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Khash36 ago

Do you guys really think he is a fed? He never agrees about jews and just gives bullshit arguments defending their innocence. Plus he loves to post porn. I’m curious to know how to identify the more subtle glow niggers

Joe_McCarthy ago

The arguments I have on Jews are not even competitive. They're wrong. I'm right. Most of the time it's not even remotely debstable. I just get downvoted and called a Jew.

But here was a guy that tried a bit. Still got killed but he tried.

But honestly, arguing with Jew obsessives has easily been the greatest source for gimme victories.

Khash36 ago

I actually read that yesterday & this is why I love voat. You both had an intelligent debate. I’m just questioning if you are a federal agent like some claim. I believe you give too much effort to be a jew or fed, and are genuine which is why I posed this question. By the way you still have not convinced me. Too many others have provided proof over the years that reinforce my idea that jews are evil & run the world. Jews have even admitted it themselves, they are the mortal enemies of whites since biblical times. Nothing could change my mind on this, once you know the truth it’s hard to go back into believing a lie

Joe_McCarthy ago

Well, I don't work for the government. Actually, I know far too much about this stuff, or just am too well read in general, to be some low level contractor shilling for the government or even be a FBI agent of any standing. My profile is more that of an extremism researcher - which is how I actually got into this stuff years ago. But on that note I went from 'normie' on Jews to very anti-Semitic to my current nuanced, well studied position, so it is possible to walk through that door and come out the other side.

ravensedgesom ago

typical jew arrogance

Khash36 ago

Okay I think i’m starting to understand you, thanks for the reply. When you post I do give you credit & try to honestly assess your arguments because I can tell you are knowledgable. Keep posting maybe you will have an impact. The reason why I I have always read voat is to try & gain a better understanding of history & the world. Also to voice my uncensored opinion which should be allowed even if it is “radical”.I disagree with you but it’s nice to have some intelligent opposing viewpoints here