24119185? ago


24116795? ago

Claims to be a former bodybuilder then accuses other people of larping LOL

24116821? ago

You read his justification here in the comments?

24116502? ago

She didn't bruise my ego. I just found her comment kinda fake. Girls like to see guys' arms.

24116615? ago

She didn't bruise my ego.

Sure, Joe. Sure.

But yet, you just had to respond and peacock about "muh bodybuilding" and "muh womenz find me attractive, why no yu?", then shame her for not being attracted to your type of faggotry.

I just found her comment kinda fake.

The only fakery, is you pretending that @WNwoman didn't trigger your small man syndrome and repressed misogyny.

Your justification essentially being "Any woman who says they aren't attracted to me must be lying". As if attraction is all about looks meeting a strict and frankly media-pushed standard, and nothing to do with mentality.

Coupled with your obsession with porn and arguable pedophile tendencies, do you have any idea just how much of a fucking creep you are?

Jesus fucking Christ, Joe. What did your mother do to deserve you.

24116639? ago

You're clearly an asshole. Plus a coward. You opened this in an anon thread for fear of what I'd do to you.

So your opinion is shit just on that basis.

But she was not talking to me in her post. Didn't have me in mind. Probably scarcely knew I'm alive. So there was no intent to direct any of that at me or bruise my ego at all. I responded to her.

24116858? ago

What the fuck are you going to do faggot? Trying to talk tough on an internet forum that's some boomer-level autism.

24116878? ago

The pedo talk for example might merit a perma-ban in my main sub. I can do a lot of things if sufficiently provoked but have not seen the need to put the time into bothering. I have more or less endless time though so people should probably think twice before picking stupid fights with me like this one. Though up to now I have been the one targeted with alts, bots, or what have you. That hasn't been something I've had to do.

24116896? ago

Nobody cares about your sub.

24116984? ago

The amount of small man syndrome in his above comment is fucking hilarious.

24116912? ago

It's a busy sub. One of the busiest private subs. It has the best discussion on Voat - for those here actually interested in quality discussion. Banning from there will limit one's freedom of action on this website.

24116971? ago

Banning from there will limit one's freedom of action on this website.


Oh... you're serious.


24117060? ago

Yeah. But you're not serious. This isn't a serious thread. You're not a serious person. A serious asshole maybe?

24117081? ago

This isn't a serious thread.

You tell yourself whatever you've gotta, to avoid how much of a piece of shit you are.

24117164? ago



Have some Alicia. Sweet 16. Maybe. I was just telling a chick earlier how much I wanna deep dick Alicia in that scene - so I reckon you can watch it and tell yourself how much you don't.

24116668? ago

You're clearly an asshole.

No, Joe. You are. You're the one calling someone fake for not being attracted to what you deem as the only standard of attractive.

Plus a coward. You opened this in an anon thread for fear of what I'd do to you.

Coward? No. I just know you'd use your alts to brigade, which you effectively just proved to be a reasonable assumption given that threat there.

So your opinion is shit just on that basis.

No, Joe. Calling my opinion shit and calling me an asshole doesn't take away from how obvious it is that you're a piece of shit who has serious issues with women.

But she was not talking to me in her post.

So there was no intent to direct any of that at me or bruise my ego at all.

And yet you were compelled to peacock and shame.

You are a very small, sick person, Joe.