Honestly, you would be better off researching this for yourself OP, then take the advice of an impartial person on the internets.., and here is a good place to start:

Joe_McCarthy ago

Why would an under 2% demographic be expected to be 85% of the leadership? 30% is even very high. And what of the red guards, red army, etc? No Russians to speak of in these masses of people I suppose?

Solzhenitsyn also said this:

"I like the Estonians and the Lithuanians, but not the Latvians. When all is said and done, they started it all." - Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

parnellsUprising ago

First off, unless you can show me some valid statistics, I have always read that the population of the jewry in the early 1900's was closer to 4% of the population, how you would suggest that decreased to 2% of the population in 15-20 years, seems to be a little far fetched in my opinion. : There are plenty of other sources for this as well, but I do not have them at hand.

I agree, 30% would be very high, but you also discount the amount of Mensheviks that defected to the bolsheviks prior to their split. (((Trotsky))) & the Menscheviks were almost wholly jewish, and originally were collaborators before their split.

As far as the Red Army, and this is one of the things that Solzhenitsyn points out that it was a shared history, but positions within the NKVD were predominatly jewish.

Red Army was built of peasants, the NKVD/ Secret police were much more nefarious, and much more in a leadership position, so I would suggest that this factoid has much bearing when looking at an overall complicated issue.

But to definitevly say that the Jews only were 30% of the leadership is disingenous at best, much as someone stating that 85% number. Clearly the jews were an integral force in the plan, especially considering their overall status within the nation, and then if you look at the facts that Russia is currently studying in regards to the blood ritual that was performed on the Romanovs, well, I find your claims to be as previously stated disengenous at best.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Not gonna' bother arguing a 2% vs. 4% figure. It's not very important considering the context though I can counter with a figure closer to 2% if you insist on it. Either way, it is massive overrepresrntation even with 30%. Your primary issue, obviously, is that it undermines the idea that groups other than Jews made up the majority of the Bolshevism effort. Overall they clearly did.

What I am going to dispute is your characterization of me posting a listing of the Central Committee in 1917, party as opposed to state, as "disingenuous" - as that is nonsense. That is the leadership of Bolshevism. The Communist Party leadership in 1917.

Actually, if we look to state instead of party the Jewish total is much less. Like 1 out of 16 of the Council of People's Commissars, usually seem as the first Bolshevik government, was Jewish. Trotsky.'s_Commissars

You also cannot understate the military strength the Communists had. They won quite simply because they had the guns. A lot of soldiers hated the war and supported them early on.

HeehawNPepe ago

Joe, I try not to respond to you but it is so hard sometimes because you always give me the impression you're on the cusp of discovery but never willing to make the leap so to speak.

I don't know if you're a kike or not. You obviously research a lot of the shit you talk about though. Stop being so entrenched in proving everyone else "wrong" and use your abilities for a productive purpose. There's a reason you end up being ostracized in so many circles, but I feel sometimes you embrace being a maverick more than you should.

shakin_my_head ago

Is the gun fact the reason why (((they))) are hell bent on eliminating the 2nd amendment in the U.S? The repetition is obvious to those who pay attention to history. Enjoy your quest to silence, rewrite and cloak the cycle.

gerberlyfe2 ago

Short version: yes.