All Reddit refugees after Monday's wave should be universally tagged on Voat's CSS as "New nigger". (whatever)
submitted 4.7 years ago by antiracistMetal
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GeneralDisposition 4.7 years ago
great suggestion. Too bad putitout has a dayjob milking shetland ponies and can't make this place fun like the old days.. #makevoatfunagainniggerfaggot
kishind 4.7 years ago
What? Is he doing it because he wants to, or because he needs bread?
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GeneralDisposition ago
great suggestion. Too bad putitout has a dayjob milking shetland ponies and can't make this place fun like the old days.. #makevoatfunagainniggerfaggot
kishind ago
What? Is he doing it because he wants to, or because he needs bread?