All Reddit refugees after Monday's wave should be universally tagged on Voat's CSS as "New nigger". (whatever)
submitted 4.7 years ago by antiracistMetal
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Deplorablepoetry 4.7 years ago
Voat = queer, commie, cock sucking cowards that glorify the filthiest scum parasites, public union pigs.
The site is the shitstain of the Internet
You fucking retards think you are better than others while jerking each other off.
Voat is only good dead, forever.
Die scum
ReadPastHeadlines 4.7 years ago
most of us actually oppose jerking one-another off.
Go suck a pig dick you retarded sack of puke, kill yourself, die.
voatre 4.7 years ago
severe autism
Dead pig (you) is best pig.
Ask me how your scum fuck family dies you parasite dead, officer.
kishind 4.7 years ago
People like you are so weird. I wonder if there's even a soul in there.
I wonder how many times I need to bash you in the head to collapse your cranium, officer.
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Deplorablepoetry ago
Voat = queer, commie, cock sucking cowards that glorify the filthiest scum parasites, public union pigs.
The site is the shitstain of the Internet
You fucking retards think you are better than others while jerking each other off.
Voat is only good dead, forever.
Die scum
ReadPastHeadlines ago
most of us actually oppose jerking one-another off.
Deplorablepoetry ago
Go suck a pig dick you retarded sack of puke, kill yourself, die.
voatre ago
severe autism
Deplorablepoetry ago
Dead pig (you) is best pig.
Ask me how your scum fuck family dies you parasite dead, officer.
kishind ago
People like you are so weird. I wonder if there's even a soul in there.
Deplorablepoetry ago
I wonder how many times I need to bash you in the head to collapse your cranium, officer.