Patrice_oneal_ ago

I dont know man, Eden Hazard is quite the athlete. And the 3-color of Belgium makes me proud to have had a king like Leopold the handchopper

0rion ago

God damnit I love you fuckers, I've been saying this for years and I am ridiculed beyond belief every time. Who the fuck cares about grown men throwing a ball around? How about find some real hobbies and develop your skillset? Or how about just PLAY THE SPORT. Nothing screams cuckhold like watching instead of participation.

I will say though: hockey and baseball are actually enjoyable, both to watch and to play.

Finsterbaby ago

My man. I also agree about hockey and baseball. I even watch Japanese and Korean ball.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

If you wear a sports jersey—other than the one assigned to you by the team you are part of—you are a faggot, period.

Blood-is-Nature ago

It's called idolatry and those who control the idols see this as a submission ritual...a brand-ing for the cattle.

Tabnam ago

Spending your day thinking about other men, and what they do in their free time, makes you the real cuck

honk_atcha_boi ago

LOL imagine hating other people and calling them cuck faggots because they have an interest or hobby that you don't enjoy.

At least hate them for their race or something enlightened, you dumb cum swallowers.

Finsterbaby ago

So which big black guy cock do you worship?

honk_atcha_boi ago

Well, my own, mostly.

Finsterbaby ago

Haha. Enjoy it, friend.

Tacops777 ago

OUR NATIONAL SPORT IS GUNS. Deal wt it homoes. Culturally speaking sports, basketball, and all that faggetry is jew and felons controlled. Take your kids out of ZOGspirts™ AND GET THEM TO A TACTICAL RANGE, HUNTING, OUTDOORS.

Broc_Lia ago

I think if you look back to the past, following sports was largely a positive thing, it was a good way for men to bond and kick back together.

It may have gotten a little too obsessive though, and the level of advertising and posturing is off the charts.

Finsterbaby ago

Absolutely agree. Good point.

Broc_Lia ago

Maybe a difference is that people are less likely to play the sports they follow?

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

This is what concerns you? Fuckin rediteer

CowWithBeef ago

Even for white sports like hockey or disc golf?

enormousatom ago

Wearing a hockey jersey to a game means I want to suck black cock? There's less than 50 black dudes in the entire nhl. Can I just want to suck some maple leaf cock instead?

Brawndosaurus ago

Under 18, it's because your dad is a failure

totes_magotes ago

Fuck off, I'll do what the fuck I please.

Finsterbaby ago

Nobody is stopping you from rimming a dude. Go for it.

capnflummox ago

I will not prove you wrong. Your logic is infallible.


I can't. You are correct

Thereunto ago

Sports nerd

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

So.... youre telling us you only suck white cocks ?

Whats the deal here ? Why tell us this ? Im so confused about the result you might expect from us. Whay do you want us to do ? Send white dickpics ?

Finsterbaby ago

Yes, send white dick picks from your private collection.

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

But my collection is only so small.

Finsterbaby ago


8_billion_eaters ago

Pay no attention to the jew media. Pay no attention to jew sports.

This is not organic, nor is it wholesome.

American-Patriot ago

I have never followed sports. Back in the 1980's I liked watching boxing and wrestling but not much anymore.

BentAxel ago

I'm very narcissistic, my motocross jerseys, my helmets, snowboards, many tools, motorcycles? Yeah, they all have my name personalized on them. But I only use them in the prescribed manner. I don't wear the "pick up kit" at the mall.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

I've always liked the way sports jerseys looked but I don't wear them as an adult because of this. Even the ones people have gotten me, I'll wear around the house or to grill or something. I don't wear them out. I don't necessarily judge a man for knowing team and player stats. The only time I started judging people for that was when the NFL started making these athletes out to be Greek gods. That's what their whole marketing campaign was about and as American Football production value went up and it grew from large to enormous you started seeing a lot of white men(way more than most) start salivating and worshipping these guys in a way that struck me as too homo erotic. Married white men would say things like 'look at the quads and glues on that guy.' Then there was the 'my team' and 'we're gonna do it' when white man started talking about the NFL team they liked as if they were a part of the tribe, they were on the team. But that's what happens when you chip away at someone's national identity, take their racial identity and throw professional sports in their face all day. Then you go ahead and remove the shame of being homosexual and have Jewish made movies with Adam Sandler talking about dick jokes all day.

I try to be understanding of everyone. I don't judge a guy who is into sports as long as he has other things going on in his life and there is a balance. I do look down on white men that constantly walk around with NFL or NBA jerseys on and then they talk about these teams as if they are on them, as if any of these rich black guys give a flying fuck about some poor, fat white guy working at a textile plant. I have met people just really into 90s jerseys and that's one way they make money, reselling. If a guy has other shit going on in his life then I excuse it. I can be friends with someone if we can do other things like lift or watch a boxing or MMA PPV or go to the range. What I find though is that not all but most guys really into sports almost always only watch those sports: football and basketball and some baseball. They can only talk about that. They only know about that and they're very tribal in that regard and invested emotionally in that. Then they also tend to talk about the black players like they're some kind of prize stallion they're going to bring home and suck off or have fuck their wife. I can't be around that. I don't hate them but if that's all they do, and that's a lot of people, we're not going to be homies.

KLDB ago

puts voat jersey that says Finsterbaby 88 in the trash and sets it on fire :(

Finsterbaby ago

LOL! I would be honored.

KLDB ago

already ashes buddy...

Joe_McCarthy ago

On the other hand if you were an athlete yourself after age 18 you were probably more successful than 80% of Voaters.

But yeah, sports jerseys. Let's make prioritizing that another reason to be alienated and hate the world.

Finsterbaby ago

I'm a jock. Don't project.

Whatsamannar ago

I wear a jersey of a fallen war hero and another of a player that lost life to cancer. Neither were black. Maybe you’re the faggot op?

Finsterbaby ago

Hmmm. I'm a veteran who knows a few fallen war heroes and many cancer victims who lost their lives, but never wore their Jersey. How many times did you suck their balls, you cuck Jew?

BackAsswards ago

I get the wearing of Jerseys with another man's name on it is gray but to say anyone who like sports after 18 is a failed lover is just as gay. Most of this thread is the same. Real men only do what I deem ok.

Grown men that don't do what they want because it might not look manly enough are faggots. That's high school girl mentality.

Finsterbaby ago

^^^^ Turned out

edgydude69 ago

Are you retarded?

Finsterbaby ago

How many black cocks can you fit your moth and asshole at the same time?

edgydude69 ago

Haha. Burns doesn’t it fat fuck?

Maersk ago

Cuck faggots say the same exact thing here in the city, minus the black cock thing. What is your fucking point? Can people under 18 afford a 100$ Jersey? Are all the QB's niggers? All baseball and hockey players are white or latino shitskins. African handball and soccer are fucking boring as fuck so maybe focus on the people that wear that specific apparel

Finsterbaby ago


Shakenstein ago

In my teenage years I liked to wear my 2 times MVP Steve Nash jersey when beating niggers on the court though. Even though theyd watch the league, they didnt even know who he was, until he got his titles back to back. But agree, professional sports and its marketing are for cucks. I bought those jerseys before he was "famous" and since he wasnt black, niggers didnt care, for 2 years in a row its like their werent any mvp for them in the league so they couldnt brag about mvp this mvp that lol.

BW-414 ago

my dad is a loyal bears and white sox fan. and he likes mike ditka. but he won't wear a shirt with a player's name on it.

i get where he's coming from.

but when i was a kid, my favorite sox player was carlton fisk. and i would wear a #72 fisk t-shirt.

Finsterbaby ago

Pops is a straight up man.

CheeBooga ago

What about a Larry Bird jersey?

Finsterbaby ago

LOL. God no.

CheeBooga ago

But he smokes niggers at basketball. Now I don't watch basketball and never have but Bird can be a symbol of white pride. I had a friend back in school who liked him and later I watched some vids about him, I think I uploaded one here, where he displays superior skill at smoking nogs at basketball. That's gotta be worth somethin'.

Shakenstein ago

Bird was the best trash talker to on the court, and could back it up anytime. What ruined basketball is the ability higher jumper( and 6ft3-7ft tall niggers)have to dunk the rim, for the love of the sport, this should have been made illegal, not because it is unfair for the other players, but because it was never tough to be possible at the start of it. Im trying to find other example that could illustrate my point from another sport but i cant find any sorry.

Doglegwarrior ago

you sound like the pussy...

sorry dudes like me where taller bigger stronger and more athletic and we took and fucked the girl of your dreams and dropped her... im not sorruly thats the natural order of things. i do agree wearing jerseys of other dudes is gay about 99% of the time... shit i could show you mybeverlast note trying to start a sporting goods line based on being a player not a fan.. why???

jews created the star system its all jews pushing this shit this pyramid monopoly system that created the nba nfl mlb.. it is fucked up and total bullshit. if we had a more natural system with out billionair and multi milliomair athletes we would have a much bettwr more organic system that truly showed who were the great athletes..

with that being said i do own one jersey. i have a kawhi leonard jersey he is the definition of quiet hard working team player tbat said fuck you to liberal faggot coach greg poppach. i got the jersey more as a political statement.

you are the pussy the loser the non competitor that just didnt have it.

its obvious from your post

Finsterbaby ago

<--- Athlete my whole life,

military veteran, professional touring musician. Fucked more beautiful women than you have jerked off about. Close to 1,000. But you go drink Budweiser and slobber over the big-ass defensive end on your favorite Negro Felon League every Sunday while I bang your wife who "went shopping."

Doglegwarrior ago

i drink fransekhaner! not spelled right. but im not a grammerkike so all good. good for you.. u sound like a good guy what are we arguinc about?

Optional_Reading ago

If you don’t own a firearm to protect yourself and loved ones you’re a huge faggot.

Finsterbaby ago


SkrutinizeYou ago

lol fuck you.

Finsterbaby ago

LOL. No thanks.

RobertMewler ago

Wait, you don't think this guy looks cool???

Finsterbaby ago


BirthTheGirth ago

I just like the way the Miami vice Heat jerseys look...

Whiteflourguy ago

I can name a fair amount of pro Nigger ball players but I know zero stats or care to. It would be a fun stat to see how many crimes they did before they were 15. That is a stat I could get behind. The world is a lost cause because people could careless how many WHITE people the Nigger hurt raped or even killed as long as their team wins, But if the Nigger harms another Nigger they want to put the Nigger In Prison. That is how fucked the world is. Smelly sweaty Niggers make millions and make it clear they want their charities to go ONLY toward other Nigger kids, but if a white person did that they would ruin him.

freeman84 ago

At least watch Hockey, the last good white sport

I used to be a huge fan, but I've since realized how gay that is and only follow very casually

Finsterbaby ago

Agree. I still watch Hockey and Dominican Ball... eh, I mean baseball, regularly. But I'm not a fag about it.

sn0wbawl ago

Grr you can't like anything I don't like or you're a complete loser!

Shut up faggot; I bet you're just pissed because Sidney Crosby isn't on your team

Finsterbaby ago

Who? What does (((stanley's))) cock taste like in your dreams?

Void0101010101 ago

Best thing I saw today was some lady selling a questionably "autographed" Kaepernick jersey for several hundred dollars.

Might as well make some $$$ off this race war.

WhiteChickens ago

Why not just get his name tattooed on your ass?


ussliberty ago

What if you specifically wear like a Christian McCaffery jersey. Best RB in football is white.

reason247 ago

After 12?

SoyOrbison ago

If you regularly watch sports, you're a faggot.

HappyMealBullshit ago

Same thing applies if you wear a mask over your face.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Team sports are for homosexuals.

SoyOrbison ago

That's why I wrestled in HS. Not a faggot, but will check your oil!

Luis_Sphincta ago

PK Subban, Grant Fuhr, Georges Laraque, Donald Brashear, Evander Kane, Jarome Iginla.

It wasted more time than I should have, and I could only name about 3.5 in the history of the league, so your hypothesis is a little flawed. Last named sweater I've owned was a gift 14 or 15 years ago. (I assume he's got a white dong, but hadn't really cared enough to investigate.)

ranch-othelioma ago


Helena73 ago

Imagine acting like a fucking fool over Kobe, as if he was a relative or dear friend. “Oh Kobe, Kobe, why God why? Waaaahhhhhhhh!” Hey man, I was so jazzed when I heard that shit. Couldnt have happened to a nicer guy.

slwsnowman40 ago

I worked on a floor filled with people like that. It drove me nuts. That nigger couldn't have cared less about any of those bitches.

HateCumbuckets ago

You know what's worse? Seeing American college jerseys being worn here in Melbourne Australia.

I'm sure Americans are wearing I love Frankston t-shirts in solidarity.

Finsterbaby ago

Agreed. I never understood College sports in general. Who gives a fuck? Go get laid.

Mind_Games ago

The marketing of it nationally was to get niggers into them.

Which is sad because what was once an institution of higher learning has been

degraded to meaning lots and lots of niggers and "bratty" white girls at parties where white guys

are no longer allowed. ...or they stick together like some homo pack and hope a girl passes out.

The men in this nation have failed to teach their boys how to become men.

That's what white men across the fucking planet need to understand.

They've spent far to much time worrying about women's feelings and nigger inclusion that they've

lost their kids. If you haven't figured that out've wasted your life.

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

Go get laid.

Only with your wife if you're married. If not, pursue a good woman to spend the rest of your life and have children with. Let's not advocate for the degenerate and hedonistic lifestyle.

SoyOrbison ago

Playing sports helps with that, watching sports has the opposite effect 🤔

FridayJones ago

Doesn't it mean they're going steady?

SoyOrbison ago

Means if the player sees you, he gets to fuck.

Finsterbaby ago

Why yes, yes it does. According to Potsy and Ralph Malph. LOL.

FridayJones ago

Heyyyyy! Sit on it, Mister F!

aduda ago

I concur. Never have I cared about sports ball faggots. Nor have I ever owned anything with a team name on it. You can line up a professional athlete up against 10 people I already know, still couldn't pick the faggot out.

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Finsterbaby ago


WNwoman ago

Agree. I’m very turned off by men that do this. It’s childish. Same thing for ball caps worn backwards.

Joe_McCarthy ago

A jersey functions as a muscle shirt basically. When I was into bodybuilding heavily I didn't meet too many women that were turned off seeing me wearing such attire. More like the opposite. Though in a place like this where people LARP like they have a stick up their behinds - sentiments such as yours are unsurprising

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CheeBooga ago

The only time I turn my ballcap backwards is when I eat poontang

Commiefornication ago

I knew a pro-white woman that hated niggers but loved to watch feesball. That's some serious mental hamstering! I ditched her and never looked back.

DankSniper ago

You found a pro-white woman that hates niggers and ditched her because she would rather watch sports than 90 day fiance or real housewives? And she's the one doing mental hamstering? Most of us could only be so lucky. You're a fucking retard.

Nigger_Loving_Jew ago

Finding white women who hate niggers really isn't that hard. They aren't unicorns. Most of them used to be coal burners though. Better to convert a girl who isn't based.

hels ago

Sure it isn't hard to find one of them, it's just 95% of them are inconsequential towards them (no emotions since 'we are all equal'.

Doglegwarrior ago

so the most watched tv event year in and year out is sports and you dont think there is a legitimate reason? ive asked for and want shooting sports or something we can get behind as a people? what is it? give some solutiona dont just be mad your short unathlertic pussys... i was lucky i was tall and dedicated but i am down with shooting sports getting morenpopular.. shit the american with the most gold medals ever is a older white woman!

Amerikaner ago

Agreed, shooting sports are fun to watch. Also, I get a kick out of watching bull and bronco riding. If you’re near a rodeo go with your kids and get them mutton busting, they’ll love it. They’re way better than nigger ball sports.

ichlibejuice ago

Formula 1 is great. The engineering of the cars is an absolute marvel.

slwsnowman40 ago

They televise archer contests someplace. I've only ever seen women competitions with SKoreans and Romanians (I think) shooting ( that the right term?) on Coub. I haven't bothered to look else where for something similar.

Commiefornication ago

So because it's the most watched it gives it legimacy? Fifty shades of grey was a best seller and Justi Bieber has topped the charts - so what's your point? I didn't say I hate sports - I hate NIGGERBALL (breads and circuses by the jews) to distract us and redirect our energy. I got nothing against one on one sports, and why are you so mad somebody else hates nigger ball? good for you for being a big fucking jock, now try using your brain.

Doglegwarrior ago

ok cool! so christianity is the number 1 cuck jew sand nigger religion so we should all believe in that because it is the most popular??? hmm christ cuck pussh?

so answer that? if we are both against jew sand nigger religion im 100% with you being against jew ruined sports ball.. stick to one thing at a time...

Finsterbaby ago

Good to hear

anticlutch ago

Same thing goes for clothing that turns your body into a billboard.

I'm okay with a brand's emblem being where it is on polo shirts etc. Small and tactful, that's fine. *

But when the nike swoosh is plastered full size across your abdomen, why did you pay money to turn into a billboard?

Same goes for shoes.

BalfourYourFace ago

I have gun shirts, so fuck off, faggot

Fuckle_Chucks ago

I have refused to wear any clothing displaying the name of any manufacturer for decades. I cut off any sewn-on tags, and use a permanent marker to cover any embroidered names/emblems that I cannot remove without damaging the clothing. I am not a stooge for any jewish corporation.

GameBOB64 ago

All shoes have the brand name on them retard this is the dumbest argument who cares if you have a companies brand on your clothes what are you a fucking commie?

MrDarkWater ago

No they don't. The logo on all my shoes is small and usually only on the sole.

Some of us don't fly corporate flags.

Buy obscure shit like this:

capnflummox ago

How do you feel about "concert tees" ??

Nigger_Loving_Jew ago

In the case of Nike yeah that is gay. I can see wearing a corporate logo to show your love for a specific product though. I'd wear a coca-cola shirt because that's basically all I drink. I'd love a Studio Trigger shirt too. Stuff like that can be a conversation starter. I've made friends that way in the past. I'm still waiting for the day someone recognizes my Murdoch Murdoch shirt.

MrDarkWater ago

>wears Murdoch Murdoch shit

>only drinks the liquid Jew

>4.8 year account with so little CCP

You're an odd pattern...

Nigger_Loving_Jew ago

This is my second account. First one had to go because of opsec

FightingTheDarkArts ago

Yea, I think Nike was the first one to really do this. Maybe it was Coca Cola. You pay to advertise their brand. It's all about branding. We had a perfectly good culture with much more fashionable clothes that had more utility before that. There was no need to abandon button up shirts and collared shirts for shitty t shirts with corporate logos on them.

PhilKDick ago

Or something ironic, where you show contempt for the product.

Mind_Games ago

My mom would often ask me "why don't you want to wear any clothes with brand names on them" ?

I'd tell her "when the pay me they can advertise on me".

She never got that :( ...of course she herself never wore anything with brand names showing...which I always

pointed out and she didn't like :D

Fuckle_Chucks ago

When I was in grad school one of my classmates was proud of the "designer" jacket he received as a present. He asked me what I thought about it and I replied: "They would have to give me the jacket and pay me to wear it." He paused, looked at me, and replied: "I really hate people like you". Moments like that are when I know I'm living my life right.

anticlutch ago

Adult women's clothing is never emblazoned with logos and emblems.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

I almost didn't catch the sarcasm....

Ocelot ago

Probably because it's so fucking expensive the fashion kikes feel they've gotten their money out of it. Also, women won't buy garbage that's ruined with big ol' fuck-off logos.

Whodat55 ago

What about niggerfaggots wearing baseball jerseys with no names or numbers?

Mind_Games ago

Unless it's YOUR jersey, why would you want to wear one ?

I've always thought that "managers" on baseball teams wore what their subordinates did.

"hey guys I'm just like you, except I can't play" is the message. Same goes for the fans who do that.

slwsnowman40 ago

Unless it's YOUR jersey, why would you want to wear one ?

I didn't think it was weird, and then I got my first hockey sweater with my name and the number I picked on it when I was 14ish. Then it just got weirder and weirder to see 30+ year old "men" wearing jerseys with other men's name (and most likely younger men, which just raises the ewe and weird factor) on the back. I have my sweaters, the ones that survived, hanging up in my closet. If I go to a NHL game, I'll wear mine.

Baseball managers are just middle management between players and GM/owner. They are forced to wear the uniform to remind them of their position.

If you pay to have your name put on a jersey, that's just the ultimate sign of a loser.

Mind_Games ago

1- Fact. When you're a kid you grow up playing a sport and you want to emulate whom you pattern your talents after.

However, once you get to be of age where you're into the opposite sex, you wanting to "be" another person by wearing their

name on you a form of ownership and flat out gross.

Those who are in their 20's+ who do it....I have no understanding of..except perhaps herd mentality or infatuation sexually ?

It absolutely is weird.

2- I disagree with the baseball managers . They're still middle management and few other middle management positions don't allow you to wear something

different then those whom you're managing. (I don't consider foremen on the job-site as m.m. but more like team captains).

Back in the 30's 40's managers wore suits and ties to distinguish themselves and to remain professional.

Somewhere along the lines, that was removed and now they're dressed up like LARP'ers and it's embarrassing

3- Spot. Fucking. On.

slwsnowman40 ago

I never said baseball managers stopped being middle management. By them being in the uniform, the appearance is they are closer to the labor than the GM/owner. It's the same thing with NFL coaches. Them being in "business casual" and team logos/colors, it gives labor (the players) the perception that the coaches are closer to them than the GM/owners.

It's a stupid psych ploy that most people don't see or understand.

ChiCom ago

There was a guy in Apefrica wearing a Sandusky jersey he was so proud of. I didn't have the heart to tell him why it was likely donated.

1anddone ago

Can you even get a decent pair of athletic shoes without a logo?

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Alter it with a permanent marker. Sharpies help make excellent broken crosses.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

You can customize the colors on New Balance so the logo does not stand out.

superAIDS ago

I have a pair of New Balance without a visible logo but they're about ten years old. Mostly I just wear boots because lol no dress code and they're comfy.

fartyshorts ago

Some of them have a sneaky logo, like grey on grey.

KLDB ago

go bare foot you shoe supremacist!

slwsnowman40 ago

Fila comes the closest. My pair are gray/black patterned and the logo is just an outline of Fila with the black part of the pattern omitted around the outside where the small toe would be. That was the closest I got at Kohl's the last time I bought shoes. I'd share a link, but I can't find them on the website. They work for me. The Workshift Walking shoes are awesome for work though. Cheap/reasonably priced and last a long time. Only negative is they don't breathe well so my feet end up feeling like they are in a bucket on hotter days.

My parents work at Kohl's and Lowe's so I support those stores so I feel like I'm helping them even though I want to do more. Thanks Fed Reserve!

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

Your supporting china

slwsnowman40 ago

Yup, that's what happens when the vast majority of shit sold is made in China. That was my complaint back in the 90s about China.

You can't even play the Casinos (investing and Vegas) without supporting China. Colleges get money from China. Big Pharma gets money from China. Fuck, Big Pharma makes the meds in China. American farmers grow soy to ship to China who ships it back in our food what they don't consume.

Something interesting I like to do is take something said from the previous administrations about Russia that seems weird and change Russia to China. See if it changes things to make more sense since for the last 25 years I've been paying attention, China has been our biggest trader.

1anddone ago

I’ve always bought new balance. They last forever, clean up easily, and I’ve never seen a nigger wearing them

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

There's tons of chinese-made off-brand stuff. I don't know if it counts as "decent" or not, but it's cheap.

Mind_Games ago

You have to be kidding me. "decent pair" = made by children. Single stitch and "soft" aren't quality.

You'd have to understand that if its popular, it's done so on the backs of slave labor.

Look for "made in the USA" and get yourself a fucking pair of boots already. Grown men wearing sneakers

outside of a gymnasium, is pathetic to begin with.

1anddone ago

Why the fuck would anyone trudge around suburbia in a god damn pair of boots

Mind_Games ago

They're comfortable

They're durable

They last for a decade+
They are masculine

Take your pick.

voatdied ago






superAIDS ago


jokersmild ago

If course not... Who would want a pair of shoes that aren't worth looting?

Finsterbaby ago

Agree 100%

Rellik88 ago


New-World-Ebola ago

100% truth

RonBennington ago

Imagine feeling cool wearing a niggers name on your back that runs around holding something they couldn't even invent

Doglegwarrior ago

man you fucking pussys are this insecure? you sound like niggers justifying beating up someone for saying novger you sound like weak beta cucks.

Ocelot ago

You wouldn't feel disgust with a nigger's name on your back? You may as well walk around with nigger semen on your back.

Doglegwarrior ago

lol. ok project a little more you little bitch. i said i had one jersey that was more of a political statement because i hate gregpoppavich you fucking little bitch. I also said i came up with a clothing line promoting people to not be fans you stupid soy cunt

Ocelot ago

I have no idea about what you do faggot, it was a hypothetical question.

Doglegwarrior ago

your just a little insecure bitch its obvious sorry you are short fat and unathletic we cant all be tall and athletes.

Ocelot ago


Says the man sperging out because someone insulted sportsball fans.

Doglegwarrior ago

hmmm just stating my opinion after some faggot went over the top about something. sperging fucking faggot terma

edgydude69 ago

Op is a faggot fat atheist. Guaranteed.

RonBennington ago

I'm sure this response will go ever well. Found the guy rocking the Warren Moon jersey.

Doglegwarrior ago

lol.. i found the guy rocking the jew religion book wearing that jesus jersey

Finsterbaby ago

LMAO. Troof (as they say)

GucciBalaclava ago

das duh troof

SoyOrbison ago

I think the proper vernacular is, "tru dat".