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WNwoman ago

Agree. I’m very turned off by men that do this. It’s childish. Same thing for ball caps worn backwards.

Commiefornication ago

I knew a pro-white woman that hated niggers but loved to watch feesball. That's some serious mental hamstering! I ditched her and never looked back.

Doglegwarrior ago

so the most watched tv event year in and year out is sports and you dont think there is a legitimate reason? ive asked for and want shooting sports or something we can get behind as a people? what is it? give some solutiona dont just be mad your short unathlertic pussys... i was lucky i was tall and dedicated but i am down with shooting sports getting morenpopular.. shit the american with the most gold medals ever is a older white woman!

slwsnowman40 ago

They televise archer contests someplace. I've only ever seen women competitions with SKoreans and Romanians (I think) shooting ( that the right term?) on Coub. I haven't bothered to look else where for something similar.