TheWrong_Gecko ago

I missed something. I came from Reddit but a little earlier then Monday. Haven’t been on to see, what happened exactly?

AhmaudArbery ago

There should be levels

Field nigger

House nigger

Uncle Tom


BLMshill ago

I read a lot of bad ideas in here. We should embrace any Whites who are not 100% lost already and educate them not scare them away. They are already scared and confused. We need to provide them guidance. Also, there are a lot of sick perverted faggots on this site who need to be banned forever. They are Whites who we cannot be saved so let them die out. They are like the creatures we detest and they should be destroyed as well.

Derpfroot ago

VOAT's yellow star...I love it.

Granite_Pill ago

Word on the street is there won't be a lot of migrants here because other platforms have popped up over the past two years and risen in popularity, even more popular than Voat: Discords, Poal, saidit, ruqqus, gab, and some other ones.

And yes, I know some of those platforms are older than 2 years, but over the last two years they've grown even more popular than Voat.

Ciaglownigger ago

After 3 months and 100CCP, it should change to just "nigger"

FightingTheDarkArts ago

Add 'faggot' on the end of that and you're on to something

Rockfish1000 ago

They only earn the title NiggerFaggot after they have put away their clutching pearls and integrate into the culture. Until then, their just niggers or faggots.

anticlutch ago

They should be banned from even commenting for 2 years and banned from submissions for 5 years.

Titanbikes4ever ago

You can easily see how old someone's account is, the content of posts, and their comments.

version7 ago

Send them to poal

Hagitty2015 ago

What are they banning them for? I went there some months ago and it was full of sluts, faggots and the mentally ill, which is exactly what the left loves. There is no one left there to post non-lefty stuff; they are just making things up at this point.

scoopadoop ago

This should be on ALL profiles for a set amount of time

RM-Goetbbels ago


NiggadermCQ ago

Alternating new nigger, kike or faggot

thebearfromstartrack ago


Attac ago

What happened on Monday?

Planetoftheclown ago

The 'ol Reddit ban-arimo!

Doglegwarrior ago

why in the world would they ban people? i still go there to be amazed at how insanly liberal and communist the place is... shit i just texted my friend some screen shots and said im pretty sure reddit is ran by the cia and or blm or the communiat party at this point. i guess they could be banning r/ unpopularopinions and r/ publicfreakout both have been getting some voat style post to the front page... so they are probably getting rid of subverters.

GovernmentShill ago

It is 10% owned by tencent. a.k.a. China.

AtheistConservative ago

Shareblue runs the rest.

zitong ago

Reddit is controlled by far-left people, and truth-telling people have no market in reddit.

Plant_Boy ago

I vote all new applicants have the tag Kike Nigger Faggot added to the end of their name for at least 1 month before it can be deactivated.

rumorhazard ago

Fuck off we’re full. Oughtta disable new accounts for two weeks

concernedpikachu ago

Old vote was good, no new accounts and you cant see anything without signing in.

kishind ago

Keep webspiders out that way, too.

changz ago

If a ban wave is coming its probably to do with all these Corps defunding facebook and twitter over not doing enough to stamp out anything that isn't pro BLM/Antifa/LGBT.

Reddit wants none of that so they could do a big dick ban wave as a show to their sponsors.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Voat = queer, commie, cock sucking cowards that glorify the filthiest scum parasites, public union pigs.

The site is the shitstain of the Internet

You fucking retards think you are better than others while jerking each other off.

Voat is only good dead, forever.

Die scum

AnonThrowaway ago

That's why you're here then, right?

wipeyournose ago

I mean, we’re better than you. That’s for sure. You’re a self hating white ready to give yourself tocwarlords and drug users rather than to join your own people as we rise above the faggots and put them in their place.

That’s ok. It will be fun wiping your face on the pavement as you stand there impotently protecting niggers for no reason at all.

See you soon!

LurkedForever ago

Bro... you should know better than to feed the trolls.

wipeyournose ago

why are you goiming at me with faggot ass facebook and reddit style comment. i want to you go fuck off you stupid nigger. seriously. fuck you and your dumb fucking lingo "bro"

You're talking like a nigger soccer mom

LurkedForever ago

nu-uh.... you.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Anyone who starts a sentence with “I mean” is when I stop reading.

Don’t care what you have to say.

wipeyournose ago

Kill your self or someone else will

Deplorablepoetry ago

Say goodbye to your job and pension you parasite

Your comment has been documented and reported to the FBI, officer

btoh ago

go dilate tranny faggot

Deplorablepoetry ago

Ask me how your family dies, officer.

ReadPastHeadlines ago

most of us actually oppose jerking one-another off.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Go suck a pig dick you retarded sack of puke, kill yourself, die.

voatre ago

severe autism

Deplorablepoetry ago

Dead pig (you) is best pig.

Ask me how your scum fuck family dies you parasite dead, officer.

kishind ago

People like you are so weird. I wonder if there's even a soul in there.

Deplorablepoetry ago

I wonder how many times I need to bash you in the head to collapse your cranium, officer.

Aceishigh ago

I admit that it's entertaining when a wave comes here and proclaims their intent on taking this place over, only to crash and burn.

Sweettendiesloving ago

My wife's boyfriend said this place is great,.

Infearmal ago

You ?

One-Way_Bus ago

There's a new wave? What happened?

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/NiggersAnonymous comment.

Posted automatically (#118279) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@One-Way_Bus: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

ReadPastHeadlines ago

insider info that they are doing their largest banwave yet on Monday.

Literally-Oppressed ago

How can that even be possible? What kind of edgy stuff could possibly be left over there?

ReadPastHeadlines ago

It's a moving target. Yesterday's kind words are tomorrow's hate crimes.

BalfourYourFace ago

Like "hey, nice ass" is hate speech due to people that have no ass

GeneralDisposition ago

great suggestion. Too bad putitout has a dayjob milking shetland ponies and can't make this place fun like the old days.. #makevoatfunagainniggerfaggot

kishind ago

What? Is he doing it because he wants to, or because he needs bread?

itsgettingcloser ago

This is a better idea that what appears at the surface...

Firstly, we will recognize the fuckers when they try to subvert with defeatism or negativity or simply misinformation.

Secondly, none of those communist faggot fucks will want to be labeled as a nigger as it will be too offensive. Thereby eliminating most of the noise. The exceptions of course, will be those cocksucking agitators who will pretend.

Newaccount9 ago

What caused the new wave?

ConquistadorCoronado ago

Rumor has it they are going to frame it as some anti-racism initiative.

antiracistMetal ago

Apparently on Monday there's supposed to be mass banning at Reddit.

Sum-of-Nun ago

I don't recall any warnings preceding past migrations.

What gives?

Reinhart ago

Supposed insider information/warning

Far2Long2 ago

what is there left to ban?

tankingwrong ago


concernedpikachu ago

anyone performing wrongthink and the few slightly right subs that are left. I know my accounts going down.

wipeyournose ago

ConsumeProduct is pretty worried. I have no clue where else to go on Reddit. It’s harder and harder to find non-retards

Planetoftheclown ago

I didn't know that was a think on Reddit. I like it.

One-Way_Bus ago

I guess anything that isn't left of Marx at this point.

Newaccount9 ago

So, more or less, a normal day.

ArielQflip ago

New Niggerfaggots! Exciting!

One-Way_Bus ago

I can't wait for the indoctrination. Fuck niggers. Fuck kikes. Fuck...well...lots of things.

DammitMan ago

Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! 😂 The anticipation of initiation!